Character5 { Name: Gigachad Race: Human Class: Paladin (Level 20) Stats { STR 20 +5 DEX 14 +2 CON 18 +4 INT 10 +0 WIS 14 +2 CHA 20 +5 } Proficiency { Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion } Movement: 30 Action: Attack with Greatsword (watch weaponlist) Bonus-action: Divine Smite: Expend a spell slot to deal extra radiant damage Shield of Faith: +2 AC for 10 minutes Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP (pool: level x 5) Reaction: Divine Sense: Detect celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet Aura of Protection: Allies within 10 feet add +cha to saving throws Race-feature { Human-Determination: Gain proficiency in one additional skill Versatility: Gain one extra feat at Level 1 Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened } Feats: Great Weapon Master: Bonus attack on critical hit or kill, and can take a -5 penalty to hit for +10 damage Tough: +2 HP per level Inspiring Leader: Can spend 10 minutes inspiring allies, granting temporary HP equal to level + cha modifier Class Features: Divine Health: Immune to disease Aura of Courage: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being frightened Aura of Devotion: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being charmed Cleansing Touch: End one spell on yourself or an ally within touch range (5 times per long rest) Improved Divine Smite: +1d8 radiant damage on melee attacks Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP per long rest Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion, Oath Spells: (Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth, Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith, Commune, Flame Strike, Circle of Power, Holy Weapon) Spellslots: 4x 1st, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 3x 4th, 2x 5th (per long rest) Spelllist { Level 1: Bless - - adv on attacks and saves 30 Shield of Faith - +2 AC - 60 Level 2: Lesser Restoration- - heal conditions touch Zone of Truth - - - 60 Level 3: Dispel Magic - - - 120 Beacon of Hope - - heal max 30 Level 4: Guardian of Faith- 20 radiant - 30 Freedom of Movement- - - touch Level 5: Circle of Power - - adv on saves self (30 radius) Holy Weapon - 2d8 radiant - 30 } Weaponlist { Greatsword: +str+prof 2d6+5 slashing Warhammer: +str+prof 1d8+5 bludgeoning (versatile 1d10) Javelin: +str+prof 1d6+5 piercing (range 30/120) } }