Character4 { Name: Lyra Race: Tiefling Class: Bard (Level 1) Stats { STR 8 -1 DEX 14 +2 CON 12 +1 INT 12 +1 WIS 10 +0 CHA 16 +3 } Proficiency { Performance, Persuasion, Deception } Movement: 30 Action: Cast a spell (watch spelllist) Bonus-action: Inspiration: Grant a d6 to an ally's ability check, attack roll, or saving throw Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+2 Healing Word: Restore 1d4+cha HP to an ally within 60 feet Reaction: Cutting Words: Use a Bardic Inspiration die to subtract from an enemy's attack roll, ability check, or damage roll Race-feature { Hellish Resistance: Resistance to fire damage Infernal Legacy: Can cast Thaumaturgy cantrip; at 3rd level, can cast Hellish Rebuke once per long rest Darkvision: See in darkness within 60 feet } Spellslots: 2x Longrest Spelllist { Level 0 (At Will Spells): Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach Vicious Mockery - 1d4 psychic 60 Mending - - - touch Prestidigitation- - - 10 Level 1: Healing Word - 1d4+cha heal 60 Faerie Fire Dex-save - adv on attacks 20 ft cube Charm Person Wis-save - charmed 30 } }