2024-06-14 09:44:34 +02:00
extends Node
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Reference to the inputOutput.tscn scene
2024-06-16 19:32:19 +02:00
var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn")
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Variable to store loaded JSON data
2024-06-18 19:17:42 +02:00
var data
2024-06-15 21:56:18 +02:00
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Called when the node is added to the scene
2024-06-15 21:56:18 +02:00
func _ready():
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Load JSON data from stats.json
data = Load.loadJSON("res://content/stats.json")
# Instantiate input fields based on 'amount' from data
for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))):
var fieldInstance = field.instance()
# Set position, placeholder text, and minimum size for each field
$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16, (16 + i * 88))
$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i))
$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40
2024-06-15 21:56:18 +02:00
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Handler for when a button is pressed
2024-06-18 19:17:42 +02:00
func _on_button_pressed():
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Construct save path based on user input
var savePath = "user://player_data" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json"
# Prepare data to save
var saveData = {}
for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))):
if i > 0:
saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text
# Save data to JSON file
Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData)
2024-06-15 20:33:37 +02:00
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Process function called every frame
2024-06-15 20:33:37 +02:00
func _process(delta):
2024-06-18 18:58:47 +02:00
# Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn
if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"):