import java.util.Scanner; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter a message to encrypt:"); String originalMessage = scanner.nextLine(); // Encrypt the message System.out.println("Enter the encryption key (an integer):"); int encryptionKey = scanner.nextInt(); String encryptedMessage = encrypt(originalMessage, encryptionKey); System.out.println("Encrypted message: " + encryptedMessage); // Decrypt the message String decryptedMessage = decrypt(encryptedMessage, encryptionKey); System.out.println("Decrypted message: " + decryptedMessage); scanner.close(); } // Method to encrypt a message using Caesar cipher private static String encrypt(String message, int key) { StringBuilder encryptedText = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) { char currentChar = message.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(currentChar)) { char encryptedChar = (char) ((currentChar - 'A' + key) % 26 + 'A'); encryptedText.append(encryptedChar); } else { encryptedText.append(currentChar); } } return encryptedText.toString(); } // Method to decrypt an encrypted message using Caesar cipher private static String decrypt(String encryptedMessage, int key) { StringBuilder decryptedText = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < encryptedMessage.length(); i++) { char currentChar = encryptedMessage.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(currentChar)) { char decryptedChar = (char) ((currentChar - 'A' - key + 26) % 26 + 'A'); decryptedText.append(decryptedChar); } else { decryptedText.append(currentChar); } } return decryptedText.toString(); } }