## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ## Copyright (c) 2024 interstellardevelopment.org extends CharacterBody3D var movement_speed: float = 3.0 var angry_meter: int = 5 var target: Node3D # Legend: # 0 - get an objective # 1 - wait # 2 - chase a player var phase: int = 0 @onready var timer: Timer = $Timer var skip: bool = false @onready var navigation_agent: NavigationAgent3D = $NavigationAgent3D func _ready() -> void: if Networking.isManager: if timer.timeout.connect(_timer_done): pass find_rest() func _timer_done() -> void: if angry_meter > 0: angry_meter -= 1 if target is Objective: ($Label3D as Label3D).text = "%s %ds left" % [(target as Objective).displayed, angry_meter] else: ($Label3D as Label3D).text = "" timer.stop() phase = 2 find_player(99999999999999) # determines the closest resting place and navigates to it. func find_rest() -> void: var lowest_distance: float = 99999999999999 for child: Node in get_tree().root.get_node("/root/"+Game.mapname+"/NPCRestPlaces").get_children(): if child is Objective and position.distance_to((child as Objective).position) < lowest_distance and !(child as Objective).occupied: target = child navigation_agent.set_target_position(target.position) # determines the closest player and navigates to them. func find_player(lowest_distance: float) -> void: for child: Node in get_tree().root.get_node("/root/"+Game.mapname+"/").get_children(): if child is Player and position.distance_to((child as Player).position) < lowest_distance: target = child navigation_agent.set_target_position(target.position) func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: if Networking.isManager and phase != 1: if phase == 2: find_player(position.distance_to(target.position)) elif phase == 0 and target is Player: find_rest() if navigation_agent.is_navigation_finished(): if phase == 0: if target is Objective: (target as Objective).occupied = false phase = 1 timer.start() return var current_agent_position: Vector3 = global_position var next_path_position: Vector3 = navigation_agent.get_next_path_position() velocity = current_agent_position.direction_to(next_path_position) * movement_speed if move_and_slide(): pass Networking.npc_sync_call(position, rotation, name)