
155 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
## Copyright (c) 2024
class_name Player
extends CharacterBody3D
const SPEED: float = 5.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY: float = 4.5
var activated: bool = false
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var freecam: bool = false
var incapacitated: bool = false
var interaction: String
var target: Node3D
var carrying_gun: bool = false
@onready var camera: Camera3D = $Camera3D
var camera_rotation: Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
func _ready() -> void:
if ($Area3D as Area3D).body_entered.connect(_on_body_entered):
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($Label3D as Label3D).text = name
if name == Game.username:
activated = true
camera.current = true
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($Label3D as Label3D).hide()
func _on_body_entered(body: Node3D) -> void:
if body is Player and incapacitated:
(body as Player).revive_chance(self)
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if activated:
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if !freecam:
if not is_on_floor():
velocity += get_gravity() * delta
if !incapacitated:
if !freecam:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor():
velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
if freecam:
if Input.is_action_pressed("jump"):
velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
elif Input.is_action_pressed("descend"):
velocity.y = -JUMP_VELOCITY
velocity.y = 0
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if Input.is_action_just_pressed("freecam"):
freecam = !freecam
($CollisionShape3D as CollisionShape3D).disabled = !($CollisionShape3D as CollisionShape3D).disabled
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact") and interaction != null:
if interaction == "revive" and target != null:
Networking.revive_sync_call(target as Player)
($InteractDialog as Label).text = ""
target = null
if interaction == "gun":
var guncase: Guncase = get_node("/root/%s/Guncase" % Game.mapname)
if !guncase.held:
carrying_gun = true
($InteractDialog as Label).text = ""
Networking.guncase_sync_call(true, self)
carrying_gun = false
($InteractDialog as Label).text = ""
Networking.guncase_sync_call(false, self)
if interaction == "serve":
Networking.npc_served_sync_call(target as NPC)
($InteractDialog as Label).text = ""
target = null
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shoot") and carrying_gun:
Networking.bullet_sync_call(position + (transform.basis * Vector3(0, 0, -1)).normalized(), rotation)
var input_dir: Vector2 = Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forwards", "move_backwards")
var direction: Vector3 = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized()
#TODO: Hacky solution -> Also can be exploited to revive everyone in the game constantly.
if target != null and position.distance_to(target.position) > 3:
($InteractDialog as Label).text = ""
interaction = ""
target = null
if direction:
velocity.x = direction.x * SPEED
velocity.z = direction.z * SPEED
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velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)
velocity.z = move_toward(velocity.z, 0, SPEED)
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if move_and_slide():
var fps_counter: Label = $Label
fps_counter.text = str(Engine.get_frames_per_second()) + " FPS"
Networking.player_sync_call(position, rotation)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and activated:
var mouse_event: InputEventMouseMotion = event
camera_rotation = mouse_event.relative * 0.01 * 0.5
if camera.rotation.x <= 1.6 && camera_rotation.y <= 0:
camera.rotate(Vector3.RIGHT, -camera_rotation.y)
elif camera.rotation.x >= -1.6 && camera_rotation.y >= 0:
camera.rotate(Vector3.RIGHT, -camera_rotation.y)
if camera.rotation.x >= 1.6:
camera.rotation.x = 1.6
elif camera.rotation.x <= -1.6:
camera.rotation.x = -1.6
rotate(Vector3.DOWN, camera_rotation.x)
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func incapacitate() -> void:
rotation.x = deg_to_rad(90)
incapacitated = true
if carrying_gun:
carrying_gun = false
Networking.guncase_sync_call(false, self)
func revive_chance(body: Player) -> void:
if activated:
target = body
interaction = "revive"
($InteractDialog as Label).text = "Press E to revive %s." %
func revive() -> void:
rotation.x = 0
incapacitated = false
func gun_chance() -> void:
if activated:
interaction = "gun"
target = get_node("/root/%s/Guncase" % Game.mapname) as Guncase
if carrying_gun:
($InteractDialog as Label).text = "Press E to set down gun."
($InteractDialog as Label).text = "Press E to pick up gun."
func show_gun() -> void:
($Gun as MeshInstance3D).show()
func hide_gun() -> void:
($Gun as MeshInstance3D).hide()
func serve_chance(objective: Objective, npc: NPC) -> void:
if activated:
interaction = "serve"
target = npc
($InteractDialog as Label).text = "Press E to serve the guest a %s." % objective.subtype