From 047f64fef6a230f1db292aa6307f420cd7fc5666 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:25:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/25] Distance counter and player switching implemented. --- scenes/test/map.tscn | 9 +++++++-- scenes/test/player.tscn | 5 +++-- scripts/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++ scripts/ | 19 +++++++++++++++++-- 4 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scripts/ diff --git a/scenes/test/map.tscn b/scenes/test/map.tscn index 80a9079..7637d09 100644 --- a/scenes/test/map.tscn +++ b/scenes/test/map.tscn @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://assets/test/grass.png" id="1_6ekaf"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_d7ssr"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://assets/test/water.png" id="2_2akb5"] [ext_resource 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-1245203, 1, 0, -1179667, 1, 0, -1114131, 1, 0, -1048595, 1, 0, -983059, 1, 0, -917523, 1, 0, -851987, 1, 0, -786451, 1, 0, -720915, 1, 0, -655379, 1, 0, -1507346, 1, 0, -1441810, 1, 0, -1376274, 1, 0, -1310738, 1, 0, -1245202, 1, 0, -1179666, 1, 0, -1114130, 1, 0, -1048594, 1, 0, -983058, 1, 0, -917522, 1, 0, -851986, 1, 0, -786450, 1, 0, -720914, 1, 0, -655378, 1, 0, -1507345, 1, 0, -1441809, 1, 0, -1376273, 1, 0, -1310737, 1, 0, -1245201, 1, 0, -1179665, 1, 0, -1114129, 1, 0, -1048593, 1, 0, -983057, 1, 0, -917521, 1, 0, -851985, 1, 0, -786449, 1, 0, -720913, 1, 0, -655377, 1, 0, 720858, 1, 0, 786394, 1, 0, 851930, 1, 0, 917466, 1, 0, 983002, 1, 0, 1048538, 1, 0, 1114074, 1, 0, 1179610, 1, 0, 1245146, 1, 0, 1310682, 1, 0, 1376218, 1, 0, 1441754, 1, 0, 1507290, 1, 0, 1572826, 1, 0, 1638362, 1, 0, 720859, 1, 0, 786395, 1, 0, 851931, 1, 0, 917467, 1, 0, 983003, 1, 0, 1048539, 1, 0, 1114075, 1, 0, 1179611, 1, 0, 1245147, 1, 0, 1310683, 1, 0, 1376219, 1, 0, 1441755, 1, 0, 1507291, 1, 0, 1572827, 1, 0, 1638363, 1, 0, 720860, 1, 0, 786396, 1, 0, 851932, 1, 0, 917468, 1, 0, 983004, 1, 0, 1048540, 1, 0, 1114076, 1, 0, 1179612, 1, 0, 1245148, 1, 0, 1310684, 1, 0, 1376220, 1, 0, 1441756, 1, 0, 1507292, 1, 0, 1572828, 1, 0, 1638364, 1, 0, 720861, 1, 0, 786397, 1, 0, 851933, 1, 0, 917469, 1, 0, 983005, 1, 0, 1048541, 1, 0, 1114077, 1, 0, 1179613, 1, 0, 1245149, 1, 0, 1310685, 1, 0, 1376221, 1, 0, 1441757, 1, 0, 1507293, 1, 0, 1572829, 1, 0, 1638365, 1, 0, 720862, 1, 0, 786398, 1, 0, 851934, 1, 0, 917470, 1, 0, 983006, 1, 0, 1048542, 1, 0, 1114078, 1, 0, 1179614, 1, 0, 1245150, 1, 0, 1310686, 1, 0, 1376222, 1, 0, 1441758, 1, 0, 1507294, 1, 0, 1572830, 1, 0, 1638366, 1, 0, 720863, 1, 0, 786399, 1, 0, 851935, 1, 0, 917471, 1, 0, 983007, 1, 0, 1048543, 1, 0, 1114079, 1, 0, 1179615, 1, 0, 1245151, 1, 0, 1310687, 1, 0, 1376223, 1, 0, 1441759, 1, 0, 1507295, 1, 0, 1572831, 1, 0, 1638367, 1, 0, 720864, 1, 0, 786400, 1, 0, 851936, 1, 0, 917472, 1, 0, 983008, 1, 0, 1048544, 1, 0, 1114080, 1, 0, 1179616, 1, 0, 1245152, 1, 0, 1310688, 1, 0, 1376224, 1, 0, 1441760, 1, 0, 1507296, 1, 0, 1572832, 1, 0, 1638368, 1, 0, 720865, 1, 0, 786401, 1, 0, 851937, 1, 0, 917473, 1, 0, 983009, 1, 0, 1048545, 1, 0, 1114081, 1, 0, 1179617, 1, 0, 1245153, 1, 0, 1310689, 1, 0, 1376225, 1, 0, 1441761, 1, 0, 1507297, 1, 0, 1572833, 1, 0, 1638369, 1, 0, 720866, 1, 0, 786402, 1, 0, 851938, 1, 0, 917474, 1, 0, 983010, 1, 0, 1048546, 1, 0, 1114082, 1, 0, 1179618, 1, 0, 1245154, 1, 0, 1310690, 1, 0, 1376226, 1, 0, 1441762, 1, 0, 1507298, 1, 0, 1572834, 1, 0, 1638370, 1, 0, 720867, 1, 0, 786403, 1, 0, 851939, 1, 0, 917475, 1, 0, 983011, 1, 0, 1048547, 1, 0, 1114083, 1, 0, 1179619, 1, 0, 1245155, 1, 0, 1310691, 1, 0, 1376227, 1, 0, 1441763, 1, 0, 1507299, 1, 0, 1572835, 1, 0, 1638371, 1, 0, 720868, 1, 0, 786404, 1, 0, 851940, 1, 0, 917476, 1, 0, 983012, 1, 0, 1048548, 1, 0, 1114084, 1, 0, 1179620, 1, 0, 1245156, 1, 0, 1310692, 1, 0, 1376228, 1, 0, 1441764, 1, 0, 1507300, 1, 0, 1572836, 1, 0, 1638372, 1, 0, 720869, 1, 0, 786405, 1, 0, 851941, 1, 0, 917477, 1, 0, 983013, 1, 0, 1048549, 1, 0, 1114085, 1, 0, 1179621, 1, 0, 1245157, 1, 0, 1310693, 1, 0, 1376229, 1, 0, 1441765, 1, 0, 1507301, 1, 0, 1572837, 1, 0, 1638373, 1, 0, 720870, 1, 0, 786406, 1, 0, 851942, 1, 0, 917478, 1, 0, 983014, 1, 0, 1048550, 1, 0, 1114086, 1, 0, 1179622, 1, 0, 1245158, 1, 0, 1310694, 1, 0, 1376230, 1, 0, 1441766, 1, 0, 1507302, 1, 0, 1572838, 1, 0, 1638374, 1, 0, 720871, 1, 0, 786407, 1, 0, 851943, 1, 0, 917479, 1, 0, 983015, 1, 0, 1048551, 1, 0, 1114087, 1, 0, 1179623, 1, 0, 1245159, 1, 0, 1310695, 1, 0, 1376231, 1, 0, 1441767, 1, 0, 1507303, 1, 0, 1572839, 1, 0, 1638375, 1, 0, 720872, 1, 0, 786408, 1, 0, 851944, 1, 0, 917480, 1, 0, 983016, 1, 0, 1048552, 1, 0, 1114088, 1, 0, 1179624, 1, 0, 1245160, 1, 0, 1310696, 1, 0, 1376232, 1, 0, 1441768, 1, 0, 1507304, 1, 0, 1572840, 1, 0, 1638376, 1, 0, 720873, 0, 0, 786409, 1, 0, 851945, 1, 0, 917481, 1, 0, 983017, 1, 0, 1048553, 1, 0, 1114089, 1, 0, 1179625, 1, 0, 1245161, 1, 0, 1310697, 1, 0, 1376233, 1, 0, 1441769, 1, 0, 1507305, 1, 0, 1572841, 1, 0, 1638377, 1, 0, 720874, 0, 0, 786410, 1, 0, 851946, 1, 0, 917482, 1, 0, 983018, 1, 0, 1048554, 1, 0, 1114090, 1, 0, 1179626, 1, 0, 1245162, 1, 0, 1310698, 1, 0, 1376234, 1, 0, 1441770, 1, 0, 1507306, 1, 0, 1572842, 1, 0, 1638378, 1, 0, 720875, 0, 0, 786411, 0, 0, 851947, 1, 0, 917483, 1, 0, 983019, 1, 0, 1048555, 1, 0, 1114091, 1, 0, 1179627, 1, 0, 1245163, 1, 0, 1310699, 1, 0, 1376235, 1, 0, 1441771, 1, 0, 1507307, 1, 0, 1572843, 1, 0, 1638379, 1, 0, 720876, 0, 0, 786412, 0, 0, 851948, 1, 0, 917484, 1, 0, 983020, 1, 0, 1048556, 1, 0, 1114092, 1, 0, 1179628, 1, 0, 1245164, 1, 0, 1310700, 1, 0, 1376236, 1, 0, 1441772, 1, 0, 1507308, 1, 0, 1572844, 1, 0, 1638380, 1, 0, 720877, 0, 0, 786413, 0, 0, 851949, 1, 0, 917485, 1, 0, 983021, 1, 0, 1048557, 1, 0, 1114093, 1, 0, 1179629, 1, 0, 1245165, 1, 0, 1310701, 1, 0, 1376237, 1, 0, 1441773, 1, 0, 1507309, 1, 0, 1572845, 1, 0, 1638381, 1, 0, 720878, 0, 0, 786414, 0, 0, 851950, 1, 0, 917486, 1, 0, 983022, 1, 0, 1048558, 1, 0, 1114094, 1, 0, 1179630, 1, 0, 1245166, 1, 0, 1310702, 1, 0, 1376238, 1, 0, 1441774, 1, 0, 1507310, 1, 0, 1572846, 1, 0, 1638382, 1, 0, 720879, 0, 0, 786415, 1, 0, 851951, 1, 0, 917487, 1, 0, 983023, 1, 0, 1048559, 1, 0, 1114095, 1, 0, 1179631, 1, 0, 1245167, 1, 0, 1310703, 1, 0, 1376239, 1, 0, 1441775, 1, 0, 1507311, 1, 0, 1572847, 1, 0, 1638383, 1, 0, 720880, 0, 0, 786416, 1, 0, 851952, 1, 0, 917488, 1, 0, 983024, 1, 0, 1048560, 1, 0, 1114096, 1, 0, 1179632, 1, 0, 1245168, 1, 0, 1310704, 1, 0, 1376240, 1, 0, 1441776, 1, 0, 1507312, 1, 0, 1572848, 1, 0, 1638384, 1, 0, -1507344, 1, 0, -1441808, 1, 0, -1376272, 1, 0, -1310736, 1, 0, -1245200, 1, 0, -1179664, 1, 0, -1114128, 1, 0, -1048592, 1, 0, -983056, 1, 0, -917520, 1, 0, -851984, 1, 0, -786448, 1, 0, -720912, 1, 0, -655376, 1, 0, -1507343, 1, 0, -1441807, 1, 0, -1376271, 1, 0, -1310735, 1, 0, -1245199, 1, 0, -1179663, 1, 0, -1114127, 1, 0, -1048591, 1, 0, -983055, 1, 0, -917519, 1, 0, -851983, 1, 0, -786447, 1, 0, -720911, 1, 0, -655375, 1, 0, -1507342, 1, 0, -1441806, 1, 0, -1376270, 1, 0, -1310734, 1, 0, -1245198, 1, 0, -1179662, 1, 0, -1114126, 1, 0, -1048590, 1, 0, -983054, 1, 0, -917518, 1, 0, -851982, 1, 0, -786446, 1, 0, -720910, 1, 0, -655374, 1, 0, -1507341, 1, 0, -1441805, 1, 0, -1376269, 1, 0, -1310733, 1, 0, -1245197, 1, 0, -1179661, 1, 0, -1114125, 1, 0, -1048589, 1, 0, -983053, 1, 0, -917517, 1, 0, -851981, 1, 0, -786445, 1, 0, -720909, 1, 0, -655373, 1, 0, -1507340, 1, 0, -1441804, 1, 0, -1376268, 1, 0, -1310732, 1, 0, -1245196, 1, 0, -1179660, 1, 0, -1114124, 1, 0, -1048588, 1, 0, -983052, 1, 0, -917516, 1, 0, -851980, 1, 0, -786444, 1, 0, -720908, 1, 0, -655372, 1, 0, -1507339, 1, 0, -1441803, 1, 0, -1376267, 1, 0, -1310731, 1, 0, -1245195, 1, 0, -1179659, 1, 0, -1114123, 1, 0, -1048587, 1, 0, -983051, 1, 0, -917515, 1, 0, -851979, 1, 0, -786443, 1, 0, -720907, 1, 0, -655371, 1, 0, -1507338, 1, 0, -1441802, 1, 0, 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-851974, 1, 0, -786438, 1, 0, -720902, 1, 0, -655366, 1, 0, -1507333, 1, 0, -1441797, 1, 0, -1376261, 1, 0, -1310725, 1, 0, -1245189, 1, 0, -1179653, 1, 0, -1114117, 1, 0, -1048581, 1, 0, -983045, 1, 0, -917509, 1, 0, -851973, 1, 0, -786437, 1, 0, -720901, 1, 0, -655365, 1, 0, -1507332, 1, 0, -1441796, 1, 0, -1376260, 1, 0, -1310724, 1, 0, -1245188, 1, 0, -1179652, 1, 0, -1114116, 1, 0, -1048580, 1, 0, -983044, 1, 0, -917508, 1, 0, -851972, 1, 0, -786436, 1, 0, -720900, 1, 0, -655364, 1, 0, -1507331, 1, 0, -1441795, 1, 0, -1376259, 1, 0, -1310723, 1, 0, -1245187, 1, 0, -1179651, 1, 0, -1114115, 1, 0, -1048579, 1, 0, -983043, 1, 0, -917507, 1, 0, -851971, 1, 0, -786435, 1, 0, -720899, 1, 0, -655363, 0, 0, -1507330, 1, 0, -1441794, 1, 0, -1376258, 1, 0, -1310722, 1, 0, -1245186, 1, 0, -1179650, 1, 0, -1114114, 1, 0, -1048578, 1, 0, -983042, 1, 0, -917506, 1, 0, -851970, 0, 0, -786434, 0, 0, -720898, 0, 0, -655362, 0, 0, -1507329, 1, 0, -1441793, 1, 0, -1376257, 1, 0, -1310721, 1, 0, -1245185, 1, 0, -1179649, 1, 0, -1114113, 1, 0, -1048577, 1, 0, -983041, 1, 0, -917505, 0, 0, -851969, 0, 0, -786433, 0, 0, -720897, 0, 0, -655361, 0, 0, -1572864, 1, 0, -1507328, 1, 0, -1441792, 1, 0, -1376256, 1, 0, -1310720, 1, 0, -1245184, 1, 0, -1179648, 1, 0, -1114112, 0, 0, -1048576, 0, 0, -983040, 0, 0, -917504, 0, 0, -851968, 0, 0, -786432, 0, 0, -720896, 0, 0, -1572863, 1, 0, -1507327, 1, 0, -1441791, 1, 0, -1376255, 1, 0, -1310719, 1, 0, -1245183, 1, 0, -1179647, 0, 0, -1114111, 0, 0, -1048575, 0, 0, -983039, 0, 0, -917503, 0, 0, -851967, 0, 0, -786431, 0, 0, -720895, 0, 0, -1572862, 1, 0, -1507326, 1, 0, -1441790, 1, 0, -1376254, 1, 0, -1310718, 1, 0, -1245182, 0, 0, -1179646, 0, 0, -1114110, 0, 0, -1048574, 0, 0, -983038, 0, 0, -917502, 0, 0, -851966, 0, 0, -786430, 0, 0, -720894, 0, 0, -1572861, 1, 0, -1507325, 1, 0, -1441789, 1, 0, -1376253, 1, 0, -1310717, 1, 0, -1245181, 0, 0, -1179645, 0, 0, -1114109, 0, 0, -1048573, 0, 0, -983037, 0, 0, -917501, 0, 0, -851965, 0, 0, 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0, -1179640, 0, 0, -1114104, 0, 0, -1048568, 0, 0, -983032, 0, 0, -917496, 0, 0, -851960, 0, 0, -786424, 0, 0, -720888, 0, 0, -1572855, 1, 0, -1507319, 1, 0, -1441783, 1, 0, -1376247, 1, 0, -1310711, 1, 0, -1245175, 0, 0, -1179639, 0, 0, -1114103, 0, 0, -1048567, 0, 0, -983031, 0, 0, -917495, 0, 0, -851959, 0, 0, -786423, 0, 0, -720887, 0, 0, -1572854, 1, 0, -1507318, 1, 0, -1441782, 1, 0, -1376246, 1, 0, -1310710, 1, 0, -1245174, 0, 0, -1179638, 0, 0, -1114102, 0, 0, -1048566, 0, 0, -983030, 0, 0, -917494, 0, 0, -851958, 0, 0, -786422, 0, 0, -720886, 0, 0, -1572853, 1, 0, -1507317, 1, 0, -1441781, 1, 0, -1376245, 1, 0, -1310709, 1, 0, -1245173, 0, 0, -1179637, 0, 0, -1114101, 0, 0, -1048565, 0, 0, -983029, 0, 0, -917493, 0, 0, -851957, 0, 0, -786421, 0, 0, -720885, 0, 0, -1572852, 1, 0, -1507316, 1, 0, -1441780, 1, 0, -1376244, 1, 0, -1310708, 1, 0, -1245172, 0, 0, -1179636, 0, 0, -1114100, 0, 0, -1048564, 0, 0, -983028, 0, 0, -917492, 0, 0, -851956, 0, 0, -786420, 0, 0, -720884, 0, 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0, 0, -655321, 0, 0, -655320, 0, 0, -589784, 0, 0, -524248, 0, 0, -458712, 0, 0, -393176, 0, 0, -327640, 0, 0, -262104, 0, 0, -196568, 0, 0, -131032, 0, 0, -65496, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 65576, 1, 0, 131112, 1, 0, 196648, 1, 0, 262184, 1, 0, 327720, 1, 0, 393256, 1, 0, 458792, 1, 0, 524328, 1, 0, 589864, 1, 0, 655400, 1, 0, 720936, 1, 0, 786472, 1, 0, 852008, 1, 0, 917544, 1, 0, 983080, 1, 0, 1048616, 1, 0, 1114152, 1, 0, 1179688, 1, 0, 1245224, 1, 0, 1310760, 1, 0, 1376296, 1, 0, 1441832, 1, 0, 1507368, 1, 0, 1572904, 1, 0, 1572905, 1, 0, 1507369, 1, 0, 1441833, 1, 0, 1376297, 1, 0, 1310761, 1, 0, 1245225, 1, 0, 1179689, 1, 0, 1114153, 1, 0, 1048617, 1, 0, 983081, 1, 0, 917545, 1, 0, 852009, 1, 0, 786473, 1, 0, 720937, 1, 0, 655401, 1, 0, 589865, 1, 0, 524329, 1, 0, 458793, 1, 0, 393257, 1, 0, 327721, 1, 0, 262185, 1, 0, 196649, 1, 0, 131113, 1, 0, 65577, 1, 0, 41, 1, 0, -65495, 1, 0, -131031, 0, 0, -196567, 0, 0, -262103, 0, 0, -327639, 0, 0, -393175, 0, 0, -458711, 0, 0, -524247, 0, 0, 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0, 0, -589781, 0, 0, -655317, 0, 0, -655316, 0, 0, -589780, 0, 0, -524244, 0, 0, -458708, 0, 0, -393172, 0, 0, -327636, 0, 0, -262100, 1, 0, -196564, 1, 0, -131028, 1, 0, -65492, 1, 0, 44, 1, 0, 65580, 1, 0, 131116, 1, 0, 196652, 1, 0, 262188, 1, 0, 327724, 1, 0, 393260, 1, 0, 458796, 1, 0, 524332, 1, 0, 589868, 1, 0, 655404, 1, 0, 720940, 1, 0, 786476, 1, 0, 852012, 1, 0, 917548, 1, 0, 983084, 1, 0, 1048620, 1, 0, 1114156, 1, 0, 1179692, 1, 0, 1245228, 1, 0, 1310764, 1, 0, 1376300, 1, 0, 1441836, 1, 0, 1507372, 1, 0, 1572908, 1, 0, 1572909, 1, 0, 1507373, 1, 0, 1441837, 1, 0, 1376301, 1, 0, 1310765, 1, 0, 1245229, 1, 0, 1179693, 1, 0, 1114157, 1, 0, 1048621, 1, 0, 983085, 1, 0, 917549, 1, 0, 852013, 1, 0, 786477, 1, 0, 720941, 1, 0, 655405, 1, 0, 589869, 1, 0, 524333, 1, 0, 458797, 1, 0, 393261, 1, 0, 327725, 1, 0, 262189, 1, 0, 196653, 1, 0, 131117, 1, 0, 65581, 1, 0, 45, 1, 0, -65491, 1, 0, -131027, 1, 0, -196563, 1, 0, -262099, 1, 0, -327635, 0, 0, -393171, 0, 0, -458707, 0, 0, -524243, 0, 0, -589779, 0, 0, -655315, 0, 0, -655314, 0, 0, -589778, 0, 0, -524242, 0, 0, -458706, 0, 0, -393170, 0, 0, -327634, 0, 0, -262098, 1, 0, -196562, 1, 0, -131026, 1, 0, -65490, 1, 0, 46, 1, 0, 65582, 1, 0, 131118, 1, 0, 196654, 1, 0, 262190, 1, 0, 327726, 1, 0, 393262, 1, 0, 458798, 1, 0, 524334, 1, 0, 589870, 1, 0, 655406, 1, 0, 720942, 1, 0, 786478, 1, 0, 852014, 1, 0, 917550, 1, 0, 983086, 1, 0, 1048622, 1, 0, 1114158, 1, 0, 1179694, 1, 0, 1245230, 1, 0, 1310766, 1, 0, 1376302, 1, 0, 1441838, 1, 0, 1507374, 1, 0, 1572910, 1, 0, 1572911, 1, 0, 1507375, 1, 0, 1441839, 1, 0, 1376303, 1, 0, 1310767, 1, 0, 1245231, 1, 0, 1179695, 1, 0, 1114159, 1, 0, 1048623, 1, 0, 983087, 1, 0, 917551, 1, 0, 852015, 1, 0, 786479, 1, 0, 720943, 1, 0, 655407, 1, 0, 589871, 1, 0, 524335, 1, 0, 458799, 1, 0, 393263, 1, 0, 327727, 1, 0, 262191, 1, 0, 196655, 1, 0, 131119, 1, 0, 65583, 1, 0, 47, 1, 0, -65489, 1, 0, -131025, 1, 0, -196561, 1, 0, -262097, 1, 0, -327633, 0, 0, -393169, 0, 0, -458705, 0, 0, -524241, 0, 0, -589777, 0, 0, -655313, 0, 0, -655312, 0, 0, -589776, 0, 0, -524240, 0, 0, -458704, 0, 0, -393168, 0, 0, -327632, 1, 0, -262096, 1, 0, -196560, 1, 0, -131024, 1, 0, -65488, 1, 0, 48, 1, 0, 65584, 1, 0, 131120, 1, 0, 196656, 1, 0, 262192, 1, 0, 327728, 1, 0, 393264, 1, 0, 458800, 1, 0, 524336, 1, 0, 589872, 1, 0, 655408, 1, 0, 720944, 1, 0, 786480, 1, 0, 852016, 1, 0, 917552, 1, 0, 983088, 1, 0, 1048624, 1, 0, 1114160, 1, 0, 1179696, 1, 0, 1245232, 1, 0, 1310768, 1, 0, 1376304, 1, 0, 1441840, 1, 0, 1507376, 1, 0, 1572912, 1, 0, 1572913, 1, 0, 1507377, 1, 0, 1441841, 1, 0, 1376305, 1, 0, 1310769, 1, 0, 1245233, 1, 0, 1179697, 1, 0, 1114161, 1, 0, 1048625, 1, 0, 983089, 1, 0, 917553, 1, 0, 852017, 1, 0, 786481, 1, 0, 720945, 1, 0, 655409, 1, 0, 589873, 1, 0, 524337, 1, 0, 458801, 1, 0, 393265, 1, 0, 327729, 1, 0, 262193, 1, 0, 196657, 1, 0, 131121, 1, 0, 65585, 1, 0, 49, 1, 0, -65487, 1, 0, -131023, 1, 0, -196559, 1, 0, -262095, 1, 0, -327631, 1, 0, -393167, 0, 0, -458703, 0, 0, -524239, 0, 0, -589775, 0, 0, -655311, 0, 0, -655310, 0, 0, -589774, 0, 0, -524238, 0, 0, -458702, 0, 0, -393166, 0, 0, -327630, 1, 0, -262094, 1, 0, -196558, 1, 0, -131022, 1, 0, -65486, 1, 0, 50, 1, 0, 65586, 1, 0, 131122, 1, 0, 196658, 1, 0, 262194, 1, 0, 327730, 1, 0, 393266, 1, 0, 458802, 1, 0, 524338, 1, 0, 589874, 1, 0, 655410, 1, 0, 720946, 1, 0, 786482, 1, 0, 852018, 1, 0, 917554, 1, 0, 983090, 1, 0, 1048626, 1, 0, 1114162, 1, 0, 1179698, 1, 0, 1245234, 1, 0, 1310770, 1, 0, 1376306, 1, 0, 1441842, 1, 0, 1507378, 1, 0, 1572914, 1, 0, 1572915, 1, 0, 1507379, 1, 0, 1441843, 1, 0, 1376307, 1, 0, 1310771, 1, 0, 1245235, 1, 0, 1179699, 1, 0, 1114163, 1, 0, 1048627, 1, 0, 983091, 1, 0, 917555, 1, 0, 852019, 1, 0, 786483, 1, 0, 720947, 1, 0, 655411, 1, 0, 589875, 1, 0, 524339, 1, 0, 458803, 1, 0, 393267, 1, 0, 327731, 1, 0, 262195, 1, 0, 196659, 1, 0, 131123, 1, 0, 65587, 1, 0, 51, 1, 0, -65485, 1, 0, -131021, 1, 0, -196557, 1, 0, -262093, 1, 0, -327629, 1, 0, -393165, 0, 0, -458701, 0, 0, -524237, 0, 0, -589773, 0, 0, -655309, 0, 0, -655308, 0, 0, -589772, 0, 0, -524236, 0, 0, -458700, 0, 0, -393164, 0, 0, -327628, 1, 0, -262092, 1, 0, -196556, 1, 0, -131020, 1, 0, -65484, 1, 0, 52, 1, 0, 65588, 1, 0, 131124, 1, 0, 196660, 1, 0, 262196, 1, 0, 327732, 1, 0, 393268, 1, 0, 458804, 1, 0, 524340, 1, 0, 589876, 1, 0, 655412, 1, 0, 720948, 1, 0, 786484, 1, 0, 852020, 1, 0, 917556, 1, 0, 983092, 1, 0, 1048628, 1, 0, 1114164, 1, 0, 1179700, 1, 0, 1245236, 1, 0, 1310772, 1, 0, 1376308, 1, 0, 1441844, 1, 0, 1507380, 1, 0, 1572916, 1, 0, 1572917, 1, 0, 1507381, 1, 0, 1441845, 1, 0, 1376309, 1, 0, 1310773, 1, 0, 1245237, 1, 0, 1179701, 1, 0, 1114165, 1, 0, 1048629, 1, 0, 983093, 1, 0, 917557, 1, 0, 852021, 1, 0, 786485, 1, 0, 720949, 1, 0, 655413, 1, 0, 589877, 1, 0, 524341, 1, 0, 458805, 1, 0, 393269, 1, 0, 327733, 1, 0, 262197, 1, 0, 196661, 1, 0, 131125, 1, 0, 65589, 1, 0, 53, 1, 0, -65483, 1, 0, -131019, 1, 0, -196555, 1, 0, -262091, 1, 0, -327627, 1, 0, -393163, 0, 0, -458699, 0, 0, -524235, 0, 0, -589771, 0, 0, -655307, 0, 0, -655306, 0, 0, -589770, 0, 0, -524234, 0, 0, -458698, 0, 0, -393162, 0, 0, -327626, 1, 0, -262090, 1, 0, -196554, 1, 0, -131018, 1, 0, -65482, 1, 0, 54, 1, 0, 65590, 1, 0, 131126, 1, 0, 196662, 1, 0, 262198, 1, 0, 327734, 1, 0, 393270, 1, 0, 458806, 1, 0, 524342, 1, 0, 589878, 1, 0, 655414, 1, 0, 720950, 1, 0, 786486, 1, 0, 852022, 1, 0, 917558, 1, 0, 983094, 1, 0, 1048630, 1, 0, 1114166, 1, 0, 1179702, 1, 0, 1245238, 1, 0, 1310774, 1, 0, 1376310, 1, 0, 1441846, 1, 0, 1507382, 1, 0, 1572918, 1, 0, 1572919, 1, 0, 1507383, 1, 0, 1441847, 1, 0, 1376311, 1, 0, 1310775, 1, 0, 1245239, 1, 0, 1179703, 1, 0, 1114167, 1, 0, 1048631, 1, 0, 983095, 1, 0, 917559, 1, 0, 852023, 1, 0, 786487, 1, 0, 720951, 1, 0, 655415, 1, 0, 589879, 1, 0, 524343, 1, 0, 458807, 1, 0, 393271, 1, 0, 327735, 1, 0, 262199, 1, 0, 196663, 1, 0, 131127, 1, 0, 65591, 1, 0, 55, 1, 0, -65481, 1, 0, -131017, 1, 0, -196553, 1, 0, -262089, 1, 0, -327625, 1, 0, -393161, 1, 0, -458697, 0, 0, -524233, 0, 0, -589769, 0, 0, -655305, 0, 0, -655304, 0, 0, -589768, 0, 0, -524232, 0, 0, -458696, 0, 0, -393160, 1, 0, -327624, 1, 0, -262088, 1, 0, -196552, 1, 0, -131016, 1, 0, -65480, 1, 0, 56, 1, 0, 65592, 1, 0, 131128, 1, 0, 196664, 1, 0, 262200, 1, 0, 327736, 1, 0, 393272, 1, 0, 458808, 1, 0, 524344, 1, 0, 589880, 1, 0, 655416, 1, 0, 720952, 1, 0, 786488, 1, 0, 852024, 1, 0, 917560, 1, 0, 983096, 1, 0, 1048632, 1, 0, 1114168, 1, 0, 1179704, 1, 0, 1245240, 1, 0, 1310776, 1, 0, 1376312, 1, 0, 1441848, 1, 0, 1507384, 1, 0, 1572920, 1, 0, 1572921, 1, 0, 1507385, 1, 0, 1441849, 1, 0, 1376313, 1, 0, 1310777, 1, 0, 1245241, 1, 0, 1179705, 1, 0, 1114169, 1, 0, 1048633, 1, 0, 983097, 1, 0, 917561, 1, 0, 852025, 1, 0, 786489, 1, 0, 720953, 1, 0, 655417, 1, 0, 589881, 1, 0, 524345, 1, 0, 458809, 1, 0, 393273, 1, 0, 327737, 1, 0, 262201, 1, 0, 196665, 1, 0, 131129, 1, 0, 65593, 1, 0, 57, 1, 0, -65479, 1, 0, -131015, 1, 0, -196551, 1, 0, -262087, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2293834, 1, 0, 2359370, 1, 0, 2424906, 1, 0, 2490442, 1, 0, 2555978, 1, 0, 2621514, 1, 0, 2687050, 1, 0, 2752586, 1, 0, 2818122, 1, 0, 2883658, 1, 0, 2949194, 1, 0, 3014730, 1, 0, 3080266, 1, 0, 1114187, 1, 0, 1179723, 1, 0, 1245259, 1, 0, 1310795, 1, 0, 1376331, 1, 0, 1441867, 1, 0, 1507403, 1, 0, 1572939, 1, 0, 1638475, 1, 0, 1704011, 1, 0, 1769547, 1, 0, 1835083, 1, 0, 1900619, 1, 0, 1966155, 1, 0, 2031691, 1, 0, 2097227, 1, 0, 2162763, 1, 0, 2228299, 1, 0, 2293835, 1, 0, 2359371, 1, 0, 2424907, 1, 0, 2490443, 1, 0, 2555979, 1, 0, 2621515, 1, 0, 2687051, 1, 0, 2752587, 1, 0, 2818123, 1, 0, 2883659, 1, 0, 2949195, 1, 0, 3014731, 1, 0, 3080267, 1, 0, 1114188, 1, 0, 1179724, 1, 0, 1245260, 1, 0, 1310796, 1, 0, 1376332, 1, 0, 1441868, 1, 0, 1507404, 1, 0, 1572940, 1, 0, 1638476, 1, 0, 1704012, 1, 0, 1769548, 1, 0, 1835084, 1, 0, 1900620, 1, 0, 1966156, 1, 0, 2031692, 1, 0, 2097228, 1, 0, 2162764, 1, 0, 2228300, 1, 0, 2293836, 1, 0, 2359372, 1, 0, 2424908, 1, 0, 2490444, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2621531, 1, 0, 2687067, 1, 0, 2752603, 1, 0, 2818139, 1, 0, 2883675, 1, 0, 2949211, 1, 0, 3014747, 1, 0, 3080283, 1, 0, 1114204, 1, 0, 1179740, 1, 0, 1245276, 1, 0, 1310812, 1, 0, 1376348, 1, 0, 1441884, 1, 0, 1507420, 1, 0, 1572956, 1, 0, 1638492, 1, 0, 1704028, 1, 0, 1769564, 1, 0, 1835100, 1, 0, 1900636, 1, 0, 1966172, 1, 0, 2031708, 1, 0, 2097244, 1, 0, 2162780, 1, 0, 2228316, 1, 0, 2293852, 1, 0, 2359388, 1, 0, 2424924, 1, 0, 2490460, 1, 0, 2555996, 1, 0, 2621532, 1, 0, 2687068, 1, 0, 2752604, 1, 0, 2818140, 1, 0, 2883676, 1, 0, 2949212, 1, 0, 3014748, 1, 0, 3080284, 1, 0, 1114205, 1, 0, 1179741, 1, 0, 1245277, 1, 0, 1310813, 1, 0, 1376349, 1, 0, 1441885, 1, 0, 1507421, 1, 0, 1572957, 1, 0, 1638493, 1, 0, 1704029, 1, 0, 1769565, 1, 0, 1835101, 1, 0, 1900637, 1, 0, 1966173, 1, 0, 2031709, 1, 0, 2097245, 1, 0, 2162781, 1, 0, 2228317, 1, 0, 2293853, 1, 0, 2359389, 1, 0, 2424925, 1, 0, 2490461, 1, 0, 2555997, 1, 0, 2621533, 1, 0, 2687069, 1, 0, 2752605, 1, 0, 2818141, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 1179744, 1, 0, 1245280, 1, 0, 1310816, 1, 0, 1376352, 1, 0, 1441888, 1, 0, 1507424, 1, 0, 1572960, 1, 0, 1638496, 1, 0, 1704032, 1, 0, 1769568, 1, 0, 1835104, 1, 0, 1900640, 1, 0, 1966176, 1, 0, 2031712, 1, 0, 2097248, 1, 0, 2162784, 1, 0, 2228320, 1, 0, 2293856, 1, 0, 2359392, 1, 0, 2424928, 1, 0, 2490464, 1, 0, 2556000, 1, 0, 2621536, 1, 0, 2687072, 1, 0, 2752608, 1, 0, 2818144, 1, 0, 2883680, 1, 0, 2949216, 1, 0, 3014752, 1, 0, 3080288, 1, 0, 1114209, 1, 0, 1179745, 1, 0, 1245281, 1, 0, 1310817, 1, 0, 1376353, 1, 0, 1441889, 1, 0, 1507425, 1, 0, 1572961, 1, 0, 1638497, 1, 0, 1704033, 1, 0, 1769569, 1, 0, 1835105, 1, 0, 1900641, 1, 0, 1966177, 1, 0, 2031713, 1, 0, 2097249, 1, 0, 2162785, 1, 0, 2228321, 1, 0, 2293857, 1, 0, 2359393, 1, 0, 2424929, 1, 0, 2490465, 1, 0, 2556001, 1, 0, 2621537, 1, 0, 2687073, 1, 0, 2752609, 1, 0, 2818145, 1, 0, 2883681, 1, 0, 2949217, 1, 0, 3014753, 1, 0, 3080289, 1, 0, 1114210, 1, 0, 1179746, 1, 0, 1245282, 1, 0, 1310818, 1, 0, 1376354, 1, 0, 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1, 0, -2490302, 1, 0, -2555838, 1, 0, -2621374, 1, 0, -2686910, 1, 0, -2752446, 1, 0, -2817982, 1, 0, -2883518, 1, 0, -2949054, 1, 0, -3014590, 1, 0, -3080126, 1, 0, -3145662, 1, 0, -3211198, 1, 0, -3276734, 1, 0, -3276733, 1, 0, -3211197, 1, 0, -3145661, 1, 0, -3080125, 1, 0, -3014589, 1, 0, -2949053, 1, 0, -2883517, 1, 0, -2817981, 1, 0, -2752445, 1, 0, -2686909, 1, 0, -2621373, 1, 0, -2555837, 1, 0, -2490301, 1, 0, -2424765, 1, 0, -2359229, 1, 0, -2293693, 1, 0, -2228157, 1, 0, -2162621, 1, 0, -2097085, 1, 0, -2031549, 1, 0, -1966013, 1, 0, -1900477, 1, 0, -1834941, 1, 0, -1769405, 1, 0, -1703869, 1, 0, -1638333, 1, 0, -1572797, 1, 0, -1507261, 1, 0, -1441725, 1, 0, -1376189, 1, 0, -1310653, 1, 0, -1245117, 1, 0, -1179581, 1, 0, -1114045, 1, 0, -1048509, 0, 0, -982973, 0, 0, -917437, 0, 0, -851901, 0, 0, -786365, 1, 0, -720829, 1, 0, -655293, 1, 0, -589757, 1, 0, -524221, 1, 0, -458685, 1, 0, -393149, 1, 0, -327613, 1, 0, -262077, 1, 0, -196541, 1, 0, -131005, 1, 0, -65469, 1, 0, 67, 1, 0, 65603, 1, 0, 131139, 1, 0, 196675, 1, 0, 262211, 1, 0, 327747, 1, 0, 393283, 1, 0, 458819, 1, 0, 524355, 1, 0, 589891, 1, 0, 655427, 1, 0, 720963, 1, 0, 786499, 1, 0, 852035, 1, 0, 917571, 1, 0, 983107, 1, 0, 1048643, 1, 0, 1048644, 1, 0, 983108, 1, 0, 917572, 1, 0, 852036, 1, 0, 786500, 1, 0, 720964, 1, 0, 655428, 1, 0, 589892, 1, 0, 524356, 1, 0, 458820, 1, 0, 393284, 1, 0, 327748, 1, 0, 262212, 1, 0, 196676, 1, 0, 131140, 1, 0, 65604, 1, 0, 68, 1, 0, -65468, 1, 0, -131004, 1, 0, -196540, 1, 0, -262076, 1, 0, -327612, 1, 0, -393148, 1, 0, -458684, 1, 0, -524220, 1, 0, -589756, 1, 0, -655292, 1, 0, -720828, 1, 0, -786364, 1, 0, -851900, 0, 0, -917436, 0, 0, -982972, 1, 0, -1048508, 1, 0, -1114044, 1, 0, -1179580, 1, 0, -1245116, 1, 0, -1310652, 1, 0, -1376188, 1, 0, -1441724, 1, 0, -1507260, 1, 0, -1572796, 1, 0, -1638332, 1, 0, -1703868, 1, 0, -1769404, 1, 0, -1834940, 1, 0, -1900476, 1, 0, -1966012, 1, 0, -2031548, 1, 0, -2097084, 1, 0, -2162620, 1, 0, -2228156, 1, 0, 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-196539, 1, 0, -131003, 1, 0, -65467, 1, 0, 69, 1, 0, 65605, 1, 0, 131141, 1, 0, 196677, 1, 0, 262213, 1, 0, 327749, 1, 0, 393285, 1, 0, 458821, 1, 0, 524357, 1, 0, 589893, 1, 0, 655429, 1, 0, 720965, 1, 0, 786501, 1, 0, 852037, 1, 0, 917573, 1, 0, 983109, 1, 0, 1048645, 1, 0, 1048646, 1, 0, 983110, 1, 0, 917574, 1, 0, 852038, 1, 0, 786502, 1, 0, 720966, 1, 0, 655430, 1, 0, 589894, 1, 0, 524358, 1, 0, 458822, 1, 0, 393286, 1, 0, 327750, 1, 0, 262214, 1, 0, 196678, 1, 0, 131142, 1, 0, 65606, 1, 0, 70, 1, 0, -65466, 1, 0, -131002, 1, 0, -196538, 1, 0, -262074, 1, 0, -327610, 1, 0, -393146, 1, 0, -458682, 1, 0, -524218, 1, 0, -589754, 1, 0, -655290, 1, 0, -720826, 1, 0, -786362, 1, 0, -851898, 1, 0, -917434, 1, 0, -982970, 1, 0, -1048506, 1, 0, -1114042, 1, 0, -1179578, 1, 0, -1245114, 1, 0, -1310650, 1, 0, -1376186, 1, 0, -1441722, 1, 0, -1507258, 1, 0, -1572794, 1, 0, -1638330, 1, 0, -1703866, 1, 0, -1769402, 1, 0, -1834938, 1, 0, -1900474, 1, 0, -1966010, 1, 0, -2031546, 1, 0, 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-393145, 1, 0, -327609, 1, 0, -262073, 1, 0, -196537, 1, 0, -131001, 1, 0, -65465, 1, 0, 71, 1, 0, 65607, 1, 0, 131143, 1, 0, 196679, 1, 0, 262215, 1, 0, 327751, 1, 0, 393287, 1, 0, 458823, 1, 0, 524359, 1, 0, 589895, 1, 0, 655431, 1, 0, 720967, 1, 0, 786503, 1, 0, 852039, 1, 0, 917575, 1, 0, 983111, 1, 0, 1048647, 1, 0, 1048648, 1, 0, 983112, 1, 0, 917576, 1, 0, 852040, 1, 0, 786504, 1, 0, 720968, 1, 0, 655432, 1, 0, 589896, 1, 0, 524360, 1, 0, 458824, 1, 0, 393288, 1, 0, 327752, 1, 0, 262216, 1, 0, 196680, 1, 0, 131144, 1, 0, 65608, 1, 0, 72, 1, 0, -65464, 1, 0, -131000, 1, 0, -196536, 1, 0, -262072, 1, 0, -327608, 1, 0, -393144, 1, 0, -458680, 1, 0, -524216, 1, 0, -589752, 1, 0, -655288, 1, 0, -720824, 1, 0, -786360, 1, 0, -851896, 1, 0, -917432, 1, 0, -982968, 1, 0, -1048504, 1, 0, -1114040, 1, 0, -1179576, 1, 0, -1245112, 1, 0, -1310648, 1, 0, -1376184, 1, 0, -1441720, 1, 0, -1507256, 1, 0, -1572792, 1, 0, -1638328, 1, 0, -1703864, 1, 0, -1769400, 1, 0, -1834936, 1, 0, -1900472, 1, 0, -1966008, 1, 0, -2031544, 1, 0, -2097080, 1, 0, -2162616, 1, 0, -2228152, 1, 0, -2293688, 1, 0, -2359224, 1, 0, -2424760, 1, 0, -2490296, 1, 0, -2555832, 1, 0, -2621368, 1, 0, -2686904, 1, 0, -2752440, 1, 0, -2817976, 1, 0, -2883512, 1, 0, -2949048, 1, 0, -3014584, 1, 0, -3080120, 1, 0, -3145656, 1, 0, -3211192, 1, 0, -3276728, 1, 0, -3276727, 1, 0, -3211191, 1, 0, -3145655, 1, 0, -3080119, 1, 0, -3014583, 1, 0, -2949047, 1, 0, -2883511, 1, 0, -2817975, 1, 0, -2752439, 1, 0, -2686903, 1, 0, -2621367, 1, 0, -2555831, 1, 0, -2490295, 1, 0, -2424759, 1, 0, -2359223, 1, 0, -2293687, 1, 0, -2228151, 1, 0, -2162615, 1, 0, -2097079, 1, 0, -2031543, 1, 0, -1966007, 1, 0, -1900471, 1, 0, -1834935, 1, 0, -1769399, 1, 0, -1703863, 1, 0, -1638327, 1, 0, -1572791, 1, 0, -1507255, 1, 0, -1441719, 1, 0, -1376183, 1, 0, -1310647, 1, 0, -1245111, 1, 0, -1179575, 1, 0, -1114039, 1, 0, -1048503, 1, 0, -982967, 1, 0, -917431, 1, 0, -851895, 1, 0, -786359, 1, 0, -720823, 1, 0, -655287, 1, 0, -589751, 1, 0, -524215, 1, 0, -458679, 1, 0, -393143, 1, 0, -327607, 1, 0, -262071, 1, 0, -196535, 1, 0, -130999, 1, 0, -65463, 1, 0, 73, 1, 0, 65609, 1, 0, 131145, 1, 0, 196681, 1, 0, 262217, 1, 0, 327753, 1, 0, 393289, 1, 0, 458825, 1, 0, 524361, 1, 0, 589897, 1, 0, 655433, 1, 0, 720969, 1, 0, 786505, 1, 0, 852041, 1, 0, 917577, 1, 0, 983113, 1, 0, 1048649, 1, 0, 1048650, 1, 0, 983114, 1, 0, 917578, 1, 0, 852042, 1, 0, 786506, 1, 0, 720970, 1, 0, 655434, 1, 0, 589898, 1, 0, 524362, 1, 0, 458826, 1, 0, 393290, 1, 0, 327754, 1, 0, 262218, 1, 0, 196682, 1, 0, 131146, 1, 0, 65610, 1, 0, 74, 1, 0, -65462, 1, 0, -130998, 1, 0, -196534, 1, 0, -262070, 1, 0, -327606, 1, 0, -393142, 1, 0, -458678, 1, 0, -524214, 1, 0, -589750, 1, 0, -655286, 1, 0, -720822, 1, 0, -786358, 1, 0, -851894, 1, 0, -917430, 1, 0, -982966, 1, 0, -1048502, 1, 0, -1114038, 1, 0, -1179574, 1, 0, -1245110, 1, 0, -1310646, 1, 0, -1376182, 1, 0, -1441718, 1, 0, -1507254, 1, 0, -1572790, 1, 0, -1638326, 1, 0, -1703862, 1, 0, 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0, -720821, 1, 0, -655285, 1, 0, -589749, 1, 0, -524213, 1, 0, -458677, 1, 0, -393141, 1, 0, -327605, 1, 0, -262069, 1, 0, -196533, 1, 0, -130997, 1, 0, -65461, 1, 0, 75, 1, 0, 65611, 1, 0, 131147, 1, 0, 196683, 1, 0, 262219, 1, 0, 327755, 1, 0, 393291, 1, 0, 458827, 1, 0, 524363, 1, 0, 589899, 1, 0, 655435, 1, 0, 720971, 1, 0, 786507, 1, 0, 852043, 1, 0, 917579, 1, 0, 983115, 1, 0, 1048651, 1, 0, 1048652, 1, 0, 983116, 1, 0, 917580, 1, 0, 852044, 1, 0, 786508, 1, 0, 720972, 1, 0, 655436, 1, 0, 589900, 1, 0, 524364, 1, 0, 458828, 1, 0, 393292, 1, 0, 327756, 1, 0, 262220, 1, 0, 196684, 1, 0, 131148, 1, 0, 65612, 1, 0, 76, 1, 0, -65460, 1, 0, -130996, 1, 0, -196532, 1, 0, -262068, 1, 0, -327604, 1, 0, -393140, 1, 0, -458676, 1, 0, -524212, 1, 0, -589748, 1, 0, -655284, 1, 0, -720820, 1, 0, -786356, 1, 0, -851892, 1, 0, -917428, 1, 0, -982964, 1, 0, -1048500, 1, 0, -1114036, 1, 0, -1179572, 1, 0, -1245108, 1, 0, -1310644, 1, 0, -1376180, 1, 0, -1441716, 1, 0, -1507252, 1, 0, -1572788, 1, 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1, 0, 2097197, 1, 0, 2031661, 1, 0, 1966125, 1, 0, 1900589, 1, 0, 1835053, 1, 0, 1769517, 1, 0, 1703981, 1, 0, 1638445, 1, 0, 1638446, 1, 0, 1703982, 1, 0, 1769518, 1, 0, 1835054, 1, 0, 1900590, 1, 0, 1966126, 1, 0, 2031662, 1, 0, 2097198, 1, 0, 2162734, 1, 0, 2228270, 1, 0, 2293806, 1, 0, 2359342, 1, 0, 2424878, 1, 0, 2490414, 1, 0, 2555950, 1, 0, 2621486, 1, 0, 2687022, 1, 0, 2752558, 1, 0, 2818094, 1, 0, 2883630, 1, 0, 2949166, 1, 0, 3014702, 1, 0, 3080238, 1, 0) -[node name="CharacterBody2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +[node name="player0" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] position = Vector2(632, 8) + +[node name="player1" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +position = Vector2(544, -256) diff --git a/scenes/test/player.tscn b/scenes/test/player.tscn index 07e6ec3..5bd09d2 100644 --- a/scenes/test/player.tscn +++ b/scenes/test/player.tscn @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] size = Vector2(20, 18) -[node name="CharacterBody2D" type="CharacterBody2D"] +[node name="player" type="CharacterBody2D"] script = ExtResource("1_oik63") [node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] @@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") [node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") -[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +[node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +enabled = false diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e937b2d --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +extends Node2D + +var playerAmount=2 +var playerIndex=0 +var objectName + +func _ready(): + next() + +func next(): + if playerIndex >= playerAmount: + playerIndex = 0 + objectName= "player%d" % playerIndex + print(objectName) + get_node(objectName).start() + playerIndex += 1 + diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index b548535..7d6c8e9 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,11 +1,26 @@ extends CharacterBody2D @export var speed = 200 +var toCalculate = position +var distanceTo = 0 +var active = false func get_input(): var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") velocity = input_direction * speed func _physics_process(delta): - get_input() - move_and_slide() + if active: + get_input() + move_and_slide() + distanceTo = position.distance_to(toCalculate) + if distanceTo > 500 and active: + active = false + $camera.enabled = false + get_parent().next() + + +func start(): + $camera.enabled = true + active = true + toCalculate = position -- 2.39.5 From e5f167e1063c70556998e73865e70900a2b39c81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:37:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/25] Changed Name --- | 2 +- project.godot | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 730f28b..7932cc8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Introducing OpenDnD +# Introducing FreeTTRPG # A Swiss Quality Project diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 836603b..93663f2 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ config_version=5 [application] -config/name="openDND" +config/name="FreeTTRPG" run/main_scene="res://scenes/menu/main.tscn" config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2", "GL Compatibility") config/icon="res://icon.svg" -- 2.39.5 From 2a4f3f007fb5188956be6d1812df7aef84819006 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 05:41:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 03/25] Update --- | 20 +++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7932cc8..97c8c70 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ # Introducing FreeTTRPG -# A Swiss Quality Project +## A Swiss "Quality" Project -# The Game +## The Game Tired of the commercialization of tabletop role-playing games, we decided to take matters into our own hands. We're creating an open-source, community-driven TTRPG project that puts creativity and freedom back in the hands of players. -# Our Vision +## Our Goal Our project offers a game engine with a solid foundation of basic content and story packs to get you started. But that's just the beginning. We're also providing a powerful content creator tool that allows users to craft their own custom content packs. With this tool, you'll be able to create your own rules, characters, items, spells, attacks, and much more. -# Your Content, Your Copyright - -The best part? Everything you create with our tool is yours to own and control. We won't claim any copyright or ownership over your creations. You're free to share, modify, or use your content as you see fit. - -# A Community-Driven Platform +## A Community-Driven Platform We're building a platform where users can share their content packs with the community. While sharing is encouraged, it's not required. You can keep your creations private or share them with the world – the choice is yours. -# Join the Movement +## Join us We're excited to share OpenDnD with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. + + + + +Copyright Note: +The main game must be distributed as stated in the LICENSE file. Any content made for it can however be freely distributed under any license. Once we make the content creator for this game, any content made there will also be no restrictions on the content you make with that. \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.5 From bf80420f22ddf20dbc5272eb86a75cfcb94a9976 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 05:42:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 04/25] Update --- | 5 +---- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 97c8c70..82d838c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,8 +18,5 @@ We're building a platform where users can share their content packs with the com We're excited to share OpenDnD with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. - - - -Copyright Note: +### Copyright Note: The main game must be distributed as stated in the LICENSE file. Any content made for it can however be freely distributed under any license. Once we make the content creator for this game, any content made there will also be no restrictions on the content you make with that. \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.5 From 01cd337c66eaa239223f853b67f18a97e2d58517 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:42:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/25] JSON System Implemented --- Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt | 62 -------------------------- Notes/todolist/todo.txt | 39 ----------------- assets/test-charackters/Björn | 46 -------------------- assets/test-charackters/elana | 44 ------------------- assets/test-charackters/gigachad | 72 ------------------------------- assets/test-charackters/lyra | 45 ------------------- assets/test-charackters/tharok | 43 ------------------ assets/test/gigachad.png | Bin 508 -> 0 bytes assets/test/grass.png | Bin 1877 -> 0 bytes assets/test/grass.png.import | 34 --------------- assets/test/player.png | Bin 461 -> 0 bytes assets/test/player.png.import | 34 --------------- assets/test/tharok.png | Bin 540 -> 0 bytes assets/test/water.png | Bin 2632 -> 0 bytes assets/test/water.png.import | 34 --------------- scenes/menu/main.tscn | 15 +++++-- scenes/test/map.tscn | 42 ------------------ scenes/test/player.tscn | 19 -------- scripts/ | 10 ++++- scripts/ | 1 + 20 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt delete mode 100644 Notes/todolist/todo.txt delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/Björn delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/elana delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/gigachad delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/lyra delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/tharok delete mode 100644 assets/test/gigachad.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/grass.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/grass.png.import delete mode 100644 assets/test/player.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/player.png.import delete mode 100644 assets/test/tharok.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/water.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/water.png.import delete mode 100644 scenes/test/map.tscn delete mode 100644 scenes/test/player.tscn diff --git a/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt b/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c8040eb..0000000 --- a/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -openDND - -Character-informations - -STR=Strength -DEX=Dexterity -CON=Constitution -INT=Itelligence -WIS=Wisdom -CHA=Charisma - -Skillchecks; -1. Acrobatics (Dexterity) -2. Animal Handling (Wisdom) -3. Arcana (Intelligence) -4. Athletics (Strength) -5. Deception (Charisma) -6. History (Intelligence) -7. Insight (Wisdom) -8. Intimidation (Charisma) -9. Investigation (Intelligence) -10. Medicine (Wisdom) -11. Nature (Intelligence) -12. Perception (Wisdom) -13. Performance (Charisma) -14. Persuasion (Charisma) -15. Religion (Intelligence) -16. Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) -17. Stealth (Dexterity) -18. Survival (Wisdom) - -Proficency Bonus{ - 1-4: +2 - 5-8: +3 - 9-12: +4 - 13-16: +5 - 17-20: +6 -} - -Calculation Modifier=(stat-10)/2 - -Armour Class{ - Base-AC 10 (can be modified by your class) - Dexterity-bonus plus dex (can by limited by your armour) - Armour-Bonus 0 (if not stated different in the item) - Shield: +2 -} -# Example Calculation 10+3+0+2=15 --> AC=15 - -HP{ - Hit-dice (definied by class) - Char-Level multiplier - Con-modifier -} - -#Calculation= level*(hitdice+con-modifier) - -# spellsave-dc-calculation = (10+level+magic-modifier) - - - - diff --git a/Notes/todolist/todo.txt b/Notes/todolist/todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dd5f7fb..0000000 --- a/Notes/todolist/todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -# Will be enbeded in an open source Dynamik online tool later on - -ToDo-List - -1. Create a test map - 1.1 Distance Manager - 1.2 Tile creation - 1.3 Limit walking per turn - 1.4 Dynamik Field -2. Create test character 1-3 - 2.1 Base Stats - 2.2 Race - 2.3 Class - 2.4 Background - 2.5 Skill Checks - 2.6 Saving throws - 2.7 Dynamic AC - 2.8 Dynamic HP - 2.9 Inventory - 2.10 pdf, odf, html export -3. Simulation Dice (20, 12, 00, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) - 3.1 20: For Attacks, Skill Checks, Saving Throws - 3.2 12: Heavy Weapon Damage* - 3.3 10: Two handed Weapon Damage* - 3.4 00: Combined with 10 1-100, for special effects and loot tables - 3.5 8: Weapon Damage* - 3.6 6: short weapon damage* - 3.7 4: Minor Weapon damage* - 3.8 2: Coinflips, Gambling in game etc. -4. combat turns - 4.1 Initiative System - 4.2 Movement, Action, Bonus-action, reaction -5. Enemies - 5.1 Stats - 5.2 Attacks - 5.3 HP - 5.4 AC - 5.5 Inventory -6. To be continiued \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/Björn b/assets/test-charackters/Björn deleted file mode 100644 index ee1fe03..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/Björn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -Charackter1{ - Name: Björn - Race: Dwarf - Class: Mage (Level 1) - - Stats{ - STR 8 -1 - DEX 12 +1 - CON 10 -0 - INT 16 +3 - WIS 14 +2 - CHA 12 +1 - } - - Proficency{Arcana, History, Nature} - - Movement: 30 - Action: Cast a spell (watch spelllist) - Bonus-action: - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4 5 - Dodge: Damage-halved - Reaction: - Counterspell: Watch Spellist - reduce-harm: Reduce damage taken by a ally by 1d10+level - - Race-feature{ - Dwarfen-resistance: Poison Damage halved - Healing-Word ability - reduce-harm - } - - Spellslots: 3x Longrest - - Spelllist{ - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Firedagger +int+prof 1d10+int fire 120 - Icedagger +int+prof 1d10+int ice 120 - Mage-shield - 10 Temporary HP - self - Level 1: - Create-flame Dex-save 3d6 fire 80 / 20 radius - Healing-word - 1d8 heal 30 - Counterspell If roll higher than enemy == enemy spells doesn't work 30 - } - -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/elana b/assets/test-charackters/elana deleted file mode 100644 index 27ee243..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/elana +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -Character2 { - Name: Elara - Race: Elf - Class: Ranger (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 10 +0 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 12 +1 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 16 +3 - CHA 8 -1 - } - - Proficiency { Animal Handling, Stealth, Survival } - - Movement: 35 - Action: Shoot Longbow (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+2 - Hide: Become invisible - Reaction: - Parry: Reduce damage taken by 1d6+level - - Race-feature { - Elven-Agility: Advantage on DEX saves - Trance: Elves don't need to sleep and meditate for 4 hours - Fey-Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep - } - - Spellslots: 2x Longrest - - Spelllist { - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Thornwhip +wis+prof 1d6+wis piercing 30 - Mage-hand - - - 30 - Guidance - 1d4 - touch - Level 1: - Goodberry - 1d4 heal 30 - Hunter's-Mark - 1d6 magic 90 - Entangle STR-save - Restrained 20 / 20 radius - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/gigachad b/assets/test-charackters/gigachad deleted file mode 100644 index f8ca9f8..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/gigachad +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -Character5 { - Name: Gigachad - Race: Human - Class: Paladin (Level 20) - - Stats { - STR 20 +5 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 18 +4 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 14 +2 - CHA 20 +5 - } - - Proficiency { Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Attack with Greatsword (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Divine Smite: Expend a spell slot to deal extra radiant damage - Shield of Faith: +2 AC for 10 minutes - Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP (pool: level x 5) - Reaction: - Divine Sense: Detect celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet - Aura of Protection: Allies within 10 feet add +cha to saving throws - - Race-feature { - Human-Determination: Gain proficiency in one additional skill - Versatility: Gain one extra feat at Level 1 - Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened - } - - Feats: - Great Weapon Master: Bonus attack on critical hit or kill, and can take a -5 penalty to hit for +10 damage - Tough: +2 HP per level - Inspiring Leader: Can spend 10 minutes inspiring allies, granting temporary HP equal to level + cha modifier - - Class Features: - Divine Health: Immune to disease - Aura of Courage: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being frightened - Aura of Devotion: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being charmed - Cleansing Touch: End one spell on yourself or an ally within touch range (5 times per long rest) - Improved Divine Smite: +1d8 radiant damage on melee attacks - Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP per long rest - Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion, Oath Spells: (Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth, Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith, Commune, Flame Strike, Circle of Power, Holy Weapon) - - Spellslots: 4x 1st, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 3x 4th, 2x 5th (per long rest) - - Spelllist { - Level 1: - Bless - - adv on attacks and saves 30 - Shield of Faith - +2 AC - 60 - Level 2: - Lesser Restoration- - heal conditions touch - Zone of Truth - - - 60 - Level 3: - Dispel Magic - - - 120 - Beacon of Hope - - heal max 30 - Level 4: - Guardian of Faith- 20 radiant - 30 - Freedom of Movement- - - touch - Level 5: - Circle of Power - - adv on saves self (30 radius) - Holy Weapon - 2d8 radiant - 30 - } - - Weaponlist { - Greatsword: +str+prof 2d6+5 slashing - Warhammer: +str+prof 1d8+5 bludgeoning (versatile 1d10) - Javelin: +str+prof 1d6+5 piercing (range 30/120) - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/lyra b/assets/test-charackters/lyra deleted file mode 100644 index f77a603..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/lyra +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -Character4 { - Name: Lyra - Race: Tiefling - Class: Bard (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 8 -1 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 12 +1 - INT 12 +1 - WIS 10 +0 - CHA 16 +3 - } - - Proficiency { Performance, Persuasion, Deception } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Cast a spell (watch spelllist) - Bonus-action: - Inspiration: Grant a d6 to an ally's ability check, attack roll, or saving throw - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+2 - Healing Word: Restore 1d4+cha HP to an ally within 60 feet - Reaction: - Cutting Words: Use a Bardic Inspiration die to subtract from an enemy's attack roll, ability check, or damage roll - - Race-feature { - Hellish Resistance: Resistance to fire damage - Infernal Legacy: Can cast Thaumaturgy cantrip; at 3rd level, can cast Hellish Rebuke once per long rest - Darkvision: See in darkness within 60 feet - } - - Spellslots: 2x Longrest - - Spelllist { - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Vicious Mockery - 1d4 psychic 60 - Mending - - - touch - Prestidigitation- - - 10 - Level 1: - Healing Word - 1d4+cha heal 60 - Faerie Fire Dex-save - adv on attacks 20 ft cube - Charm Person Wis-save - charmed 30 - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/tharok b/assets/test-charackters/tharok deleted file mode 100644 index 8a30341..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/tharok +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -Character3 { - Name: Tharok - Race: Human - Class: Fighter (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 16 +3 - DEX 12 +1 - CON 14 +2 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 12 +1 - CHA 10 +0 - } - - Proficiency { Athletics, Intimidation, Perception } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Attack with Longsword (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Second Wind: Regain 1d10+level HP - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+1 - Reaction: - Parry: Reduce damage taken by 1d6+level - - Race-feature { - Human-Determination: Gain proficiency in one additional skill - Versatility: Gain one extra feat at Level 1 - Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened - } - - Feats: - Great Weapon Fighting: Reroll 1s and 2s on damage dice with melee weapons wielded in two hands - - Combat Skills: - Second Wind: Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+level HP - Action Surge: Once per short rest, take one additional action on your turn - - Weaponlist { - Longsword: +str+prof 1d8+3 slashing - Greatsword: +str+prof 2d6+3 slashing - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+1 piercing - } -} diff --git a/assets/test/gigachad.png b/assets/test/gigachad.png deleted file mode 100644 index 60df27bfb5332b49134afdddb5ba2c39519f3de3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 508 zcmV;AT7)g!}iW-dJi}B-jzKL^SGt0BGKn zlgkM$3%!iDhuYdh-J9#Gf(@|;y7yvw#bwAaE`qoU{2<7KAo;{P*}}#cyV-2~x7Io- z-?r`iKA^S!Z#vfgDy6R78vs5(9(uB6wTB~UjA4_BE@-WLI}YItI1-`pn0$;x&RO7% zmDPUI_!QU#j4|Is67Ct1U7i4d+mv#N(Od!m5OsHM7?K2XceMzCv8?3~l9FbJK;mMF zY?Od&Lgz-(19R$|i)1HU(on1uCeMQIvf)uydmL9=|9!Pv`>~sMbKzN`iY96&s}+YB 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testing/test/map.tscn | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ testing/test/player.tscn | 19 +++++++++++ testing/testAssets/gigachad.png | Bin 0 -> 508 bytes testing/testAssets/gigachad.png.import | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++ testing/testAssets/grass.png | Bin 0 -> 1877 bytes testing/testAssets/grass.png.import | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++ testing/testAssets/player.png | Bin 0 -> 461 bytes testing/testAssets/player.png.import | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++ testing/testAssets/tharok.png | Bin 0 -> 540 bytes testing/testAssets/tharok.png.import | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++ testing/testAssets/water.png | Bin 0 -> 2632 bytes testing/testAssets/water.png.import | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++ 14 files changed, 278 insertions(+) create mode 100644 scenes/menu/create.tscn create mode 100644 scripts/ create mode 100644 testing/test/map.tscn create mode 100644 testing/test/player.tscn create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/gigachad.png create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/gigachad.png.import create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/grass.png create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/grass.png.import create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/player.png create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/player.png.import create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/tharok.png create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/tharok.png.import create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/water.png create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/water.png.import diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e0673e --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://b6t6yd7qnid1i"] + +[node name="character_creator" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6be757b --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +extends Node + +var save_path = "user://player_data.json" + +func saveJSON(): + var data := { + "name": "test", + } + + var json_string = JSON.stringify(data) + + var file_access =, FileAccess.WRITE) + if not file_access: + print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) + return + + file_access.store_line(json_string) + file_access.close() + +func loadJSON(): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): + return + var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = file_access.get_line() + file_access.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(json_string) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return + + var data:Dictionary = + var test = data.get("name") + +func _on_pressed(): + saveJSON() + loadJSON() diff --git a/testing/test/map.tscn b/testing/test/map.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d972b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/test/map.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://testing/testAssets/grass.png" id="1_6ekaf"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_d7ssr"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://testing/testAssets/water.png" id="2_2akb5"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q" path="res://testing/test/player.tscn" id="3_5eqoy"] + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv"] +texture = ExtResource("1_6ekaf") +texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx"] +texture = ExtResource("2_2akb5") +texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_5wtmq"] +tile_size = Vector2i(32, 32) +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv") +sources/1 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx") + +[node name="Map" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_d7ssr") + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="."] +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_5wtmq") +rendering_quadrant_size = 32 +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(0, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 131075, 0, 0, 131076, 0, 0, 131077, 0, 0, 131078, 0, 0, 131079, 0, 0, 131080, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 65550, 0, 0, 65551, 0, 0, 65552, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, -65516, 0, 0, -65518, 0, 0, -65519, 0, 0, -65520, 0, 0, -65521, 0, 0, -65522, 0, 0, -65523, 0, 0, -65524, 0, 0, -65525, 0, 0, -65526, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 131072, 0, 0, 196607, 0, 0, 131073, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 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1638372, 1, 0, 720869, 1, 0, 786405, 1, 0, 851941, 1, 0, 917477, 1, 0, 983013, 1, 0, 1048549, 1, 0, 1114085, 1, 0, 1179621, 1, 0, 1245157, 1, 0, 1310693, 1, 0, 1376229, 1, 0, 1441765, 1, 0, 1507301, 1, 0, 1572837, 1, 0, 1638373, 1, 0, 720870, 1, 0, 786406, 1, 0, 851942, 1, 0, 917478, 1, 0, 983014, 1, 0, 1048550, 1, 0, 1114086, 1, 0, 1179622, 1, 0, 1245158, 1, 0, 1310694, 1, 0, 1376230, 1, 0, 1441766, 1, 0, 1507302, 1, 0, 1572838, 1, 0, 1638374, 1, 0, 720871, 1, 0, 786407, 1, 0, 851943, 1, 0, 917479, 1, 0, 983015, 1, 0, 1048551, 1, 0, 1114087, 1, 0, 1179623, 1, 0, 1245159, 1, 0, 1310695, 1, 0, 1376231, 1, 0, 1441767, 1, 0, 1507303, 1, 0, 1572839, 1, 0, 1638375, 1, 0, 720872, 1, 0, 786408, 1, 0, 851944, 1, 0, 917480, 1, 0, 983016, 1, 0, 1048552, 1, 0, 1114088, 1, 0, 1179624, 1, 0, 1245160, 1, 0, 1310696, 1, 0, 1376232, 1, 0, 1441768, 1, 0, 1507304, 1, 0, 1572840, 1, 0, 1638376, 1, 0, 720873, 0, 0, 786409, 1, 0, 851945, 1, 0, 917481, 1, 0, 983017, 1, 0, 1048553, 1, 0, 1114089, 1, 0, 1179625, 1, 0, 1245161, 1, 0, 1310697, 1, 0, 1376233, 1, 0, 1441769, 1, 0, 1507305, 1, 0, 1572841, 1, 0, 1638377, 1, 0, 720874, 0, 0, 786410, 1, 0, 851946, 1, 0, 917482, 1, 0, 983018, 1, 0, 1048554, 1, 0, 1114090, 1, 0, 1179626, 1, 0, 1245162, 1, 0, 1310698, 1, 0, 1376234, 1, 0, 1441770, 1, 0, 1507306, 1, 0, 1572842, 1, 0, 1638378, 1, 0, 720875, 0, 0, 786411, 0, 0, 851947, 1, 0, 917483, 1, 0, 983019, 1, 0, 1048555, 1, 0, 1114091, 1, 0, 1179627, 1, 0, 1245163, 1, 0, 1310699, 1, 0, 1376235, 1, 0, 1441771, 1, 0, 1507307, 1, 0, 1572843, 1, 0, 1638379, 1, 0, 720876, 0, 0, 786412, 0, 0, 851948, 1, 0, 917484, 1, 0, 983020, 1, 0, 1048556, 1, 0, 1114092, 1, 0, 1179628, 1, 0, 1245164, 1, 0, 1310700, 1, 0, 1376236, 1, 0, 1441772, 1, 0, 1507308, 1, 0, 1572844, 1, 0, 1638380, 1, 0, 720877, 0, 0, 786413, 0, 0, 851949, 1, 0, 917485, 1, 0, 983021, 1, 0, 1048557, 1, 0, 1114093, 1, 0, 1179629, 1, 0, 1245165, 1, 0, 1310701, 1, 0, 1376237, 1, 0, 1441773, 1, 0, 1507309, 1, 0, 1572845, 1, 0, 1638381, 1, 0, 720878, 0, 0, 786414, 0, 0, 851950, 1, 0, 917486, 1, 0, 983022, 1, 0, 1048558, 1, 0, 1114094, 1, 0, 1179630, 1, 0, 1245166, 1, 0, 1310702, 1, 0, 1376238, 1, 0, 1441774, 1, 0, 1507310, 1, 0, 1572846, 1, 0, 1638382, 1, 0, 720879, 0, 0, 786415, 1, 0, 851951, 1, 0, 917487, 1, 0, 983023, 1, 0, 1048559, 1, 0, 1114095, 1, 0, 1179631, 1, 0, 1245167, 1, 0, 1310703, 1, 0, 1376239, 1, 0, 1441775, 1, 0, 1507311, 1, 0, 1572847, 1, 0, 1638383, 1, 0, 720880, 0, 0, 786416, 1, 0, 851952, 1, 0, 917488, 1, 0, 983024, 1, 0, 1048560, 1, 0, 1114096, 1, 0, 1179632, 1, 0, 1245168, 1, 0, 1310704, 1, 0, 1376240, 1, 0, 1441776, 1, 0, 1507312, 1, 0, 1572848, 1, 0, 1638384, 1, 0, -1507344, 1, 0, -1441808, 1, 0, -1376272, 1, 0, -1310736, 1, 0, -1245200, 1, 0, -1179664, 1, 0, -1114128, 1, 0, -1048592, 1, 0, -983056, 1, 0, -917520, 1, 0, -851984, 1, 0, -786448, 1, 0, -720912, 1, 0, -655376, 1, 0, -1507343, 1, 0, -1441807, 1, 0, -1376271, 1, 0, -1310735, 1, 0, -1245199, 1, 0, -1179663, 1, 0, -1114127, 1, 0, -1048591, 1, 0, -983055, 1, 0, -917519, 1, 0, -851983, 1, 0, -786447, 1, 0, -720911, 1, 0, -655375, 1, 0, -1507342, 1, 0, -1441806, 1, 0, -1376270, 1, 0, -1310734, 1, 0, -1245198, 1, 0, -1179662, 1, 0, -1114126, 1, 0, -1048590, 1, 0, -983054, 1, 0, -917518, 1, 0, -851982, 1, 0, -786446, 1, 0, -720910, 1, 0, -655374, 1, 0, -1507341, 1, 0, -1441805, 1, 0, -1376269, 1, 0, -1310733, 1, 0, -1245197, 1, 0, -1179661, 1, 0, -1114125, 1, 0, -1048589, 1, 0, -983053, 1, 0, -917517, 1, 0, -851981, 1, 0, -786445, 1, 0, -720909, 1, 0, -655373, 1, 0, -1507340, 1, 0, -1441804, 1, 0, -1376268, 1, 0, -1310732, 1, 0, -1245196, 1, 0, -1179660, 1, 0, -1114124, 1, 0, -1048588, 1, 0, -983052, 1, 0, -917516, 1, 0, -851980, 1, 0, -786444, 1, 0, -720908, 1, 0, -655372, 1, 0, -1507339, 1, 0, -1441803, 1, 0, -1376267, 1, 0, -1310731, 1, 0, -1245195, 1, 0, -1179659, 1, 0, -1114123, 1, 0, -1048587, 1, 0, -983051, 1, 0, -917515, 1, 0, -851979, 1, 0, -786443, 1, 0, -720907, 1, 0, -655371, 1, 0, -1507338, 1, 0, -1441802, 1, 0, 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-851974, 1, 0, -786438, 1, 0, -720902, 1, 0, -655366, 1, 0, -1507333, 1, 0, -1441797, 1, 0, -1376261, 1, 0, -1310725, 1, 0, -1245189, 1, 0, -1179653, 1, 0, -1114117, 1, 0, -1048581, 1, 0, -983045, 1, 0, -917509, 1, 0, -851973, 1, 0, -786437, 1, 0, -720901, 1, 0, -655365, 1, 0, -1507332, 1, 0, -1441796, 1, 0, -1376260, 1, 0, -1310724, 1, 0, -1245188, 1, 0, -1179652, 1, 0, -1114116, 1, 0, -1048580, 1, 0, -983044, 1, 0, -917508, 1, 0, -851972, 1, 0, -786436, 1, 0, -720900, 1, 0, -655364, 1, 0, -1507331, 1, 0, -1441795, 1, 0, -1376259, 1, 0, -1310723, 1, 0, -1245187, 1, 0, -1179651, 1, 0, -1114115, 1, 0, -1048579, 1, 0, -983043, 1, 0, -917507, 1, 0, -851971, 1, 0, -786435, 1, 0, -720899, 1, 0, -655363, 0, 0, -1507330, 1, 0, -1441794, 1, 0, -1376258, 1, 0, -1310722, 1, 0, -1245186, 1, 0, -1179650, 1, 0, -1114114, 1, 0, -1048578, 1, 0, -983042, 1, 0, -917506, 1, 0, -851970, 0, 0, -786434, 0, 0, -720898, 0, 0, -655362, 0, 0, -1507329, 1, 0, -1441793, 1, 0, -1376257, 1, 0, -1310721, 1, 0, -1245185, 1, 0, -1179649, 1, 0, -1114113, 1, 0, -1048577, 1, 0, -983041, 1, 0, -917505, 0, 0, -851969, 0, 0, -786433, 0, 0, -720897, 0, 0, -655361, 0, 0, -1572864, 1, 0, -1507328, 1, 0, -1441792, 1, 0, -1376256, 1, 0, -1310720, 1, 0, -1245184, 1, 0, -1179648, 1, 0, -1114112, 0, 0, -1048576, 0, 0, -983040, 0, 0, -917504, 0, 0, -851968, 0, 0, -786432, 0, 0, -720896, 0, 0, -1572863, 1, 0, -1507327, 1, 0, -1441791, 1, 0, -1376255, 1, 0, -1310719, 1, 0, -1245183, 1, 0, -1179647, 0, 0, -1114111, 0, 0, -1048575, 0, 0, -983039, 0, 0, -917503, 0, 0, -851967, 0, 0, -786431, 0, 0, -720895, 0, 0, -1572862, 1, 0, -1507326, 1, 0, -1441790, 1, 0, -1376254, 1, 0, -1310718, 1, 0, -1245182, 0, 0, -1179646, 0, 0, -1114110, 0, 0, -1048574, 0, 0, -983038, 0, 0, -917502, 0, 0, -851966, 0, 0, -786430, 0, 0, -720894, 0, 0, -1572861, 1, 0, -1507325, 1, 0, -1441789, 1, 0, -1376253, 1, 0, -1310717, 1, 0, -1245181, 0, 0, -1179645, 0, 0, -1114109, 0, 0, -1048573, 0, 0, -983037, 0, 0, -917501, 0, 0, -851965, 0, 0, -786429, 0, 0, -720893, 0, 0, -1572860, 1, 0, -1507324, 1, 0, -1441788, 1, 0, -1376252, 1, 0, -1310716, 1, 0, -1245180, 0, 0, -1179644, 0, 0, -1114108, 0, 0, -1048572, 0, 0, -983036, 0, 0, -917500, 0, 0, -851964, 0, 0, -786428, 0, 0, -720892, 0, 0, -1572859, 1, 0, -1507323, 1, 0, -1441787, 1, 0, -1376251, 1, 0, -1310715, 1, 0, -1245179, 0, 0, -1179643, 0, 0, -1114107, 0, 0, -1048571, 0, 0, -983035, 0, 0, -917499, 0, 0, -851963, 0, 0, -786427, 0, 0, -720891, 0, 0, -1572858, 1, 0, -1507322, 1, 0, -1441786, 1, 0, -1376250, 1, 0, -1310714, 1, 0, -1245178, 0, 0, -1179642, 0, 0, -1114106, 0, 0, -1048570, 0, 0, -983034, 0, 0, -917498, 0, 0, -851962, 0, 0, -786426, 0, 0, -720890, 0, 0, -1572857, 1, 0, -1507321, 1, 0, -1441785, 1, 0, -1376249, 1, 0, -1310713, 1, 0, -1245177, 0, 0, -1179641, 0, 0, -1114105, 0, 0, -1048569, 0, 0, -983033, 0, 0, -917497, 0, 0, -851961, 0, 0, -786425, 0, 0, -720889, 0, 0, -1572856, 1, 0, -1507320, 1, 0, -1441784, 1, 0, -1376248, 1, 0, -1310712, 1, 0, -1245176, 0, 0, -1179640, 0, 0, -1114104, 0, 0, -1048568, 0, 0, -983032, 0, 0, -917496, 0, 0, -851960, 0, 0, -786424, 0, 0, -720888, 0, 0, -1572855, 1, 0, -1507319, 1, 0, -1441783, 1, 0, -1376247, 1, 0, -1310711, 1, 0, -1245175, 0, 0, -1179639, 0, 0, -1114103, 0, 0, -1048567, 0, 0, -983031, 0, 0, -917495, 0, 0, -851959, 0, 0, -786423, 0, 0, -720887, 0, 0, -1572854, 1, 0, -1507318, 1, 0, -1441782, 1, 0, -1376246, 1, 0, -1310710, 1, 0, -1245174, 0, 0, -1179638, 0, 0, -1114102, 0, 0, -1048566, 0, 0, -983030, 0, 0, -917494, 0, 0, -851958, 0, 0, -786422, 0, 0, -720886, 0, 0, -1572853, 1, 0, -1507317, 1, 0, -1441781, 1, 0, -1376245, 1, 0, -1310709, 1, 0, -1245173, 0, 0, -1179637, 0, 0, -1114101, 0, 0, -1048565, 0, 0, -983029, 0, 0, -917493, 0, 0, -851957, 0, 0, -786421, 0, 0, -720885, 0, 0, -1572852, 1, 0, -1507316, 1, 0, -1441780, 1, 0, -1376244, 1, 0, -1310708, 1, 0, -1245172, 0, 0, -1179636, 0, 0, -1114100, 0, 0, -1048564, 0, 0, -983028, 0, 0, -917492, 0, 0, -851956, 0, 0, -786420, 0, 0, -720884, 0, 0, -1572851, 1, 0, -1507315, 1, 0, -1441779, 1, 0, -1376243, 1, 0, -1310707, 1, 0, -1245171, 0, 0, -1179635, 0, 0, -1114099, 0, 0, -1048563, 0, 0, -983027, 0, 0, -917491, 0, 0, -851955, 0, 0, -786419, 0, 0, -720883, 0, 0, -1572850, 1, 0, -1507314, 1, 0, -1441778, 1, 0, -1376242, 1, 0, -1310706, 1, 0, -1245170, 0, 0, -1179634, 0, 0, -1114098, 0, 0, -1048562, 0, 0, -983026, 0, 0, -917490, 0, 0, -851954, 0, 0, -786418, 0, 0, -720882, 0, 0, -1572849, 1, 0, -1507313, 1, 0, -1441777, 1, 0, -1376241, 1, 0, -1310705, 1, 0, -1245169, 0, 0, -1179633, 0, 0, -1114097, 0, 0, -1048561, 0, 0, -983025, 0, 0, -917489, 0, 0, -851953, 0, 0, -786417, 0, 0, -720881, 0, 0, -1572848, 1, 0, -1507312, 1, 0, -1441776, 1, 0, -1376240, 1, 0, -1310704, 1, 0, -1245168, 0, 0, -1179632, 0, 0, -1114096, 0, 0, -1048560, 0, 0, -983024, 0, 0, -917488, 0, 0, -851952, 0, 0, -786416, 0, 0, -720880, 0, 0, -1572847, 1, 0, -1507311, 1, 0, -1441775, 1, 0, -1376239, 1, 0, -1310703, 0, 0, -1245167, 0, 0, -1179631, 0, 0, -1114095, 0, 0, -1048559, 0, 0, -983023, 0, 0, -917487, 0, 0, -851951, 0, 0, -786415, 0, 0, -720879, 0, 0, -1572846, 1, 0, -1507310, 1, 0, -1441774, 1, 0, -1376238, 1, 0, -1310702, 0, 0, -1245166, 0, 0, -1179630, 0, 0, -1114094, 0, 0, -1048558, 0, 0, -983022, 0, 0, -917486, 0, 0, -851950, 0, 0, -786414, 0, 0, -720878, 0, 0, -1572845, 1, 0, -1507309, 1, 0, -1441773, 1, 0, -1376237, 1, 0, -1310701, 0, 0, -1245165, 0, 0, -1179629, 0, 0, -1114093, 0, 0, -1048557, 0, 0, -983021, 0, 0, -917485, 0, 0, -851949, 0, 0, -786413, 0, 0, -720877, 0, 0, -1572844, 1, 0, -1507308, 1, 0, -1441772, 1, 0, -1376236, 1, 0, -1310700, 0, 0, -1245164, 0, 0, -1179628, 0, 0, -1114092, 0, 0, -1048556, 0, 0, -983020, 0, 0, -917484, 0, 0, -851948, 0, 0, -786412, 0, 0, -720876, 0, 0, -1572843, 1, 0, -1507307, 1, 0, -1441771, 1, 0, -1376235, 0, 0, -1310699, 0, 0, -1245163, 0, 0, -1179627, 0, 0, -1114091, 0, 0, -1048555, 0, 0, -983019, 0, 0, -917483, 0, 0, -851947, 0, 0, -786411, 0, 0, -720875, 0, 0, -1572842, 1, 0, -1507306, 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-524243, 0, 0, -589779, 0, 0, -655315, 0, 0, -655314, 0, 0, -589778, 0, 0, -524242, 0, 0, -458706, 0, 0, -393170, 0, 0, -327634, 0, 0, -262098, 1, 0, -196562, 1, 0, -131026, 1, 0, -65490, 1, 0, 46, 1, 0, 65582, 1, 0, 131118, 1, 0, 196654, 1, 0, 262190, 1, 0, 327726, 1, 0, 393262, 1, 0, 458798, 1, 0, 524334, 1, 0, 589870, 1, 0, 655406, 1, 0, 720942, 1, 0, 786478, 1, 0, 852014, 1, 0, 917550, 1, 0, 983086, 1, 0, 1048622, 1, 0, 1114158, 1, 0, 1179694, 1, 0, 1245230, 1, 0, 1310766, 1, 0, 1376302, 1, 0, 1441838, 1, 0, 1507374, 1, 0, 1572910, 1, 0, 1572911, 1, 0, 1507375, 1, 0, 1441839, 1, 0, 1376303, 1, 0, 1310767, 1, 0, 1245231, 1, 0, 1179695, 1, 0, 1114159, 1, 0, 1048623, 1, 0, 983087, 1, 0, 917551, 1, 0, 852015, 1, 0, 786479, 1, 0, 720943, 1, 0, 655407, 1, 0, 589871, 1, 0, 524335, 1, 0, 458799, 1, 0, 393263, 1, 0, 327727, 1, 0, 262191, 1, 0, 196655, 1, 0, 131119, 1, 0, 65583, 1, 0, 47, 1, 0, -65489, 1, 0, -131025, 1, 0, -196561, 1, 0, -262097, 1, 0, -327633, 0, 0, -393169, 0, 0, -458705, 0, 0, -524241, 0, 0, -589777, 0, 0, -655313, 0, 0, -655312, 0, 0, -589776, 0, 0, -524240, 0, 0, -458704, 0, 0, -393168, 0, 0, -327632, 1, 0, -262096, 1, 0, -196560, 1, 0, -131024, 1, 0, -65488, 1, 0, 48, 1, 0, 65584, 1, 0, 131120, 1, 0, 196656, 1, 0, 262192, 1, 0, 327728, 1, 0, 393264, 1, 0, 458800, 1, 0, 524336, 1, 0, 589872, 1, 0, 655408, 1, 0, 720944, 1, 0, 786480, 1, 0, 852016, 1, 0, 917552, 1, 0, 983088, 1, 0, 1048624, 1, 0, 1114160, 1, 0, 1179696, 1, 0, 1245232, 1, 0, 1310768, 1, 0, 1376304, 1, 0, 1441840, 1, 0, 1507376, 1, 0, 1572912, 1, 0, 1572913, 1, 0, 1507377, 1, 0, 1441841, 1, 0, 1376305, 1, 0, 1310769, 1, 0, 1245233, 1, 0, 1179697, 1, 0, 1114161, 1, 0, 1048625, 1, 0, 983089, 1, 0, 917553, 1, 0, 852017, 1, 0, 786481, 1, 0, 720945, 1, 0, 655409, 1, 0, 589873, 1, 0, 524337, 1, 0, 458801, 1, 0, 393265, 1, 0, 327729, 1, 0, 262193, 1, 0, 196657, 1, 0, 131121, 1, 0, 65585, 1, 0, 49, 1, 0, -65487, 1, 0, -131023, 1, 0, -196559, 1, 0, -262095, 1, 0, -327631, 1, 0, -393167, 0, 0, -458703, 0, 0, -524239, 0, 0, -589775, 0, 0, -655311, 0, 0, -655310, 0, 0, -589774, 0, 0, -524238, 0, 0, -458702, 0, 0, -393166, 0, 0, -327630, 1, 0, -262094, 1, 0, -196558, 1, 0, -131022, 1, 0, -65486, 1, 0, 50, 1, 0, 65586, 1, 0, 131122, 1, 0, 196658, 1, 0, 262194, 1, 0, 327730, 1, 0, 393266, 1, 0, 458802, 1, 0, 524338, 1, 0, 589874, 1, 0, 655410, 1, 0, 720946, 1, 0, 786482, 1, 0, 852018, 1, 0, 917554, 1, 0, 983090, 1, 0, 1048626, 1, 0, 1114162, 1, 0, 1179698, 1, 0, 1245234, 1, 0, 1310770, 1, 0, 1376306, 1, 0, 1441842, 1, 0, 1507378, 1, 0, 1572914, 1, 0, 1572915, 1, 0, 1507379, 1, 0, 1441843, 1, 0, 1376307, 1, 0, 1310771, 1, 0, 1245235, 1, 0, 1179699, 1, 0, 1114163, 1, 0, 1048627, 1, 0, 983091, 1, 0, 917555, 1, 0, 852019, 1, 0, 786483, 1, 0, 720947, 1, 0, 655411, 1, 0, 589875, 1, 0, 524339, 1, 0, 458803, 1, 0, 393267, 1, 0, 327731, 1, 0, 262195, 1, 0, 196659, 1, 0, 131123, 1, 0, 65587, 1, 0, 51, 1, 0, -65485, 1, 0, -131021, 1, 0, -196557, 1, 0, -262093, 1, 0, -327629, 1, 0, -393165, 0, 0, -458701, 0, 0, -524237, 0, 0, -589773, 0, 0, -655309, 0, 0, -655308, 0, 0, -589772, 0, 0, -524236, 0, 0, -458700, 0, 0, -393164, 0, 0, -327628, 1, 0, -262092, 1, 0, -196556, 1, 0, -131020, 1, 0, -65484, 1, 0, 52, 1, 0, 65588, 1, 0, 131124, 1, 0, 196660, 1, 0, 262196, 1, 0, 327732, 1, 0, 393268, 1, 0, 458804, 1, 0, 524340, 1, 0, 589876, 1, 0, 655412, 1, 0, 720948, 1, 0, 786484, 1, 0, 852020, 1, 0, 917556, 1, 0, 983092, 1, 0, 1048628, 1, 0, 1114164, 1, 0, 1179700, 1, 0, 1245236, 1, 0, 1310772, 1, 0, 1376308, 1, 0, 1441844, 1, 0, 1507380, 1, 0, 1572916, 1, 0, 1572917, 1, 0, 1507381, 1, 0, 1441845, 1, 0, 1376309, 1, 0, 1310773, 1, 0, 1245237, 1, 0, 1179701, 1, 0, 1114165, 1, 0, 1048629, 1, 0, 983093, 1, 0, 917557, 1, 0, 852021, 1, 0, 786485, 1, 0, 720949, 1, 0, 655413, 1, 0, 589877, 1, 0, 524341, 1, 0, 458805, 1, 0, 393269, 1, 0, 327733, 1, 0, 262197, 1, 0, 196661, 1, 0, 131125, 1, 0, 65589, 1, 0, 53, 1, 0, -65483, 1, 0, -131019, 1, 0, -196555, 1, 0, -262091, 1, 0, -327627, 1, 0, -393163, 0, 0, -458699, 0, 0, -524235, 0, 0, -589771, 0, 0, -655307, 0, 0, -655306, 0, 0, -589770, 0, 0, -524234, 0, 0, -458698, 0, 0, -393162, 0, 0, -327626, 1, 0, -262090, 1, 0, -196554, 1, 0, -131018, 1, 0, -65482, 1, 0, 54, 1, 0, 65590, 1, 0, 131126, 1, 0, 196662, 1, 0, 262198, 1, 0, 327734, 1, 0, 393270, 1, 0, 458806, 1, 0, 524342, 1, 0, 589878, 1, 0, 655414, 1, 0, 720950, 1, 0, 786486, 1, 0, 852022, 1, 0, 917558, 1, 0, 983094, 1, 0, 1048630, 1, 0, 1114166, 1, 0, 1179702, 1, 0, 1245238, 1, 0, 1310774, 1, 0, 1376310, 1, 0, 1441846, 1, 0, 1507382, 1, 0, 1572918, 1, 0, 1572919, 1, 0, 1507383, 1, 0, 1441847, 1, 0, 1376311, 1, 0, 1310775, 1, 0, 1245239, 1, 0, 1179703, 1, 0, 1114167, 1, 0, 1048631, 1, 0, 983095, 1, 0, 917559, 1, 0, 852023, 1, 0, 786487, 1, 0, 720951, 1, 0, 655415, 1, 0, 589879, 1, 0, 524343, 1, 0, 458807, 1, 0, 393271, 1, 0, 327735, 1, 0, 262199, 1, 0, 196663, 1, 0, 131127, 1, 0, 65591, 1, 0, 55, 1, 0, -65481, 1, 0, -131017, 1, 0, -196553, 1, 0, -262089, 1, 0, -327625, 1, 0, -393161, 1, 0, -458697, 0, 0, -524233, 0, 0, -589769, 0, 0, -655305, 0, 0, -655304, 0, 0, -589768, 0, 0, -524232, 0, 0, -458696, 0, 0, -393160, 1, 0, -327624, 1, 0, -262088, 1, 0, -196552, 1, 0, -131016, 1, 0, -65480, 1, 0, 56, 1, 0, 65592, 1, 0, 131128, 1, 0, 196664, 1, 0, 262200, 1, 0, 327736, 1, 0, 393272, 1, 0, 458808, 1, 0, 524344, 1, 0, 589880, 1, 0, 655416, 1, 0, 720952, 1, 0, 786488, 1, 0, 852024, 1, 0, 917560, 1, 0, 983096, 1, 0, 1048632, 1, 0, 1114168, 1, 0, 1179704, 1, 0, 1245240, 1, 0, 1310776, 1, 0, 1376312, 1, 0, 1441848, 1, 0, 1507384, 1, 0, 1572920, 1, 0, 1572921, 1, 0, 1507385, 1, 0, 1441849, 1, 0, 1376313, 1, 0, 1310777, 1, 0, 1245241, 1, 0, 1179705, 1, 0, 1114169, 1, 0, 1048633, 1, 0, 983097, 1, 0, 917561, 1, 0, 852025, 1, 0, 786489, 1, 0, 720953, 1, 0, 655417, 1, 0, 589881, 1, 0, 524345, 1, 0, 458809, 1, 0, 393273, 1, 0, 327737, 1, 0, 262201, 1, 0, 196665, 1, 0, 131129, 1, 0, 65593, 1, 0, 57, 1, 0, -65479, 1, 0, -131015, 1, 0, -196551, 1, 0, -262087, 1, 0, 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1900592, 1, 0, 1966128, 1, 0, 2031664, 1, 0, 2097200, 1, 0, 2162736, 1, 0, 2228272, 1, 0, 2293808, 1, 0, 2359344, 1, 0, 2424880, 1, 0, 2490416, 1, 0, 2555952, 1, 0, 2621488, 1, 0, 2687024, 1, 0, 2752560, 1, 0, 2818096, 1, 0, 2883632, 1, 0, 2949168, 1, 0, 3014704, 1, 0, 3080240, 1, 0, 1638449, 1, 0, 1703985, 1, 0, 1769521, 1, 0, 1835057, 1, 0, 1900593, 1, 0, 1966129, 1, 0, 2031665, 1, 0, 2097201, 1, 0, 2162737, 1, 0, 2228273, 1, 0, 2293809, 1, 0, 2359345, 1, 0, 2424881, 1, 0, 2490417, 1, 0, 2555953, 1, 0, 2621489, 1, 0, 2687025, 1, 0, 2752561, 1, 0, 2818097, 1, 0, 2883633, 1, 0, 2949169, 1, 0, 3014705, 1, 0, 3080241, 1, 0, 1638450, 1, 0, 1703986, 1, 0, 1769522, 1, 0, 1835058, 1, 0, 1900594, 1, 0, 1966130, 1, 0, 2031666, 1, 0, 2097202, 1, 0, 2162738, 1, 0, 2228274, 1, 0, 2293810, 1, 0, 2359346, 1, 0, 2424882, 1, 0, 2490418, 1, 0, 2555954, 1, 0, 2621490, 1, 0, 2687026, 1, 0, 2752562, 1, 0, 2818098, 1, 0, 2883634, 1, 0, 2949170, 1, 0, 3014706, 1, 0, 3080242, 1, 0, 1638451, 1, 0, 1703987, 1, 0, 1769523, 1, 0, 1835059, 1, 0, 1900595, 1, 0, 1966131, 1, 0, 2031667, 1, 0, 2097203, 1, 0, 2162739, 1, 0, 2228275, 1, 0, 2293811, 1, 0, 2359347, 1, 0, 2424883, 1, 0, 2490419, 1, 0, 2555955, 1, 0, 2621491, 1, 0, 2687027, 1, 0, 2752563, 1, 0, 2818099, 1, 0, 2883635, 1, 0, 2949171, 1, 0, 3014707, 1, 0, 3080243, 1, 0, 1638452, 1, 0, 1703988, 1, 0, 1769524, 1, 0, 1835060, 1, 0, 1900596, 1, 0, 1966132, 1, 0, 2031668, 1, 0, 2097204, 1, 0, 2162740, 1, 0, 2228276, 1, 0, 2293812, 1, 0, 2359348, 1, 0, 2424884, 1, 0, 2490420, 1, 0, 2555956, 1, 0, 2621492, 1, 0, 2687028, 1, 0, 2752564, 1, 0, 2818100, 1, 0, 2883636, 1, 0, 2949172, 1, 0, 3014708, 1, 0, 3080244, 1, 0, 1638453, 1, 0, 1703989, 1, 0, 1769525, 1, 0, 1835061, 1, 0, 1900597, 1, 0, 1966133, 1, 0, 2031669, 1, 0, 2097205, 1, 0, 2162741, 1, 0, 2228277, 1, 0, 2293813, 1, 0, 2359349, 1, 0, 2424885, 1, 0, 2490421, 1, 0, 2555957, 1, 0, 2621493, 1, 0, 2687029, 1, 0, 2752565, 1, 0, 2818101, 1, 0, 2883637, 1, 0, 2949173, 1, 0, 3014709, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2949176, 1, 0, 3014712, 1, 0, 3080248, 1, 0, 1638457, 1, 0, 1703993, 1, 0, 1769529, 1, 0, 1835065, 1, 0, 1900601, 1, 0, 1966137, 1, 0, 2031673, 1, 0, 2097209, 1, 0, 2162745, 1, 0, 2228281, 1, 0, 2293817, 1, 0, 2359353, 1, 0, 2424889, 1, 0, 2490425, 1, 0, 2555961, 1, 0, 2621497, 1, 0, 2687033, 1, 0, 2752569, 1, 0, 2818105, 1, 0, 2883641, 1, 0, 2949177, 1, 0, 3014713, 1, 0, 3080249, 1, 0, 1638458, 1, 0, 1703994, 1, 0, 1769530, 1, 0, 1835066, 1, 0, 1900602, 1, 0, 1966138, 1, 0, 2031674, 1, 0, 2097210, 1, 0, 2162746, 1, 0, 2228282, 1, 0, 2293818, 1, 0, 2359354, 1, 0, 2424890, 1, 0, 2490426, 1, 0, 2555962, 1, 0, 2621498, 1, 0, 2687034, 1, 0, 2752570, 1, 0, 2818106, 1, 0, 2883642, 1, 0, 2949178, 1, 0, 3014714, 1, 0, 3080250, 1, 0, 1114171, 1, 0, 1179707, 1, 0, 1245243, 1, 0, 1310779, 1, 0, 1376315, 1, 0, 1441851, 1, 0, 1507387, 1, 0, 1572923, 1, 0, 1638459, 1, 0, 1703995, 1, 0, 1769531, 1, 0, 1835067, 1, 0, 1900603, 1, 0, 1966139, 1, 0, 2031675, 1, 0, 2097211, 1, 0, 2162747, 1, 0, 2228283, 1, 0, 2293819, 1, 0, 2359355, 1, 0, 2424891, 1, 0, 2490427, 1, 0, 2555963, 1, 0, 2621499, 1, 0, 2687035, 1, 0, 2752571, 1, 0, 2818107, 1, 0, 2883643, 1, 0, 2949179, 1, 0, 3014715, 1, 0, 3080251, 1, 0, 1114172, 1, 0, 1179708, 1, 0, 1245244, 1, 0, 1310780, 1, 0, 1376316, 1, 0, 1441852, 1, 0, 1507388, 1, 0, 1572924, 1, 0, 1638460, 1, 0, 1703996, 1, 0, 1769532, 1, 0, 1835068, 1, 0, 1900604, 1, 0, 1966140, 1, 0, 2031676, 1, 0, 2097212, 1, 0, 2162748, 1, 0, 2228284, 1, 0, 2293820, 1, 0, 2359356, 1, 0, 2424892, 1, 0, 2490428, 1, 0, 2555964, 1, 0, 2621500, 1, 0, 2687036, 1, 0, 2752572, 1, 0, 2818108, 1, 0, 2883644, 1, 0, 2949180, 1, 0, 3014716, 1, 0, 3080252, 1, 0, 1114173, 1, 0, 1179709, 1, 0, 1245245, 1, 0, 1310781, 1, 0, 1376317, 1, 0, 1441853, 1, 0, 1507389, 1, 0, 1572925, 1, 0, 1638461, 1, 0, 1703997, 1, 0, 1769533, 1, 0, 1835069, 1, 0, 1900605, 1, 0, 1966141, 1, 0, 2031677, 1, 0, 2097213, 1, 0, 2162749, 1, 0, 2228285, 1, 0, 2293821, 1, 0, 2359357, 1, 0, 2424893, 1, 0, 2490429, 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1, 0, 2621531, 1, 0, 2687067, 1, 0, 2752603, 1, 0, 2818139, 1, 0, 2883675, 1, 0, 2949211, 1, 0, 3014747, 1, 0, 3080283, 1, 0, 1114204, 1, 0, 1179740, 1, 0, 1245276, 1, 0, 1310812, 1, 0, 1376348, 1, 0, 1441884, 1, 0, 1507420, 1, 0, 1572956, 1, 0, 1638492, 1, 0, 1704028, 1, 0, 1769564, 1, 0, 1835100, 1, 0, 1900636, 1, 0, 1966172, 1, 0, 2031708, 1, 0, 2097244, 1, 0, 2162780, 1, 0, 2228316, 1, 0, 2293852, 1, 0, 2359388, 1, 0, 2424924, 1, 0, 2490460, 1, 0, 2555996, 1, 0, 2621532, 1, 0, 2687068, 1, 0, 2752604, 1, 0, 2818140, 1, 0, 2883676, 1, 0, 2949212, 1, 0, 3014748, 1, 0, 3080284, 1, 0, 1114205, 1, 0, 1179741, 1, 0, 1245277, 1, 0, 1310813, 1, 0, 1376349, 1, 0, 1441885, 1, 0, 1507421, 1, 0, 1572957, 1, 0, 1638493, 1, 0, 1704029, 1, 0, 1769565, 1, 0, 1835101, 1, 0, 1900637, 1, 0, 1966173, 1, 0, 2031709, 1, 0, 2097245, 1, 0, 2162781, 1, 0, 2228317, 1, 0, 2293853, 1, 0, 2359389, 1, 0, 2424925, 1, 0, 2490461, 1, 0, 2555997, 1, 0, 2621533, 1, 0, 2687069, 1, 0, 2752605, 1, 0, 2818141, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 1179744, 1, 0, 1245280, 1, 0, 1310816, 1, 0, 1376352, 1, 0, 1441888, 1, 0, 1507424, 1, 0, 1572960, 1, 0, 1638496, 1, 0, 1704032, 1, 0, 1769568, 1, 0, 1835104, 1, 0, 1900640, 1, 0, 1966176, 1, 0, 2031712, 1, 0, 2097248, 1, 0, 2162784, 1, 0, 2228320, 1, 0, 2293856, 1, 0, 2359392, 1, 0, 2424928, 1, 0, 2490464, 1, 0, 2556000, 1, 0, 2621536, 1, 0, 2687072, 1, 0, 2752608, 1, 0, 2818144, 1, 0, 2883680, 1, 0, 2949216, 1, 0, 3014752, 1, 0, 3080288, 1, 0, 1114209, 1, 0, 1179745, 1, 0, 1245281, 1, 0, 1310817, 1, 0, 1376353, 1, 0, 1441889, 1, 0, 1507425, 1, 0, 1572961, 1, 0, 1638497, 1, 0, 1704033, 1, 0, 1769569, 1, 0, 1835105, 1, 0, 1900641, 1, 0, 1966177, 1, 0, 2031713, 1, 0, 2097249, 1, 0, 2162785, 1, 0, 2228321, 1, 0, 2293857, 1, 0, 2359393, 1, 0, 2424929, 1, 0, 2490465, 1, 0, 2556001, 1, 0, 2621537, 1, 0, 2687073, 1, 0, 2752609, 1, 0, 2818145, 1, 0, 2883681, 1, 0, 2949217, 1, 0, 3014753, 1, 0, 3080289, 1, 0, 1114210, 1, 0, 1179746, 1, 0, 1245282, 1, 0, 1310818, 1, 0, 1376354, 1, 0, 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589885, 1, 0, 655421, 1, 0, 720957, 1, 0, 786493, 1, 0, 852029, 1, 0, 917565, 1, 0, 983101, 1, 0, 1048637, 1, 0, 1048638, 1, 0, 983102, 1, 0, 917566, 1, 0, 852030, 1, 0, 786494, 1, 0, 720958, 1, 0, 655422, 1, 0, 589886, 1, 0, 524350, 1, 0, 458814, 1, 0, 393278, 1, 0, 327742, 1, 0, 262206, 1, 0, 196670, 1, 0, 131134, 1, 0, 65598, 1, 0, 62, 1, 0, -65474, 1, 0, -131010, 1, 0, -196546, 1, 0, -262082, 1, 0, -327618, 1, 0, -393154, 1, 0, -458690, 1, 0, -524226, 1, 0, -589762, 1, 0, -655298, 0, 0, -720834, 0, 0, -786370, 0, 0, -851906, 0, 0, -917442, 0, 0, -982978, 0, 0, -1048514, 0, 0, -1114050, 0, 0, -1179586, 0, 0, -1245122, 0, 0, -1310658, 0, 0, -1376194, 1, 0, -1441730, 1, 0, -1507266, 1, 0, -1572802, 1, 0, -1638338, 1, 0, -1703874, 1, 0, -1769410, 1, 0, -1834946, 1, 0, -1900482, 1, 0, -1966018, 1, 0, -2031554, 1, 0, -2097090, 1, 0, -2162626, 1, 0, -2228162, 1, 0, -2293698, 1, 0, -2359234, 1, 0, -2424770, 1, 0, -2490306, 1, 0, -2555842, 1, 0, -2621378, 1, 0, -2686914, 1, 0, -2752450, 1, 0, -2817986, 1, 0, -2883522, 1, 0, -2949058, 1, 0, -3014594, 1, 0, -3080130, 1, 0, -3145666, 1, 0, -3211202, 1, 0, -3276738, 1, 0, -3276737, 1, 0, -3211201, 1, 0, -3145665, 1, 0, -3080129, 1, 0, -3014593, 1, 0, -2949057, 1, 0, -2883521, 1, 0, -2817985, 1, 0, -2752449, 1, 0, -2686913, 1, 0, -2621377, 1, 0, -2555841, 1, 0, -2490305, 1, 0, -2424769, 1, 0, -2359233, 1, 0, -2293697, 1, 0, -2228161, 1, 0, -2162625, 1, 0, -2097089, 1, 0, -2031553, 1, 0, -1966017, 1, 0, -1900481, 1, 0, -1834945, 1, 0, -1769409, 1, 0, -1703873, 1, 0, -1638337, 1, 0, -1572801, 1, 0, -1507265, 1, 0, -1441729, 1, 0, -1376193, 1, 0, -1310657, 1, 0, -1245121, 0, 0, -1179585, 0, 0, -1114049, 0, 0, -1048513, 0, 0, -982977, 0, 0, -917441, 0, 0, -851905, 0, 0, -786369, 0, 0, -720833, 0, 0, -655297, 0, 0, -589761, 1, 0, -524225, 1, 0, -458689, 1, 0, -393153, 1, 0, -327617, 1, 0, -262081, 1, 0, -196545, 1, 0, -131009, 1, 0, -65473, 1, 0, 63, 1, 0, 65599, 1, 0, 131135, 1, 0, 196671, 1, 0, 262207, 1, 0, 327743, 1, 0, 393279, 1, 0, 458815, 1, 0, 524351, 1, 0, 589887, 1, 0, 655423, 1, 0, 720959, 1, 0, 786495, 1, 0, 852031, 1, 0, 917567, 1, 0, 983103, 1, 0, 1048639, 1, 0, 1048640, 1, 0, 983104, 1, 0, 917568, 1, 0, 852032, 1, 0, 786496, 1, 0, 720960, 1, 0, 655424, 1, 0, 589888, 1, 0, 524352, 1, 0, 458816, 1, 0, 393280, 1, 0, 327744, 1, 0, 262208, 1, 0, 196672, 1, 0, 131136, 1, 0, 65600, 1, 0, 64, 1, 0, -65472, 1, 0, -131008, 1, 0, -196544, 1, 0, -262080, 1, 0, -327616, 1, 0, -393152, 1, 0, -458688, 1, 0, -524224, 1, 0, -589760, 1, 0, -655296, 1, 0, -720832, 0, 0, -786368, 0, 0, -851904, 0, 0, -917440, 0, 0, -982976, 0, 0, -1048512, 0, 0, -1114048, 0, 0, -1179584, 0, 0, -1245120, 0, 0, -1310656, 1, 0, -1376192, 1, 0, -1441728, 1, 0, -1507264, 1, 0, -1572800, 1, 0, -1638336, 1, 0, -1703872, 1, 0, -1769408, 1, 0, -1834944, 1, 0, -1900480, 1, 0, -1966016, 1, 0, -2031552, 1, 0, -2097088, 1, 0, -2162624, 1, 0, -2228160, 1, 0, -2293696, 1, 0, -2359232, 1, 0, -2424768, 1, 0, -2490304, 1, 0, -2555840, 1, 0, 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196673, 1, 0, 262209, 1, 0, 327745, 1, 0, 393281, 1, 0, 458817, 1, 0, 524353, 1, 0, 589889, 1, 0, 655425, 1, 0, 720961, 1, 0, 786497, 1, 0, 852033, 1, 0, 917569, 1, 0, 983105, 1, 0, 1048641, 1, 0, 1048642, 1, 0, 983106, 1, 0, 917570, 1, 0, 852034, 1, 0, 786498, 1, 0, 720962, 1, 0, 655426, 1, 0, 589890, 1, 0, 524354, 1, 0, 458818, 1, 0, 393282, 1, 0, 327746, 1, 0, 262210, 1, 0, 196674, 1, 0, 131138, 1, 0, 65602, 1, 0, 66, 1, 0, -65470, 1, 0, -131006, 1, 0, -196542, 1, 0, -262078, 1, 0, -327614, 1, 0, -393150, 1, 0, -458686, 1, 0, -524222, 1, 0, -589758, 1, 0, -655294, 1, 0, -720830, 1, 0, -786366, 0, 0, -851902, 0, 0, -917438, 0, 0, -982974, 0, 0, -1048510, 0, 0, -1114046, 0, 0, -1179582, 0, 0, -1245118, 1, 0, -1310654, 1, 0, -1376190, 1, 0, -1441726, 1, 0, -1507262, 1, 0, -1572798, 1, 0, -1638334, 1, 0, -1703870, 1, 0, -1769406, 1, 0, -1834942, 1, 0, -1900478, 1, 0, -1966014, 1, 0, -2031550, 1, 0, -2097086, 1, 0, -2162622, 1, 0, -2228158, 1, 0, -2293694, 1, 0, -2359230, 1, 0, -2424766, 1, 0, -2490302, 1, 0, -2555838, 1, 0, -2621374, 1, 0, -2686910, 1, 0, -2752446, 1, 0, -2817982, 1, 0, -2883518, 1, 0, -2949054, 1, 0, -3014590, 1, 0, -3080126, 1, 0, -3145662, 1, 0, -3211198, 1, 0, -3276734, 1, 0, -3276733, 1, 0, -3211197, 1, 0, -3145661, 1, 0, -3080125, 1, 0, -3014589, 1, 0, -2949053, 1, 0, -2883517, 1, 0, -2817981, 1, 0, -2752445, 1, 0, -2686909, 1, 0, -2621373, 1, 0, -2555837, 1, 0, -2490301, 1, 0, -2424765, 1, 0, -2359229, 1, 0, -2293693, 1, 0, -2228157, 1, 0, -2162621, 1, 0, -2097085, 1, 0, -2031549, 1, 0, -1966013, 1, 0, -1900477, 1, 0, -1834941, 1, 0, -1769405, 1, 0, -1703869, 1, 0, -1638333, 1, 0, -1572797, 1, 0, -1507261, 1, 0, -1441725, 1, 0, -1376189, 1, 0, -1310653, 1, 0, -1245117, 1, 0, -1179581, 1, 0, -1114045, 1, 0, -1048509, 0, 0, -982973, 0, 0, -917437, 0, 0, -851901, 0, 0, -786365, 1, 0, -720829, 1, 0, -655293, 1, 0, -589757, 1, 0, -524221, 1, 0, -458685, 1, 0, -393149, 1, 0, -327613, 1, 0, -262077, 1, 0, -196541, 1, 0, -131005, 1, 0, -65469, 1, 0, 67, 1, 0, 65603, 1, 0, 131139, 1, 0, 196675, 1, 0, 262211, 1, 0, 327747, 1, 0, 393283, 1, 0, 458819, 1, 0, 524355, 1, 0, 589891, 1, 0, 655427, 1, 0, 720963, 1, 0, 786499, 1, 0, 852035, 1, 0, 917571, 1, 0, 983107, 1, 0, 1048643, 1, 0, 1048644, 1, 0, 983108, 1, 0, 917572, 1, 0, 852036, 1, 0, 786500, 1, 0, 720964, 1, 0, 655428, 1, 0, 589892, 1, 0, 524356, 1, 0, 458820, 1, 0, 393284, 1, 0, 327748, 1, 0, 262212, 1, 0, 196676, 1, 0, 131140, 1, 0, 65604, 1, 0, 68, 1, 0, -65468, 1, 0, -131004, 1, 0, -196540, 1, 0, -262076, 1, 0, -327612, 1, 0, -393148, 1, 0, -458684, 1, 0, -524220, 1, 0, -589756, 1, 0, -655292, 1, 0, -720828, 1, 0, -786364, 1, 0, -851900, 0, 0, -917436, 0, 0, -982972, 1, 0, -1048508, 1, 0, -1114044, 1, 0, -1179580, 1, 0, -1245116, 1, 0, -1310652, 1, 0, -1376188, 1, 0, -1441724, 1, 0, -1507260, 1, 0, -1572796, 1, 0, -1638332, 1, 0, -1703868, 1, 0, -1769404, 1, 0, -1834940, 1, 0, -1900476, 1, 0, -1966012, 1, 0, -2031548, 1, 0, -2097084, 1, 0, -2162620, 1, 0, -2228156, 1, 0, -2293692, 1, 0, -2359228, 1, 0, -2424764, 1, 0, -2490300, 1, 0, -2555836, 1, 0, -2621372, 1, 0, -2686908, 1, 0, -2752444, 1, 0, -2817980, 1, 0, -2883516, 1, 0, -2949052, 1, 0, -3014588, 1, 0, -3080124, 1, 0, -3145660, 1, 0, -3211196, 1, 0, -3276732, 1, 0, -3276731, 1, 0, -3211195, 1, 0, -3145659, 1, 0, -3080123, 1, 0, -3014587, 1, 0, -2949051, 1, 0, -2883515, 1, 0, -2817979, 1, 0, -2752443, 1, 0, -2686907, 1, 0, -2621371, 1, 0, -2555835, 1, 0, -2490299, 1, 0, -2424763, 1, 0, -2359227, 1, 0, -2293691, 1, 0, -2228155, 1, 0, -2162619, 1, 0, -2097083, 1, 0, -2031547, 1, 0, -1966011, 1, 0, -1900475, 1, 0, -1834939, 1, 0, -1769403, 1, 0, -1703867, 1, 0, -1638331, 1, 0, -1572795, 1, 0, -1507259, 1, 0, -1441723, 1, 0, -1376187, 1, 0, -1310651, 1, 0, -1245115, 1, 0, -1179579, 1, 0, -1114043, 1, 0, -1048507, 1, 0, -982971, 1, 0, -917435, 1, 0, -851899, 1, 0, -786363, 1, 0, -720827, 1, 0, -655291, 1, 0, -589755, 1, 0, -524219, 1, 0, -458683, 1, 0, -393147, 1, 0, -327611, 1, 0, -262075, 1, 0, -196539, 1, 0, -131003, 1, 0, -65467, 1, 0, 69, 1, 0, 65605, 1, 0, 131141, 1, 0, 196677, 1, 0, 262213, 1, 0, 327749, 1, 0, 393285, 1, 0, 458821, 1, 0, 524357, 1, 0, 589893, 1, 0, 655429, 1, 0, 720965, 1, 0, 786501, 1, 0, 852037, 1, 0, 917573, 1, 0, 983109, 1, 0, 1048645, 1, 0, 1048646, 1, 0, 983110, 1, 0, 917574, 1, 0, 852038, 1, 0, 786502, 1, 0, 720966, 1, 0, 655430, 1, 0, 589894, 1, 0, 524358, 1, 0, 458822, 1, 0, 393286, 1, 0, 327750, 1, 0, 262214, 1, 0, 196678, 1, 0, 131142, 1, 0, 65606, 1, 0, 70, 1, 0, -65466, 1, 0, -131002, 1, 0, -196538, 1, 0, -262074, 1, 0, -327610, 1, 0, -393146, 1, 0, -458682, 1, 0, -524218, 1, 0, -589754, 1, 0, -655290, 1, 0, -720826, 1, 0, -786362, 1, 0, -851898, 1, 0, -917434, 1, 0, -982970, 1, 0, -1048506, 1, 0, -1114042, 1, 0, -1179578, 1, 0, -1245114, 1, 0, -1310650, 1, 0, -1376186, 1, 0, -1441722, 1, 0, -1507258, 1, 0, -1572794, 1, 0, -1638330, 1, 0, -1703866, 1, 0, -1769402, 1, 0, -1834938, 1, 0, -1900474, 1, 0, -1966010, 1, 0, -2031546, 1, 0, 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-393145, 1, 0, -327609, 1, 0, -262073, 1, 0, -196537, 1, 0, -131001, 1, 0, -65465, 1, 0, 71, 1, 0, 65607, 1, 0, 131143, 1, 0, 196679, 1, 0, 262215, 1, 0, 327751, 1, 0, 393287, 1, 0, 458823, 1, 0, 524359, 1, 0, 589895, 1, 0, 655431, 1, 0, 720967, 1, 0, 786503, 1, 0, 852039, 1, 0, 917575, 1, 0, 983111, 1, 0, 1048647, 1, 0, 1048648, 1, 0, 983112, 1, 0, 917576, 1, 0, 852040, 1, 0, 786504, 1, 0, 720968, 1, 0, 655432, 1, 0, 589896, 1, 0, 524360, 1, 0, 458824, 1, 0, 393288, 1, 0, 327752, 1, 0, 262216, 1, 0, 196680, 1, 0, 131144, 1, 0, 65608, 1, 0, 72, 1, 0, -65464, 1, 0, -131000, 1, 0, -196536, 1, 0, -262072, 1, 0, -327608, 1, 0, -393144, 1, 0, -458680, 1, 0, -524216, 1, 0, -589752, 1, 0, -655288, 1, 0, -720824, 1, 0, -786360, 1, 0, -851896, 1, 0, -917432, 1, 0, -982968, 1, 0, -1048504, 1, 0, -1114040, 1, 0, -1179576, 1, 0, -1245112, 1, 0, -1310648, 1, 0, -1376184, 1, 0, -1441720, 1, 0, -1507256, 1, 0, -1572792, 1, 0, -1638328, 1, 0, -1703864, 1, 0, -1769400, 1, 0, -1834936, 1, 0, -1900472, 1, 0, -1966008, 1, 0, -2031544, 1, 0, -2097080, 1, 0, -2162616, 1, 0, -2228152, 1, 0, -2293688, 1, 0, -2359224, 1, 0, -2424760, 1, 0, -2490296, 1, 0, -2555832, 1, 0, -2621368, 1, 0, -2686904, 1, 0, -2752440, 1, 0, -2817976, 1, 0, -2883512, 1, 0, -2949048, 1, 0, -3014584, 1, 0, -3080120, 1, 0, -3145656, 1, 0, -3211192, 1, 0, -3276728, 1, 0, -3276727, 1, 0, -3211191, 1, 0, -3145655, 1, 0, -3080119, 1, 0, -3014583, 1, 0, -2949047, 1, 0, -2883511, 1, 0, -2817975, 1, 0, -2752439, 1, 0, -2686903, 1, 0, -2621367, 1, 0, -2555831, 1, 0, -2490295, 1, 0, -2424759, 1, 0, -2359223, 1, 0, -2293687, 1, 0, -2228151, 1, 0, -2162615, 1, 0, -2097079, 1, 0, -2031543, 1, 0, -1966007, 1, 0, -1900471, 1, 0, -1834935, 1, 0, -1769399, 1, 0, -1703863, 1, 0, -1638327, 1, 0, -1572791, 1, 0, -1507255, 1, 0, -1441719, 1, 0, -1376183, 1, 0, -1310647, 1, 0, -1245111, 1, 0, -1179575, 1, 0, -1114039, 1, 0, -1048503, 1, 0, -982967, 1, 0, -917431, 1, 0, -851895, 1, 0, -786359, 1, 0, -720823, 1, 0, -655287, 1, 0, -589751, 1, 0, -524215, 1, 0, -458679, 1, 0, -393143, 1, 0, -327607, 1, 0, -262071, 1, 0, -196535, 1, 0, -130999, 1, 0, -65463, 1, 0, 73, 1, 0, 65609, 1, 0, 131145, 1, 0, 196681, 1, 0, 262217, 1, 0, 327753, 1, 0, 393289, 1, 0, 458825, 1, 0, 524361, 1, 0, 589897, 1, 0, 655433, 1, 0, 720969, 1, 0, 786505, 1, 0, 852041, 1, 0, 917577, 1, 0, 983113, 1, 0, 1048649, 1, 0, 1048650, 1, 0, 983114, 1, 0, 917578, 1, 0, 852042, 1, 0, 786506, 1, 0, 720970, 1, 0, 655434, 1, 0, 589898, 1, 0, 524362, 1, 0, 458826, 1, 0, 393290, 1, 0, 327754, 1, 0, 262218, 1, 0, 196682, 1, 0, 131146, 1, 0, 65610, 1, 0, 74, 1, 0, -65462, 1, 0, -130998, 1, 0, -196534, 1, 0, -262070, 1, 0, -327606, 1, 0, -393142, 1, 0, -458678, 1, 0, -524214, 1, 0, -589750, 1, 0, -655286, 1, 0, -720822, 1, 0, -786358, 1, 0, -851894, 1, 0, -917430, 1, 0, -982966, 1, 0, -1048502, 1, 0, -1114038, 1, 0, -1179574, 1, 0, -1245110, 1, 0, -1310646, 1, 0, -1376182, 1, 0, -1441718, 1, 0, -1507254, 1, 0, -1572790, 1, 0, -1638326, 1, 0, -1703862, 1, 0, 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0, -720821, 1, 0, -655285, 1, 0, -589749, 1, 0, -524213, 1, 0, -458677, 1, 0, -393141, 1, 0, -327605, 1, 0, -262069, 1, 0, -196533, 1, 0, -130997, 1, 0, -65461, 1, 0, 75, 1, 0, 65611, 1, 0, 131147, 1, 0, 196683, 1, 0, 262219, 1, 0, 327755, 1, 0, 393291, 1, 0, 458827, 1, 0, 524363, 1, 0, 589899, 1, 0, 655435, 1, 0, 720971, 1, 0, 786507, 1, 0, 852043, 1, 0, 917579, 1, 0, 983115, 1, 0, 1048651, 1, 0, 1048652, 1, 0, 983116, 1, 0, 917580, 1, 0, 852044, 1, 0, 786508, 1, 0, 720972, 1, 0, 655436, 1, 0, 589900, 1, 0, 524364, 1, 0, 458828, 1, 0, 393292, 1, 0, 327756, 1, 0, 262220, 1, 0, 196684, 1, 0, 131148, 1, 0, 65612, 1, 0, 76, 1, 0, -65460, 1, 0, -130996, 1, 0, -196532, 1, 0, -262068, 1, 0, -327604, 1, 0, -393140, 1, 0, -458676, 1, 0, -524212, 1, 0, -589748, 1, 0, -655284, 1, 0, -720820, 1, 0, -786356, 1, 0, -851892, 1, 0, -917428, 1, 0, -982964, 1, 0, -1048500, 1, 0, -1114036, 1, 0, -1179572, 1, 0, -1245108, 1, 0, -1310644, 1, 0, -1376180, 1, 0, -1441716, 1, 0, -1507252, 1, 0, -1572788, 1, 0, -1638324, 1, 0, -1703860, 1, 0, -1769396, 1, 0, -1834932, 1, 0, -1900468, 1, 0, -1966004, 1, 0, -2031540, 1, 0, -2097076, 1, 0, -2162612, 1, 0, -2228148, 1, 0, -2293684, 1, 0, -2359220, 1, 0, -2424756, 1, 0, -2490292, 1, 0, -2555828, 1, 0, -2621364, 1, 0, -2686900, 1, 0, -2752436, 1, 0, -2817972, 1, 0, -2883508, 1, 0, -2949044, 1, 0, -3014580, 1, 0, -3080116, 1, 0, -3145652, 1, 0, -3211188, 1, 0, -3276724, 1, 0, -3276723, 1, 0, -3211187, 1, 0, -3145651, 1, 0, -3080115, 1, 0, -3014579, 1, 0, -2949043, 1, 0, -2883507, 1, 0, -2817971, 1, 0, -2752435, 1, 0, -2686899, 1, 0, -2621363, 1, 0, -2555827, 1, 0, -2490291, 1, 0, -2424755, 1, 0, -2359219, 1, 0, -2293683, 1, 0, -2228147, 1, 0, -2162611, 1, 0, -2097075, 1, 0, -2031539, 1, 0, -1966003, 1, 0, -1900467, 1, 0, -1834931, 1, 0, -1769395, 1, 0, -1703859, 1, 0, -1638323, 1, 0, -1572787, 1, 0, -1507251, 1, 0, -1441715, 1, 0, -1376179, 1, 0, -1310643, 1, 0, -1245107, 1, 0, -1179571, 1, 0, -1114035, 1, 0, -1048499, 1, 0, -982963, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 655301, 1, 0, 589765, 1, 0, 524229, 1, 0, 458693, 1, 0, 393157, 1, 0, 327621, 1, 0, 262085, 1, 0, 196549, 1, 0, 131013, 1, 0, 65477, 1, 0, -59, 1, 0, -65595, 1, 0, -131131, 1, 0, -196667, 1, 0, -262203, 1, 0, -327739, 1, 0, -393275, 1, 0, -458811, 1, 0, -524347, 1, 0, -589883, 1, 0, -655419, 1, 0, -720955, 1, 0, -786491, 1, 0, -852027, 1, 0, -917563, 1, 0, -983099, 1, 0, -1048635, 1, 0, -1114171, 1, 0, -1179707, 1, 0, -1179706, 1, 0, -1114170, 1, 0, -1048634, 1, 0, -983098, 1, 0, -917562, 1, 0, -852026, 1, 0, -786490, 1, 0, -720954, 1, 0, -655418, 1, 0, -589882, 1, 0, -524346, 1, 0, -458810, 1, 0, -393274, 1, 0, -327738, 1, 0, -262202, 1, 0, -196666, 1, 0, -131130, 1, 0, -65594, 1, 0, -58, 1, 0, 65478, 1, 0, 131014, 1, 0, 196550, 1, 0, 262086, 1, 0, 327622, 1, 0, 393158, 1, 0, 458694, 1, 0, 524230, 1, 0, 589766, 1, 0, 655302, 1, 0, 720838, 1, 0, 786374, 1, 0, 851910, 1, 0, 917446, 1, 0, 982982, 1, 0, 1048518, 1, 0, 1114054, 1, 0, 1179590, 1, 0, 1245126, 1, 0, 1310662, 1, 0, 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0, 458697, 1, 0, 393161, 1, 0, 327625, 1, 0, 262089, 1, 0, 196553, 1, 0, 131017, 1, 0, 65481, 1, 0, -55, 1, 0, -65591, 1, 0, -131127, 1, 0, -196663, 1, 0, -262199, 1, 0, -327735, 1, 0, -393271, 1, 0, -458807, 1, 0, -524343, 1, 0, -589879, 1, 0, -655415, 1, 0, -720951, 1, 0, -786487, 1, 0, -852023, 1, 0, -917559, 1, 0, -983095, 1, 0, -1048631, 1, 0, -1114167, 1, 0, -1179703, 1, 0, -1179702, 1, 0, -1114166, 1, 0, -1048630, 1, 0, -983094, 1, 0, -917558, 1, 0, -852022, 1, 0, -786486, 1, 0, -720950, 1, 0, -655414, 1, 0, -589878, 1, 0, -524342, 1, 0, -458806, 1, 0, -393270, 1, 0, -327734, 1, 0, -262198, 1, 0, -196662, 1, 0, -131126, 1, 0, -65590, 1, 0, -54, 1, 0, 65482, 1, 0, 131018, 1, 0, 196554, 1, 0, 262090, 1, 0, 327626, 1, 0, 393162, 1, 0, 458698, 1, 0, 524234, 1, 0, 589770, 1, 0, 655306, 1, 0, 720842, 1, 0, 786378, 1, 0, 851914, 1, 0, 917450, 1, 0, 982986, 1, 0, 1048522, 1, 0, 1114058, 1, 0, 1179594, 1, 0, 1245130, 1, 0, 1310666, 1, 0, 1376202, 1, 0, 1441738, 1, 0, 1507274, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2097197, 1, 0, 2031661, 1, 0, 1966125, 1, 0, 1900589, 1, 0, 1835053, 1, 0, 1769517, 1, 0, 1703981, 1, 0, 1638445, 1, 0, 1638446, 1, 0, 1703982, 1, 0, 1769518, 1, 0, 1835054, 1, 0, 1900590, 1, 0, 1966126, 1, 0, 2031662, 1, 0, 2097198, 1, 0, 2162734, 1, 0, 2228270, 1, 0, 2293806, 1, 0, 2359342, 1, 0, 2424878, 1, 0, 2490414, 1, 0, 2555950, 1, 0, 2621486, 1, 0, 2687022, 1, 0, 2752558, 1, 0, 2818094, 1, 0, 2883630, 1, 0, 2949166, 1, 0, 3014702, 1, 0, 3080238, 1, 0) + +[node name="player0" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +position = Vector2(632, 8) + +[node name="player1" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +position = Vector2(544, -256) diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beb3f36 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" path="res://testing/testAssets/player.png" id="1_cujcj"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_oik63"] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] +size = Vector2(20, 18) + +[node name="player" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_oik63") + +[node name="sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] +texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") + +[node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +enabled = false diff --git a/testing/testAssets/gigachad.png b/testing/testAssets/gigachad.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60df27bfb5332b49134afdddb5ba2c39519f3de3 GIT binary patch literal 508 zcmV;AT7)g!}iW-dJi}B-jzKL^SGt0BGKn zlgkM$3%!iDhuYdh-J9#Gf(@|;y7yvw#bwAaE`qoU{2<7KAo;{P*}}#cyV-2~x7Io- z-?r`iKA^S!Z#vfgDy6R78vs5(9(uB6wTB~UjA4_BE@-WLI}YItI1-`pn0$;x&RO7% zmDPUI_!QU#j4|Is67Ct1U7i4d+mv#N(Od!m5OsHM7?K2XceMzCv8?3~l9FbJK;mMF 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07:55:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 07/25] Update LICENSE --- LICENSE | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 4d6678f..c0a2480 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - opendnd + FreeTTRPG Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: - opendnd Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto + FreeTTRPG Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. -- 2.39.5 From 7b2e66c8762404f8975ea3da34d9efbff4225088 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:56:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/25] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 82d838c..dd71c3d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ We're building a platform where users can share their content packs with the com ## Join us -We're excited to share OpenDnD with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. +We're excited to share FreeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. ### Copyright Note: The main game must be distributed as stated in the LICENSE file. Any content made for it can however be freely distributed under any license. Once we make the content creator for this game, any content made there will also be no restrictions on the content you make with that. \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.5 From 0ca7c9ac1354bf493d4fde8723990e9d7d4ebfa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:34:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/25] Implemented Character creator --- scenes/menu/create.tscn | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- scripts/ | 13 ++++++++++--- 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn index 3e0673e..729ac8f 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/create.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://b6t6yd7qnid1i"] +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://b6t6yd7qnid1i"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xsj3b"] [node name="character_creator" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 @@ -7,3 +9,37 @@ anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_xsj3b") + +[node name="input_name" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 16.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 56.0 +placeholder_text = "Name" + +[node name="input_hp" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 72.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 112.0 +placeholder_text = "HP" + +[node name="input_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 128.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 168.0 +placeholder_text = "Level" + +[node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "Send" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 6be757b..77e5783 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ var save_path = "user://player_data.json" func saveJSON(): var data := { - "name": "test", + "name": $input_name.text, + "hp": $input_hp.text, + "level": $input_level.text } var json_string = JSON.stringify(data) @@ -31,8 +33,13 @@ func loadJSON(): return var data:Dictionary = - var test = data.get("name") + var charName = data.get("name") + var charHP = data.get("hp") + var charLevel = data.get("level") + print(charName) + print(charHP) + print(charLevel) -func _on_pressed(): +func _on_button_pressed(): saveJSON() loadJSON() -- 2.39.5 From e5911fd15519a4168a92c3e80e64c523ecbd9533 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 20:33:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 10/25] Version: 0.0.1 First major release, refined the creator, added stats to the main game, added a menu to view stats. --- export_presets.cfg | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ project.godot | 5 ++++ scenes/menu/create.tscn | 25 ++++++++++------ scenes/menu/main.tscn | 37 +++++++++++++++++------- scenes/menu/view.tscn | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ scripts/ | 30 ++++--------------- scripts/ | 29 +++++++++++++++++++ scripts/ | 1 + scripts/ | 4 +++ scripts/ | 28 ++++++++++++++++++ testing/test/player.tscn | 27 +++++++++++++++++ 11 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) create mode 100644 export_presets.cfg create mode 100644 scenes/menu/view.tscn create mode 100644 scripts/ diff --git a/export_presets.cfg b/export_presets.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbf2fda --- /dev/null +++ b/export_presets.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +[preset.0] + +name="Windows Desktop" +platform="Windows Desktop" +runnable=true +dedicated_server=false +custom_features="" +export_filter="all_resources" +include_filter="" +exclude_filter="" +export_path="../Desktop/debug" +encryption_include_filters="" +encryption_exclude_filters="" +encrypt_pck=false +encrypt_directory=false + +[preset.0.options] + +custom_template/debug="" +custom_template/release="" +debug/export_console_wrapper=1 +binary_format/embed_pck=false +texture_format/bptc=true +texture_format/s3tc=true +texture_format/etc=false +texture_format/etc2=false +binary_format/architecture="x86_64" +codesign/enable=false +codesign/timestamp=true +codesign/timestamp_server_url="" +codesign/digest_algorithm=1 +codesign/description="" +codesign/custom_options=PackedStringArray() +application/modify_resources=true +application/icon="" +application/console_wrapper_icon="" +application/icon_interpolation=4 +application/file_version="" +application/product_version="" +application/company_name="" +application/product_name="" +application/file_description="" +application/copyright="" +application/trademarks="" +application/export_angle=0 +ssh_remote_deploy/enabled=false +ssh_remote_deploy/host="user@host_ip" +ssh_remote_deploy/port="22" +ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_ssh="" +ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_scp="" +ssh_remote_deploy/run_script="Expand-Archive -LiteralPath '{temp_dir}\\{archive_name}' -DestinationPath '{temp_dir}' +$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '{temp_dir}\\{exe_name}' -Argument '{cmd_args}' +$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At 00:00 +$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet +$task = New-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Settings $settings +Register-ScheduledTask godot_remote_debug -InputObject $task -Force:$true +Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName godot_remote_debug +while (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName godot_remote_debug | ? State -eq running) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } +Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName godot_remote_debug -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue" +ssh_remote_deploy/cleanup_script="Stop-ScheduledTask -TaskName godot_remote_debug -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue +Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName godot_remote_debug -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue +Remove-Item -Recurse -Force '{temp_dir}'" diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 93663f2..2734c58 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ down={ "events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":83,"key_label":0,"unicode":115,"echo":false,"script":null) ] } +escape={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":4194305,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} [rendering] diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn index 729ac8f..45ea7f2 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/create.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -12,25 +12,34 @@ grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_xsj3b") [node name="input_name" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 72.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 112.0 +placeholder_text = "Name" + +[node name="input_id" type="TextEdit" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 16.0 offset_top = 16.0 offset_right = 272.0 offset_bottom = 56.0 -placeholder_text = "Name" +placeholder_text = "ID" [node name="input_hp" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 72.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 112.0 -placeholder_text = "HP" - -[node name="input_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 16.0 offset_top = 128.0 offset_right = 272.0 offset_bottom = 168.0 +placeholder_text = "HP" + +[node name="input_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 184.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 224.0 placeholder_text = "Level" [node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index 88b7733..0f944aa 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -13,20 +13,37 @@ script = ExtResource("1_xc6y7") [node name="Button" type="Button" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 3.05176e-05 -offset_top = 1.52588e-05 -offset_right = 90.0 +offset_right = 96.0 offset_bottom = 32.0 -scale = Vector2(5, 5) -text = "Test" +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "Play" [node name="Button2" type="Button" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 -offset_top = 192.0 -offset_right = 90.0 -offset_bottom = 224.0 -scale = Vector2(5, 5) -text = "Test2" +offset_top = 184.0 +offset_right = 96.0 +offset_bottom = 216.0 +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "View +" + +[node name="Button3" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_top = 368.0 +offset_right = 96.0 +offset_bottom = 400.0 +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "Creator" + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 488.0 +offset_top = 432.0 +offset_right = 592.0 +offset_bottom = 455.0 +scale = Vector2(3, 3) +text = "Version: 0.0.1" [connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button3" to="." method="_on_button_3_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/view.tscn b/scenes/menu/view.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..002cd6d --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/view.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://btl7r0wvecyd3"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_dcehj"] + +[node name="character_creator" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_dcehj") + +[node name="input_id" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 16.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 56.0 +placeholder_text = "ID" + +[node name="output_name" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 72.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 112.0 +placeholder_text = "Name" +editable = false + +[node name="output_hp" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 128.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 168.0 +placeholder_text = "HP" +editable = false + +[node name="output_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 184.0 +offset_right = 272.0 +offset_bottom = 224.0 +placeholder_text = "Level" +editable = false + +[node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "Get" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 77e5783..ed650bd 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ extends Node -var save_path = "user://player_data.json" - func saveJSON(): + var save_path = str("user://player_data"+$input_id.text+".json") + var data := { "name": $input_name.text, "hp": $input_hp.text, @@ -19,27 +19,9 @@ func saveJSON(): file_access.store_line(json_string) file_access.close() -func loadJSON(): - if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): - return - var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) - var json_string = file_access.get_line() - file_access.close() - - var json = - var error = json.parse(json_string) - if error: - print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) - return - - var data:Dictionary = - var charName = data.get("name") - var charHP = data.get("hp") - var charLevel = data.get("level") - print(charName) - print(charHP) - print(charLevel) - func _on_button_pressed(): saveJSON() - loadJSON() + +func _process(delta): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d4ba5f --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +extends Node + +func loadJSON(): + var save_path = str("user://player_data"+$input_id.text+".json") + print(save_path) + if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): + return + var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = file_access.get_line() + file_access.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(json_string) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return + + var data:Dictionary = + $output_name.text = str("Name: "+data.get("name")) + $output_hp.text = str("HP: "+data.get("hp")) + $output_level.text = str("Level: "+data.get("level")) + + +func _on_button_pressed(): + loadJSON() + +func _process(delta): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index e937b2d..d992751 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ func next(): objectName= "player%d" % playerIndex print(objectName) get_node(objectName).start() + get_node(objectName).loadJSON(playerIndex) playerIndex += 1 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index bacdf3b..71a9c89 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ func _on_button_pressed(): func _on_button_2_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") + + +func _on_button_3_pressed(): get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 880f699..5306326 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ var distanceTo = 0 var active = false func get_input(): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") velocity = input_direction * speed @@ -15,6 +17,9 @@ func _physics_process(delta): move_and_slide() distanceTo = position.distance_to(toCalculate) if distanceTo > 500 and active: + $Label1.visible = false + $Label2.visible = false + $Label3.visible = false active = false $camera.enabled = false get_parent().next() @@ -24,4 +29,27 @@ func start(): $camera.enabled = true active = true toCalculate = position + $Label1.visible = true + $Label2.visible = true + $Label3.visible = true +func loadJSON(id): + var save_path = str("user://player_data"+str(id)+".json") + print(save_path) + if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): + return + var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = file_access.get_line() + file_access.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(json_string) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return + + var data:Dictionary = + $Label1.text = str("Name: "+data.get("name")) + $Label2.text = str("HP: "+data.get("hp")) + $Label3.text = str("Level: "+data.get("level")) + diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn index beb3f36..532b903 100644 --- a/testing/test/player.tscn +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -17,3 +17,30 @@ shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") [node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] enabled = false + +[node name="Label1" type="Label" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = -384.0 +offset_top = 56.0 +offset_right = -288.0 +offset_bottom = 88.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "1231" + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = -384.0 +offset_top = 120.0 +offset_right = -288.0 +offset_bottom = 152.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "1231" + +[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = -384.0 +offset_top = 184.0 +offset_right = -288.0 +offset_bottom = 216.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "1231" -- 2.39.5 From 0a6ff7224a62fcf5a71e6a88ff3c0e91f1242d27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 21:56:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 11/25] Version: 0.0.2 Second major release, minor tweaks, fully dynamic stats, now requires the official contentpack. --- scenes/menu/create.tscn | 31 ----------------------- scenes/menu/input-output.tscn | 6 +++++ scenes/menu/main.tscn | 2 +- scenes/menu/view.tscn | 35 -------------------------- scripts/ | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- scripts/ | 37 +++++++++++++++++++--------- scripts/ | 31 ++--------------------- testing/test/player.tscn | 27 -------------------- 8 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scenes/menu/input-output.tscn diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn index 45ea7f2..26d6d07 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/create.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -11,37 +11,6 @@ grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_xsj3b") -[node name="input_name" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 72.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 112.0 -placeholder_text = "Name" - -[node name="input_id" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 16.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 56.0 -placeholder_text = "ID" - -[node name="input_hp" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 128.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 168.0 -placeholder_text = "HP" - -[node name="input_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 184.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 224.0 -placeholder_text = "Level" - [node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 512.0 diff --git a/scenes/menu/input-output.tscn b/scenes/menu/input-output.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b72c7a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/input-output.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://rkl6u7cdusys"] + +[node name="Input-output" type="TextEdit"] +offset_right = 168.0 +offset_bottom = 40.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index 0f944aa..42c90dd 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ offset_top = 432.0 offset_right = 592.0 offset_bottom = 455.0 scale = Vector2(3, 3) -text = "Version: 0.0.1" +text = "Version: 0.0.2" [connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/view.tscn b/scenes/menu/view.tscn index 002cd6d..6bfc537 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/view.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/view.tscn @@ -11,41 +11,6 @@ grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_dcehj") -[node name="input_id" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 16.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 56.0 -placeholder_text = "ID" - -[node name="output_name" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 72.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 112.0 -placeholder_text = "Name" -editable = false - -[node name="output_hp" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 128.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 168.0 -placeholder_text = "HP" -editable = false - -[node name="output_level" type="TextEdit" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 16.0 -offset_top = 184.0 -offset_right = 272.0 -offset_bottom = 224.0 -placeholder_text = "Level" -editable = false - [node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 512.0 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index ed650bd..a3d4d49 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,15 +1,42 @@ extends Node -func saveJSON(): - var save_path = str("user://player_data"+$input_id.text+".json") +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/input-output.tscn") +var data:Dictionary + +func loadJSON(save_path): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): + return false + var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = file_access.get_line() + file_access.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(json_string) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return false + + data = + return true + +func _ready(): + if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var field_instance = field.instantiate() + add_child(field_instance) + field.resource_name = str("field_"+str(i)) + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) + get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + +func saveJSON(save_path): + var save_data = {} - var data := { - "name": $input_name.text, - "hp": $input_hp.text, - "level": $input_level.text - } + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + if i > 0: + save_data[data.get(str(i))] = get_child(i+1).text - var json_string = JSON.stringify(data) + var json_string = JSON.stringify(save_data) var file_access =, FileAccess.WRITE) if not file_access: @@ -20,7 +47,8 @@ func saveJSON(): file_access.close() func _on_button_pressed(): - saveJSON() + var save_path = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + saveJSON(save_path) func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 3d4ba5f..06b08a9 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ extends Node -func loadJSON(): - var save_path = str("user://player_data"+$input_id.text+".json") - print(save_path) +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/input-output.tscn") +var data:Dictionary +var amount + +func loadJSON(save_path): if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): - return + return false var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) var json_string = file_access.get_line() file_access.close() @@ -13,16 +15,29 @@ func loadJSON(): var error = json.parse(json_string) if error: print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) - return + return false - var data:Dictionary = - $output_name.text = str("Name: "+data.get("name")) - $output_hp.text = str("HP: "+data.get("hp")) - $output_level.text = str("Level: "+data.get("level")) - + data = + return true + +func _ready(): + if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var field_instance = field.instantiate() + add_child(field_instance) + field.resource_name = str("field_"+str(i)) + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) + get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + if i > 0: + get_child(i+1).editable = false + amount = data.get("amount") func _on_button_pressed(): - loadJSON() + var save_path = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + if loadJSON(save_path): + for i in range(int(amount)-1): + get_child(i+2).text = data.get(str(get_child(i+2).placeholder_text)) func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 5306326..fb073d5 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ extends CharacterBody2D @export var speed = 200 -var toCalculate = position var distanceTo = 0 var active = false @@ -15,11 +14,9 @@ func _physics_process(delta): if active: get_input() move_and_slide() - distanceTo = position.distance_to(toCalculate) + var toCalculate = position + distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) if distanceTo > 500 and active: - $Label1.visible = false - $Label2.visible = false - $Label3.visible = false active = false $camera.enabled = false get_parent().next() @@ -28,28 +25,4 @@ func _physics_process(delta): func start(): $camera.enabled = true active = true - toCalculate = position - $Label1.visible = true - $Label2.visible = true - $Label3.visible = true -func loadJSON(id): - var save_path = str("user://player_data"+str(id)+".json") - print(save_path) - if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): - return - var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) - var json_string = file_access.get_line() - file_access.close() - - var json = - var error = json.parse(json_string) - if error: - print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) - return - - var data:Dictionary = - $Label1.text = str("Name: "+data.get("name")) - $Label2.text = str("HP: "+data.get("hp")) - $Label3.text = str("Level: "+data.get("level")) - diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn index 532b903..beb3f36 100644 --- a/testing/test/player.tscn +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -17,30 +17,3 @@ shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") [node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] enabled = false - -[node name="Label1" type="Label" parent="."] -visible = false -offset_left = -384.0 -offset_top = 56.0 -offset_right = -288.0 -offset_bottom = 88.0 -scale = Vector2(2, 2) -text = "1231" - -[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="."] -visible = false -offset_left = -384.0 -offset_top = 120.0 -offset_right = -288.0 -offset_bottom = 152.0 -scale = Vector2(2, 2) -text = "1231" - -[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="."] -visible = false -offset_left = -384.0 -offset_top = 184.0 -offset_right = -288.0 -offset_bottom = 216.0 -scale = Vector2(2, 2) -text = "1231" -- 2.39.5 From ef402a7c040f6b1b3e019be827d05541e686814e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 22:04:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/25] .gitignore update --- .gitignore | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4709183..1625b1c 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # Godot 4+ specific ignores .godot/ +content/ -- 2.39.5 From a1a252cdc6328c1028c95a53bc3f92321de6850f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 22:05:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 13/25] try not to break the law --- icon.svg | 1 - icon.svg.import | 37 ------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 38 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 icon.svg delete mode 100644 icon.svg.import diff --git a/icon.svg b/icon.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 3fe4f4a..0000000 --- a/icon.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/icon.svg.import b/icon.svg.import deleted file mode 100644 index 83cb44f..0000000 --- a/icon.svg.import +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -[remap] - -importer="texture" -type="CompressedTexture2D" -uid="uid://crc6uo0vyn40q" -path="res://.godot/imported/icon.svg-218a8f2b3041327d8a5756f3a245f83b.ctex" -metadata={ -"vram_texture": false -} - -[deps] - -source_file="res://icon.svg" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/icon.svg-218a8f2b3041327d8a5756f3a245f83b.ctex"] - -[params] - -compress/mode=0 -compress/high_quality=false -compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_compression=1 -compress/normal_map=0 -compress/channel_pack=0 -mipmaps/generate=false -mipmaps/limit=-1 -roughness/mode=0 -roughness/src_normal="" -process/fix_alpha_border=true -process/premult_alpha=false -process/normal_map_invert_y=false -process/hdr_as_srgb=false -process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false -process/size_limit=0 -detect_3d/compress_to=1 -svg/scale=1.0 -editor/scale_with_editor_scale=false -editor/convert_colors_with_editor_theme=false -- 2.39.5 From 8496773e69e72755d470f3983ad115c57d3c9beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:01:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/25] Minor Fixes --- export_presets.cfg | 2 +- scripts/ | 1 - scripts/ | 4 +++- 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/export_presets.cfg b/export_presets.cfg index bbf2fda..4bb2d07 100644 --- a/export_presets.cfg +++ b/export_presets.cfg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ custom_features="" export_filter="all_resources" include_filter="" exclude_filter="" -export_path="../Desktop/debug" +export_path="../Desktop/debug.exe" encryption_include_filters="" encryption_exclude_filters="" encrypt_pck=false diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index d992751..e937b2d 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -13,6 +13,5 @@ func next(): objectName= "player%d" % playerIndex print(objectName) get_node(objectName).start() - get_node(objectName).loadJSON(playerIndex) playerIndex += 1 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index fb073d5..2dcbf10 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ func get_input(): velocity = input_direction * speed func _physics_process(delta): + var toCalculate = position if active: get_input() move_and_slide() - var toCalculate = position distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) + print(distanceTo) if distanceTo > 500 and active: active = false $camera.enabled = false + distanceTo = 0 get_parent().next() -- 2.39.5 From b9f229845c9f692f5349d203bc94a8468ed20c0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sage The DM Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 16:19:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 15/25] First draft of the website & name updating --- | 4 +- Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json | 14 +++ Website-draft/assets/game.png | Bin 0 -> 112471 bytes Website-draft/assets/gigachad.png | Bin 0 -> 508 bytes Website-draft/assets/grass.png | Bin 0 -> 1877 bytes Website-draft/assets/player.png | Bin 0 -> 461 bytes Website-draft/assets/tharok.png | Bin 0 -> 540 bytes Website-draft/assets/water.png | Bin 0 -> 2632 bytes Website-draft/download.html | 73 +++++++++++ Website-draft/index.html | 121 +++++++++++++++++++ Website-draft/style.css | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ assets/test/gigachad.png.import | 34 ++++++ assets/test/tharok.png.import | 34 ++++++ project.godot | 2 +- 14 files changed, 473 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/game.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/gigachad.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/grass.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/player.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/tharok.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/water.png create mode 100644 Website-draft/download.html create mode 100644 Website-draft/index.html create mode 100644 Website-draft/style.css create mode 100644 assets/test/gigachad.png.import create mode 100644 assets/test/tharok.png.import diff --git a/ b/ index 730f28b..b3d5dfd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Introducing OpenDnD +# Introducing freeTTRPG # A Swiss Quality Project @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ We're building a platform where users can share their content packs with the com # Join the Movement -We're excited to share OpenDnD with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. +We're excited to share freeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. diff --git a/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json b/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c60fc70 --- /dev/null +++ b/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. + // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. + // For more information, visit: + "version": "0.2.0", + "configurations": [ + { + "type": "chrome", + "request": "launch", + "name": "Open index.html", + "file": "c:\\Users\\lucab\\Desktop\\opendnd\\Website-draft\\index.html" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/game.png b/Website-draft/assets/game.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db3ed2fe61be1977104d7985c77ac93551403240 GIT binary patch literal 112471 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+ +

open a git console


$ git init


Initialize an empty Git repository in the current directory.

+ +

Go to our codeberg website

+ + + +

+ $ git clone +


+ Clone the openTTRPG repository from Codeberg to your local machine. +

+ +

git clone


+ $ git clone +


+ Clone the openTTRPG repository from Codeberg to your local machine. +

+ +

move into the repository


$ cd opendnd


Display the contents of the license file (`LICENSE`).

+ +

read through our license




Move the bash console into the newly created repository

+ + + + diff --git a/Website-draft/index.html b/Website-draft/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..100b72b --- /dev/null +++ b/Website-draft/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ + + + + + + freeTTRPG + + + +
+ + +
+ +

The Game


+ Tired of the commercialization of tabletop role-playing games, we + decided to take matters into our own hands. We're creating an + open-source, community-driven TTRPG project that puts creativity and + freedom back in the hands of players. +

+ current game version +

Current game version

+ +

Our Vision


+ Our project offers a game engine with a solid foundation of basic + content and story packs to get you started. But that's just the + beginning. We're also providing a powerful content creator tool that + allows users to craft their own custom content packs. With this tool, + you'll be able to create your own rules, characters, items, spells, + attacks, and much more. +

+ +



+ The best part? Everything you create with our tool is yours to own and + control. We won't claim any copyright or ownership over your + creations. You're free to share, modify, or use your content as you + see fit. +

+ +

Community-Driven Platform


+ We're building a platform where users can share their content packs + with the community. While sharing is encouraged, it's not required. + You can keep your creations private or share them with the world – the + choice is yours. +

+ +

Join Us


+ We're excited to share freeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join + us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's + open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. +

+ +

Our Code

+ +
+ +

Our Game Assets

  • + Gigachad +



    Our test human paladin on maximum level

  • +
  • + Tharok +



    Our test human fighter on starting level

  • +
  • + Water Texture +



    Our water texture that is incomplete

  • +
  • + Grass Texture +



    Our grass texture that is incomplete

  • +
+ + + + diff --git a/Website-draft/style.css b/Website-draft/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37a4cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Website-draft/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +/* Reset and global styles */ +* { + box-sizing: border-box; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; + transition: 0.5s; +} + +/* Body styles */ +body { + background-color: #f5f5f5; + background-image: url("img/KSS.jpeg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: cover; + background-position: center; + background-attachment: fixed; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + min-height: 100vh; +} + +/* Header styles */ +header { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + padding: 10px; + width: 100%; + position: fixed; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 1000; +} + +.header-content { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + max-width: 1200px; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +.project-name { + color: white; + font-size: 1.5em; +} + +.burger-menu { + background: none; + border: none; + color: white; + font-size: 1.5em; + cursor: pointer; + display: none; +} + { + list-style: none; + display: flex; + justify-content: space-around; + flex-grow: 1; +} + +header li { + margin: 0 10px; +} + +header a { + color: white; + text-decoration: none; + padding: 10px; + border-radius: 5px; + transition: background-color 0.3s ease; +} + +header a:hover { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); +} + +/* Article styles */ +article { + margin-top: 100px; + padding: 20px; + width: 90%; + max-width: 800px; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); + border-radius: 10px; + box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + text-align: center; +} + +h1 { + color: #333; + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +p { + color: #666; + line-height: 1.6; + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +img { + max-width: 100%; + height: auto; + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +button { + padding: 10px 20px; + margin: 2em; + border: none; + background-color: #333; + color: white; + border-radius: 5px; + cursor: pointer; + transition: background-color 0.3s ease; +} + +button:hover { + background-color: #555; +} + +/* Additional CSS for command-line style */ +.code-box { + background-color: #f0f0f0; + font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + padding: 10px; + border-left: 4px solid #555; + margin-left: 20px; +} + +.flex { + display: flex; + align-items: center; +} + +/* Cards section styles */ +section .cards { + margin-top: 50px; + flex-wrap: wrap; + justify-content: space-between; +} + +section .card { + width: calc(100% / 3 - 30px); + text-align: center; + list-style: none; + background-color: #fff; + padding: 40px 15px; + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +section .card img { + height: 120px; + width: 120px; + border-radius: 50%; + margin-bottom: 20px; +} + +/* Mobile Styles */ +@media (max-width: 768px) { + .burger-menu { + display: block; + } + + .menu { + display: none; + flex-direction: column; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + position: absolute; + top: 50px; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + z-index: 999; /* Adjusted z-index to ensure dropdown covers article content */ + } + + { + display: flex; + } + + header li { + margin: 0; + width: 100%; + } + + header a { + padding: 15px; + width: 100%; + display: block; + } +} diff --git a/assets/test/gigachad.png.import b/assets/test/gigachad.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be2dc7b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/test/gigachad.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://cjt5fedr54w6u" +path="res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-0332640cb704dbcf450ac0f1e305a5f8.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://assets/test/gigachad.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-0332640cb704dbcf450ac0f1e305a5f8.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/assets/test/tharok.png.import b/assets/test/tharok.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2fe3b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/test/tharok.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://jdhx6w38ifh7" +path="res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-154bb81c083d35fa46f266b3cfa46578.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://assets/test/tharok.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-154bb81c083d35fa46f266b3cfa46578.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 836603b..151af59 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ config_version=5 [application] config/name="openDND" -run/main_scene="res://scenes/menu/main.tscn" +run/main_scene="res://scenes/test/map.tscn" config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2", "GL Compatibility") config/icon="res://icon.svg" -- 2.39.5 From 21bcce37fa7d84adf8b4360f5691758d0c775f9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:32:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 16/25] Version: 0.0.3 Slight code fixups and changed some map stuff, Also added a stat viewer for the current player in the game itself. --- scenes/map/map.tscn | 23 ++++++++++ scenes/menu/create.tscn | 2 +- .../{input-output.tscn => inputOutput.tscn} | 0 scenes/menu/main.tscn | 4 +- scenes/menu/view.tscn | 2 +- scripts/ | 42 +++++++++---------- scripts/ | 26 ++++++------ scripts/ | 20 +++++++++ scripts/ | 2 +- scripts/ | 13 +++++- testing/test/{map.tscn => level.tscn} | 20 ++++----- testing/test/player.tscn | 12 ++++++ 12 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scenes/map/map.tscn rename scenes/menu/{input-output.tscn => inputOutput.tscn} (100%) rename testing/test/{map.tscn => level.tscn} (99%) diff --git a/scenes/map/map.tscn b/scenes/map/map.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d195ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/map/map.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://mie5ckydb8k5"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1" path="res://testing/test/level.tscn" id="1_sw0jh"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://btl7r0wvecyd3" path="res://scenes/menu/view.tscn" id="2_7des0"] + +[node name="map" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_sw0jh")] + +[node name="characterViewer" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_7des0")] +visible = false + +[node name="back" type="Button" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +disabled = true +text = "Back to game" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="back" to="level" method="_on_back_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn index 26d6d07..a41d1b3 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/create.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xsj3b"] -[node name="character_creator" type="Control"] +[node name="characterCreator" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 diff --git a/scenes/menu/input-output.tscn b/scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn similarity index 100% rename from scenes/menu/input-output.tscn rename to scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index 42c90dd..14e5baa 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xc6y7"] -[node name="main_menu" type="Control"] +[node name="mainMenu" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ offset_top = 432.0 offset_right = 592.0 offset_bottom = 455.0 scale = Vector2(3, 3) -text = "Version: 0.0.2" +text = "Version: 0.0.3" [connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/view.tscn b/scenes/menu/view.tscn index 6bfc537..f39e2b3 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/view.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/view.tscn @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_dcehj"] -[node name="character_creator" type="Control"] +[node name="characterVsiewer" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index a3d4d49..7fcb22b 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ extends Node -var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/input-output.tscn") +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") var data:Dictionary -func loadJSON(save_path): - if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): +func loadJSON(savePath): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): return false - var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) - var json_string = file_access.get_line() - file_access.close() + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() + fileAccess.close() var json = - var error = json.parse(json_string) + var error = json.parse(jsonString) if error: - print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", jsonString, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) return false data = @@ -22,33 +22,31 @@ func loadJSON(save_path): func _ready(): if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var field_instance = field.instantiate() - add_child(field_instance) - field.resource_name = str("field_"+str(i)) - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + add_child(fieldInstance) get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) -func saveJSON(save_path): - var save_data = {} +func saveJSON(savePath): + var saveData = {} for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): if i > 0: - save_data[data.get(str(i))] = get_child(i+1).text + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = get_child(i+1).text - var json_string = JSON.stringify(save_data) + var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) - var file_access =, FileAccess.WRITE) - if not file_access: + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.WRITE) + if not fileAccess: print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) return - file_access.store_line(json_string) - file_access.close() + fileAccess.store_line(jsonString) + fileAccess.close() func _on_button_pressed(): - var save_path = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") - saveJSON(save_path) + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + saveJSON(savePath) func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 06b08a9..592e571 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ extends Node -var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/input-output.tscn") +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") var data:Dictionary var amount -func loadJSON(save_path): - if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path): +func loadJSON(savePath): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): return false - var file_access =, FileAccess.READ) - var json_string = file_access.get_line() - file_access.close() + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = fileAccess.get_line() + fileAccess.close() var json = var error = json.parse(json_string) @@ -23,10 +23,8 @@ func loadJSON(save_path): func _ready(): if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var field_instance = field.instantiate() - add_child(field_instance) - field.resource_name = str("field_"+str(i)) - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + add_child(fieldInstance) get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) if i > 0: @@ -34,11 +32,15 @@ func _ready(): amount = data.get("amount") func _on_button_pressed(): - var save_path = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") - if loadJSON(save_path): + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + if loadJSON(savePath): for i in range(int(amount)-1): get_child(i+2).text = data.get(str(get_child(i+2).placeholder_text)) func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + +func hideGet(): + $button.visible = false + $button.disabled = true diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index e937b2d..689f56e 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ var playerIndex=0 var objectName func _ready(): + $"../characterViewer".hideGet() next() func next(): @@ -15,3 +16,22 @@ func next(): get_node(objectName).start() playerIndex += 1 +func stats(): + visible = false + $"../characterViewer".visible = true + get_node(objectName).stop() + $"../back".disabled = false + $"../back".visible = true + $"../characterViewer".get_child(1).text = str(playerIndex-1) + $"../characterViewer".get_child(1).editable = false + $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() + +func restart(): + visible = true + $"../characterViewer".visible = false + get_node(objectName).start() + $"../back".disabled = true + $"../back".visible = false + +func _on_back_pressed(): + restart() diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 71a9c89..8c35282 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ extends Node func _on_button_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://testing/test/map.tscn") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") func _on_button_2_pressed(): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 2dcbf10..b1c9c40 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ func _physics_process(delta): distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) print(distanceTo) if distanceTo > 500 and active: - active = false - $camera.enabled = false + stop() distanceTo = 0 get_parent().next() @@ -27,4 +26,14 @@ func _physics_process(delta): func start(): $camera.enabled = true active = true + $stats.disabled = false + $stats.visible = true +func stop(): + $camera.enabled = false + active = false + $stats.disabled = true + $stats.visible = false + +func _on_stats_pressed(): + get_parent().stats() diff --git a/testing/test/map.tscn b/testing/test/level.tscn similarity index 99% rename from testing/test/map.tscn rename to testing/test/level.tscn index 3d972b3..1641e83 100644 --- a/testing/test/map.tscn +++ b/testing/test/level.tscn @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://testing/testAssets/grass.png" id="1_6ekaf"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_d7ssr"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://testing/testAssets/water.png" id="2_2akb5"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q" path="res://testing/test/player.tscn" id="3_5eqoy"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_ui38g"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://testing/testAssets/grass.png" id="2_luxum"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://testing/testAssets/water.png" id="3_l02n1"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q" path="res://testing/test/player.tscn" id="4_kmlel"] [sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv"] -texture = ExtResource("1_6ekaf") +texture = ExtResource("2_luxum") texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) 0:0/0 = 0 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 [sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx"] -texture = ExtResource("2_2akb5") +texture = ExtResource("3_l02n1") texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) 0:0/0 = 0 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv") sources/1 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx") -[node name="Map" type="Node2D"] -script = ExtResource("1_d7ssr") +[node name="level" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_ui38g") [node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="."] tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_5wtmq") @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ rendering_quadrant_size = 32 format = 2 layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(0, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 131075, 0, 0, 131076, 0, 0, 131077, 0, 0, 131078, 0, 0, 131079, 0, 0, 131080, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 65550, 0, 0, 65551, 0, 0, 65552, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, -65516, 0, 0, -65518, 0, 0, -65519, 0, 0, -65520, 0, 0, -65521, 0, 0, -65522, 0, 0, -65523, 0, 0, -65524, 0, 0, -65525, 0, 0, -65526, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 131072, 0, 0, 196607, 0, 0, 131073, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, -131054, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -131052, 0, 0, -131051, 0, 0, -131050, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 65549, 0, 0, 65548, 0, 0, 65547, 0, 0, 65546, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 131074, 0, 0, 262142, 0, 0, 262141, 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-524312, 1, 0, -458776, 1, 0, -393240, 1, 0, -327704, 1, 0, -262168, 1, 0, -196632, 1, 0, -131096, 1, 0, -65560, 1, 0, -24, 1, 0, 65512, 1, 0, 131048, 1, 0, 196584, 1, 0, 262120, 1, 0, 327656, 1, 0, 393192, 1, 0, 458728, 1, 0, 524264, 1, 0, 589800, 1, 0, 655336, 1, 0, -589847, 1, 0, -524311, 1, 0, -458775, 1, 0, -393239, 1, 0, -327703, 1, 0, -262167, 1, 0, -196631, 1, 0, -131095, 1, 0, -65559, 1, 0, -23, 1, 0, 65513, 1, 0, 131049, 1, 0, 196585, 1, 0, 262121, 1, 0, 327657, 1, 0, 393193, 1, 0, 458729, 1, 0, 524265, 1, 0, 589801, 1, 0, 655337, 1, 0, -1507366, 1, 0, -1441830, 1, 0, -1376294, 1, 0, -1310758, 1, 0, -1245222, 1, 0, -1179686, 1, 0, -1114150, 1, 0, -1048614, 1, 0, -983078, 1, 0, -917542, 1, 0, -852006, 1, 0, -786470, 1, 0, -720934, 1, 0, -655398, 1, 0, -1507365, 1, 0, -1441829, 1, 0, -1376293, 1, 0, -1310757, 1, 0, -1245221, 1, 0, -1179685, 1, 0, -1114149, 1, 0, -1048613, 1, 0, -983077, 1, 0, -917541, 1, 0, -852005, 1, 0, -786469, 1, 0, -720933, 1, 0, -655397, 1, 0, -1507364, 1, 0, -1441828, 1, 0, -1376292, 1, 0, -1310756, 1, 0, -1245220, 1, 0, -1179684, 1, 0, -1114148, 1, 0, -1048612, 1, 0, -983076, 1, 0, -917540, 1, 0, -852004, 1, 0, -786468, 1, 0, -720932, 1, 0, -655396, 1, 0, -1507363, 1, 0, -1441827, 1, 0, -1376291, 1, 0, -1310755, 1, 0, -1245219, 1, 0, -1179683, 1, 0, -1114147, 1, 0, -1048611, 1, 0, -983075, 1, 0, -917539, 1, 0, -852003, 1, 0, -786467, 1, 0, -720931, 1, 0, -655395, 1, 0, -1507362, 1, 0, -1441826, 1, 0, -1376290, 1, 0, -1310754, 1, 0, -1245218, 1, 0, -1179682, 1, 0, -1114146, 1, 0, -1048610, 1, 0, -983074, 1, 0, -917538, 1, 0, -852002, 1, 0, -786466, 1, 0, -720930, 1, 0, -655394, 1, 0, -1507361, 1, 0, -1441825, 1, 0, -1376289, 1, 0, -1310753, 1, 0, -1245217, 1, 0, -1179681, 1, 0, -1114145, 1, 0, -1048609, 1, 0, -983073, 1, 0, -917537, 1, 0, -852001, 1, 0, -786465, 1, 0, -720929, 1, 0, -655393, 1, 0, -1507360, 1, 0, -1441824, 1, 0, -1376288, 1, 0, -1310752, 1, 0, -1245216, 1, 0, -1179680, 1, 0, -1114144, 1, 0, -1048608, 1, 0, -983072, 1, 0, -917536, 1, 0, -852000, 1, 0, -786464, 1, 0, -720928, 1, 0, -655392, 1, 0, -1507359, 1, 0, -1441823, 1, 0, -1376287, 1, 0, -1310751, 1, 0, -1245215, 1, 0, -1179679, 1, 0, -1114143, 1, 0, -1048607, 1, 0, -983071, 1, 0, -917535, 1, 0, -851999, 1, 0, -786463, 1, 0, -720927, 1, 0, -655391, 1, 0, -1507358, 1, 0, -1441822, 1, 0, -1376286, 1, 0, -1310750, 1, 0, -1245214, 1, 0, -1179678, 1, 0, -1114142, 1, 0, -1048606, 1, 0, -983070, 1, 0, -917534, 1, 0, -851998, 1, 0, -786462, 1, 0, -720926, 1, 0, -655390, 1, 0, -1507357, 1, 0, -1441821, 1, 0, -1376285, 1, 0, -1310749, 1, 0, -1245213, 1, 0, -1179677, 1, 0, -1114141, 1, 0, -1048605, 1, 0, -983069, 1, 0, -917533, 1, 0, -851997, 1, 0, -786461, 1, 0, -720925, 1, 0, -655389, 1, 0, -1507356, 1, 0, -1441820, 1, 0, -1376284, 1, 0, -1310748, 1, 0, -1245212, 1, 0, -1179676, 1, 0, -1114140, 1, 0, -1048604, 1, 0, -983068, 1, 0, -917532, 1, 0, -851996, 1, 0, -786460, 1, 0, -720924, 1, 0, -655388, 1, 0, -1507355, 1, 0, -1441819, 1, 0, -1376283, 1, 0, -1310747, 1, 0, -1245211, 1, 0, -1179675, 1, 0, -1114139, 1, 0, -1048603, 1, 0, -983067, 1, 0, -917531, 1, 0, -851995, 1, 0, -786459, 1, 0, -720923, 1, 0, -655387, 1, 0, -1507354, 1, 0, -1441818, 1, 0, -1376282, 1, 0, -1310746, 1, 0, -1245210, 1, 0, -1179674, 1, 0, -1114138, 1, 0, -1048602, 1, 0, -983066, 1, 0, -917530, 1, 0, -851994, 1, 0, -786458, 1, 0, -720922, 1, 0, -655386, 1, 0, -1507353, 1, 0, -1441817, 1, 0, -1376281, 1, 0, -1310745, 1, 0, -1245209, 1, 0, -1179673, 1, 0, -1114137, 1, 0, -1048601, 1, 0, -983065, 1, 0, -917529, 1, 0, -851993, 1, 0, -786457, 1, 0, -720921, 1, 0, -655385, 1, 0, -1507352, 1, 0, -1441816, 1, 0, -1376280, 1, 0, -1310744, 1, 0, -1245208, 1, 0, -1179672, 1, 0, -1114136, 1, 0, -1048600, 1, 0, -983064, 1, 0, -917528, 1, 0, -851992, 1, 0, -786456, 1, 0, -720920, 1, 0, -655384, 1, 0, -1507351, 1, 0, -1441815, 1, 0, -1376279, 1, 0, -1310743, 1, 0, -1245207, 1, 0, -1179671, 1, 0, -1114135, 1, 0, -1048599, 1, 0, -983063, 1, 0, -917527, 1, 0, -851991, 1, 0, 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-1179666, 1, 0, -1114130, 1, 0, -1048594, 1, 0, -983058, 1, 0, -917522, 1, 0, -851986, 1, 0, -786450, 1, 0, -720914, 1, 0, -655378, 1, 0, -1507345, 1, 0, -1441809, 1, 0, -1376273, 1, 0, -1310737, 1, 0, -1245201, 1, 0, -1179665, 1, 0, -1114129, 1, 0, -1048593, 1, 0, -983057, 1, 0, -917521, 1, 0, -851985, 1, 0, -786449, 1, 0, -720913, 1, 0, -655377, 1, 0, 720858, 1, 0, 786394, 1, 0, 851930, 1, 0, 917466, 1, 0, 983002, 1, 0, 1048538, 1, 0, 1114074, 1, 0, 1179610, 1, 0, 1245146, 1, 0, 1310682, 1, 0, 1376218, 1, 0, 1441754, 1, 0, 1507290, 1, 0, 1572826, 1, 0, 1638362, 1, 0, 720859, 1, 0, 786395, 1, 0, 851931, 1, 0, 917467, 1, 0, 983003, 1, 0, 1048539, 1, 0, 1114075, 1, 0, 1179611, 1, 0, 1245147, 1, 0, 1310683, 1, 0, 1376219, 1, 0, 1441755, 1, 0, 1507291, 1, 0, 1572827, 1, 0, 1638363, 1, 0, 720860, 1, 0, 786396, 1, 0, 851932, 1, 0, 917468, 1, 0, 983004, 1, 0, 1048540, 1, 0, 1114076, 1, 0, 1179612, 1, 0, 1245148, 1, 0, 1310684, 1, 0, 1376220, 1, 0, 1441756, 1, 0, 1507292, 1, 0, 1572828, 1, 0, 1638364, 1, 0, 720861, 1, 0, 786397, 1, 0, 851933, 1, 0, 917469, 1, 0, 983005, 1, 0, 1048541, 1, 0, 1114077, 1, 0, 1179613, 1, 0, 1245149, 1, 0, 1310685, 1, 0, 1376221, 1, 0, 1441757, 1, 0, 1507293, 1, 0, 1572829, 1, 0, 1638365, 1, 0, 720862, 1, 0, 786398, 1, 0, 851934, 1, 0, 917470, 1, 0, 983006, 1, 0, 1048542, 1, 0, 1114078, 1, 0, 1179614, 1, 0, 1245150, 1, 0, 1310686, 1, 0, 1376222, 1, 0, 1441758, 1, 0, 1507294, 1, 0, 1572830, 1, 0, 1638366, 1, 0, 720863, 1, 0, 786399, 1, 0, 851935, 1, 0, 917471, 1, 0, 983007, 1, 0, 1048543, 1, 0, 1114079, 1, 0, 1179615, 1, 0, 1245151, 1, 0, 1310687, 1, 0, 1376223, 1, 0, 1441759, 1, 0, 1507295, 1, 0, 1572831, 1, 0, 1638367, 1, 0, 720864, 1, 0, 786400, 1, 0, 851936, 1, 0, 917472, 1, 0, 983008, 1, 0, 1048544, 1, 0, 1114080, 1, 0, 1179616, 1, 0, 1245152, 1, 0, 1310688, 1, 0, 1376224, 1, 0, 1441760, 1, 0, 1507296, 1, 0, 1572832, 1, 0, 1638368, 1, 0, 720865, 1, 0, 786401, 1, 0, 851937, 1, 0, 917473, 1, 0, 983009, 1, 0, 1048545, 1, 0, 1114081, 1, 0, 1179617, 1, 0, 1245153, 1, 0, 1310689, 1, 0, 1376225, 1, 0, 1441761, 1, 0, 1507297, 1, 0, 1572833, 1, 0, 1638369, 1, 0, 720866, 1, 0, 786402, 1, 0, 851938, 1, 0, 917474, 1, 0, 983010, 1, 0, 1048546, 1, 0, 1114082, 1, 0, 1179618, 1, 0, 1245154, 1, 0, 1310690, 1, 0, 1376226, 1, 0, 1441762, 1, 0, 1507298, 1, 0, 1572834, 1, 0, 1638370, 1, 0, 720867, 1, 0, 786403, 1, 0, 851939, 1, 0, 917475, 1, 0, 983011, 1, 0, 1048547, 1, 0, 1114083, 1, 0, 1179619, 1, 0, 1245155, 1, 0, 1310691, 1, 0, 1376227, 1, 0, 1441763, 1, 0, 1507299, 1, 0, 1572835, 1, 0, 1638371, 1, 0, 720868, 1, 0, 786404, 1, 0, 851940, 1, 0, 917476, 1, 0, 983012, 1, 0, 1048548, 1, 0, 1114084, 1, 0, 1179620, 1, 0, 1245156, 1, 0, 1310692, 1, 0, 1376228, 1, 0, 1441764, 1, 0, 1507300, 1, 0, 1572836, 1, 0, 1638372, 1, 0, 720869, 1, 0, 786405, 1, 0, 851941, 1, 0, 917477, 1, 0, 983013, 1, 0, 1048549, 1, 0, 1114085, 1, 0, 1179621, 1, 0, 1245157, 1, 0, 1310693, 1, 0, 1376229, 1, 0, 1441765, 1, 0, 1507301, 1, 0, 1572837, 1, 0, 1638373, 1, 0, 720870, 1, 0, 786406, 1, 0, 851942, 1, 0, 917478, 1, 0, 983014, 1, 0, 1048550, 1, 0, 1114086, 1, 0, 1179622, 1, 0, 1245158, 1, 0, 1310694, 1, 0, 1376230, 1, 0, 1441766, 1, 0, 1507302, 1, 0, 1572838, 1, 0, 1638374, 1, 0, 720871, 1, 0, 786407, 1, 0, 851943, 1, 0, 917479, 1, 0, 983015, 1, 0, 1048551, 1, 0, 1114087, 1, 0, 1179623, 1, 0, 1245159, 1, 0, 1310695, 1, 0, 1376231, 1, 0, 1441767, 1, 0, 1507303, 1, 0, 1572839, 1, 0, 1638375, 1, 0, 720872, 1, 0, 786408, 1, 0, 851944, 1, 0, 917480, 1, 0, 983016, 1, 0, 1048552, 1, 0, 1114088, 1, 0, 1179624, 1, 0, 1245160, 1, 0, 1310696, 1, 0, 1376232, 1, 0, 1441768, 1, 0, 1507304, 1, 0, 1572840, 1, 0, 1638376, 1, 0, 720873, 0, 0, 786409, 1, 0, 851945, 1, 0, 917481, 1, 0, 983017, 1, 0, 1048553, 1, 0, 1114089, 1, 0, 1179625, 1, 0, 1245161, 1, 0, 1310697, 1, 0, 1376233, 1, 0, 1441769, 1, 0, 1507305, 1, 0, 1572841, 1, 0, 1638377, 1, 0, 720874, 0, 0, 786410, 1, 0, 851946, 1, 0, 917482, 1, 0, 983018, 1, 0, 1048554, 1, 0, 1114090, 1, 0, 1179626, 1, 0, 1245162, 1, 0, 1310698, 1, 0, 1376234, 1, 0, 1441770, 1, 0, 1507306, 1, 0, 1572842, 1, 0, 1638378, 1, 0, 720875, 0, 0, 786411, 0, 0, 851947, 1, 0, 917483, 1, 0, 983019, 1, 0, 1048555, 1, 0, 1114091, 1, 0, 1179627, 1, 0, 1245163, 1, 0, 1310699, 1, 0, 1376235, 1, 0, 1441771, 1, 0, 1507307, 1, 0, 1572843, 1, 0, 1638379, 1, 0, 720876, 0, 0, 786412, 0, 0, 851948, 1, 0, 917484, 1, 0, 983020, 1, 0, 1048556, 1, 0, 1114092, 1, 0, 1179628, 1, 0, 1245164, 1, 0, 1310700, 1, 0, 1376236, 1, 0, 1441772, 1, 0, 1507308, 1, 0, 1572844, 1, 0, 1638380, 1, 0, 720877, 0, 0, 786413, 0, 0, 851949, 1, 0, 917485, 1, 0, 983021, 1, 0, 1048557, 1, 0, 1114093, 1, 0, 1179629, 1, 0, 1245165, 1, 0, 1310701, 1, 0, 1376237, 1, 0, 1441773, 1, 0, 1507309, 1, 0, 1572845, 1, 0, 1638381, 1, 0, 720878, 0, 0, 786414, 0, 0, 851950, 1, 0, 917486, 1, 0, 983022, 1, 0, 1048558, 1, 0, 1114094, 1, 0, 1179630, 1, 0, 1245166, 1, 0, 1310702, 1, 0, 1376238, 1, 0, 1441774, 1, 0, 1507310, 1, 0, 1572846, 1, 0, 1638382, 1, 0, 720879, 0, 0, 786415, 1, 0, 851951, 1, 0, 917487, 1, 0, 983023, 1, 0, 1048559, 1, 0, 1114095, 1, 0, 1179631, 1, 0, 1245167, 1, 0, 1310703, 1, 0, 1376239, 1, 0, 1441775, 1, 0, 1507311, 1, 0, 1572847, 1, 0, 1638383, 1, 0, 720880, 0, 0, 786416, 1, 0, 851952, 1, 0, 917488, 1, 0, 983024, 1, 0, 1048560, 1, 0, 1114096, 1, 0, 1179632, 1, 0, 1245168, 1, 0, 1310704, 1, 0, 1376240, 1, 0, 1441776, 1, 0, 1507312, 1, 0, 1572848, 1, 0, 1638384, 1, 0, -1507344, 1, 0, -1441808, 1, 0, -1376272, 1, 0, -1310736, 1, 0, -1245200, 1, 0, -1179664, 1, 0, -1114128, 1, 0, -1048592, 1, 0, -983056, 1, 0, -917520, 1, 0, -851984, 1, 0, -786448, 1, 0, -720912, 1, 0, -655376, 1, 0, -1507343, 1, 0, -1441807, 1, 0, -1376271, 1, 0, -1310735, 1, 0, -1245199, 1, 0, -1179663, 1, 0, -1114127, 1, 0, -1048591, 1, 0, -983055, 1, 0, -917519, 1, 0, -851983, 1, 0, -786447, 1, 0, -720911, 1, 0, -655375, 1, 0, -1507342, 1, 0, -1441806, 1, 0, -1376270, 1, 0, -1310734, 1, 0, -1245198, 1, 0, -1179662, 1, 0, -1114126, 1, 0, -1048590, 1, 0, -983054, 1, 0, -917518, 1, 0, -851982, 1, 0, -786446, 1, 0, -720910, 1, 0, -655374, 1, 0, -1507341, 1, 0, -1441805, 1, 0, -1376269, 1, 0, -1310733, 1, 0, -1245197, 1, 0, -1179661, 1, 0, -1114125, 1, 0, -1048589, 1, 0, -983053, 1, 0, -917517, 1, 0, -851981, 1, 0, -786445, 1, 0, -720909, 1, 0, -655373, 1, 0, -1507340, 1, 0, -1441804, 1, 0, -1376268, 1, 0, -1310732, 1, 0, -1245196, 1, 0, -1179660, 1, 0, -1114124, 1, 0, -1048588, 1, 0, -983052, 1, 0, -917516, 1, 0, -851980, 1, 0, -786444, 1, 0, -720908, 1, 0, -655372, 1, 0, -1507339, 1, 0, -1441803, 1, 0, -1376267, 1, 0, -1310731, 1, 0, -1245195, 1, 0, -1179659, 1, 0, -1114123, 1, 0, -1048587, 1, 0, -983051, 1, 0, -917515, 1, 0, -851979, 1, 0, -786443, 1, 0, -720907, 1, 0, -655371, 1, 0, -1507338, 1, 0, -1441802, 1, 0, -1376266, 1, 0, -1310730, 1, 0, -1245194, 1, 0, -1179658, 1, 0, -1114122, 1, 0, -1048586, 1, 0, -983050, 1, 0, -917514, 1, 0, -851978, 1, 0, -786442, 1, 0, -720906, 1, 0, -655370, 1, 0, -1507337, 1, 0, -1441801, 1, 0, -1376265, 1, 0, -1310729, 1, 0, -1245193, 1, 0, -1179657, 1, 0, -1114121, 1, 0, -1048585, 1, 0, -983049, 1, 0, -917513, 1, 0, -851977, 1, 0, -786441, 1, 0, -720905, 1, 0, -655369, 1, 0, -1507336, 1, 0, -1441800, 1, 0, -1376264, 1, 0, -1310728, 1, 0, -1245192, 1, 0, -1179656, 1, 0, -1114120, 1, 0, -1048584, 1, 0, -983048, 1, 0, -917512, 1, 0, -851976, 1, 0, -786440, 1, 0, -720904, 1, 0, -655368, 1, 0, -1507335, 1, 0, -1441799, 1, 0, -1376263, 1, 0, -1310727, 1, 0, -1245191, 1, 0, -1179655, 1, 0, -1114119, 1, 0, -1048583, 1, 0, -983047, 1, 0, -917511, 1, 0, -851975, 1, 0, -786439, 1, 0, -720903, 1, 0, -655367, 1, 0, -1507334, 1, 0, -1441798, 1, 0, -1376262, 1, 0, -1310726, 1, 0, -1245190, 1, 0, -1179654, 1, 0, -1114118, 1, 0, -1048582, 1, 0, -983046, 1, 0, -917510, 1, 0, -851974, 1, 0, -786438, 1, 0, -720902, 1, 0, -655366, 1, 0, -1507333, 1, 0, -1441797, 1, 0, -1376261, 1, 0, -1310725, 1, 0, -1245189, 1, 0, -1179653, 1, 0, -1114117, 1, 0, -1048581, 1, 0, -983045, 1, 0, -917509, 1, 0, -851973, 1, 0, -786437, 1, 0, -720901, 1, 0, -655365, 1, 0, -1507332, 1, 0, -1441796, 1, 0, -1376260, 1, 0, -1310724, 1, 0, -1245188, 1, 0, -1179652, 1, 0, -1114116, 1, 0, -1048580, 1, 0, -983044, 1, 0, -917508, 1, 0, -851972, 1, 0, -786436, 1, 0, -720900, 1, 0, -655364, 1, 0, -1507331, 1, 0, -1441795, 1, 0, -1376259, 1, 0, -1310723, 1, 0, -1245187, 1, 0, -1179651, 1, 0, -1114115, 1, 0, -1048579, 1, 0, -983043, 1, 0, -917507, 1, 0, -851971, 1, 0, -786435, 1, 0, -720899, 1, 0, -655363, 0, 0, -1507330, 1, 0, -1441794, 1, 0, -1376258, 1, 0, -1310722, 1, 0, -1245186, 1, 0, -1179650, 1, 0, -1114114, 1, 0, -1048578, 1, 0, -983042, 1, 0, -917506, 1, 0, -851970, 0, 0, -786434, 0, 0, -720898, 0, 0, -655362, 0, 0, -1507329, 1, 0, -1441793, 1, 0, -1376257, 1, 0, -1310721, 1, 0, -1245185, 1, 0, -1179649, 1, 0, -1114113, 1, 0, -1048577, 1, 0, -983041, 1, 0, -917505, 0, 0, -851969, 0, 0, -786433, 0, 0, -720897, 0, 0, -655361, 0, 0, -1572864, 1, 0, -1507328, 1, 0, -1441792, 1, 0, -1376256, 1, 0, -1310720, 1, 0, -1245184, 1, 0, -1179648, 1, 0, -1114112, 0, 0, -1048576, 0, 0, -983040, 0, 0, -917504, 0, 0, -851968, 0, 0, -786432, 0, 0, -720896, 0, 0, -1572863, 1, 0, -1507327, 1, 0, -1441791, 1, 0, -1376255, 1, 0, -1310719, 1, 0, -1245183, 1, 0, -1179647, 0, 0, -1114111, 0, 0, -1048575, 0, 0, -983039, 0, 0, -917503, 0, 0, -851967, 0, 0, -786431, 0, 0, -720895, 0, 0, -1572862, 1, 0, -1507326, 1, 0, -1441790, 1, 0, -1376254, 1, 0, -1310718, 1, 0, -1245182, 0, 0, -1179646, 0, 0, -1114110, 0, 0, -1048574, 0, 0, -983038, 0, 0, -917502, 0, 0, -851966, 0, 0, -786430, 0, 0, -720894, 0, 0, -1572861, 1, 0, -1507325, 1, 0, -1441789, 1, 0, -1376253, 1, 0, -1310717, 1, 0, -1245181, 0, 0, -1179645, 0, 0, -1114109, 0, 0, -1048573, 0, 0, -983037, 0, 0, -917501, 0, 0, -851965, 0, 0, -786429, 0, 0, -720893, 0, 0, -1572860, 1, 0, -1507324, 1, 0, -1441788, 1, 0, -1376252, 1, 0, -1310716, 1, 0, -1245180, 0, 0, -1179644, 0, 0, -1114108, 0, 0, -1048572, 0, 0, -983036, 0, 0, -917500, 0, 0, -851964, 0, 0, -786428, 0, 0, -720892, 0, 0, -1572859, 1, 0, -1507323, 1, 0, -1441787, 1, 0, -1376251, 1, 0, -1310715, 1, 0, -1245179, 0, 0, -1179643, 0, 0, -1114107, 0, 0, -1048571, 0, 0, -983035, 0, 0, -917499, 0, 0, -851963, 0, 0, -786427, 0, 0, -720891, 0, 0, -1572858, 1, 0, -1507322, 1, 0, -1441786, 1, 0, -1376250, 1, 0, -1310714, 1, 0, -1245178, 0, 0, -1179642, 0, 0, -1114106, 0, 0, -1048570, 0, 0, -983034, 0, 0, -917498, 0, 0, -851962, 0, 0, -786426, 0, 0, -720890, 0, 0, -1572857, 1, 0, -1507321, 1, 0, -1441785, 1, 0, -1376249, 1, 0, -1310713, 1, 0, -1245177, 0, 0, -1179641, 0, 0, -1114105, 0, 0, -1048569, 0, 0, -983033, 0, 0, -917497, 0, 0, -851961, 0, 0, -786425, 0, 0, -720889, 0, 0, -1572856, 1, 0, -1507320, 1, 0, -1441784, 1, 0, -1376248, 1, 0, -1310712, 1, 0, -1245176, 0, 0, -1179640, 0, 0, -1114104, 0, 0, -1048568, 0, 0, -983032, 0, 0, -917496, 0, 0, -851960, 0, 0, -786424, 0, 0, -720888, 0, 0, -1572855, 1, 0, -1507319, 1, 0, -1441783, 1, 0, -1376247, 1, 0, -1310711, 1, 0, -1245175, 0, 0, -1179639, 0, 0, -1114103, 0, 0, -1048567, 0, 0, -983031, 0, 0, -917495, 0, 0, -851959, 0, 0, -786423, 0, 0, -720887, 0, 0, -1572854, 1, 0, -1507318, 1, 0, -1441782, 1, 0, -1376246, 1, 0, -1310710, 1, 0, -1245174, 0, 0, -1179638, 0, 0, -1114102, 0, 0, -1048566, 0, 0, -983030, 0, 0, -917494, 0, 0, -851958, 0, 0, -786422, 0, 0, -720886, 0, 0, -1572853, 1, 0, -1507317, 1, 0, -1441781, 1, 0, -1376245, 1, 0, -1310709, 1, 0, -1245173, 0, 0, -1179637, 0, 0, -1114101, 0, 0, -1048565, 0, 0, -983029, 0, 0, -917493, 0, 0, -851957, 0, 0, -786421, 0, 0, -720885, 0, 0, -1572852, 1, 0, -1507316, 1, 0, -1441780, 1, 0, -1376244, 1, 0, -1310708, 1, 0, -1245172, 0, 0, -1179636, 0, 0, -1114100, 0, 0, -1048564, 0, 0, -983028, 0, 0, -917492, 0, 0, -851956, 0, 0, -786420, 0, 0, -720884, 0, 0, -1572851, 1, 0, -1507315, 1, 0, -1441779, 1, 0, -1376243, 1, 0, -1310707, 1, 0, -1245171, 0, 0, -1179635, 0, 0, -1114099, 0, 0, -1048563, 0, 0, -983027, 0, 0, -917491, 0, 0, -851955, 0, 0, -786419, 0, 0, -720883, 0, 0, -1572850, 1, 0, -1507314, 1, 0, -1441778, 1, 0, -1376242, 1, 0, -1310706, 1, 0, -1245170, 0, 0, -1179634, 0, 0, -1114098, 0, 0, -1048562, 0, 0, -983026, 0, 0, -917490, 0, 0, -851954, 0, 0, -786418, 0, 0, -720882, 0, 0, -1572849, 1, 0, -1507313, 1, 0, -1441777, 1, 0, -1376241, 1, 0, -1310705, 1, 0, -1245169, 0, 0, -1179633, 0, 0, -1114097, 0, 0, -1048561, 0, 0, -983025, 0, 0, -917489, 0, 0, -851953, 0, 0, -786417, 0, 0, -720881, 0, 0, -1572848, 1, 0, -1507312, 1, 0, -1441776, 1, 0, -1376240, 1, 0, -1310704, 1, 0, -1245168, 0, 0, -1179632, 0, 0, -1114096, 0, 0, -1048560, 0, 0, -983024, 0, 0, -917488, 0, 0, -851952, 0, 0, -786416, 0, 0, -720880, 0, 0, -1572847, 1, 0, -1507311, 1, 0, -1441775, 1, 0, -1376239, 1, 0, -1310703, 0, 0, -1245167, 0, 0, -1179631, 0, 0, -1114095, 0, 0, -1048559, 0, 0, -983023, 0, 0, -917487, 0, 0, -851951, 0, 0, -786415, 0, 0, -720879, 0, 0, -1572846, 1, 0, -1507310, 1, 0, -1441774, 1, 0, -1376238, 1, 0, -1310702, 0, 0, -1245166, 0, 0, -1179630, 0, 0, -1114094, 0, 0, -1048558, 0, 0, -983022, 0, 0, -917486, 0, 0, -851950, 0, 0, -786414, 0, 0, -720878, 0, 0, -1572845, 1, 0, -1507309, 1, 0, -1441773, 1, 0, -1376237, 1, 0, -1310701, 0, 0, -1245165, 0, 0, -1179629, 0, 0, -1114093, 0, 0, -1048557, 0, 0, -983021, 0, 0, -917485, 0, 0, -851949, 0, 0, -786413, 0, 0, -720877, 0, 0, -1572844, 1, 0, -1507308, 1, 0, -1441772, 1, 0, -1376236, 1, 0, -1310700, 0, 0, -1245164, 0, 0, -1179628, 0, 0, -1114092, 0, 0, -1048556, 0, 0, -983020, 0, 0, -917484, 0, 0, -851948, 0, 0, -786412, 0, 0, -720876, 0, 0, -1572843, 1, 0, -1507307, 1, 0, -1441771, 1, 0, -1376235, 0, 0, -1310699, 0, 0, -1245163, 0, 0, -1179627, 0, 0, -1114091, 0, 0, -1048555, 0, 0, -983019, 0, 0, -917483, 0, 0, -851947, 0, 0, -786411, 0, 0, -720875, 0, 0, -1572842, 1, 0, -1507306, 1, 0, -1441770, 1, 0, -1376234, 0, 0, -1310698, 0, 0, -1245162, 0, 0, -1179626, 0, 0, -1114090, 0, 0, -1048554, 0, 0, -983018, 0, 0, -917482, 0, 0, -851946, 0, 0, -786410, 0, 0, -720874, 0, 0, -1572841, 1, 0, -1507305, 1, 0, -1441769, 1, 0, -1376233, 0, 0, -1310697, 0, 0, -1245161, 0, 0, -1179625, 0, 0, -1114089, 0, 0, -1048553, 0, 0, -983017, 0, 0, -917481, 0, 0, -851945, 0, 0, -786409, 0, 0, -720873, 0, 0, -1572840, 1, 0, -1507304, 1, 0, -1441768, 1, 0, -1376232, 0, 0, -1310696, 0, 0, -1245160, 0, 0, -1179624, 0, 0, -1114088, 0, 0, -1048552, 0, 0, -983016, 0, 0, -917480, 0, 0, -851944, 0, 0, -786408, 0, 0, -720872, 0, 0, -1572839, 1, 0, -1507303, 1, 0, -1441767, 1, 0, -1376231, 0, 0, -1310695, 0, 0, -1245159, 0, 0, -1179623, 0, 0, -1114087, 0, 0, -1048551, 0, 0, -983015, 0, 0, -917479, 0, 0, -851943, 0, 0, -786407, 0, 0, -720871, 0, 0, -1572838, 1, 0, -1507302, 1, 0, -1441766, 0, 0, -1376230, 0, 0, -1310694, 0, 0, -1245158, 0, 0, -1179622, 0, 0, -1114086, 0, 0, -1048550, 0, 0, -983014, 0, 0, -917478, 0, 0, -851942, 0, 0, -786406, 0, 0, -720870, 0, 0, -1572837, 1, 0, -1507301, 1, 0, -1441765, 0, 0, -1376229, 0, 0, -1310693, 0, 0, -1245157, 0, 0, -1179621, 0, 0, -1114085, 0, 0, -1048549, 0, 0, -983013, 0, 0, -917477, 0, 0, -851941, 0, 0, -786405, 0, 0, -720869, 0, 0, -1572836, 1, 0, -1507300, 0, 0, -1441764, 0, 0, -1376228, 0, 0, -1310692, 0, 0, -1245156, 0, 0, -1179620, 0, 0, -1114084, 0, 0, -1048548, 0, 0, -983012, 0, 0, -917476, 0, 0, -851940, 0, 0, -786404, 0, 0, -720868, 0, 0, -1572835, 1, 0, -1507299, 0, 0, -1441763, 0, 0, -1376227, 0, 0, -1310691, 0, 0, -1245155, 0, 0, -1179619, 0, 0, -1114083, 0, 0, -1048547, 0, 0, -983011, 0, 0, -917475, 0, 0, -851939, 0, 0, -786403, 0, 0, -720867, 0, 0, -1572834, 1, 0, -1507298, 0, 0, -1441762, 0, 0, -1376226, 0, 0, -1310690, 0, 0, -1245154, 0, 0, -1179618, 0, 0, -1114082, 0, 0, -1048546, 0, 0, -983010, 0, 0, -917474, 0, 0, -851938, 0, 0, -786402, 0, 0, -720866, 0, 0, -1572833, 1, 0, -1507297, 0, 0, -1441761, 0, 0, -1376225, 0, 0, -1310689, 0, 0, -1245153, 0, 0, -1179617, 0, 0, -1114081, 0, 0, -1048545, 0, 0, -983009, 0, 0, -917473, 0, 0, -851937, 0, 0, -786401, 0, 0, -720865, 0, 0, -1572832, 0, 0, -1507296, 0, 0, -1441760, 0, 0, -1376224, 0, 0, -1310688, 0, 0, -1245152, 0, 0, -1179616, 0, 0, -1114080, 0, 0, -1048544, 0, 0, -983008, 0, 0, -917472, 0, 0, -851936, 0, 0, -786400, 0, 0, -720864, 0, 0, -1572831, 0, 0, -1507295, 0, 0, -1441759, 0, 0, -1376223, 0, 0, -1310687, 0, 0, -1245151, 0, 0, -1179615, 0, 0, -1114079, 0, 0, -1048543, 0, 0, -983007, 0, 0, -917471, 0, 0, -851935, 0, 0, -786399, 0, 0, -720863, 0, 0, -1572830, 0, 0, -1507294, 0, 0, -1441758, 0, 0, -1376222, 0, 0, -1310686, 0, 0, -1245150, 0, 0, -1179614, 0, 0, -1114078, 0, 0, -1048542, 0, 0, -983006, 0, 0, -917470, 0, 0, -851934, 0, 0, -786398, 0, 0, -720862, 0, 0, -1572829, 0, 0, -1507293, 0, 0, -1441757, 0, 0, -1376221, 0, 0, -1310685, 0, 0, -1245149, 0, 0, -1179613, 0, 0, -1114077, 0, 0, -1048541, 0, 0, -983005, 0, 0, -917469, 0, 0, -851933, 0, 0, -786397, 0, 0, -720861, 0, 0, -1572828, 0, 0, -1507292, 0, 0, -1441756, 0, 0, -1376220, 0, 0, -1310684, 0, 0, -1245148, 0, 0, -1179612, 0, 0, -1114076, 0, 0, -1048540, 0, 0, -983004, 0, 0, -917468, 0, 0, -851932, 0, 0, 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1376287, 1, 0, 1310751, 1, 0, 1245215, 1, 0, 1179679, 1, 0, 1114143, 1, 0, 1048607, 1, 0, 983071, 1, 0, 917535, 1, 0, 851999, 1, 0, 786463, 1, 0, 720927, 1, 0, 655391, 1, 0, 655392, 1, 0, 720928, 1, 0, 786464, 1, 0, 852000, 1, 0, 917536, 1, 0, 983072, 1, 0, 1048608, 1, 0, 1114144, 1, 0, 1179680, 1, 0, 1245216, 1, 0, 1310752, 1, 0, 1376288, 1, 0, 1441824, 1, 0, 1507360, 1, 0, 1572896, 1, 0, 1572897, 1, 0, 1507361, 1, 0, 1441825, 1, 0, 1376289, 1, 0, 1310753, 1, 0, 1245217, 1, 0, 1179681, 1, 0, 1114145, 1, 0, 1048609, 1, 0, 983073, 1, 0, 917537, 1, 0, 852001, 1, 0, 786465, 1, 0, 720929, 1, 0, 655393, 1, 0, 655394, 1, 0, 720930, 1, 0, 786466, 1, 0, 852002, 1, 0, 917538, 1, 0, 983074, 1, 0, 1048610, 1, 0, 1114146, 1, 0, 1179682, 1, 0, 1245218, 1, 0, 1310754, 1, 0, 1376290, 1, 0, 1441826, 1, 0, 1507362, 1, 0, 1572898, 1, 0, 1572899, 1, 0, 1507363, 1, 0, 1441827, 1, 0, 1376291, 1, 0, 1310755, 1, 0, 1245219, 1, 0, 1179683, 1, 0, 1114147, 1, 0, 1048611, 1, 0, 983075, 1, 0, 917539, 1, 0, 852003, 1, 0, 786467, 1, 0, 720931, 1, 0, 655395, 1, 0, 655396, 1, 0, 720932, 1, 0, 786468, 1, 0, 852004, 1, 0, 917540, 1, 0, 983076, 1, 0, 1048612, 1, 0, 1114148, 1, 0, 1179684, 1, 0, 1245220, 1, 0, 1310756, 1, 0, 1376292, 1, 0, 1441828, 1, 0, 1507364, 1, 0, 1572900, 1, 0, 1572901, 1, 0, 1507365, 1, 0, 1441829, 1, 0, 1376293, 1, 0, 1310757, 1, 0, 1245221, 1, 0, 1179685, 1, 0, 1114149, 1, 0, 1048613, 1, 0, 983077, 1, 0, 917541, 1, 0, 852005, 1, 0, 786469, 1, 0, 720933, 1, 0, 655397, 1, 0, 589861, 1, 0, 524325, 1, 0, 458789, 1, 0, 393253, 1, 0, 327717, 1, 0, 262181, 1, 0, 196645, 1, 0, 131109, 1, 0, 65573, 1, 0, 37, 1, 0, -65499, 0, 0, -131035, 0, 0, -196571, 0, 0, -262107, 0, 0, -327643, 0, 0, -393179, 0, 0, -458715, 0, 0, -524251, 0, 0, -589787, 0, 0, -655323, 0, 0, -655322, 0, 0, -589786, 0, 0, -524250, 0, 0, -458714, 0, 0, -393178, 0, 0, -327642, 0, 0, -262106, 0, 0, -196570, 0, 0, -131034, 0, 0, -65498, 1, 0, 38, 1, 0, 65574, 1, 0, 131110, 1, 0, 196646, 1, 0, 262182, 1, 0, 327718, 1, 0, 393254, 1, 0, 458790, 1, 0, 524326, 1, 0, 589862, 1, 0, 655398, 1, 0, 720934, 1, 0, 786470, 1, 0, 852006, 1, 0, 917542, 1, 0, 983078, 1, 0, 1048614, 1, 0, 1114150, 1, 0, 1179686, 1, 0, 1245222, 1, 0, 1310758, 1, 0, 1376294, 1, 0, 1441830, 1, 0, 1507366, 1, 0, 1572902, 1, 0, 1572903, 1, 0, 1507367, 1, 0, 1441831, 1, 0, 1376295, 1, 0, 1310759, 1, 0, 1245223, 1, 0, 1179687, 1, 0, 1114151, 1, 0, 1048615, 1, 0, 983079, 1, 0, 917543, 1, 0, 852007, 1, 0, 786471, 1, 0, 720935, 1, 0, 655399, 1, 0, 589863, 1, 0, 524327, 1, 0, 458791, 1, 0, 393255, 1, 0, 327719, 1, 0, 262183, 1, 0, 196647, 1, 0, 131111, 1, 0, 65575, 1, 0, 39, 1, 0, -65497, 1, 0, -131033, 0, 0, -196569, 0, 0, -262105, 0, 0, -327641, 0, 0, -393177, 0, 0, -458713, 0, 0, -524249, 0, 0, -589785, 0, 0, -655321, 0, 0, -655320, 0, 0, -589784, 0, 0, -524248, 0, 0, -458712, 0, 0, -393176, 0, 0, -327640, 0, 0, -262104, 0, 0, -196568, 0, 0, -131032, 0, 0, -65496, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 65576, 1, 0, 131112, 1, 0, 196648, 1, 0, 262184, 1, 0, 327720, 1, 0, 393256, 1, 0, 458792, 1, 0, 524328, 1, 0, 589864, 1, 0, 655400, 1, 0, 720936, 1, 0, 786472, 1, 0, 852008, 1, 0, 917544, 1, 0, 983080, 1, 0, 1048616, 1, 0, 1114152, 1, 0, 1179688, 1, 0, 1245224, 1, 0, 1310760, 1, 0, 1376296, 1, 0, 1441832, 1, 0, 1507368, 1, 0, 1572904, 1, 0, 1572905, 1, 0, 1507369, 1, 0, 1441833, 1, 0, 1376297, 1, 0, 1310761, 1, 0, 1245225, 1, 0, 1179689, 1, 0, 1114153, 1, 0, 1048617, 1, 0, 983081, 1, 0, 917545, 1, 0, 852009, 1, 0, 786473, 1, 0, 720937, 1, 0, 655401, 1, 0, 589865, 1, 0, 524329, 1, 0, 458793, 1, 0, 393257, 1, 0, 327721, 1, 0, 262185, 1, 0, 196649, 1, 0, 131113, 1, 0, 65577, 1, 0, 41, 1, 0, -65495, 1, 0, -131031, 0, 0, -196567, 0, 0, -262103, 0, 0, -327639, 0, 0, -393175, 0, 0, -458711, 0, 0, -524247, 0, 0, -589783, 0, 0, -655319, 0, 0, -655318, 0, 0, -589782, 0, 0, -524246, 0, 0, -458710, 0, 0, -393174, 0, 0, -327638, 0, 0, -262102, 0, 0, -196566, 0, 0, -131030, 1, 0, -65494, 1, 0, 42, 1, 0, 65578, 1, 0, 131114, 1, 0, 196650, 1, 0, 262186, 1, 0, 327722, 1, 0, 393258, 1, 0, 458794, 1, 0, 524330, 1, 0, 589866, 1, 0, 655402, 1, 0, 720938, 1, 0, 786474, 1, 0, 852010, 1, 0, 917546, 1, 0, 983082, 1, 0, 1048618, 1, 0, 1114154, 1, 0, 1179690, 1, 0, 1245226, 1, 0, 1310762, 1, 0, 1376298, 1, 0, 1441834, 1, 0, 1507370, 1, 0, 1572906, 1, 0, 1572907, 1, 0, 1507371, 1, 0, 1441835, 1, 0, 1376299, 1, 0, 1310763, 1, 0, 1245227, 1, 0, 1179691, 1, 0, 1114155, 1, 0, 1048619, 1, 0, 983083, 1, 0, 917547, 1, 0, 852011, 1, 0, 786475, 1, 0, 720939, 1, 0, 655403, 1, 0, 589867, 1, 0, 524331, 1, 0, 458795, 1, 0, 393259, 1, 0, 327723, 1, 0, 262187, 1, 0, 196651, 1, 0, 131115, 1, 0, 65579, 1, 0, 43, 1, 0, -65493, 1, 0, -131029, 1, 0, -196565, 1, 0, -262101, 0, 0, -327637, 0, 0, -393173, 0, 0, -458709, 0, 0, -524245, 0, 0, -589781, 0, 0, -655317, 0, 0, -655316, 0, 0, -589780, 0, 0, -524244, 0, 0, -458708, 0, 0, -393172, 0, 0, -327636, 0, 0, -262100, 1, 0, -196564, 1, 0, -131028, 1, 0, -65492, 1, 0, 44, 1, 0, 65580, 1, 0, 131116, 1, 0, 196652, 1, 0, 262188, 1, 0, 327724, 1, 0, 393260, 1, 0, 458796, 1, 0, 524332, 1, 0, 589868, 1, 0, 655404, 1, 0, 720940, 1, 0, 786476, 1, 0, 852012, 1, 0, 917548, 1, 0, 983084, 1, 0, 1048620, 1, 0, 1114156, 1, 0, 1179692, 1, 0, 1245228, 1, 0, 1310764, 1, 0, 1376300, 1, 0, 1441836, 1, 0, 1507372, 1, 0, 1572908, 1, 0, 1572909, 1, 0, 1507373, 1, 0, 1441837, 1, 0, 1376301, 1, 0, 1310765, 1, 0, 1245229, 1, 0, 1179693, 1, 0, 1114157, 1, 0, 1048621, 1, 0, 983085, 1, 0, 917549, 1, 0, 852013, 1, 0, 786477, 1, 0, 720941, 1, 0, 655405, 1, 0, 589869, 1, 0, 524333, 1, 0, 458797, 1, 0, 393261, 1, 0, 327725, 1, 0, 262189, 1, 0, 196653, 1, 0, 131117, 1, 0, 65581, 1, 0, 45, 1, 0, -65491, 1, 0, -131027, 1, 0, -196563, 1, 0, -262099, 1, 0, -327635, 0, 0, -393171, 0, 0, -458707, 0, 0, -524243, 0, 0, -589779, 0, 0, -655315, 0, 0, -655314, 0, 0, -589778, 0, 0, -524242, 0, 0, -458706, 0, 0, -393170, 0, 0, -327634, 0, 0, -262098, 1, 0, -196562, 1, 0, -131026, 1, 0, -65490, 1, 0, 46, 1, 0, 65582, 1, 0, 131118, 1, 0, 196654, 1, 0, 262190, 1, 0, 327726, 1, 0, 393262, 1, 0, 458798, 1, 0, 524334, 1, 0, 589870, 1, 0, 655406, 1, 0, 720942, 1, 0, 786478, 1, 0, 852014, 1, 0, 917550, 1, 0, 983086, 1, 0, 1048622, 1, 0, 1114158, 1, 0, 1179694, 1, 0, 1245230, 1, 0, 1310766, 1, 0, 1376302, 1, 0, 1441838, 1, 0, 1507374, 1, 0, 1572910, 1, 0, 1572911, 1, 0, 1507375, 1, 0, 1441839, 1, 0, 1376303, 1, 0, 1310767, 1, 0, 1245231, 1, 0, 1179695, 1, 0, 1114159, 1, 0, 1048623, 1, 0, 983087, 1, 0, 917551, 1, 0, 852015, 1, 0, 786479, 1, 0, 720943, 1, 0, 655407, 1, 0, 589871, 1, 0, 524335, 1, 0, 458799, 1, 0, 393263, 1, 0, 327727, 1, 0, 262191, 1, 0, 196655, 1, 0, 131119, 1, 0, 65583, 1, 0, 47, 1, 0, -65489, 1, 0, -131025, 1, 0, -196561, 1, 0, -262097, 1, 0, -327633, 0, 0, -393169, 0, 0, -458705, 0, 0, -524241, 0, 0, -589777, 0, 0, -655313, 0, 0, -655312, 0, 0, -589776, 0, 0, -524240, 0, 0, -458704, 0, 0, -393168, 0, 0, -327632, 1, 0, -262096, 1, 0, -196560, 1, 0, -131024, 1, 0, -65488, 1, 0, 48, 1, 0, 65584, 1, 0, 131120, 1, 0, 196656, 1, 0, 262192, 1, 0, 327728, 1, 0, 393264, 1, 0, 458800, 1, 0, 524336, 1, 0, 589872, 1, 0, 655408, 1, 0, 720944, 1, 0, 786480, 1, 0, 852016, 1, 0, 917552, 1, 0, 983088, 1, 0, 1048624, 1, 0, 1114160, 1, 0, 1179696, 1, 0, 1245232, 1, 0, 1310768, 1, 0, 1376304, 1, 0, 1441840, 1, 0, 1507376, 1, 0, 1572912, 1, 0, 1572913, 1, 0, 1507377, 1, 0, 1441841, 1, 0, 1376305, 1, 0, 1310769, 1, 0, 1245233, 1, 0, 1179697, 1, 0, 1114161, 1, 0, 1048625, 1, 0, 983089, 1, 0, 917553, 1, 0, 852017, 1, 0, 786481, 1, 0, 720945, 1, 0, 655409, 1, 0, 589873, 1, 0, 524337, 1, 0, 458801, 1, 0, 393265, 1, 0, 327729, 1, 0, 262193, 1, 0, 196657, 1, 0, 131121, 1, 0, 65585, 1, 0, 49, 1, 0, -65487, 1, 0, -131023, 1, 0, -196559, 1, 0, -262095, 1, 0, -327631, 1, 0, -393167, 0, 0, -458703, 0, 0, -524239, 0, 0, -589775, 0, 0, -655311, 0, 0, -655310, 0, 0, -589774, 0, 0, -524238, 0, 0, -458702, 0, 0, -393166, 0, 0, -327630, 1, 0, -262094, 1, 0, -196558, 1, 0, -131022, 1, 0, -65486, 1, 0, 50, 1, 0, 65586, 1, 0, 131122, 1, 0, 196658, 1, 0, 262194, 1, 0, 327730, 1, 0, 393266, 1, 0, 458802, 1, 0, 524338, 1, 0, 589874, 1, 0, 655410, 1, 0, 720946, 1, 0, 786482, 1, 0, 852018, 1, 0, 917554, 1, 0, 983090, 1, 0, 1048626, 1, 0, 1114162, 1, 0, 1179698, 1, 0, 1245234, 1, 0, 1310770, 1, 0, 1376306, 1, 0, 1441842, 1, 0, 1507378, 1, 0, 1572914, 1, 0, 1572915, 1, 0, 1507379, 1, 0, 1441843, 1, 0, 1376307, 1, 0, 1310771, 1, 0, 1245235, 1, 0, 1179699, 1, 0, 1114163, 1, 0, 1048627, 1, 0, 983091, 1, 0, 917555, 1, 0, 852019, 1, 0, 786483, 1, 0, 720947, 1, 0, 655411, 1, 0, 589875, 1, 0, 524339, 1, 0, 458803, 1, 0, 393267, 1, 0, 327731, 1, 0, 262195, 1, 0, 196659, 1, 0, 131123, 1, 0, 65587, 1, 0, 51, 1, 0, -65485, 1, 0, -131021, 1, 0, -196557, 1, 0, -262093, 1, 0, -327629, 1, 0, -393165, 0, 0, -458701, 0, 0, -524237, 0, 0, -589773, 0, 0, -655309, 0, 0, -655308, 0, 0, -589772, 0, 0, -524236, 0, 0, -458700, 0, 0, -393164, 0, 0, -327628, 1, 0, -262092, 1, 0, -196556, 1, 0, -131020, 1, 0, -65484, 1, 0, 52, 1, 0, 65588, 1, 0, 131124, 1, 0, 196660, 1, 0, 262196, 1, 0, 327732, 1, 0, 393268, 1, 0, 458804, 1, 0, 524340, 1, 0, 589876, 1, 0, 655412, 1, 0, 720948, 1, 0, 786484, 1, 0, 852020, 1, 0, 917556, 1, 0, 983092, 1, 0, 1048628, 1, 0, 1114164, 1, 0, 1179700, 1, 0, 1245236, 1, 0, 1310772, 1, 0, 1376308, 1, 0, 1441844, 1, 0, 1507380, 1, 0, 1572916, 1, 0, 1572917, 1, 0, 1507381, 1, 0, 1441845, 1, 0, 1376309, 1, 0, 1310773, 1, 0, 1245237, 1, 0, 1179701, 1, 0, 1114165, 1, 0, 1048629, 1, 0, 983093, 1, 0, 917557, 1, 0, 852021, 1, 0, 786485, 1, 0, 720949, 1, 0, 655413, 1, 0, 589877, 1, 0, 524341, 1, 0, 458805, 1, 0, 393269, 1, 0, 327733, 1, 0, 262197, 1, 0, 196661, 1, 0, 131125, 1, 0, 65589, 1, 0, 53, 1, 0, -65483, 1, 0, -131019, 1, 0, -196555, 1, 0, -262091, 1, 0, -327627, 1, 0, -393163, 0, 0, -458699, 0, 0, -524235, 0, 0, -589771, 0, 0, -655307, 0, 0, -655306, 0, 0, -589770, 0, 0, -524234, 0, 0, -458698, 0, 0, -393162, 0, 0, -327626, 1, 0, -262090, 1, 0, -196554, 1, 0, -131018, 1, 0, -65482, 1, 0, 54, 1, 0, 65590, 1, 0, 131126, 1, 0, 196662, 1, 0, 262198, 1, 0, 327734, 1, 0, 393270, 1, 0, 458806, 1, 0, 524342, 1, 0, 589878, 1, 0, 655414, 1, 0, 720950, 1, 0, 786486, 1, 0, 852022, 1, 0, 917558, 1, 0, 983094, 1, 0, 1048630, 1, 0, 1114166, 1, 0, 1179702, 1, 0, 1245238, 1, 0, 1310774, 1, 0, 1376310, 1, 0, 1441846, 1, 0, 1507382, 1, 0, 1572918, 1, 0, 1572919, 1, 0, 1507383, 1, 0, 1441847, 1, 0, 1376311, 1, 0, 1310775, 1, 0, 1245239, 1, 0, 1179703, 1, 0, 1114167, 1, 0, 1048631, 1, 0, 983095, 1, 0, 917559, 1, 0, 852023, 1, 0, 786487, 1, 0, 720951, 1, 0, 655415, 1, 0, 589879, 1, 0, 524343, 1, 0, 458807, 1, 0, 393271, 1, 0, 327735, 1, 0, 262199, 1, 0, 196663, 1, 0, 131127, 1, 0, 65591, 1, 0, 55, 1, 0, -65481, 1, 0, -131017, 1, 0, -196553, 1, 0, -262089, 1, 0, -327625, 1, 0, -393161, 1, 0, -458697, 0, 0, -524233, 0, 0, -589769, 0, 0, -655305, 0, 0, -655304, 0, 0, -589768, 0, 0, -524232, 0, 0, -458696, 0, 0, -393160, 1, 0, -327624, 1, 0, -262088, 1, 0, -196552, 1, 0, -131016, 1, 0, -65480, 1, 0, 56, 1, 0, 65592, 1, 0, 131128, 1, 0, 196664, 1, 0, 262200, 1, 0, 327736, 1, 0, 393272, 1, 0, 458808, 1, 0, 524344, 1, 0, 589880, 1, 0, 655416, 1, 0, 720952, 1, 0, 786488, 1, 0, 852024, 1, 0, 917560, 1, 0, 983096, 1, 0, 1048632, 1, 0, 1114168, 1, 0, 1179704, 1, 0, 1245240, 1, 0, 1310776, 1, 0, 1376312, 1, 0, 1441848, 1, 0, 1507384, 1, 0, 1572920, 1, 0, 1572921, 1, 0, 1507385, 1, 0, 1441849, 1, 0, 1376313, 1, 0, 1310777, 1, 0, 1245241, 1, 0, 1179705, 1, 0, 1114169, 1, 0, 1048633, 1, 0, 983097, 1, 0, 917561, 1, 0, 852025, 1, 0, 786489, 1, 0, 720953, 1, 0, 655417, 1, 0, 589881, 1, 0, 524345, 1, 0, 458809, 1, 0, 393273, 1, 0, 327737, 1, 0, 262201, 1, 0, 196665, 1, 0, 131129, 1, 0, 65593, 1, 0, 57, 1, 0, -65479, 1, 0, -131015, 1, 0, -196551, 1, 0, -262087, 1, 0, -327623, 1, 0, -393159, 1, 0, -458695, 1, 0, -524231, 0, 0, -589767, 0, 0, -655303, 0, 0, -655302, 0, 0, -589766, 0, 0, -524230, 0, 0, -458694, 1, 0, -393158, 1, 0, -327622, 1, 0, -262086, 1, 0, -196550, 1, 0, -131014, 1, 0, -65478, 1, 0, 58, 1, 0, 65594, 1, 0, 131130, 1, 0, 196666, 1, 0, 262202, 1, 0, 327738, 1, 0, 393274, 1, 0, 458810, 1, 0, 524346, 1, 0, 589882, 1, 0, 655418, 1, 0, 720954, 1, 0, 786490, 1, 0, 852026, 1, 0, 917562, 1, 0, 983098, 1, 0, 1048634, 1, 0, 1114170, 1, 0, 1179706, 1, 0, 1245242, 1, 0, 1310778, 1, 0, 1376314, 1, 0, 1441850, 1, 0, 1507386, 1, 0, 1572922, 1, 0, 1638447, 1, 0, 1703983, 1, 0, 1769519, 1, 0, 1835055, 1, 0, 1900591, 1, 0, 1966127, 1, 0, 2031663, 1, 0, 2097199, 1, 0, 2162735, 1, 0, 2228271, 1, 0, 2293807, 1, 0, 2359343, 1, 0, 2424879, 1, 0, 2490415, 1, 0, 2555951, 1, 0, 2621487, 1, 0, 2687023, 1, 0, 2752559, 1, 0, 2818095, 1, 0, 2883631, 1, 0, 2949167, 1, 0, 3014703, 1, 0, 3080239, 1, 0, 1638448, 1, 0, 1703984, 1, 0, 1769520, 1, 0, 1835056, 1, 0, 1900592, 1, 0, 1966128, 1, 0, 2031664, 1, 0, 2097200, 1, 0, 2162736, 1, 0, 2228272, 1, 0, 2293808, 1, 0, 2359344, 1, 0, 2424880, 1, 0, 2490416, 1, 0, 2555952, 1, 0, 2621488, 1, 0, 2687024, 1, 0, 2752560, 1, 0, 2818096, 1, 0, 2883632, 1, 0, 2949168, 1, 0, 3014704, 1, 0, 3080240, 1, 0, 1638449, 1, 0, 1703985, 1, 0, 1769521, 1, 0, 1835057, 1, 0, 1900593, 1, 0, 1966129, 1, 0, 2031665, 1, 0, 2097201, 1, 0, 2162737, 1, 0, 2228273, 1, 0, 2293809, 1, 0, 2359345, 1, 0, 2424881, 1, 0, 2490417, 1, 0, 2555953, 1, 0, 2621489, 1, 0, 2687025, 1, 0, 2752561, 1, 0, 2818097, 1, 0, 2883633, 1, 0, 2949169, 1, 0, 3014705, 1, 0, 3080241, 1, 0, 1638450, 1, 0, 1703986, 1, 0, 1769522, 1, 0, 1835058, 1, 0, 1900594, 1, 0, 1966130, 1, 0, 2031666, 1, 0, 2097202, 1, 0, 2162738, 1, 0, 2228274, 1, 0, 2293810, 1, 0, 2359346, 1, 0, 2424882, 1, 0, 2490418, 1, 0, 2555954, 1, 0, 2621490, 1, 0, 2687026, 1, 0, 2752562, 1, 0, 2818098, 1, 0, 2883634, 1, 0, 2949170, 1, 0, 3014706, 1, 0, 3080242, 1, 0, 1638451, 1, 0, 1703987, 1, 0, 1769523, 1, 0, 1835059, 1, 0, 1900595, 1, 0, 1966131, 1, 0, 2031667, 1, 0, 2097203, 1, 0, 2162739, 1, 0, 2228275, 1, 0, 2293811, 1, 0, 2359347, 1, 0, 2424883, 1, 0, 2490419, 1, 0, 2555955, 1, 0, 2621491, 1, 0, 2687027, 1, 0, 2752563, 1, 0, 2818099, 1, 0, 2883635, 1, 0, 2949171, 1, 0, 3014707, 1, 0, 3080243, 1, 0, 1638452, 1, 0, 1703988, 1, 0, 1769524, 1, 0, 1835060, 1, 0, 1900596, 1, 0, 1966132, 1, 0, 2031668, 1, 0, 2097204, 1, 0, 2162740, 1, 0, 2228276, 1, 0, 2293812, 1, 0, 2359348, 1, 0, 2424884, 1, 0, 2490420, 1, 0, 2555956, 1, 0, 2621492, 1, 0, 2687028, 1, 0, 2752564, 1, 0, 2818100, 1, 0, 2883636, 1, 0, 2949172, 1, 0, 3014708, 1, 0, 3080244, 1, 0, 1638453, 1, 0, 1703989, 1, 0, 1769525, 1, 0, 1835061, 1, 0, 1900597, 1, 0, 1966133, 1, 0, 2031669, 1, 0, 2097205, 1, 0, 2162741, 1, 0, 2228277, 1, 0, 2293813, 1, 0, 2359349, 1, 0, 2424885, 1, 0, 2490421, 1, 0, 2555957, 1, 0, 2621493, 1, 0, 2687029, 1, 0, 2752565, 1, 0, 2818101, 1, 0, 2883637, 1, 0, 2949173, 1, 0, 3014709, 1, 0, 3080245, 1, 0, 1638454, 1, 0, 1703990, 1, 0, 1769526, 1, 0, 1835062, 1, 0, 1900598, 1, 0, 1966134, 1, 0, 2031670, 1, 0, 2097206, 1, 0, 2162742, 1, 0, 2228278, 1, 0, 2293814, 1, 0, 2359350, 1, 0, 2424886, 1, 0, 2490422, 1, 0, 2555958, 1, 0, 2621494, 1, 0, 2687030, 1, 0, 2752566, 1, 0, 2818102, 1, 0, 2883638, 1, 0, 2949174, 1, 0, 3014710, 1, 0, 3080246, 1, 0, 1638455, 1, 0, 1703991, 1, 0, 1769527, 1, 0, 1835063, 1, 0, 1900599, 1, 0, 1966135, 1, 0, 2031671, 1, 0, 2097207, 1, 0, 2162743, 1, 0, 2228279, 1, 0, 2293815, 1, 0, 2359351, 1, 0, 2424887, 1, 0, 2490423, 1, 0, 2555959, 1, 0, 2621495, 1, 0, 2687031, 1, 0, 2752567, 1, 0, 2818103, 1, 0, 2883639, 1, 0, 2949175, 1, 0, 3014711, 1, 0, 3080247, 1, 0, 1638456, 1, 0, 1703992, 1, 0, 1769528, 1, 0, 1835064, 1, 0, 1900600, 1, 0, 1966136, 1, 0, 2031672, 1, 0, 2097208, 1, 0, 2162744, 1, 0, 2228280, 1, 0, 2293816, 1, 0, 2359352, 1, 0, 2424888, 1, 0, 2490424, 1, 0, 2555960, 1, 0, 2621496, 1, 0, 2687032, 1, 0, 2752568, 1, 0, 2818104, 1, 0, 2883640, 1, 0, 2949176, 1, 0, 3014712, 1, 0, 3080248, 1, 0, 1638457, 1, 0, 1703993, 1, 0, 1769529, 1, 0, 1835065, 1, 0, 1900601, 1, 0, 1966137, 1, 0, 2031673, 1, 0, 2097209, 1, 0, 2162745, 1, 0, 2228281, 1, 0, 2293817, 1, 0, 2359353, 1, 0, 2424889, 1, 0, 2490425, 1, 0, 2555961, 1, 0, 2621497, 1, 0, 2687033, 1, 0, 2752569, 1, 0, 2818105, 1, 0, 2883641, 1, 0, 2949177, 1, 0, 3014713, 1, 0, 3080249, 1, 0, 1638458, 1, 0, 1703994, 1, 0, 1769530, 1, 0, 1835066, 1, 0, 1900602, 1, 0, 1966138, 1, 0, 2031674, 1, 0, 2097210, 1, 0, 2162746, 1, 0, 2228282, 1, 0, 2293818, 1, 0, 2359354, 1, 0, 2424890, 1, 0, 2490426, 1, 0, 2555962, 1, 0, 2621498, 1, 0, 2687034, 1, 0, 2752570, 1, 0, 2818106, 1, 0, 2883642, 1, 0, 2949178, 1, 0, 3014714, 1, 0, 3080250, 1, 0, 1114171, 1, 0, 1179707, 1, 0, 1245243, 1, 0, 1310779, 1, 0, 1376315, 1, 0, 1441851, 1, 0, 1507387, 1, 0, 1572923, 1, 0, 1638459, 1, 0, 1703995, 1, 0, 1769531, 1, 0, 1835067, 1, 0, 1900603, 1, 0, 1966139, 1, 0, 2031675, 1, 0, 2097211, 1, 0, 2162747, 1, 0, 2228283, 1, 0, 2293819, 1, 0, 2359355, 1, 0, 2424891, 1, 0, 2490427, 1, 0, 2555963, 1, 0, 2621499, 1, 0, 2687035, 1, 0, 2752571, 1, 0, 2818107, 1, 0, 2883643, 1, 0, 2949179, 1, 0, 3014715, 1, 0, 3080251, 1, 0, 1114172, 1, 0, 1179708, 1, 0, 1245244, 1, 0, 1310780, 1, 0, 1376316, 1, 0, 1441852, 1, 0, 1507388, 1, 0, 1572924, 1, 0, 1638460, 1, 0, 1703996, 1, 0, 1769532, 1, 0, 1835068, 1, 0, 1900604, 1, 0, 1966140, 1, 0, 2031676, 1, 0, 2097212, 1, 0, 2162748, 1, 0, 2228284, 1, 0, 2293820, 1, 0, 2359356, 1, 0, 2424892, 1, 0, 2490428, 1, 0, 2555964, 1, 0, 2621500, 1, 0, 2687036, 1, 0, 2752572, 1, 0, 2818108, 1, 0, 2883644, 1, 0, 2949180, 1, 0, 3014716, 1, 0, 3080252, 1, 0, 1114173, 1, 0, 1179709, 1, 0, 1245245, 1, 0, 1310781, 1, 0, 1376317, 1, 0, 1441853, 1, 0, 1507389, 1, 0, 1572925, 1, 0, 1638461, 1, 0, 1703997, 1, 0, 1769533, 1, 0, 1835069, 1, 0, 1900605, 1, 0, 1966141, 1, 0, 2031677, 1, 0, 2097213, 1, 0, 2162749, 1, 0, 2228285, 1, 0, 2293821, 1, 0, 2359357, 1, 0, 2424893, 1, 0, 2490429, 1, 0, 2555965, 1, 0, 2621501, 1, 0, 2687037, 1, 0, 2752573, 1, 0, 2818109, 1, 0, 2883645, 1, 0, 2949181, 1, 0, 3014717, 1, 0, 3080253, 1, 0, 1114174, 1, 0, 1179710, 1, 0, 1245246, 1, 0, 1310782, 1, 0, 1376318, 1, 0, 1441854, 1, 0, 1507390, 1, 0, 1572926, 1, 0, 1638462, 1, 0, 1703998, 1, 0, 1769534, 1, 0, 1835070, 1, 0, 1900606, 1, 0, 1966142, 1, 0, 2031678, 1, 0, 2097214, 1, 0, 2162750, 1, 0, 2228286, 1, 0, 2293822, 1, 0, 2359358, 1, 0, 2424894, 1, 0, 2490430, 1, 0, 2555966, 1, 0, 2621502, 1, 0, 2687038, 1, 0, 2752574, 1, 0, 2818110, 1, 0, 2883646, 1, 0, 2949182, 1, 0, 3014718, 1, 0, 3080254, 1, 0, 1114175, 1, 0, 1179711, 1, 0, 1245247, 1, 0, 1310783, 1, 0, 1376319, 1, 0, 1441855, 1, 0, 1507391, 1, 0, 1572927, 1, 0, 1638463, 1, 0, 1703999, 1, 0, 1769535, 1, 0, 1835071, 1, 0, 1900607, 1, 0, 1966143, 1, 0, 2031679, 1, 0, 2097215, 1, 0, 2162751, 1, 0, 2228287, 1, 0, 2293823, 1, 0, 2359359, 1, 0, 2424895, 1, 0, 2490431, 1, 0, 2555967, 1, 0, 2621503, 1, 0, 2687039, 1, 0, 2752575, 1, 0, 2818111, 1, 0, 2883647, 1, 0, 2949183, 1, 0, 3014719, 1, 0, 3080255, 1, 0, 1114176, 1, 0, 1179712, 1, 0, 1245248, 1, 0, 1310784, 1, 0, 1376320, 1, 0, 1441856, 1, 0, 1507392, 1, 0, 1572928, 1, 0, 1638464, 1, 0, 1704000, 1, 0, 1769536, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2162754, 1, 0, 2228290, 1, 0, 2293826, 1, 0, 2359362, 1, 0, 2424898, 1, 0, 2490434, 1, 0, 2555970, 1, 0, 2621506, 1, 0, 2687042, 1, 0, 2752578, 1, 0, 2818114, 1, 0, 2883650, 1, 0, 2949186, 1, 0, 3014722, 1, 0, 3080258, 1, 0, 1114179, 1, 0, 1179715, 1, 0, 1245251, 1, 0, 1310787, 1, 0, 1376323, 1, 0, 1441859, 1, 0, 1507395, 1, 0, 1572931, 1, 0, 1638467, 1, 0, 1704003, 1, 0, 1769539, 1, 0, 1835075, 1, 0, 1900611, 1, 0, 1966147, 1, 0, 2031683, 1, 0, 2097219, 1, 0, 2162755, 1, 0, 2228291, 1, 0, 2293827, 1, 0, 2359363, 1, 0, 2424899, 1, 0, 2490435, 1, 0, 2555971, 1, 0, 2621507, 1, 0, 2687043, 1, 0, 2752579, 1, 0, 2818115, 1, 0, 2883651, 1, 0, 2949187, 1, 0, 3014723, 1, 0, 3080259, 1, 0, 1114180, 1, 0, 1179716, 1, 0, 1245252, 1, 0, 1310788, 1, 0, 1376324, 1, 0, 1441860, 1, 0, 1507396, 1, 0, 1572932, 1, 0, 1638468, 1, 0, 1704004, 1, 0, 1769540, 1, 0, 1835076, 1, 0, 1900612, 1, 0, 1966148, 1, 0, 2031684, 1, 0, 2097220, 1, 0, 2162756, 1, 0, 2228292, 1, 0, 2293828, 1, 0, 2359364, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2752582, 1, 0, 2818118, 1, 0, 2883654, 1, 0, 2949190, 1, 0, 3014726, 1, 0, 3080262, 1, 0, 1114183, 1, 0, 1179719, 1, 0, 1245255, 1, 0, 1310791, 1, 0, 1376327, 1, 0, 1441863, 1, 0, 1507399, 1, 0, 1572935, 1, 0, 1638471, 1, 0, 1704007, 1, 0, 1769543, 1, 0, 1835079, 1, 0, 1900615, 1, 0, 1966151, 1, 0, 2031687, 1, 0, 2097223, 1, 0, 2162759, 1, 0, 2228295, 1, 0, 2293831, 1, 0, 2359367, 1, 0, 2424903, 1, 0, 2490439, 1, 0, 2555975, 1, 0, 2621511, 1, 0, 2687047, 1, 0, 2752583, 1, 0, 2818119, 1, 0, 2883655, 1, 0, 2949191, 1, 0, 3014727, 1, 0, 3080263, 1, 0, 1114184, 1, 0, 1179720, 1, 0, 1245256, 1, 0, 1310792, 1, 0, 1376328, 1, 0, 1441864, 1, 0, 1507400, 1, 0, 1572936, 1, 0, 1638472, 1, 0, 1704008, 1, 0, 1769544, 1, 0, 1835080, 1, 0, 1900616, 1, 0, 1966152, 1, 0, 2031688, 1, 0, 2097224, 1, 0, 2162760, 1, 0, 2228296, 1, 0, 2293832, 1, 0, 2359368, 1, 0, 2424904, 1, 0, 2490440, 1, 0, 2555976, 1, 0, 2621512, 1, 0, 2687048, 1, 0, 2752584, 1, 0, 2818120, 1, 0, 2883656, 1, 0, 2949192, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 1900623, 1, 0, 1966159, 1, 0, 2031695, 1, 0, 2097231, 1, 0, 2162767, 1, 0, 2228303, 1, 0, 2293839, 1, 0, 2359375, 1, 0, 2424911, 1, 0, 2490447, 1, 0, 2555983, 1, 0, 2621519, 1, 0, 2687055, 1, 0, 2752591, 1, 0, 2818127, 1, 0, 2883663, 1, 0, 2949199, 1, 0, 3014735, 1, 0, 3080271, 1, 0, 1114192, 1, 0, 1179728, 1, 0, 1245264, 1, 0, 1310800, 1, 0, 1376336, 1, 0, 1441872, 1, 0, 1507408, 1, 0, 1572944, 1, 0, 1638480, 1, 0, 1704016, 1, 0, 1769552, 1, 0, 1835088, 1, 0, 1900624, 1, 0, 1966160, 1, 0, 2031696, 1, 0, 2097232, 1, 0, 2162768, 1, 0, 2228304, 1, 0, 2293840, 1, 0, 2359376, 1, 0, 2424912, 1, 0, 2490448, 1, 0, 2555984, 1, 0, 2621520, 1, 0, 2687056, 1, 0, 2752592, 1, 0, 2818128, 1, 0, 2883664, 1, 0, 2949200, 1, 0, 3014736, 1, 0, 3080272, 1, 0, 1114193, 1, 0, 1179729, 1, 0, 1245265, 1, 0, 1310801, 1, 0, 1376337, 1, 0, 1441873, 1, 0, 1507409, 1, 0, 1572945, 1, 0, 1638481, 1, 0, 1704017, 1, 0, 1769553, 1, 0, 1835089, 1, 0, 1900625, 1, 0, 1966161, 1, 0, 2031697, 1, 0, 2097233, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2490451, 1, 0, 2555987, 1, 0, 2621523, 1, 0, 2687059, 1, 0, 2752595, 1, 0, 2818131, 1, 0, 2883667, 1, 0, 2949203, 1, 0, 3014739, 1, 0, 3080275, 1, 0, 1114196, 1, 0, 1179732, 1, 0, 1245268, 1, 0, 1310804, 1, 0, 1376340, 1, 0, 1441876, 1, 0, 1507412, 1, 0, 1572948, 1, 0, 1638484, 1, 0, 1704020, 1, 0, 1769556, 1, 0, 1835092, 1, 0, 1900628, 1, 0, 1966164, 1, 0, 2031700, 1, 0, 2097236, 1, 0, 2162772, 1, 0, 2228308, 1, 0, 2293844, 1, 0, 2359380, 1, 0, 2424916, 1, 0, 2490452, 1, 0, 2555988, 1, 0, 2621524, 1, 0, 2687060, 1, 0, 2752596, 1, 0, 2818132, 1, 0, 2883668, 1, 0, 2949204, 1, 0, 3014740, 1, 0, 3080276, 1, 0, 1114197, 1, 0, 1179733, 1, 0, 1245269, 1, 0, 1310805, 1, 0, 1376341, 1, 0, 1441877, 1, 0, 1507413, 1, 0, 1572949, 1, 0, 1638485, 1, 0, 1704021, 1, 0, 1769557, 1, 0, 1835093, 1, 0, 1900629, 1, 0, 1966165, 1, 0, 2031701, 1, 0, 2097237, 1, 0, 2162773, 1, 0, 2228309, 1, 0, 2293845, 1, 0, 2359381, 1, 0, 2424917, 1, 0, 2490453, 1, 0, 2555989, 1, 0, 2621525, 1, 0, 2687061, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 3080279, 1, 0, 1114200, 1, 0, 1179736, 1, 0, 1245272, 1, 0, 1310808, 1, 0, 1376344, 1, 0, 1441880, 1, 0, 1507416, 1, 0, 1572952, 1, 0, 1638488, 1, 0, 1704024, 1, 0, 1769560, 1, 0, 1835096, 1, 0, 1900632, 1, 0, 1966168, 1, 0, 2031704, 1, 0, 2097240, 1, 0, 2162776, 1, 0, 2228312, 1, 0, 2293848, 1, 0, 2359384, 1, 0, 2424920, 1, 0, 2490456, 1, 0, 2555992, 1, 0, 2621528, 1, 0, 2687064, 1, 0, 2752600, 1, 0, 2818136, 1, 0, 2883672, 1, 0, 2949208, 1, 0, 3014744, 1, 0, 3080280, 1, 0, 1114201, 1, 0, 1179737, 1, 0, 1245273, 1, 0, 1310809, 1, 0, 1376345, 1, 0, 1441881, 1, 0, 1507417, 1, 0, 1572953, 1, 0, 1638489, 1, 0, 1704025, 1, 0, 1769561, 1, 0, 1835097, 1, 0, 1900633, 1, 0, 1966169, 1, 0, 2031705, 1, 0, 2097241, 1, 0, 2162777, 1, 0, 2228313, 1, 0, 2293849, 1, 0, 2359385, 1, 0, 2424921, 1, 0, 2490457, 1, 0, 2555993, 1, 0, 2621529, 1, 0, 2687065, 1, 0, 2752601, 1, 0, 2818137, 1, 0, 2883673, 1, 0, 2949209, 1, 0, 3014745, 1, 0, 3080281, 1, 0, 1114202, 1, 0, 1179738, 1, 0, 1245274, 1, 0, 1310810, 1, 0, 1376346, 1, 0, 1441882, 1, 0, 1507418, 1, 0, 1572954, 1, 0, 1638490, 1, 0, 1704026, 1, 0, 1769562, 1, 0, 1835098, 1, 0, 1900634, 1, 0, 1966170, 1, 0, 2031706, 1, 0, 2097242, 1, 0, 2162778, 1, 0, 2228314, 1, 0, 2293850, 1, 0, 2359386, 1, 0, 2424922, 1, 0, 2490458, 1, 0, 2555994, 1, 0, 2621530, 1, 0, 2687066, 1, 0, 2752602, 1, 0, 2818138, 1, 0, 2883674, 1, 0, 2949210, 1, 0, 3014746, 1, 0, 3080282, 1, 0, 1114203, 1, 0, 1179739, 1, 0, 1245275, 1, 0, 1310811, 1, 0, 1376347, 1, 0, 1441883, 1, 0, 1507419, 1, 0, 1572955, 1, 0, 1638491, 1, 0, 1704027, 1, 0, 1769563, 1, 0, 1835099, 1, 0, 1900635, 1, 0, 1966171, 1, 0, 2031707, 1, 0, 2097243, 1, 0, 2162779, 1, 0, 2228315, 1, 0, 2293851, 1, 0, 2359387, 1, 0, 2424923, 1, 0, 2490459, 1, 0, 2555995, 1, 0, 2621531, 1, 0, 2687067, 1, 0, 2752603, 1, 0, 2818139, 1, 0, 2883675, 1, 0, 2949211, 1, 0, 3014747, 1, 0, 3080283, 1, 0, 1114204, 1, 0, 1179740, 1, 0, 1245276, 1, 0, 1310812, 1, 0, 1376348, 1, 0, 1441884, 1, 0, 1507420, 1, 0, 1572956, 1, 0, 1638492, 1, 0, 1704028, 1, 0, 1769564, 1, 0, 1835100, 1, 0, 1900636, 1, 0, 1966172, 1, 0, 2031708, 1, 0, 2097244, 1, 0, 2162780, 1, 0, 2228316, 1, 0, 2293852, 1, 0, 2359388, 1, 0, 2424924, 1, 0, 2490460, 1, 0, 2555996, 1, 0, 2621532, 1, 0, 2687068, 1, 0, 2752604, 1, 0, 2818140, 1, 0, 2883676, 1, 0, 2949212, 1, 0, 3014748, 1, 0, 3080284, 1, 0, 1114205, 1, 0, 1179741, 1, 0, 1245277, 1, 0, 1310813, 1, 0, 1376349, 1, 0, 1441885, 1, 0, 1507421, 1, 0, 1572957, 1, 0, 1638493, 1, 0, 1704029, 1, 0, 1769565, 1, 0, 1835101, 1, 0, 1900637, 1, 0, 1966173, 1, 0, 2031709, 1, 0, 2097245, 1, 0, 2162781, 1, 0, 2228317, 1, 0, 2293853, 1, 0, 2359389, 1, 0, 2424925, 1, 0, 2490461, 1, 0, 2555997, 1, 0, 2621533, 1, 0, 2687069, 1, 0, 2752605, 1, 0, 2818141, 1, 0, 2883677, 1, 0, 2949213, 1, 0, 3014749, 1, 0, 3080285, 1, 0, 1114206, 1, 0, 1179742, 1, 0, 1245278, 1, 0, 1310814, 1, 0, 1376350, 1, 0, 1441886, 1, 0, 1507422, 1, 0, 1572958, 1, 0, 1638494, 1, 0, 1704030, 1, 0, 1769566, 1, 0, 1835102, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2228320, 1, 0, 2293856, 1, 0, 2359392, 1, 0, 2424928, 1, 0, 2490464, 1, 0, 2556000, 1, 0, 2621536, 1, 0, 2687072, 1, 0, 2752608, 1, 0, 2818144, 1, 0, 2883680, 1, 0, 2949216, 1, 0, 3014752, 1, 0, 3080288, 1, 0, 1114209, 1, 0, 1179745, 1, 0, 1245281, 1, 0, 1310817, 1, 0, 1376353, 1, 0, 1441889, 1, 0, 1507425, 1, 0, 1572961, 1, 0, 1638497, 1, 0, 1704033, 1, 0, 1769569, 1, 0, 1835105, 1, 0, 1900641, 1, 0, 1966177, 1, 0, 2031713, 1, 0, 2097249, 1, 0, 2162785, 1, 0, 2228321, 1, 0, 2293857, 1, 0, 2359393, 1, 0, 2424929, 1, 0, 2490465, 1, 0, 2556001, 1, 0, 2621537, 1, 0, 2687073, 1, 0, 2752609, 1, 0, 2818145, 1, 0, 2883681, 1, 0, 2949217, 1, 0, 3014753, 1, 0, 3080289, 1, 0, 1114210, 1, 0, 1179746, 1, 0, 1245282, 1, 0, 1310818, 1, 0, 1376354, 1, 0, 1441890, 1, 0, 1507426, 1, 0, 1572962, 1, 0, 1638498, 1, 0, 1704034, 1, 0, 1769570, 1, 0, 1835106, 1, 0, 1900642, 1, 0, 1966178, 1, 0, 2031714, 1, 0, 2097250, 1, 0, 2162786, 1, 0, 2228322, 1, 0, 2293858, 1, 0, 2359394, 1, 0, 2424930, 1, 0, 2490466, 1, 0, 2556002, 1, 0, 2621538, 1, 0, 2687074, 1, 0, 2752610, 1, 0, 2818146, 1, 0, 2883682, 1, 0, 2949218, 1, 0, 3014754, 1, 0, 3080290, 1, 0, 1114211, 1, 0, 1179747, 1, 0, 1245283, 1, 0, 1310819, 1, 0, 1376355, 1, 0, 1441891, 1, 0, 1507427, 1, 0, 1572963, 1, 0, 1638499, 1, 0, 1704035, 1, 0, 1769571, 1, 0, 1835107, 1, 0, 1900643, 1, 0, 1966179, 1, 0, 2031715, 1, 0, 2097251, 1, 0, 2162787, 1, 0, 2228323, 1, 0, 2293859, 1, 0, 2359395, 1, 0, 2424931, 1, 0, 2490467, 1, 0, 2556003, 1, 0, 2621539, 1, 0, 2687075, 1, 0, 2752611, 1, 0, 2818147, 1, 0, 2883683, 1, 0, 2949219, 1, 0, 3014755, 1, 0, 3080291, 1, 0, -3211332, 1, 0, -3145796, 1, 0, -3080260, 1, 0, -3014724, 1, 0, -2949188, 1, 0, -2883652, 1, 0, -2818116, 1, 0, -2752580, 1, 0, -2687044, 1, 0, -2621508, 1, 0, -2555972, 1, 0, -2490436, 1, 0, -2424900, 1, 0, -2359364, 1, 0, -2293828, 1, 0, -2228292, 1, 0, -2162756, 1, 0, -2097220, 1, 0, -2031684, 1, 0, -1966148, 1, 0, -1900612, 1, 0, -1835076, 1, 0, -1769540, 1, 0, -1704004, 1, 0, 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0, -2817985, 1, 0, -2752449, 1, 0, -2686913, 1, 0, -2621377, 1, 0, -2555841, 1, 0, -2490305, 1, 0, -2424769, 1, 0, -2359233, 1, 0, -2293697, 1, 0, -2228161, 1, 0, -2162625, 1, 0, -2097089, 1, 0, -2031553, 1, 0, -1966017, 1, 0, -1900481, 1, 0, -1834945, 1, 0, -1769409, 1, 0, -1703873, 1, 0, -1638337, 1, 0, -1572801, 1, 0, -1507265, 1, 0, -1441729, 1, 0, -1376193, 1, 0, -1310657, 1, 0, -1245121, 0, 0, -1179585, 0, 0, -1114049, 0, 0, -1048513, 0, 0, -982977, 0, 0, -917441, 0, 0, -851905, 0, 0, -786369, 0, 0, -720833, 0, 0, -655297, 0, 0, -589761, 1, 0, -524225, 1, 0, -458689, 1, 0, -393153, 1, 0, -327617, 1, 0, -262081, 1, 0, -196545, 1, 0, -131009, 1, 0, -65473, 1, 0, 63, 1, 0, 65599, 1, 0, 131135, 1, 0, 196671, 1, 0, 262207, 1, 0, 327743, 1, 0, 393279, 1, 0, 458815, 1, 0, 524351, 1, 0, 589887, 1, 0, 655423, 1, 0, 720959, 1, 0, 786495, 1, 0, 852031, 1, 0, 917567, 1, 0, 983103, 1, 0, 1048639, 1, 0, 1048640, 1, 0, 983104, 1, 0, 917568, 1, 0, 852032, 1, 0, 786496, 1, 0, 720960, 1, 0, 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1, 0, -3145661, 1, 0, -3080125, 1, 0, -3014589, 1, 0, -2949053, 1, 0, -2883517, 1, 0, -2817981, 1, 0, -2752445, 1, 0, -2686909, 1, 0, -2621373, 1, 0, -2555837, 1, 0, -2490301, 1, 0, -2424765, 1, 0, -2359229, 1, 0, -2293693, 1, 0, -2228157, 1, 0, -2162621, 1, 0, -2097085, 1, 0, -2031549, 1, 0, -1966013, 1, 0, -1900477, 1, 0, -1834941, 1, 0, -1769405, 1, 0, -1703869, 1, 0, -1638333, 1, 0, -1572797, 1, 0, -1507261, 1, 0, -1441725, 1, 0, -1376189, 1, 0, -1310653, 1, 0, -1245117, 1, 0, -1179581, 1, 0, -1114045, 1, 0, -1048509, 0, 0, -982973, 0, 0, -917437, 0, 0, -851901, 0, 0, -786365, 1, 0, -720829, 1, 0, -655293, 1, 0, -589757, 1, 0, -524221, 1, 0, -458685, 1, 0, -393149, 1, 0, -327613, 1, 0, -262077, 1, 0, -196541, 1, 0, -131005, 1, 0, -65469, 1, 0, 67, 1, 0, 65603, 1, 0, 131139, 1, 0, 196675, 1, 0, 262211, 1, 0, 327747, 1, 0, 393283, 1, 0, 458819, 1, 0, 524355, 1, 0, 589891, 1, 0, 655427, 1, 0, 720963, 1, 0, 786499, 1, 0, 852035, 1, 0, 917571, 1, 0, 983107, 1, 0, 1048643, 1, 0, 1048644, 1, 0, 983108, 1, 0, 917572, 1, 0, 852036, 1, 0, 786500, 1, 0, 720964, 1, 0, 655428, 1, 0, 589892, 1, 0, 524356, 1, 0, 458820, 1, 0, 393284, 1, 0, 327748, 1, 0, 262212, 1, 0, 196676, 1, 0, 131140, 1, 0, 65604, 1, 0, 68, 1, 0, -65468, 1, 0, -131004, 1, 0, -196540, 1, 0, -262076, 1, 0, -327612, 1, 0, -393148, 1, 0, -458684, 1, 0, -524220, 1, 0, -589756, 1, 0, -655292, 1, 0, -720828, 1, 0, -786364, 1, 0, -851900, 0, 0, -917436, 0, 0, -982972, 1, 0, -1048508, 1, 0, -1114044, 1, 0, -1179580, 1, 0, -1245116, 1, 0, -1310652, 1, 0, -1376188, 1, 0, -1441724, 1, 0, -1507260, 1, 0, -1572796, 1, 0, -1638332, 1, 0, -1703868, 1, 0, -1769404, 1, 0, -1834940, 1, 0, -1900476, 1, 0, -1966012, 1, 0, -2031548, 1, 0, -2097084, 1, 0, -2162620, 1, 0, -2228156, 1, 0, -2293692, 1, 0, -2359228, 1, 0, -2424764, 1, 0, -2490300, 1, 0, -2555836, 1, 0, -2621372, 1, 0, -2686908, 1, 0, -2752444, 1, 0, -2817980, 1, 0, -2883516, 1, 0, -2949052, 1, 0, -3014588, 1, 0, -3080124, 1, 0, -3145660, 1, 0, -3211196, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 983109, 1, 0, 1048645, 1, 0, 1048646, 1, 0, 983110, 1, 0, 917574, 1, 0, 852038, 1, 0, 786502, 1, 0, 720966, 1, 0, 655430, 1, 0, 589894, 1, 0, 524358, 1, 0, 458822, 1, 0, 393286, 1, 0, 327750, 1, 0, 262214, 1, 0, 196678, 1, 0, 131142, 1, 0, 65606, 1, 0, 70, 1, 0, -65466, 1, 0, -131002, 1, 0, -196538, 1, 0, -262074, 1, 0, -327610, 1, 0, -393146, 1, 0, -458682, 1, 0, -524218, 1, 0, -589754, 1, 0, -655290, 1, 0, -720826, 1, 0, -786362, 1, 0, -851898, 1, 0, -917434, 1, 0, -982970, 1, 0, -1048506, 1, 0, -1114042, 1, 0, -1179578, 1, 0, -1245114, 1, 0, -1310650, 1, 0, -1376186, 1, 0, -1441722, 1, 0, -1507258, 1, 0, -1572794, 1, 0, -1638330, 1, 0, -1703866, 1, 0, -1769402, 1, 0, -1834938, 1, 0, -1900474, 1, 0, -1966010, 1, 0, -2031546, 1, 0, -2097082, 1, 0, -2162618, 1, 0, -2228154, 1, 0, -2293690, 1, 0, -2359226, 1, 0, -2424762, 1, 0, -2490298, 1, 0, -2555834, 1, 0, -2621370, 1, 0, -2686906, 1, 0, -2752442, 1, 0, -2817978, 1, 0, -2883514, 1, 0, -2949050, 1, 0, -3014586, 1, 0, -3080122, 1, 0, -3145658, 1, 0, -3211194, 1, 0, -3276730, 1, 0, -3276729, 1, 0, -3211193, 1, 0, -3145657, 1, 0, -3080121, 1, 0, -3014585, 1, 0, -2949049, 1, 0, -2883513, 1, 0, -2817977, 1, 0, -2752441, 1, 0, -2686905, 1, 0, -2621369, 1, 0, -2555833, 1, 0, -2490297, 1, 0, -2424761, 1, 0, -2359225, 1, 0, -2293689, 1, 0, -2228153, 1, 0, -2162617, 1, 0, -2097081, 1, 0, -2031545, 1, 0, -1966009, 1, 0, -1900473, 1, 0, -1834937, 1, 0, -1769401, 1, 0, -1703865, 1, 0, -1638329, 1, 0, -1572793, 1, 0, -1507257, 1, 0, -1441721, 1, 0, -1376185, 1, 0, -1310649, 1, 0, -1245113, 1, 0, -1179577, 1, 0, -1114041, 1, 0, -1048505, 1, 0, -982969, 1, 0, -917433, 1, 0, -851897, 1, 0, -786361, 1, 0, -720825, 1, 0, -655289, 1, 0, -589753, 1, 0, -524217, 1, 0, -458681, 1, 0, -393145, 1, 0, -327609, 1, 0, -262073, 1, 0, -196537, 1, 0, -131001, 1, 0, -65465, 1, 0, 71, 1, 0, 65607, 1, 0, 131143, 1, 0, 196679, 1, 0, 262215, 1, 0, 327751, 1, 0, 393287, 1, 0, 458823, 1, 0, 524359, 1, 0, 589895, 1, 0, 655431, 1, 0, 720967, 1, 0, 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589897, 1, 0, 655433, 1, 0, 720969, 1, 0, 786505, 1, 0, 852041, 1, 0, 917577, 1, 0, 983113, 1, 0, 1048649, 1, 0, 1048650, 1, 0, 983114, 1, 0, 917578, 1, 0, 852042, 1, 0, 786506, 1, 0, 720970, 1, 0, 655434, 1, 0, 589898, 1, 0, 524362, 1, 0, 458826, 1, 0, 393290, 1, 0, 327754, 1, 0, 262218, 1, 0, 196682, 1, 0, 131146, 1, 0, 65610, 1, 0, 74, 1, 0, -65462, 1, 0, -130998, 1, 0, -196534, 1, 0, -262070, 1, 0, -327606, 1, 0, -393142, 1, 0, -458678, 1, 0, -524214, 1, 0, -589750, 1, 0, -655286, 1, 0, -720822, 1, 0, -786358, 1, 0, -851894, 1, 0, -917430, 1, 0, -982966, 1, 0, -1048502, 1, 0, -1114038, 1, 0, -1179574, 1, 0, -1245110, 1, 0, -1310646, 1, 0, -1376182, 1, 0, -1441718, 1, 0, -1507254, 1, 0, -1572790, 1, 0, -1638326, 1, 0, -1703862, 1, 0, -1769398, 1, 0, -1834934, 1, 0, -1900470, 1, 0, -1966006, 1, 0, -2031542, 1, 0, -2097078, 1, 0, -2162614, 1, 0, -2228150, 1, 0, -2293686, 1, 0, -2359222, 1, 0, -2424758, 1, 0, -2490294, 1, 0, -2555830, 1, 0, -2621366, 1, 0, -2686902, 1, 0, -2752438, 1, 0, -2817974, 1, 0, -2883510, 1, 0, -2949046, 1, 0, -3014582, 1, 0, -3080118, 1, 0, -3145654, 1, 0, -3211190, 1, 0, -3276726, 1, 0, -3276725, 1, 0, -3211189, 1, 0, -3145653, 1, 0, -3080117, 1, 0, -3014581, 1, 0, -2949045, 1, 0, -2883509, 1, 0, -2817973, 1, 0, -2752437, 1, 0, -2686901, 1, 0, -2621365, 1, 0, -2555829, 1, 0, -2490293, 1, 0, -2424757, 1, 0, -2359221, 1, 0, -2293685, 1, 0, -2228149, 1, 0, -2162613, 1, 0, -2097077, 1, 0, -2031541, 1, 0, -1966005, 1, 0, -1900469, 1, 0, -1834933, 1, 0, -1769397, 1, 0, -1703861, 1, 0, -1638325, 1, 0, -1572789, 1, 0, -1507253, 1, 0, -1441717, 1, 0, -1376181, 1, 0, -1310645, 1, 0, -1245109, 1, 0, -1179573, 1, 0, -1114037, 1, 0, -1048501, 1, 0, -982965, 1, 0, -917429, 1, 0, -851893, 1, 0, -786357, 1, 0, -720821, 1, 0, -655285, 1, 0, -589749, 1, 0, -524213, 1, 0, -458677, 1, 0, -393141, 1, 0, -327605, 1, 0, -262069, 1, 0, -196533, 1, 0, -130997, 1, 0, -65461, 1, 0, 75, 1, 0, 65611, 1, 0, 131147, 1, 0, 196683, 1, 0, 262219, 1, 0, 327755, 1, 0, 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196685, 1, 0, 262221, 1, 0, 327757, 1, 0, 393293, 1, 0, 458829, 1, 0, 524365, 1, 0, 589901, 1, 0, 655437, 1, 0, 720973, 1, 0, 786509, 1, 0, 852045, 1, 0, 917581, 1, 0, 983117, 1, 0, 1048653, 1, 0, 1048654, 1, 0, 983118, 1, 0, 917582, 1, 0, 852046, 1, 0, 786510, 1, 0, 720974, 1, 0, 655438, 1, 0, 589902, 1, 0, 524366, 1, 0, 458830, 1, 0, 393294, 1, 0, 327758, 1, 0, 262222, 1, 0, 196686, 1, 0, 131150, 1, 0, 65614, 1, 0, 78, 1, 0, -65458, 1, 0, -130994, 1, 0, -196530, 1, 0, -262066, 1, 0, -327602, 1, 0, -393138, 1, 0, -458674, 1, 0, -524210, 1, 0, -589746, 1, 0, -655282, 1, 0, -720818, 1, 0, -786354, 1, 0, -851890, 1, 0, -917426, 1, 0, -982962, 1, 0, -1048498, 1, 0, -1114034, 1, 0, -1179570, 1, 0, -1245106, 1, 0, -1310642, 1, 0, -1376178, 1, 0, -1441714, 1, 0, -1507250, 1, 0, -1572786, 1, 0, -1638322, 1, 0, -1703858, 1, 0, -1769394, 1, 0, -1834930, 1, 0, -1900466, 1, 0, -1966002, 1, 0, -2031538, 1, 0, -2097074, 1, 0, -2162610, 1, 0, -2228146, 1, 0, -2293682, 1, 0, -2359218, 1, 0, -2424754, 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1, 0, -458811, 1, 0, -524347, 1, 0, -589883, 1, 0, -655419, 1, 0, -720955, 1, 0, -786491, 1, 0, -852027, 1, 0, -917563, 1, 0, -983099, 1, 0, -1048635, 1, 0, -1114171, 1, 0, -1179707, 1, 0, -1179706, 1, 0, -1114170, 1, 0, -1048634, 1, 0, -983098, 1, 0, -917562, 1, 0, -852026, 1, 0, -786490, 1, 0, -720954, 1, 0, -655418, 1, 0, -589882, 1, 0, -524346, 1, 0, -458810, 1, 0, -393274, 1, 0, -327738, 1, 0, -262202, 1, 0, -196666, 1, 0, -131130, 1, 0, -65594, 1, 0, -58, 1, 0, 65478, 1, 0, 131014, 1, 0, 196550, 1, 0, 262086, 1, 0, 327622, 1, 0, 393158, 1, 0, 458694, 1, 0, 524230, 1, 0, 589766, 1, 0, 655302, 1, 0, 720838, 1, 0, 786374, 1, 0, 851910, 1, 0, 917446, 1, 0, 982982, 1, 0, 1048518, 1, 0, 1114054, 1, 0, 1179590, 1, 0, 1245126, 1, 0, 1310662, 1, 0, 1376198, 1, 0, 1441734, 1, 0, 1507270, 1, 0, 1572806, 1, 0, 1638342, 1, 0, 1703878, 1, 0, 1769414, 1, 0, 1834950, 1, 0, 1900486, 1, 0, 1966022, 1, 0, 2031558, 1, 0, 2097094, 1, 0, 2162630, 1, 0, 2228166, 1, 0, 2293702, 1, 0, 2359238, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2555848, 1, 0, 2621384, 1, 0, 2686920, 1, 0, 2752456, 1, 0, 2817992, 1, 0, 2883528, 1, 0, 2949064, 1, 0, 3014600, 1, 0, 3080136, 1, 0, 3145672, 1, 0, 3145673, 1, 0, 3080137, 1, 0, 3014601, 1, 0, 2949065, 1, 0, 2883529, 1, 0, 2817993, 1, 0, 2752457, 1, 0, 2686921, 1, 0, 2621385, 1, 0, 2555849, 1, 0, 2490313, 1, 0, 2424777, 1, 0, 2359241, 1, 0, 2293705, 1, 0, 2228169, 1, 0, 2162633, 1, 0, 2097097, 1, 0, 2031561, 1, 0, 1966025, 1, 0, 1900489, 1, 0, 1834953, 1, 0, 1769417, 1, 0, 1703881, 1, 0, 1638345, 1, 0, 1572809, 1, 0, 1507273, 1, 0, 1441737, 1, 0, 1376201, 1, 0, 1310665, 1, 0, 1245129, 1, 0, 1179593, 1, 0, 1114057, 1, 0, 1048521, 1, 0, 982985, 1, 0, 917449, 1, 0, 851913, 1, 0, 786377, 1, 0, 720841, 1, 0, 655305, 1, 0, 589769, 1, 0, 524233, 1, 0, 458697, 1, 0, 393161, 1, 0, 327625, 1, 0, 262089, 1, 0, 196553, 1, 0, 131017, 1, 0, 65481, 1, 0, -55, 1, 0, -65591, 1, 0, -131127, 1, 0, -196663, 1, 0, -262199, 1, 0, -327735, 1, 0, -393271, 1, 0, -458807, 1, 0, -524343, 1, 0, -589879, 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1, 0, -852019, 1, 0, -917555, 1, 0, -983091, 1, 0, -1048627, 1, 0, -1114163, 1, 0, -1179699, 1, 0, -1179698, 1, 0, -1114162, 1, 0, -1048626, 1, 0, -983090, 1, 0, -917554, 1, 0, -852018, 1, 0, -786482, 1, 0, -720946, 1, 0, -655410, 1, 0, -589874, 1, 0, -524338, 1, 0, -458802, 1, 0, -393266, 1, 0, -327730, 1, 0, -262194, 1, 0, -196658, 1, 0, -131122, 1, 0, -65586, 1, 0, -50, 1, 0, 65486, 1, 0, 131022, 1, 0, 196558, 1, 0, 262094, 1, 0, 327630, 1, 0, 393166, 1, 0, 458702, 1, 0, 524238, 1, 0, 589774, 1, 0, 655310, 1, 0, 720846, 1, 0, 786382, 1, 0, 851918, 1, 0, 917454, 1, 0, 982990, 1, 0, 1048526, 1, 0, 1114062, 1, 0, 1179598, 1, 0, 1245134, 1, 0, 1310670, 1, 0, 1376206, 1, 0, 1441742, 1, 0, 1507278, 1, 0, 1572814, 1, 0, 1638350, 1, 0, 1703886, 1, 0, 1769422, 1, 0, 1834958, 1, 0, 1900494, 1, 0, 1966030, 1, 0, 2031566, 1, 0, 2097102, 1, 0, 2162638, 1, 0, 2228174, 1, 0, 2293710, 1, 0, 2359246, 1, 0, 2424782, 1, 0, 2490318, 1, 0, 2555854, 1, 0, 2621390, 1, 0, 2686926, 1, 0, 2752462, 1, 0, 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2228270, 1, 0, 2293806, 1, 0, 2359342, 1, 0, 2424878, 1, 0, 2490414, 1, 0, 2555950, 1, 0, 2621486, 1, 0, 2687022, 1, 0, 2752558, 1, 0, 2818094, 1, 0, 2883630, 1, 0, 2949166, 1, 0, 3014702, 1, 0, 3080238, 1, 0) -[node name="player0" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +[node name="player0" parent="." instance=ExtResource("4_kmlel")] position = Vector2(632, 8) -[node name="player1" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +[node name="player1" parent="." instance=ExtResource("4_kmlel")] position = Vector2(544, -256) diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn index beb3f36..943ffa7 100644 --- a/testing/test/player.tscn +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -17,3 +17,15 @@ shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") [node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] enabled = false + +[node name="stats" type="Button" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 152.0 +offset_right = 238.0 +offset_bottom = 187.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +disabled = true +text = "Stats" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="stats" to="." method="_on_stats_pressed"] -- 2.39.5 From 5e4f79ee193580c0783d571f4745ab6fb1784df2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:01:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 17/25] Version: 0.0.4 Scrolling implemented in view and creator, so you can add infinite variables to the content. --- scenes/menu/create.tscn | 16 ++++++++++++++++ scenes/menu/main.tscn | 2 +- scenes/menu/view.tscn | 20 ++++++++++++++++++-- scripts/ | 11 ++++++----- scripts/ | 14 +++++++------- 5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn index a41d1b3..1c25e24 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/create.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -20,4 +20,20 @@ offset_bottom = 435.0 scale = Vector2(2, 2) text = "Send" +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 13 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -400.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 + [connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index 14e5baa..b853ba5 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ offset_top = 432.0 offset_right = 592.0 offset_bottom = 455.0 scale = Vector2(3, 3) -text = "Version: 0.0.3" +text = "Version: 0.0.4" [connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/view.tscn b/scenes/menu/view.tscn index f39e2b3..07a2bda 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/view.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/view.tscn @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_dcehj"] -[node name="characterVsiewer" type="Control"] +[node name="characterViewer" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_dcehj") [node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] -layout_mode = 0 +layout_mode = 2 offset_left = 512.0 offset_top = 400.0 offset_right = 638.0 @@ -20,4 +20,20 @@ offset_bottom = 435.0 scale = Vector2(2, 2) text = "Get" +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 13 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -400.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 + [connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 7fcb22b..4d09ec6 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -23,16 +23,17 @@ func _ready(): if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - add_child(fieldInstance) - get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) - get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 func saveJSON(savePath): var saveData = {} for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): if i > 0: - saveData[data.get(str(i))] = get_child(i+1).text + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ func saveJSON(savePath): fileAccess.close() func _on_button_pressed(): - var savePath = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") saveJSON(savePath) func _process(delta): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 592e571..a856898 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ func _ready(): if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - add_child(fieldInstance) - get_child(i+1).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) - get_child(i+1).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 if i > 0: - get_child(i+1).editable = false + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false amount = data.get("amount") func _on_button_pressed(): - var savePath = str("user://player_data"+get_child(1).text+".json") + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") if loadJSON(savePath): for i in range(int(amount)-1): - get_child(i+2).text = data.get(str(get_child(i+2).placeholder_text)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).placeholder_text)) -func _process(delta): +func _process(_delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") -- 2.39.5 From 7d331f0883b601ea2c87908d3ae70f24d4cbb4df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:05:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 18/25] Minor issue with the ingame display fixed. --- scenes/map/map.tscn | 7 +++++++ scripts/ | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/scenes/map/map.tscn b/scenes/map/map.tscn index d195ff8..9eca8c5 100644 --- a/scenes/map/map.tscn +++ b/scenes/map/map.tscn @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ [node name="characterViewer" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_7des0")] visible = false +anchors_preset = 0 +anchor_right = 0.0 +anchor_bottom = 0.0 +offset_right = 800.0 +offset_bottom = 500.0 +grow_horizontal = 1 +grow_vertical = 1 [node name="back" type="Button" parent="."] visible = false diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 689f56e..e88a2c5 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ func stats(): get_node(objectName).stop() $"../back".disabled = false $"../back".visible = true - $"../characterViewer".get_child(1).text = str(playerIndex-1) - $"../characterViewer".get_child(1).editable = false + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(1).text = str(playerIndex-1) + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(1).editable = false $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() func restart(): -- 2.39.5 From e1ce830b195c184a59204b4b2e925eb1baa4262a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 22:28:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 19/25] Minor issue with the ingame display fixed, again, not sure how I missed THAT. --- scripts/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index e88a2c5..5bc567e 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ func stats(): get_node(objectName).stop() $"../back".disabled = false $"../back".visible = true - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(1).text = str(playerIndex-1) - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(1).editable = false + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex-1) + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() func restart(): -- 2.39.5 From 858eb3a599645bdee863534fbb4c647392e57652 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sage The DM Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 22:28:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 20/25] initial commit --- .gitignore | 1 + LICENSE | 4 +- Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt | 62 ------ Notes/todolist/todo.txt | 39 ---- | 21 +- Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json | 14 -- Website-draft/assets/game.png | Bin 112471 -> 0 bytes Website-draft/download.html | 73 ------- Website-draft/index.html | 121 ----------- Website-draft/style.css | 194 ------------------ assets/test-charackters/Björn | 46 ----- assets/test-charackters/elana | 44 ---- assets/test-charackters/gigachad | 72 ------- assets/test-charackters/lyra | 45 ---- assets/test-charackters/tharok | 43 ---- assets/test/gigachad.png | Bin 508 -> 0 bytes assets/test/grass.png | Bin 1877 -> 0 bytes assets/test/player.png | Bin 461 -> 0 bytes assets/test/tharok.png | Bin 540 -> 0 bytes assets/test/water.png | Bin 2632 -> 0 bytes export_presets.cfg | 62 ++++++ icon.svg | 1 - icon.svg.import | 37 ---- project.godot | 9 +- scenes/map/map.tscn | 30 +++ scenes/menu/create.tscn | 39 ++++ scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn | 6 + scenes/menu/main.tscn | 42 +++- scenes/menu/view.tscn | 39 ++++ scenes/test/player.tscn | 18 -- scripts/ | 54 +++++ scripts/ | 46 +++++ scripts/ | 37 ++++ scripts/ | 14 +- scripts/ | 32 ++- .../test/map.tscn => testing/test/level.tscn | 21 +- testing/test/player.tscn | 31 +++ .../testAssets}/gigachad.png | Bin .../testAssets}/gigachad.png.import | 8 +- .../assets => testing/testAssets}/grass.png | Bin .../testAssets}/grass.png.import | 6 +- .../assets => testing/testAssets}/player.png | Bin .../testAssets}/player.png.import | 6 +- testing/testAssets/sand.png | Bin 0 -> 326 bytes .../assets => testing/testAssets}/tharok.png | Bin .../testAssets}/tharok.png.import | 8 +- .../assets => testing/testAssets}/water.png | Bin .../testAssets}/water.png.import | 6 +- 48 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 861 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt delete mode 100644 Notes/todolist/todo.txt delete mode 100644 Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json delete mode 100644 Website-draft/assets/game.png delete mode 100644 Website-draft/download.html delete mode 100644 Website-draft/index.html delete mode 100644 Website-draft/style.css delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/Björn delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/elana delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/gigachad delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/lyra delete mode 100644 assets/test-charackters/tharok delete mode 100644 assets/test/gigachad.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/grass.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/player.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/tharok.png delete mode 100644 assets/test/water.png create mode 100644 export_presets.cfg delete mode 100644 icon.svg delete mode 100644 icon.svg.import create mode 100644 scenes/map/map.tscn create mode 100644 scenes/menu/create.tscn create mode 100644 scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn create mode 100644 scenes/menu/view.tscn delete mode 100644 scenes/test/player.tscn create mode 100644 scripts/ create mode 100644 scripts/ create mode 100644 scripts/ rename scenes/test/map.tscn => testing/test/level.tscn (99%) create mode 100644 testing/test/player.tscn rename {Website-draft/assets => testing/testAssets}/gigachad.png (100%) rename {assets/test => testing/testAssets}/gigachad.png.import (68%) rename {Website-draft/assets => testing/testAssets}/grass.png (100%) rename {assets/test => testing/testAssets}/grass.png.import (72%) rename {Website-draft/assets => testing/testAssets}/player.png (100%) rename {assets/test => testing/testAssets}/player.png.import (72%) create mode 100644 testing/testAssets/sand.png rename {Website-draft/assets => testing/testAssets}/tharok.png (100%) rename {assets/test => testing/testAssets}/tharok.png.import (68%) rename {Website-draft/assets => testing/testAssets}/water.png (100%) rename {assets/test => testing/testAssets}/water.png.import (72%) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4709183..1625b1c 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # Godot 4+ specific ignores .godot/ +content/ diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 4d6678f..c0a2480 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - opendnd + FreeTTRPG Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: - opendnd Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto + FreeTTRPG Copyright (C) 2024 Patrick_Pluto This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. diff --git a/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt b/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c8040eb..0000000 --- a/Notes/rules/charackter-rules.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -openDND - -Character-informations - -STR=Strength -DEX=Dexterity -CON=Constitution -INT=Itelligence -WIS=Wisdom -CHA=Charisma - -Skillchecks; -1. Acrobatics (Dexterity) -2. Animal Handling (Wisdom) -3. Arcana (Intelligence) -4. Athletics (Strength) -5. Deception (Charisma) -6. History (Intelligence) -7. Insight (Wisdom) -8. Intimidation (Charisma) -9. Investigation (Intelligence) -10. Medicine (Wisdom) -11. Nature (Intelligence) -12. Perception (Wisdom) -13. Performance (Charisma) -14. Persuasion (Charisma) -15. Religion (Intelligence) -16. Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) -17. Stealth (Dexterity) -18. Survival (Wisdom) - -Proficency Bonus{ - 1-4: +2 - 5-8: +3 - 9-12: +4 - 13-16: +5 - 17-20: +6 -} - -Calculation Modifier=(stat-10)/2 - -Armour Class{ - Base-AC 10 (can be modified by your class) - Dexterity-bonus plus dex (can by limited by your armour) - Armour-Bonus 0 (if not stated different in the item) - Shield: +2 -} -# Example Calculation 10+3+0+2=15 --> AC=15 - -HP{ - Hit-dice (definied by class) - Char-Level multiplier - Con-modifier -} - -#Calculation= level*(hitdice+con-modifier) - -# spellsave-dc-calculation = (10+level+magic-modifier) - - - - diff --git a/Notes/todolist/todo.txt b/Notes/todolist/todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dd5f7fb..0000000 --- a/Notes/todolist/todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -# Will be enbeded in an open source Dynamik online tool later on - -ToDo-List - -1. Create a test map - 1.1 Distance Manager - 1.2 Tile creation - 1.3 Limit walking per turn - 1.4 Dynamik Field -2. Create test character 1-3 - 2.1 Base Stats - 2.2 Race - 2.3 Class - 2.4 Background - 2.5 Skill Checks - 2.6 Saving throws - 2.7 Dynamic AC - 2.8 Dynamic HP - 2.9 Inventory - 2.10 pdf, odf, html export -3. Simulation Dice (20, 12, 00, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) - 3.1 20: For Attacks, Skill Checks, Saving Throws - 3.2 12: Heavy Weapon Damage* - 3.3 10: Two handed Weapon Damage* - 3.4 00: Combined with 10 1-100, for special effects and loot tables - 3.5 8: Weapon Damage* - 3.6 6: short weapon damage* - 3.7 4: Minor Weapon damage* - 3.8 2: Coinflips, Gambling in game etc. -4. combat turns - 4.1 Initiative System - 4.2 Movement, Action, Bonus-action, reaction -5. Enemies - 5.1 Stats - 5.2 Attacks - 5.3 HP - 5.4 AC - 5.5 Inventory -6. To be continiued \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index b3d5dfd..dd71c3d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,23 +1,22 @@ -# Introducing freeTTRPG +# Introducing FreeTTRPG -# A Swiss Quality Project +## A Swiss "Quality" Project -# The Game +## The Game Tired of the commercialization of tabletop role-playing games, we decided to take matters into our own hands. We're creating an open-source, community-driven TTRPG project that puts creativity and freedom back in the hands of players. -# Our Vision +## Our Goal Our project offers a game engine with a solid foundation of basic content and story packs to get you started. But that's just the beginning. We're also providing a powerful content creator tool that allows users to craft their own custom content packs. With this tool, you'll be able to create your own rules, characters, items, spells, attacks, and much more. -# Your Content, Your Copyright - -The best part? Everything you create with our tool is yours to own and control. We won't claim any copyright or ownership over your creations. You're free to share, modify, or use your content as you see fit. - -# A Community-Driven Platform +## A Community-Driven Platform We're building a platform where users can share their content packs with the community. While sharing is encouraged, it's not required. You can keep your creations private or share them with the world – the choice is yours. -# Join the Movement +## Join us -We're excited to share freeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. +We're excited to share FreeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. + +### Copyright Note: +The main game must be distributed as stated in the LICENSE file. Any content made for it can however be freely distributed under any license. Once we make the content creator for this game, any content made there will also be no restrictions on the content you make with that. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json b/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json deleted file mode 100644 index c60fc70..0000000 --- a/Website-draft/.vscode/launch.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. - // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. - // For more information, visit: - "version": "0.2.0", - "configurations": [ - { - "type": "chrome", - "request": "launch", - "name": "Open index.html", - "file": "c:\\Users\\lucab\\Desktop\\opendnd\\Website-draft\\index.html" - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/game.png b/Website-draft/assets/game.png deleted file mode 100644 index db3ed2fe61be1977104d7985c77ac93551403240..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 112471 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- -

open a git console


$ git init


Initialize an empty Git repository in the current directory.

- -

Go to our codeberg website

- - - -

- $ git clone -


- Clone the openTTRPG repository from Codeberg to your local machine. -

- -

git clone


- $ git clone -


- Clone the openTTRPG repository from Codeberg to your local machine. -

- -

move into the repository


$ cd opendnd


Display the contents of the license file (`LICENSE`).

- -

read through our license




Move the bash console into the newly created repository

- - - - diff --git a/Website-draft/index.html b/Website-draft/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 100b72b..0000000 --- a/Website-draft/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - freeTTRPG - - - -
- - -
- -

The Game


- Tired of the commercialization of tabletop role-playing games, we - decided to take matters into our own hands. We're creating an - open-source, community-driven TTRPG project that puts creativity and - freedom back in the hands of players. -

- current game version -

Current game version

- -

Our Vision


- Our project offers a game engine with a solid foundation of basic - content and story packs to get you started. But that's just the - beginning. We're also providing a powerful content creator tool that - allows users to craft their own custom content packs. With this tool, - you'll be able to create your own rules, characters, items, spells, - attacks, and much more. -

- -



- The best part? Everything you create with our tool is yours to own and - control. We won't claim any copyright or ownership over your - creations. You're free to share, modify, or use your content as you - see fit. -

- -

Community-Driven Platform


- We're building a platform where users can share their content packs - with the community. While sharing is encouraged, it's not required. - You can keep your creations private or share them with the world – the - choice is yours. -

- -

Join Us


- We're excited to share freeTTRPG with the world and hope you'll join - us on this journey. Together, let's create a TTRPG ecosystem that's - open, inclusive, and driven by the passion of its community. -

- -

Our Code

- -
- -

Our Game Assets

  • - Gigachad -



    Our test human paladin on maximum level

  • -
  • - Tharok -



    Our test human fighter on starting level

  • -
  • - Water Texture -



    Our water texture that is incomplete

  • -
  • - Grass Texture -



    Our grass texture that is incomplete

  • -
- - - - diff --git a/Website-draft/style.css b/Website-draft/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index 37a4cb8..0000000 --- a/Website-draft/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -/* Reset and global styles */ -* { - box-sizing: border-box; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; - transition: 0.5s; -} - -/* Body styles */ -body { - background-color: #f5f5f5; - background-image: url("img/KSS.jpeg"); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: cover; - background-position: center; - background-attachment: fixed; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - align-items: center; - min-height: 100vh; -} - -/* Header styles */ -header { - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); - padding: 10px; - width: 100%; - position: fixed; - top: 0; - left: 0; - z-index: 1000; -} - -.header-content { - display: flex; - justify-content: space-between; - align-items: center; - max-width: 1200px; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -.project-name { - color: white; - font-size: 1.5em; -} - -.burger-menu { - background: none; - border: none; - color: white; - font-size: 1.5em; - cursor: pointer; - display: none; -} - { - list-style: none; - display: flex; - justify-content: space-around; - flex-grow: 1; -} - -header li { - margin: 0 10px; -} - -header a { - color: white; - text-decoration: none; - padding: 10px; - border-radius: 5px; - transition: background-color 0.3s ease; -} - -header a:hover { - background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); -} - -/* Article styles */ -article { - margin-top: 100px; - padding: 20px; - width: 90%; - max-width: 800px; - background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); - border-radius: 10px; - box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); - text-align: center; -} - -h1 { - color: #333; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} - -p { - color: #666; - line-height: 1.6; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} - -img { - max-width: 100%; - height: auto; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} - -button { - padding: 10px 20px; - margin: 2em; - border: none; - background-color: #333; - color: white; - border-radius: 5px; - cursor: pointer; - transition: background-color 0.3s ease; -} - -button:hover { - background-color: #555; -} - -/* Additional CSS for command-line style */ -.code-box { - background-color: #f0f0f0; - font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; - padding: 10px; - border-left: 4px solid #555; - margin-left: 20px; -} - -.flex { - display: flex; - align-items: center; -} - -/* Cards section styles */ -section .cards { - margin-top: 50px; - flex-wrap: wrap; - justify-content: space-between; -} - -section .card { - width: calc(100% / 3 - 30px); - text-align: center; - list-style: none; - background-color: #fff; - padding: 40px 15px; - border-radius: 5px; - box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); - margin-bottom: 20px; -} - -section .card img { - height: 120px; - width: 120px; - border-radius: 50%; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} - -/* Mobile Styles */ -@media (max-width: 768px) { - .burger-menu { - display: block; - } - - .menu { - display: none; - flex-direction: column; - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); - position: absolute; - top: 50px; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - z-index: 999; /* Adjusted z-index to ensure dropdown covers article content */ - } - - { - display: flex; - } - - header li { - margin: 0; - width: 100%; - } - - header a { - padding: 15px; - width: 100%; - display: block; - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/Björn b/assets/test-charackters/Björn deleted file mode 100644 index ee1fe03..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/Björn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -Charackter1{ - Name: Björn - Race: Dwarf - Class: Mage (Level 1) - - Stats{ - STR 8 -1 - DEX 12 +1 - CON 10 -0 - INT 16 +3 - WIS 14 +2 - CHA 12 +1 - } - - Proficency{Arcana, History, Nature} - - Movement: 30 - Action: Cast a spell (watch spelllist) - Bonus-action: - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4 5 - Dodge: Damage-halved - Reaction: - Counterspell: Watch Spellist - reduce-harm: Reduce damage taken by a ally by 1d10+level - - Race-feature{ - Dwarfen-resistance: Poison Damage halved - Healing-Word ability - reduce-harm - } - - Spellslots: 3x Longrest - - Spelllist{ - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Firedagger +int+prof 1d10+int fire 120 - Icedagger +int+prof 1d10+int ice 120 - Mage-shield - 10 Temporary HP - self - Level 1: - Create-flame Dex-save 3d6 fire 80 / 20 radius - Healing-word - 1d8 heal 30 - Counterspell If roll higher than enemy == enemy spells doesn't work 30 - } - -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/elana b/assets/test-charackters/elana deleted file mode 100644 index 27ee243..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/elana +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -Character2 { - Name: Elara - Race: Elf - Class: Ranger (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 10 +0 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 12 +1 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 16 +3 - CHA 8 -1 - } - - Proficiency { Animal Handling, Stealth, Survival } - - Movement: 35 - Action: Shoot Longbow (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+2 - Hide: Become invisible - Reaction: - Parry: Reduce damage taken by 1d6+level - - Race-feature { - Elven-Agility: Advantage on DEX saves - Trance: Elves don't need to sleep and meditate for 4 hours - Fey-Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep - } - - Spellslots: 2x Longrest - - Spelllist { - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Thornwhip +wis+prof 1d6+wis piercing 30 - Mage-hand - - - 30 - Guidance - 1d4 - touch - Level 1: - Goodberry - 1d4 heal 30 - Hunter's-Mark - 1d6 magic 90 - Entangle STR-save - Restrained 20 / 20 radius - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/gigachad b/assets/test-charackters/gigachad deleted file mode 100644 index f8ca9f8..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/gigachad +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -Character5 { - Name: Gigachad - Race: Human - Class: Paladin (Level 20) - - Stats { - STR 20 +5 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 18 +4 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 14 +2 - CHA 20 +5 - } - - Proficiency { Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Attack with Greatsword (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Divine Smite: Expend a spell slot to deal extra radiant damage - Shield of Faith: +2 AC for 10 minutes - Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP (pool: level x 5) - Reaction: - Divine Sense: Detect celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet - Aura of Protection: Allies within 10 feet add +cha to saving throws - - Race-feature { - Human-Determination: Gain proficiency in one additional skill - Versatility: Gain one extra feat at Level 1 - Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened - } - - Feats: - Great Weapon Master: Bonus attack on critical hit or kill, and can take a -5 penalty to hit for +10 damage - Tough: +2 HP per level - Inspiring Leader: Can spend 10 minutes inspiring allies, granting temporary HP equal to level + cha modifier - - Class Features: - Divine Health: Immune to disease - Aura of Courage: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being frightened - Aura of Devotion: Allies within 10 feet are immune to being charmed - Cleansing Touch: End one spell on yourself or an ally within touch range (5 times per long rest) - Improved Divine Smite: +1d8 radiant damage on melee attacks - Lay on Hands: Heal up to 100 HP per long rest - Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion, Oath Spells: (Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth, Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith, Commune, Flame Strike, Circle of Power, Holy Weapon) - - Spellslots: 4x 1st, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 3x 4th, 2x 5th (per long rest) - - Spelllist { - Level 1: - Bless - - adv on attacks and saves 30 - Shield of Faith - +2 AC - 60 - Level 2: - Lesser Restoration- - heal conditions touch - Zone of Truth - - - 60 - Level 3: - Dispel Magic - - - 120 - Beacon of Hope - - heal max 30 - Level 4: - Guardian of Faith- 20 radiant - 30 - Freedom of Movement- - - touch - Level 5: - Circle of Power - - adv on saves self (30 radius) - Holy Weapon - 2d8 radiant - 30 - } - - Weaponlist { - Greatsword: +str+prof 2d6+5 slashing - Warhammer: +str+prof 1d8+5 bludgeoning (versatile 1d10) - Javelin: +str+prof 1d6+5 piercing (range 30/120) - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/lyra b/assets/test-charackters/lyra deleted file mode 100644 index f77a603..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/lyra +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -Character4 { - Name: Lyra - Race: Tiefling - Class: Bard (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 8 -1 - DEX 14 +2 - CON 12 +1 - INT 12 +1 - WIS 10 +0 - CHA 16 +3 - } - - Proficiency { Performance, Persuasion, Deception } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Cast a spell (watch spelllist) - Bonus-action: - Inspiration: Grant a d6 to an ally's ability check, attack roll, or saving throw - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+2 - Healing Word: Restore 1d4+cha HP to an ally within 60 feet - Reaction: - Cutting Words: Use a Bardic Inspiration die to subtract from an enemy's attack roll, ability check, or damage roll - - Race-feature { - Hellish Resistance: Resistance to fire damage - Infernal Legacy: Can cast Thaumaturgy cantrip; at 3rd level, can cast Hellish Rebuke once per long rest - Darkvision: See in darkness within 60 feet - } - - Spellslots: 2x Longrest - - Spelllist { - Level 0 (At Will Spells): - Name Bonus to hit Damage Damagetype reach - Vicious Mockery - 1d4 psychic 60 - Mending - - - touch - Prestidigitation- - - 10 - Level 1: - Healing Word - 1d4+cha heal 60 - Faerie Fire Dex-save - adv on attacks 20 ft cube - Charm Person Wis-save - charmed 30 - } -} diff --git a/assets/test-charackters/tharok b/assets/test-charackters/tharok deleted file mode 100644 index 8a30341..0000000 --- a/assets/test-charackters/tharok +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -Character3 { - Name: Tharok - Race: Human - Class: Fighter (Level 1) - - Stats { - STR 16 +3 - DEX 12 +1 - CON 14 +2 - INT 10 +0 - WIS 12 +1 - CHA 10 +0 - } - - Proficiency { Athletics, Intimidation, Perception } - - Movement: 30 - Action: Attack with Longsword (watch weaponlist) - Bonus-action: - Second Wind: Regain 1d10+level HP - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+1 - Reaction: - Parry: Reduce damage taken by 1d6+level - - Race-feature { - Human-Determination: Gain proficiency in one additional skill - Versatility: Gain one extra feat at Level 1 - Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened - } - - Feats: - Great Weapon Fighting: Reroll 1s and 2s on damage dice with melee weapons wielded in two hands - - Combat Skills: - Second Wind: Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+level HP - Action Surge: Once per short rest, take one additional action on your turn - - Weaponlist { - Longsword: +str+prof 1d8+3 slashing - Greatsword: +str+prof 2d6+3 slashing - Dagger: +dex+prof 1d4+1 piercing - } -} diff --git a/assets/test/gigachad.png b/assets/test/gigachad.png deleted file mode 100644 index 60df27bfb5332b49134afdddb5ba2c39519f3de3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch 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+anchor_bottom = 0.0 +offset_right = 800.0 +offset_bottom = 500.0 +grow_horizontal = 1 +grow_vertical = 1 + +[node name="back" type="Button" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +disabled = true +text = "Back to game" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="back" to="level" method="_on_back_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/create.tscn b/scenes/menu/create.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c25e24 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/create.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://b6t6yd7qnid1i"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xsj3b"] + +[node name="characterCreator" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_xsj3b") + +[node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "Send" + +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 13 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -400.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 + +[connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn b/scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b72c7a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[gd_scene format=3 uid="uid://rkl6u7cdusys"] + +[node name="Input-output" type="TextEdit"] +offset_right = 168.0 +offset_bottom = 40.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index 2bab5f5..b853ba5 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -2,22 +2,48 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xc6y7"] -[node name="Control" type="Control"] +[node name="mainMenu" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_xc6y7") [node name="Button" type="Button" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 3.05176e-05 -offset_top = 1.52588e-05 -offset_right = 90.0 +offset_right = 96.0 offset_bottom = 32.0 -scale = Vector2(5, 5) -text = "Test" -script = ExtResource("1_xc6y7") +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "Play" -[connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="Button" method="_on_pressed"] +[node name="Button2" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_top = 184.0 +offset_right = 96.0 +offset_bottom = 216.0 +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "View +" + +[node name="Button3" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_top = 368.0 +offset_right = 96.0 +offset_bottom = 400.0 +scale = Vector2(4, 4) +text = "Creator" + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 488.0 +offset_top = 432.0 +offset_right = 592.0 +offset_bottom = 455.0 +scale = Vector2(3, 3) +text = "Version: 0.0.4" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button3" to="." method="_on_button_3_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/menu/view.tscn b/scenes/menu/view.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07a2bda --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/menu/view.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://btl7r0wvecyd3"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_dcehj"] + +[node name="characterViewer" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +script = ExtResource("1_dcehj") + +[node name="button" type="Button" parent="."] +layout_mode = 2 +offset_left = 512.0 +offset_top = 400.0 +offset_right = 638.0 +offset_bottom = 435.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +text = "Get" + +[node name="ScrollContainer" type="ScrollContainer" parent="."] +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 13 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = -400.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 + +[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="ScrollContainer"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 + +[connection signal="pressed" from="button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/scenes/test/player.tscn b/scenes/test/player.tscn deleted file mode 100644 index 07e6ec3..0000000 --- a/scenes/test/player.tscn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q"] - -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" path="res://assets/test/player.png" id="1_cujcj"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_oik63"] - -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] -size = Vector2(20, 18) - -[node name="CharacterBody2D" type="CharacterBody2D"] -script = ExtResource("1_oik63") - -[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") - -[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] -shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") - -[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."] diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d09ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +extends Node + +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") +var data:Dictionary + +func loadJSON(savePath): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): + return false + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() + fileAccess.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(jsonString) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", jsonString, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return false + + data = + return true + +func _ready(): + if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + +func saveJSON(savePath): + var saveData = {} + + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + if i > 0: + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text + + var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) + + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.WRITE) + if not fileAccess: + print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) + return + + fileAccess.store_line(jsonString) + fileAccess.close() + +func _on_button_pressed(): + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") + saveJSON(savePath) + +func _process(delta): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a856898 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +extends Node + +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") +var data:Dictionary +var amount + +func loadJSON(savePath): + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): + return false + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + var json_string = fileAccess.get_line() + fileAccess.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(json_string) + if error: + print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) + return false + + data = + return true + +func _ready(): + if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + if i > 0: + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false + amount = data.get("amount") + +func _on_button_pressed(): + var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") + if loadJSON(savePath): + for i in range(int(amount)-1): + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).placeholder_text)) + +func _process(_delta): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + +func hideGet(): + $button.visible = false + $button.disabled = true diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc567e --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +extends Node2D + +var playerAmount=2 +var playerIndex=0 +var objectName + +func _ready(): + $"../characterViewer".hideGet() + next() + +func next(): + if playerIndex >= playerAmount: + playerIndex = 0 + objectName= "player%d" % playerIndex + print(objectName) + get_node(objectName).start() + playerIndex += 1 + +func stats(): + visible = false + $"../characterViewer".visible = true + get_node(objectName).stop() + $"../back".disabled = false + $"../back".visible = true + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex-1) + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false + $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() + +func restart(): + visible = true + $"../characterViewer".visible = false + get_node(objectName).start() + $"../back".disabled = true + $"../back".visible = false + +func _on_back_pressed(): + restart() diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 0d8bc9c..8c35282 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ extends Node -func _on_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/test/map.tscn") + + +func _on_button_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") + + +func _on_button_2_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") + + +func _on_button_3_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index b548535..b1c9c40 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,11 +1,39 @@ extends CharacterBody2D @export var speed = 200 +var distanceTo = 0 +var active = false func get_input(): + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") velocity = input_direction * speed func _physics_process(delta): - get_input() - move_and_slide() + var toCalculate = position + if active: + get_input() + move_and_slide() + distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) + print(distanceTo) + if distanceTo > 500 and active: + stop() + distanceTo = 0 + get_parent().next() + + +func start(): + $camera.enabled = true + active = true + $stats.disabled = false + $stats.visible = true + +func stop(): + $camera.enabled = false + active = false + $stats.disabled = true + $stats.visible = false + +func _on_stats_pressed(): + get_parent().stats() diff --git a/scenes/test/map.tscn b/testing/test/level.tscn similarity index 99% rename from scenes/test/map.tscn rename to testing/test/level.tscn index 80a9079..1641e83 100644 --- a/scenes/test/map.tscn +++ b/testing/test/level.tscn @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://brmtkn1ddxrp1"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://assets/test/grass.png" id="1_6ekaf"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://assets/test/water.png" id="2_2akb5"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q" path="res://scenes/test/player.tscn" id="3_5eqoy"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_ui38g"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" path="res://testing/testAssets/grass.png" id="2_luxum"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" path="res://testing/testAssets/water.png" id="3_l02n1"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q" path="res://testing/test/player.tscn" id="4_kmlel"] [sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv"] -texture = ExtResource("1_6ekaf") +texture = ExtResource("2_luxum") texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) 0:0/0 = 0 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 [sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx"] -texture = ExtResource("2_2akb5") +texture = ExtResource("3_l02n1") texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 32) 0:0/0 = 0 0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) @@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_cpufv") sources/1 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_wknfx") -[node name="Map" type="Node2D"] +[node name="level" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_ui38g") [node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="."] tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_5wtmq") @@ -33,5 +35,8 @@ rendering_quadrant_size = 32 format = 2 layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(0, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 131075, 0, 0, 131076, 0, 0, 131077, 0, 0, 131078, 0, 0, 131079, 0, 0, 131080, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 65550, 0, 0, 65551, 0, 0, 65552, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, -65516, 0, 0, -65518, 0, 0, -65519, 0, 0, -65520, 0, 0, -65521, 0, 0, -65522, 0, 0, -65523, 0, 0, -65524, 0, 0, -65525, 0, 0, -65526, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 131072, 0, 0, 196607, 0, 0, 131073, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, -131054, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -131052, 0, 0, -131051, 0, 0, -131050, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 65549, 0, 0, 65548, 0, 0, 65547, 0, 0, 65546, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 131074, 0, 0, 262142, 0, 0, 262141, 0, 0, 262140, 0, 0, 327676, 0, 0, 327677, 0, 0, 327678, 0, 0, 262143, 0, 0, 196608, 0, 0, 196609, 0, 0, 196610, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, -196585, 0, 0, -196584, 0, 0, -196586, 0, 0, -196587, 0, 0, -196588, 0, 0, -196589, 0, 0, -196590, 0, 0, -196591, 0, 0, -196592, 0, 0, -196593, 0, 0, -196594, 0, 0, -196595, 0, 0, -196596, 0, 0, -196597, 0, 0, -196598, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -196600, 0, 0, -196601, 0, 0, -196602, 0, 0, -196603, 0, 0, -196604, 0, 0, -196605, 0, 0, -196606, 0, 0, -131057, 0, 0, -131058, 0, 0, 65536, 0, 0, 196606, 0, 0, 196605, 0, 0, 131071, 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0, 131070, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -65534, 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0, 1114075, 1, 0, 1179611, 1, 0, 1245147, 1, 0, 1310683, 1, 0, 1376219, 1, 0, 1441755, 1, 0, 1507291, 1, 0, 1572827, 1, 0, 1638363, 1, 0, 720860, 1, 0, 786396, 1, 0, 851932, 1, 0, 917468, 1, 0, 983004, 1, 0, 1048540, 1, 0, 1114076, 1, 0, 1179612, 1, 0, 1245148, 1, 0, 1310684, 1, 0, 1376220, 1, 0, 1441756, 1, 0, 1507292, 1, 0, 1572828, 1, 0, 1638364, 1, 0, 720861, 1, 0, 786397, 1, 0, 851933, 1, 0, 917469, 1, 0, 983005, 1, 0, 1048541, 1, 0, 1114077, 1, 0, 1179613, 1, 0, 1245149, 1, 0, 1310685, 1, 0, 1376221, 1, 0, 1441757, 1, 0, 1507293, 1, 0, 1572829, 1, 0, 1638365, 1, 0, 720862, 1, 0, 786398, 1, 0, 851934, 1, 0, 917470, 1, 0, 983006, 1, 0, 1048542, 1, 0, 1114078, 1, 0, 1179614, 1, 0, 1245150, 1, 0, 1310686, 1, 0, 1376222, 1, 0, 1441758, 1, 0, 1507294, 1, 0, 1572830, 1, 0, 1638366, 1, 0, 720863, 1, 0, 786399, 1, 0, 851935, 1, 0, 917471, 1, 0, 983007, 1, 0, 1048543, 1, 0, 1114079, 1, 0, 1179615, 1, 0, 1245151, 1, 0, 1310687, 1, 0, 1376223, 1, 0, 1441759, 1, 0, 1507295, 1, 0, 1572831, 1, 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720873, 0, 0, 786409, 1, 0, 851945, 1, 0, 917481, 1, 0, 983017, 1, 0, 1048553, 1, 0, 1114089, 1, 0, 1179625, 1, 0, 1245161, 1, 0, 1310697, 1, 0, 1376233, 1, 0, 1441769, 1, 0, 1507305, 1, 0, 1572841, 1, 0, 1638377, 1, 0, 720874, 0, 0, 786410, 1, 0, 851946, 1, 0, 917482, 1, 0, 983018, 1, 0, 1048554, 1, 0, 1114090, 1, 0, 1179626, 1, 0, 1245162, 1, 0, 1310698, 1, 0, 1376234, 1, 0, 1441770, 1, 0, 1507306, 1, 0, 1572842, 1, 0, 1638378, 1, 0, 720875, 0, 0, 786411, 0, 0, 851947, 1, 0, 917483, 1, 0, 983019, 1, 0, 1048555, 1, 0, 1114091, 1, 0, 1179627, 1, 0, 1245163, 1, 0, 1310699, 1, 0, 1376235, 1, 0, 1441771, 1, 0, 1507307, 1, 0, 1572843, 1, 0, 1638379, 1, 0, 720876, 0, 0, 786412, 0, 0, 851948, 1, 0, 917484, 1, 0, 983020, 1, 0, 1048556, 1, 0, 1114092, 1, 0, 1179628, 1, 0, 1245164, 1, 0, 1310700, 1, 0, 1376236, 1, 0, 1441772, 1, 0, 1507308, 1, 0, 1572844, 1, 0, 1638380, 1, 0, 720877, 0, 0, 786413, 0, 0, 851949, 1, 0, 917485, 1, 0, 983021, 1, 0, 1048557, 1, 0, 1114093, 1, 0, 1179629, 1, 0, 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-1310726, 1, 0, -1245190, 1, 0, -1179654, 1, 0, -1114118, 1, 0, -1048582, 1, 0, -983046, 1, 0, -917510, 1, 0, -851974, 1, 0, -786438, 1, 0, -720902, 1, 0, -655366, 1, 0, -1507333, 1, 0, -1441797, 1, 0, -1376261, 1, 0, -1310725, 1, 0, -1245189, 1, 0, -1179653, 1, 0, -1114117, 1, 0, -1048581, 1, 0, -983045, 1, 0, -917509, 1, 0, -851973, 1, 0, -786437, 1, 0, -720901, 1, 0, -655365, 1, 0, -1507332, 1, 0, -1441796, 1, 0, -1376260, 1, 0, -1310724, 1, 0, -1245188, 1, 0, -1179652, 1, 0, -1114116, 1, 0, -1048580, 1, 0, -983044, 1, 0, -917508, 1, 0, -851972, 1, 0, -786436, 1, 0, -720900, 1, 0, -655364, 1, 0, -1507331, 1, 0, -1441795, 1, 0, -1376259, 1, 0, -1310723, 1, 0, -1245187, 1, 0, -1179651, 1, 0, -1114115, 1, 0, -1048579, 1, 0, -983043, 1, 0, -917507, 1, 0, -851971, 1, 0, -786435, 1, 0, -720899, 1, 0, -655363, 0, 0, -1507330, 1, 0, -1441794, 1, 0, -1376258, 1, 0, -1310722, 1, 0, -1245186, 1, 0, -1179650, 1, 0, -1114114, 1, 0, -1048578, 1, 0, -983042, 1, 0, -917506, 1, 0, -851970, 0, 0, -786434, 0, 0, -720898, 0, 0, -655362, 0, 0, -1507329, 1, 0, -1441793, 1, 0, -1376257, 1, 0, -1310721, 1, 0, -1245185, 1, 0, -1179649, 1, 0, -1114113, 1, 0, -1048577, 1, 0, -983041, 1, 0, -917505, 0, 0, -851969, 0, 0, -786433, 0, 0, -720897, 0, 0, -655361, 0, 0, -1572864, 1, 0, -1507328, 1, 0, -1441792, 1, 0, -1376256, 1, 0, -1310720, 1, 0, -1245184, 1, 0, -1179648, 1, 0, -1114112, 0, 0, -1048576, 0, 0, -983040, 0, 0, -917504, 0, 0, -851968, 0, 0, -786432, 0, 0, -720896, 0, 0, -1572863, 1, 0, -1507327, 1, 0, -1441791, 1, 0, -1376255, 1, 0, -1310719, 1, 0, -1245183, 1, 0, -1179647, 0, 0, -1114111, 0, 0, -1048575, 0, 0, -983039, 0, 0, -917503, 0, 0, -851967, 0, 0, -786431, 0, 0, -720895, 0, 0, -1572862, 1, 0, -1507326, 1, 0, -1441790, 1, 0, -1376254, 1, 0, -1310718, 1, 0, -1245182, 0, 0, -1179646, 0, 0, -1114110, 0, 0, -1048574, 0, 0, -983038, 0, 0, -917502, 0, 0, -851966, 0, 0, -786430, 0, 0, -720894, 0, 0, -1572861, 1, 0, -1507325, 1, 0, -1441789, 1, 0, -1376253, 1, 0, -1310717, 1, 0, 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0, -1114100, 0, 0, -1048564, 0, 0, -983028, 0, 0, -917492, 0, 0, -851956, 0, 0, -786420, 0, 0, -720884, 0, 0, -1572851, 1, 0, -1507315, 1, 0, -1441779, 1, 0, -1376243, 1, 0, -1310707, 1, 0, -1245171, 0, 0, -1179635, 0, 0, -1114099, 0, 0, -1048563, 0, 0, -983027, 0, 0, -917491, 0, 0, -851955, 0, 0, -786419, 0, 0, -720883, 0, 0, -1572850, 1, 0, -1507314, 1, 0, -1441778, 1, 0, -1376242, 1, 0, -1310706, 1, 0, -1245170, 0, 0, -1179634, 0, 0, -1114098, 0, 0, -1048562, 0, 0, -983026, 0, 0, -917490, 0, 0, -851954, 0, 0, -786418, 0, 0, -720882, 0, 0, -1572849, 1, 0, -1507313, 1, 0, -1441777, 1, 0, -1376241, 1, 0, -1310705, 1, 0, -1245169, 0, 0, -1179633, 0, 0, -1114097, 0, 0, -1048561, 0, 0, -983025, 0, 0, -917489, 0, 0, -851953, 0, 0, -786417, 0, 0, -720881, 0, 0, -1572848, 1, 0, -1507312, 1, 0, -1441776, 1, 0, -1376240, 1, 0, -1310704, 1, 0, -1245168, 0, 0, -1179632, 0, 0, -1114096, 0, 0, -1048560, 0, 0, -983024, 0, 0, -917488, 0, 0, -851952, 0, 0, -786416, 0, 0, -720880, 0, 0, -1572847, 1, 0, -1507311, 1, 0, -1441775, 1, 0, -1376239, 1, 0, -1310703, 0, 0, -1245167, 0, 0, -1179631, 0, 0, -1114095, 0, 0, -1048559, 0, 0, -983023, 0, 0, -917487, 0, 0, -851951, 0, 0, -786415, 0, 0, -720879, 0, 0, -1572846, 1, 0, -1507310, 1, 0, -1441774, 1, 0, -1376238, 1, 0, -1310702, 0, 0, -1245166, 0, 0, -1179630, 0, 0, -1114094, 0, 0, -1048558, 0, 0, -983022, 0, 0, -917486, 0, 0, -851950, 0, 0, -786414, 0, 0, -720878, 0, 0, -1572845, 1, 0, -1507309, 1, 0, -1441773, 1, 0, -1376237, 1, 0, -1310701, 0, 0, -1245165, 0, 0, -1179629, 0, 0, -1114093, 0, 0, -1048557, 0, 0, -983021, 0, 0, -917485, 0, 0, -851949, 0, 0, -786413, 0, 0, -720877, 0, 0, -1572844, 1, 0, -1507308, 1, 0, -1441772, 1, 0, -1376236, 1, 0, -1310700, 0, 0, -1245164, 0, 0, -1179628, 0, 0, -1114092, 0, 0, -1048556, 0, 0, -983020, 0, 0, -917484, 0, 0, -851948, 0, 0, -786412, 0, 0, -720876, 0, 0, -1572843, 1, 0, -1507307, 1, 0, -1441771, 1, 0, -1376235, 0, 0, -1310699, 0, 0, -1245163, 0, 0, -1179627, 0, 0, -1114091, 0, 0, -1048555, 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-65491, 1, 0, -131027, 1, 0, -196563, 1, 0, -262099, 1, 0, -327635, 0, 0, -393171, 0, 0, -458707, 0, 0, -524243, 0, 0, -589779, 0, 0, -655315, 0, 0, -655314, 0, 0, -589778, 0, 0, -524242, 0, 0, -458706, 0, 0, -393170, 0, 0, -327634, 0, 0, -262098, 1, 0, -196562, 1, 0, -131026, 1, 0, -65490, 1, 0, 46, 1, 0, 65582, 1, 0, 131118, 1, 0, 196654, 1, 0, 262190, 1, 0, 327726, 1, 0, 393262, 1, 0, 458798, 1, 0, 524334, 1, 0, 589870, 1, 0, 655406, 1, 0, 720942, 1, 0, 786478, 1, 0, 852014, 1, 0, 917550, 1, 0, 983086, 1, 0, 1048622, 1, 0, 1114158, 1, 0, 1179694, 1, 0, 1245230, 1, 0, 1310766, 1, 0, 1376302, 1, 0, 1441838, 1, 0, 1507374, 1, 0, 1572910, 1, 0, 1572911, 1, 0, 1507375, 1, 0, 1441839, 1, 0, 1376303, 1, 0, 1310767, 1, 0, 1245231, 1, 0, 1179695, 1, 0, 1114159, 1, 0, 1048623, 1, 0, 983087, 1, 0, 917551, 1, 0, 852015, 1, 0, 786479, 1, 0, 720943, 1, 0, 655407, 1, 0, 589871, 1, 0, 524335, 1, 0, 458799, 1, 0, 393263, 1, 0, 327727, 1, 0, 262191, 1, 0, 196655, 1, 0, 131119, 1, 0, 65583, 1, 0, 47, 1, 0, -65489, 1, 0, -131025, 1, 0, -196561, 1, 0, -262097, 1, 0, -327633, 0, 0, -393169, 0, 0, -458705, 0, 0, -524241, 0, 0, -589777, 0, 0, -655313, 0, 0, -655312, 0, 0, -589776, 0, 0, -524240, 0, 0, -458704, 0, 0, -393168, 0, 0, -327632, 1, 0, -262096, 1, 0, -196560, 1, 0, -131024, 1, 0, -65488, 1, 0, 48, 1, 0, 65584, 1, 0, 131120, 1, 0, 196656, 1, 0, 262192, 1, 0, 327728, 1, 0, 393264, 1, 0, 458800, 1, 0, 524336, 1, 0, 589872, 1, 0, 655408, 1, 0, 720944, 1, 0, 786480, 1, 0, 852016, 1, 0, 917552, 1, 0, 983088, 1, 0, 1048624, 1, 0, 1114160, 1, 0, 1179696, 1, 0, 1245232, 1, 0, 1310768, 1, 0, 1376304, 1, 0, 1441840, 1, 0, 1507376, 1, 0, 1572912, 1, 0, 1572913, 1, 0, 1507377, 1, 0, 1441841, 1, 0, 1376305, 1, 0, 1310769, 1, 0, 1245233, 1, 0, 1179697, 1, 0, 1114161, 1, 0, 1048625, 1, 0, 983089, 1, 0, 917553, 1, 0, 852017, 1, 0, 786481, 1, 0, 720945, 1, 0, 655409, 1, 0, 589873, 1, 0, 524337, 1, 0, 458801, 1, 0, 393265, 1, 0, 327729, 1, 0, 262193, 1, 0, 196657, 1, 0, 131121, 1, 0, 65585, 1, 0, 49, 1, 0, -65487, 1, 0, -131023, 1, 0, -196559, 1, 0, -262095, 1, 0, -327631, 1, 0, -393167, 0, 0, -458703, 0, 0, -524239, 0, 0, -589775, 0, 0, -655311, 0, 0, -655310, 0, 0, -589774, 0, 0, -524238, 0, 0, -458702, 0, 0, -393166, 0, 0, -327630, 1, 0, -262094, 1, 0, -196558, 1, 0, -131022, 1, 0, -65486, 1, 0, 50, 1, 0, 65586, 1, 0, 131122, 1, 0, 196658, 1, 0, 262194, 1, 0, 327730, 1, 0, 393266, 1, 0, 458802, 1, 0, 524338, 1, 0, 589874, 1, 0, 655410, 1, 0, 720946, 1, 0, 786482, 1, 0, 852018, 1, 0, 917554, 1, 0, 983090, 1, 0, 1048626, 1, 0, 1114162, 1, 0, 1179698, 1, 0, 1245234, 1, 0, 1310770, 1, 0, 1376306, 1, 0, 1441842, 1, 0, 1507378, 1, 0, 1572914, 1, 0, 1572915, 1, 0, 1507379, 1, 0, 1441843, 1, 0, 1376307, 1, 0, 1310771, 1, 0, 1245235, 1, 0, 1179699, 1, 0, 1114163, 1, 0, 1048627, 1, 0, 983091, 1, 0, 917555, 1, 0, 852019, 1, 0, 786483, 1, 0, 720947, 1, 0, 655411, 1, 0, 589875, 1, 0, 524339, 1, 0, 458803, 1, 0, 393267, 1, 0, 327731, 1, 0, 262195, 1, 0, 196659, 1, 0, 131123, 1, 0, 65587, 1, 0, 51, 1, 0, -65485, 1, 0, -131021, 1, 0, -196557, 1, 0, -262093, 1, 0, -327629, 1, 0, -393165, 0, 0, -458701, 0, 0, -524237, 0, 0, -589773, 0, 0, -655309, 0, 0, -655308, 0, 0, -589772, 0, 0, -524236, 0, 0, -458700, 0, 0, -393164, 0, 0, -327628, 1, 0, -262092, 1, 0, -196556, 1, 0, -131020, 1, 0, -65484, 1, 0, 52, 1, 0, 65588, 1, 0, 131124, 1, 0, 196660, 1, 0, 262196, 1, 0, 327732, 1, 0, 393268, 1, 0, 458804, 1, 0, 524340, 1, 0, 589876, 1, 0, 655412, 1, 0, 720948, 1, 0, 786484, 1, 0, 852020, 1, 0, 917556, 1, 0, 983092, 1, 0, 1048628, 1, 0, 1114164, 1, 0, 1179700, 1, 0, 1245236, 1, 0, 1310772, 1, 0, 1376308, 1, 0, 1441844, 1, 0, 1507380, 1, 0, 1572916, 1, 0, 1572917, 1, 0, 1507381, 1, 0, 1441845, 1, 0, 1376309, 1, 0, 1310773, 1, 0, 1245237, 1, 0, 1179701, 1, 0, 1114165, 1, 0, 1048629, 1, 0, 983093, 1, 0, 917557, 1, 0, 852021, 1, 0, 786485, 1, 0, 720949, 1, 0, 655413, 1, 0, 589877, 1, 0, 524341, 1, 0, 458805, 1, 0, 393269, 1, 0, 327733, 1, 0, 262197, 1, 0, 196661, 1, 0, 131125, 1, 0, 65589, 1, 0, 53, 1, 0, -65483, 1, 0, -131019, 1, 0, -196555, 1, 0, -262091, 1, 0, -327627, 1, 0, -393163, 0, 0, -458699, 0, 0, -524235, 0, 0, -589771, 0, 0, -655307, 0, 0, -655306, 0, 0, -589770, 0, 0, -524234, 0, 0, -458698, 0, 0, -393162, 0, 0, -327626, 1, 0, -262090, 1, 0, -196554, 1, 0, -131018, 1, 0, -65482, 1, 0, 54, 1, 0, 65590, 1, 0, 131126, 1, 0, 196662, 1, 0, 262198, 1, 0, 327734, 1, 0, 393270, 1, 0, 458806, 1, 0, 524342, 1, 0, 589878, 1, 0, 655414, 1, 0, 720950, 1, 0, 786486, 1, 0, 852022, 1, 0, 917558, 1, 0, 983094, 1, 0, 1048630, 1, 0, 1114166, 1, 0, 1179702, 1, 0, 1245238, 1, 0, 1310774, 1, 0, 1376310, 1, 0, 1441846, 1, 0, 1507382, 1, 0, 1572918, 1, 0, 1572919, 1, 0, 1507383, 1, 0, 1441847, 1, 0, 1376311, 1, 0, 1310775, 1, 0, 1245239, 1, 0, 1179703, 1, 0, 1114167, 1, 0, 1048631, 1, 0, 983095, 1, 0, 917559, 1, 0, 852023, 1, 0, 786487, 1, 0, 720951, 1, 0, 655415, 1, 0, 589879, 1, 0, 524343, 1, 0, 458807, 1, 0, 393271, 1, 0, 327735, 1, 0, 262199, 1, 0, 196663, 1, 0, 131127, 1, 0, 65591, 1, 0, 55, 1, 0, -65481, 1, 0, -131017, 1, 0, -196553, 1, 0, -262089, 1, 0, -327625, 1, 0, -393161, 1, 0, -458697, 0, 0, -524233, 0, 0, -589769, 0, 0, -655305, 0, 0, -655304, 0, 0, -589768, 0, 0, -524232, 0, 0, -458696, 0, 0, -393160, 1, 0, -327624, 1, 0, -262088, 1, 0, -196552, 1, 0, -131016, 1, 0, -65480, 1, 0, 56, 1, 0, 65592, 1, 0, 131128, 1, 0, 196664, 1, 0, 262200, 1, 0, 327736, 1, 0, 393272, 1, 0, 458808, 1, 0, 524344, 1, 0, 589880, 1, 0, 655416, 1, 0, 720952, 1, 0, 786488, 1, 0, 852024, 1, 0, 917560, 1, 0, 983096, 1, 0, 1048632, 1, 0, 1114168, 1, 0, 1179704, 1, 0, 1245240, 1, 0, 1310776, 1, 0, 1376312, 1, 0, 1441848, 1, 0, 1507384, 1, 0, 1572920, 1, 0, 1572921, 1, 0, 1507385, 1, 0, 1441849, 1, 0, 1376313, 1, 0, 1310777, 1, 0, 1245241, 1, 0, 1179705, 1, 0, 1114169, 1, 0, 1048633, 1, 0, 983097, 1, 0, 917561, 1, 0, 852025, 1, 0, 786489, 1, 0, 720953, 1, 0, 655417, 1, 0, 589881, 1, 0, 524345, 1, 0, 458809, 1, 0, 393273, 1, 0, 327737, 1, 0, 262201, 1, 0, 196665, 1, 0, 131129, 1, 0, 65593, 1, 0, 57, 1, 0, -65479, 1, 0, -131015, 1, 0, -196551, 1, 0, -262087, 1, 0, -327623, 1, 0, -393159, 1, 0, -458695, 1, 0, -524231, 0, 0, -589767, 0, 0, -655303, 0, 0, -655302, 0, 0, -589766, 0, 0, -524230, 0, 0, -458694, 1, 0, -393158, 1, 0, -327622, 1, 0, -262086, 1, 0, -196550, 1, 0, -131014, 1, 0, -65478, 1, 0, 58, 1, 0, 65594, 1, 0, 131130, 1, 0, 196666, 1, 0, 262202, 1, 0, 327738, 1, 0, 393274, 1, 0, 458810, 1, 0, 524346, 1, 0, 589882, 1, 0, 655418, 1, 0, 720954, 1, 0, 786490, 1, 0, 852026, 1, 0, 917562, 1, 0, 983098, 1, 0, 1048634, 1, 0, 1114170, 1, 0, 1179706, 1, 0, 1245242, 1, 0, 1310778, 1, 0, 1376314, 1, 0, 1441850, 1, 0, 1507386, 1, 0, 1572922, 1, 0, 1638447, 1, 0, 1703983, 1, 0, 1769519, 1, 0, 1835055, 1, 0, 1900591, 1, 0, 1966127, 1, 0, 2031663, 1, 0, 2097199, 1, 0, 2162735, 1, 0, 2228271, 1, 0, 2293807, 1, 0, 2359343, 1, 0, 2424879, 1, 0, 2490415, 1, 0, 2555951, 1, 0, 2621487, 1, 0, 2687023, 1, 0, 2752559, 1, 0, 2818095, 1, 0, 2883631, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2818098, 1, 0, 2883634, 1, 0, 2949170, 1, 0, 3014706, 1, 0, 3080242, 1, 0, 1638451, 1, 0, 1703987, 1, 0, 1769523, 1, 0, 1835059, 1, 0, 1900595, 1, 0, 1966131, 1, 0, 2031667, 1, 0, 2097203, 1, 0, 2162739, 1, 0, 2228275, 1, 0, 2293811, 1, 0, 2359347, 1, 0, 2424883, 1, 0, 2490419, 1, 0, 2555955, 1, 0, 2621491, 1, 0, 2687027, 1, 0, 2752563, 1, 0, 2818099, 1, 0, 2883635, 1, 0, 2949171, 1, 0, 3014707, 1, 0, 3080243, 1, 0, 1638452, 1, 0, 1703988, 1, 0, 1769524, 1, 0, 1835060, 1, 0, 1900596, 1, 0, 1966132, 1, 0, 2031668, 1, 0, 2097204, 1, 0, 2162740, 1, 0, 2228276, 1, 0, 2293812, 1, 0, 2359348, 1, 0, 2424884, 1, 0, 2490420, 1, 0, 2555956, 1, 0, 2621492, 1, 0, 2687028, 1, 0, 2752564, 1, 0, 2818100, 1, 0, 2883636, 1, 0, 2949172, 1, 0, 3014708, 1, 0, 3080244, 1, 0, 1638453, 1, 0, 1703989, 1, 0, 1769525, 1, 0, 1835061, 1, 0, 1900597, 1, 0, 1966133, 1, 0, 2031669, 1, 0, 2097205, 1, 0, 2162741, 1, 0, 2228277, 1, 0, 2293813, 1, 0, 2359349, 1, 0, 2424885, 1, 0, 2490421, 1, 0, 2555957, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2490424, 1, 0, 2555960, 1, 0, 2621496, 1, 0, 2687032, 1, 0, 2752568, 1, 0, 2818104, 1, 0, 2883640, 1, 0, 2949176, 1, 0, 3014712, 1, 0, 3080248, 1, 0, 1638457, 1, 0, 1703993, 1, 0, 1769529, 1, 0, 1835065, 1, 0, 1900601, 1, 0, 1966137, 1, 0, 2031673, 1, 0, 2097209, 1, 0, 2162745, 1, 0, 2228281, 1, 0, 2293817, 1, 0, 2359353, 1, 0, 2424889, 1, 0, 2490425, 1, 0, 2555961, 1, 0, 2621497, 1, 0, 2687033, 1, 0, 2752569, 1, 0, 2818105, 1, 0, 2883641, 1, 0, 2949177, 1, 0, 3014713, 1, 0, 3080249, 1, 0, 1638458, 1, 0, 1703994, 1, 0, 1769530, 1, 0, 1835066, 1, 0, 1900602, 1, 0, 1966138, 1, 0, 2031674, 1, 0, 2097210, 1, 0, 2162746, 1, 0, 2228282, 1, 0, 2293818, 1, 0, 2359354, 1, 0, 2424890, 1, 0, 2490426, 1, 0, 2555962, 1, 0, 2621498, 1, 0, 2687034, 1, 0, 2752570, 1, 0, 2818106, 1, 0, 2883642, 1, 0, 2949178, 1, 0, 3014714, 1, 0, 3080250, 1, 0, 1114171, 1, 0, 1179707, 1, 0, 1245243, 1, 0, 1310779, 1, 0, 1376315, 1, 0, 1441851, 1, 0, 1507387, 1, 0, 1572923, 1, 0, 1638459, 1, 0, 1703995, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2097213, 1, 0, 2162749, 1, 0, 2228285, 1, 0, 2293821, 1, 0, 2359357, 1, 0, 2424893, 1, 0, 2490429, 1, 0, 2555965, 1, 0, 2621501, 1, 0, 2687037, 1, 0, 2752573, 1, 0, 2818109, 1, 0, 2883645, 1, 0, 2949181, 1, 0, 3014717, 1, 0, 3080253, 1, 0, 1114174, 1, 0, 1179710, 1, 0, 1245246, 1, 0, 1310782, 1, 0, 1376318, 1, 0, 1441854, 1, 0, 1507390, 1, 0, 1572926, 1, 0, 1638462, 1, 0, 1703998, 1, 0, 1769534, 1, 0, 1835070, 1, 0, 1900606, 1, 0, 1966142, 1, 0, 2031678, 1, 0, 2097214, 1, 0, 2162750, 1, 0, 2228286, 1, 0, 2293822, 1, 0, 2359358, 1, 0, 2424894, 1, 0, 2490430, 1, 0, 2555966, 1, 0, 2621502, 1, 0, 2687038, 1, 0, 2752574, 1, 0, 2818110, 1, 0, 2883646, 1, 0, 2949182, 1, 0, 3014718, 1, 0, 3080254, 1, 0, 1114175, 1, 0, 1179711, 1, 0, 1245247, 1, 0, 1310783, 1, 0, 1376319, 1, 0, 1441855, 1, 0, 1507391, 1, 0, 1572927, 1, 0, 1638463, 1, 0, 1703999, 1, 0, 1769535, 1, 0, 1835071, 1, 0, 1900607, 1, 0, 1966143, 1, 0, 2031679, 1, 0, 2097215, 1, 0, 2162751, 1, 0, 2228287, 1, 0, 2293823, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2162779, 1, 0, 2228315, 1, 0, 2293851, 1, 0, 2359387, 1, 0, 2424923, 1, 0, 2490459, 1, 0, 2555995, 1, 0, 2621531, 1, 0, 2687067, 1, 0, 2752603, 1, 0, 2818139, 1, 0, 2883675, 1, 0, 2949211, 1, 0, 3014747, 1, 0, 3080283, 1, 0, 1114204, 1, 0, 1179740, 1, 0, 1245276, 1, 0, 1310812, 1, 0, 1376348, 1, 0, 1441884, 1, 0, 1507420, 1, 0, 1572956, 1, 0, 1638492, 1, 0, 1704028, 1, 0, 1769564, 1, 0, 1835100, 1, 0, 1900636, 1, 0, 1966172, 1, 0, 2031708, 1, 0, 2097244, 1, 0, 2162780, 1, 0, 2228316, 1, 0, 2293852, 1, 0, 2359388, 1, 0, 2424924, 1, 0, 2490460, 1, 0, 2555996, 1, 0, 2621532, 1, 0, 2687068, 1, 0, 2752604, 1, 0, 2818140, 1, 0, 2883676, 1, 0, 2949212, 1, 0, 3014748, 1, 0, 3080284, 1, 0, 1114205, 1, 0, 1179741, 1, 0, 1245277, 1, 0, 1310813, 1, 0, 1376349, 1, 0, 1441885, 1, 0, 1507421, 1, 0, 1572957, 1, 0, 1638493, 1, 0, 1704029, 1, 0, 1769565, 1, 0, 1835101, 1, 0, 1900637, 1, 0, 1966173, 1, 0, 2031709, 1, 0, 2097245, 1, 0, 2162781, 1, 0, 2228317, 1, 0, 2293853, 1, 0, 2359389, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2752607, 1, 0, 2818143, 1, 0, 2883679, 1, 0, 2949215, 1, 0, 3014751, 1, 0, 3080287, 1, 0, 1114208, 1, 0, 1179744, 1, 0, 1245280, 1, 0, 1310816, 1, 0, 1376352, 1, 0, 1441888, 1, 0, 1507424, 1, 0, 1572960, 1, 0, 1638496, 1, 0, 1704032, 1, 0, 1769568, 1, 0, 1835104, 1, 0, 1900640, 1, 0, 1966176, 1, 0, 2031712, 1, 0, 2097248, 1, 0, 2162784, 1, 0, 2228320, 1, 0, 2293856, 1, 0, 2359392, 1, 0, 2424928, 1, 0, 2490464, 1, 0, 2556000, 1, 0, 2621536, 1, 0, 2687072, 1, 0, 2752608, 1, 0, 2818144, 1, 0, 2883680, 1, 0, 2949216, 1, 0, 3014752, 1, 0, 3080288, 1, 0, 1114209, 1, 0, 1179745, 1, 0, 1245281, 1, 0, 1310817, 1, 0, 1376353, 1, 0, 1441889, 1, 0, 1507425, 1, 0, 1572961, 1, 0, 1638497, 1, 0, 1704033, 1, 0, 1769569, 1, 0, 1835105, 1, 0, 1900641, 1, 0, 1966177, 1, 0, 2031713, 1, 0, 2097249, 1, 0, 2162785, 1, 0, 2228321, 1, 0, 2293857, 1, 0, 2359393, 1, 0, 2424929, 1, 0, 2490465, 1, 0, 2556001, 1, 0, 2621537, 1, 0, 2687073, 1, 0, 2752609, 1, 0, 2818145, 1, 0, 2883681, 1, 0, 2949217, 1, 0, 3014753, 1, 0, 3080289, 1, 0, 1114210, 1, 0, 1179746, 1, 0, 1245282, 1, 0, 1310818, 1, 0, 1376354, 1, 0, 1441890, 1, 0, 1507426, 1, 0, 1572962, 1, 0, 1638498, 1, 0, 1704034, 1, 0, 1769570, 1, 0, 1835106, 1, 0, 1900642, 1, 0, 1966178, 1, 0, 2031714, 1, 0, 2097250, 1, 0, 2162786, 1, 0, 2228322, 1, 0, 2293858, 1, 0, 2359394, 1, 0, 2424930, 1, 0, 2490466, 1, 0, 2556002, 1, 0, 2621538, 1, 0, 2687074, 1, 0, 2752610, 1, 0, 2818146, 1, 0, 2883682, 1, 0, 2949218, 1, 0, 3014754, 1, 0, 3080290, 1, 0, 1114211, 1, 0, 1179747, 1, 0, 1245283, 1, 0, 1310819, 1, 0, 1376355, 1, 0, 1441891, 1, 0, 1507427, 1, 0, 1572963, 1, 0, 1638499, 1, 0, 1704035, 1, 0, 1769571, 1, 0, 1835107, 1, 0, 1900643, 1, 0, 1966179, 1, 0, 2031715, 1, 0, 2097251, 1, 0, 2162787, 1, 0, 2228323, 1, 0, 2293859, 1, 0, 2359395, 1, 0, 2424931, 1, 0, 2490467, 1, 0, 2556003, 1, 0, 2621539, 1, 0, 2687075, 1, 0, 2752611, 1, 0, 2818147, 1, 0, 2883683, 1, 0, 2949219, 1, 0, 3014755, 1, 0, 3080291, 1, 0, -3211332, 1, 0, -3145796, 1, 0, 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0, 65597, 1, 0, 131133, 1, 0, 196669, 1, 0, 262205, 1, 0, 327741, 1, 0, 393277, 1, 0, 458813, 1, 0, 524349, 1, 0, 589885, 1, 0, 655421, 1, 0, 720957, 1, 0, 786493, 1, 0, 852029, 1, 0, 917565, 1, 0, 983101, 1, 0, 1048637, 1, 0, 1048638, 1, 0, 983102, 1, 0, 917566, 1, 0, 852030, 1, 0, 786494, 1, 0, 720958, 1, 0, 655422, 1, 0, 589886, 1, 0, 524350, 1, 0, 458814, 1, 0, 393278, 1, 0, 327742, 1, 0, 262206, 1, 0, 196670, 1, 0, 131134, 1, 0, 65598, 1, 0, 62, 1, 0, -65474, 1, 0, -131010, 1, 0, -196546, 1, 0, -262082, 1, 0, -327618, 1, 0, -393154, 1, 0, -458690, 1, 0, -524226, 1, 0, -589762, 1, 0, -655298, 0, 0, -720834, 0, 0, -786370, 0, 0, -851906, 0, 0, -917442, 0, 0, -982978, 0, 0, -1048514, 0, 0, -1114050, 0, 0, -1179586, 0, 0, -1245122, 0, 0, -1310658, 0, 0, -1376194, 1, 0, -1441730, 1, 0, -1507266, 1, 0, -1572802, 1, 0, -1638338, 1, 0, -1703874, 1, 0, -1769410, 1, 0, -1834946, 1, 0, -1900482, 1, 0, -1966018, 1, 0, -2031554, 1, 0, -2097090, 1, 0, -2162626, 1, 0, -2228162, 1, 0, -2293698, 1, 0, -2359234, 1, 0, -2424770, 1, 0, -2490306, 1, 0, -2555842, 1, 0, -2621378, 1, 0, -2686914, 1, 0, -2752450, 1, 0, -2817986, 1, 0, -2883522, 1, 0, -2949058, 1, 0, -3014594, 1, 0, -3080130, 1, 0, -3145666, 1, 0, -3211202, 1, 0, -3276738, 1, 0, -3276737, 1, 0, -3211201, 1, 0, -3145665, 1, 0, -3080129, 1, 0, -3014593, 1, 0, -2949057, 1, 0, -2883521, 1, 0, -2817985, 1, 0, -2752449, 1, 0, -2686913, 1, 0, -2621377, 1, 0, -2555841, 1, 0, -2490305, 1, 0, -2424769, 1, 0, -2359233, 1, 0, -2293697, 1, 0, -2228161, 1, 0, -2162625, 1, 0, -2097089, 1, 0, -2031553, 1, 0, -1966017, 1, 0, -1900481, 1, 0, -1834945, 1, 0, -1769409, 1, 0, -1703873, 1, 0, -1638337, 1, 0, -1572801, 1, 0, -1507265, 1, 0, -1441729, 1, 0, -1376193, 1, 0, -1310657, 1, 0, -1245121, 0, 0, -1179585, 0, 0, -1114049, 0, 0, -1048513, 0, 0, -982977, 0, 0, -917441, 0, 0, -851905, 0, 0, -786369, 0, 0, -720833, 0, 0, -655297, 0, 0, -589761, 1, 0, -524225, 1, 0, -458689, 1, 0, -393153, 1, 0, -327617, 1, 0, -262081, 1, 0, -196545, 1, 0, -131009, 1, 0, -65473, 1, 0, 63, 1, 0, 65599, 1, 0, 131135, 1, 0, 196671, 1, 0, 262207, 1, 0, 327743, 1, 0, 393279, 1, 0, 458815, 1, 0, 524351, 1, 0, 589887, 1, 0, 655423, 1, 0, 720959, 1, 0, 786495, 1, 0, 852031, 1, 0, 917567, 1, 0, 983103, 1, 0, 1048639, 1, 0, 1048640, 1, 0, 983104, 1, 0, 917568, 1, 0, 852032, 1, 0, 786496, 1, 0, 720960, 1, 0, 655424, 1, 0, 589888, 1, 0, 524352, 1, 0, 458816, 1, 0, 393280, 1, 0, 327744, 1, 0, 262208, 1, 0, 196672, 1, 0, 131136, 1, 0, 65600, 1, 0, 64, 1, 0, -65472, 1, 0, -131008, 1, 0, -196544, 1, 0, -262080, 1, 0, -327616, 1, 0, -393152, 1, 0, -458688, 1, 0, -524224, 1, 0, -589760, 1, 0, -655296, 1, 0, -720832, 0, 0, -786368, 0, 0, -851904, 0, 0, -917440, 0, 0, -982976, 0, 0, -1048512, 0, 0, -1114048, 0, 0, -1179584, 0, 0, -1245120, 0, 0, -1310656, 1, 0, -1376192, 1, 0, -1441728, 1, 0, -1507264, 1, 0, -1572800, 1, 0, -1638336, 1, 0, -1703872, 1, 0, -1769408, 1, 0, -1834944, 1, 0, -1900480, 1, 0, -1966016, 1, 0, -2031552, 1, 0, -2097088, 1, 0, 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-327615, 1, 0, -262079, 1, 0, -196543, 1, 0, -131007, 1, 0, -65471, 1, 0, 65, 1, 0, 65601, 1, 0, 131137, 1, 0, 196673, 1, 0, 262209, 1, 0, 327745, 1, 0, 393281, 1, 0, 458817, 1, 0, 524353, 1, 0, 589889, 1, 0, 655425, 1, 0, 720961, 1, 0, 786497, 1, 0, 852033, 1, 0, 917569, 1, 0, 983105, 1, 0, 1048641, 1, 0, 1048642, 1, 0, 983106, 1, 0, 917570, 1, 0, 852034, 1, 0, 786498, 1, 0, 720962, 1, 0, 655426, 1, 0, 589890, 1, 0, 524354, 1, 0, 458818, 1, 0, 393282, 1, 0, 327746, 1, 0, 262210, 1, 0, 196674, 1, 0, 131138, 1, 0, 65602, 1, 0, 66, 1, 0, -65470, 1, 0, -131006, 1, 0, -196542, 1, 0, -262078, 1, 0, -327614, 1, 0, -393150, 1, 0, -458686, 1, 0, -524222, 1, 0, -589758, 1, 0, -655294, 1, 0, -720830, 1, 0, -786366, 0, 0, -851902, 0, 0, -917438, 0, 0, -982974, 0, 0, -1048510, 0, 0, -1114046, 0, 0, -1179582, 0, 0, -1245118, 1, 0, -1310654, 1, 0, -1376190, 1, 0, -1441726, 1, 0, -1507262, 1, 0, -1572798, 1, 0, -1638334, 1, 0, -1703870, 1, 0, -1769406, 1, 0, -1834942, 1, 0, -1900478, 1, 0, -1966014, 1, 0, -2031550, 1, 0, -2097086, 1, 0, -2162622, 1, 0, -2228158, 1, 0, -2293694, 1, 0, -2359230, 1, 0, -2424766, 1, 0, -2490302, 1, 0, -2555838, 1, 0, -2621374, 1, 0, -2686910, 1, 0, -2752446, 1, 0, -2817982, 1, 0, -2883518, 1, 0, -2949054, 1, 0, -3014590, 1, 0, -3080126, 1, 0, -3145662, 1, 0, -3211198, 1, 0, -3276734, 1, 0, -3276733, 1, 0, -3211197, 1, 0, -3145661, 1, 0, -3080125, 1, 0, -3014589, 1, 0, -2949053, 1, 0, -2883517, 1, 0, -2817981, 1, 0, -2752445, 1, 0, -2686909, 1, 0, -2621373, 1, 0, -2555837, 1, 0, -2490301, 1, 0, -2424765, 1, 0, -2359229, 1, 0, -2293693, 1, 0, -2228157, 1, 0, -2162621, 1, 0, -2097085, 1, 0, -2031549, 1, 0, -1966013, 1, 0, -1900477, 1, 0, -1834941, 1, 0, -1769405, 1, 0, -1703869, 1, 0, -1638333, 1, 0, -1572797, 1, 0, -1507261, 1, 0, -1441725, 1, 0, -1376189, 1, 0, -1310653, 1, 0, -1245117, 1, 0, -1179581, 1, 0, -1114045, 1, 0, -1048509, 0, 0, -982973, 0, 0, -917437, 0, 0, -851901, 0, 0, -786365, 1, 0, -720829, 1, 0, -655293, 1, 0, -589757, 1, 0, -524221, 1, 0, -458685, 1, 0, -393149, 1, 0, -327613, 1, 0, -262077, 1, 0, -196541, 1, 0, -131005, 1, 0, -65469, 1, 0, 67, 1, 0, 65603, 1, 0, 131139, 1, 0, 196675, 1, 0, 262211, 1, 0, 327747, 1, 0, 393283, 1, 0, 458819, 1, 0, 524355, 1, 0, 589891, 1, 0, 655427, 1, 0, 720963, 1, 0, 786499, 1, 0, 852035, 1, 0, 917571, 1, 0, 983107, 1, 0, 1048643, 1, 0, 1048644, 1, 0, 983108, 1, 0, 917572, 1, 0, 852036, 1, 0, 786500, 1, 0, 720964, 1, 0, 655428, 1, 0, 589892, 1, 0, 524356, 1, 0, 458820, 1, 0, 393284, 1, 0, 327748, 1, 0, 262212, 1, 0, 196676, 1, 0, 131140, 1, 0, 65604, 1, 0, 68, 1, 0, -65468, 1, 0, -131004, 1, 0, -196540, 1, 0, -262076, 1, 0, -327612, 1, 0, -393148, 1, 0, -458684, 1, 0, -524220, 1, 0, -589756, 1, 0, -655292, 1, 0, -720828, 1, 0, -786364, 1, 0, -851900, 0, 0, -917436, 0, 0, -982972, 1, 0, -1048508, 1, 0, -1114044, 1, 0, -1179580, 1, 0, -1245116, 1, 0, -1310652, 1, 0, -1376188, 1, 0, -1441724, 1, 0, -1507260, 1, 0, -1572796, 1, 0, -1638332, 1, 0, -1703868, 1, 0, -1769404, 1, 0, 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0, -655291, 1, 0, -589755, 1, 0, -524219, 1, 0, -458683, 1, 0, -393147, 1, 0, -327611, 1, 0, -262075, 1, 0, -196539, 1, 0, -131003, 1, 0, -65467, 1, 0, 69, 1, 0, 65605, 1, 0, 131141, 1, 0, 196677, 1, 0, 262213, 1, 0, 327749, 1, 0, 393285, 1, 0, 458821, 1, 0, 524357, 1, 0, 589893, 1, 0, 655429, 1, 0, 720965, 1, 0, 786501, 1, 0, 852037, 1, 0, 917573, 1, 0, 983109, 1, 0, 1048645, 1, 0, 1048646, 1, 0, 983110, 1, 0, 917574, 1, 0, 852038, 1, 0, 786502, 1, 0, 720966, 1, 0, 655430, 1, 0, 589894, 1, 0, 524358, 1, 0, 458822, 1, 0, 393286, 1, 0, 327750, 1, 0, 262214, 1, 0, 196678, 1, 0, 131142, 1, 0, 65606, 1, 0, 70, 1, 0, -65466, 1, 0, -131002, 1, 0, -196538, 1, 0, -262074, 1, 0, -327610, 1, 0, -393146, 1, 0, -458682, 1, 0, -524218, 1, 0, -589754, 1, 0, -655290, 1, 0, -720826, 1, 0, -786362, 1, 0, -851898, 1, 0, -917434, 1, 0, -982970, 1, 0, -1048506, 1, 0, -1114042, 1, 0, -1179578, 1, 0, -1245114, 1, 0, -1310650, 1, 0, -1376186, 1, 0, -1441722, 1, 0, -1507258, 1, 0, -1572794, 1, 0, -1638330, 1, 0, -1703866, 1, 0, -1769402, 1, 0, -1834938, 1, 0, -1900474, 1, 0, -1966010, 1, 0, -2031546, 1, 0, -2097082, 1, 0, -2162618, 1, 0, -2228154, 1, 0, -2293690, 1, 0, -2359226, 1, 0, -2424762, 1, 0, -2490298, 1, 0, -2555834, 1, 0, -2621370, 1, 0, -2686906, 1, 0, -2752442, 1, 0, -2817978, 1, 0, -2883514, 1, 0, -2949050, 1, 0, -3014586, 1, 0, -3080122, 1, 0, -3145658, 1, 0, -3211194, 1, 0, -3276730, 1, 0, -3276729, 1, 0, -3211193, 1, 0, -3145657, 1, 0, -3080121, 1, 0, -3014585, 1, 0, -2949049, 1, 0, -2883513, 1, 0, -2817977, 1, 0, -2752441, 1, 0, -2686905, 1, 0, -2621369, 1, 0, -2555833, 1, 0, -2490297, 1, 0, -2424761, 1, 0, -2359225, 1, 0, -2293689, 1, 0, -2228153, 1, 0, -2162617, 1, 0, -2097081, 1, 0, -2031545, 1, 0, -1966009, 1, 0, -1900473, 1, 0, -1834937, 1, 0, -1769401, 1, 0, -1703865, 1, 0, -1638329, 1, 0, -1572793, 1, 0, -1507257, 1, 0, -1441721, 1, 0, -1376185, 1, 0, -1310649, 1, 0, -1245113, 1, 0, -1179577, 1, 0, -1114041, 1, 0, -1048505, 1, 0, -982969, 1, 0, -917433, 1, 0, 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0, -1900461, 1, 0, -1834925, 1, 0, -1769389, 1, 0, -1703853, 1, 0, -1638317, 1, 0, -1572781, 1, 0, -1507245, 1, 0, -1441709, 1, 0, -1376173, 1, 0, -1310637, 1, 0, -1245101, 1, 0, -1179565, 1, 0, -1114029, 1, 0, -1048493, 1, 0, -982957, 1, 0, -917421, 1, 0, -851885, 1, 0, -786349, 1, 0, -720813, 1, 0, -655277, 1, 0, -589741, 1, 0, -524205, 1, 0, -458669, 1, 0, -393133, 1, 0, -327597, 1, 0, -262061, 1, 0, -196525, 1, 0, -130989, 1, 0, -65453, 1, 0, 83, 1, 0, 65619, 1, 0, 131155, 1, 0, 196691, 1, 0, 262227, 1, 0, 327763, 1, 0, 393299, 1, 0, 458835, 1, 0, 524371, 1, 0, 589907, 1, 0, 655443, 1, 0, 720979, 1, 0, 786515, 1, 0, 852051, 1, 0, 917587, 1, 0, 983123, 1, 0, 1048659, 1, 0, 1048660, 1, 0, 983124, 1, 0, 917588, 1, 0, 852052, 1, 0, 786516, 1, 0, 720980, 1, 0, 655444, 1, 0, 589908, 1, 0, 524372, 1, 0, 458836, 1, 0, 393300, 1, 0, 327764, 1, 0, 262228, 1, 0, 196692, 1, 0, 131156, 1, 0, 65620, 1, 0, 84, 1, 0, -65452, 1, 0, -130988, 1, 0, -196524, 1, 0, -262060, 1, 0, -327596, 1, 0, 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589762, 1, 0, 655298, 1, 0, 720834, 1, 0, 786370, 1, 0, 851906, 1, 0, 917442, 1, 0, 982978, 1, 0, 1048514, 1, 0, 1114050, 1, 0, 1179586, 1, 0, 1245122, 1, 0, 1310658, 1, 0, 1376194, 1, 0, 1441730, 1, 0, 1507266, 1, 0, 1572802, 1, 0, 1638338, 1, 0, 1703874, 1, 0, 1769410, 1, 0, 1834946, 1, 0, 1900482, 1, 0, 1966018, 1, 0, 2031554, 1, 0, 2097090, 1, 0, 2162626, 1, 0, 2228162, 1, 0, 2293698, 1, 0, 2359234, 1, 0, 2424770, 1, 0, 2490306, 1, 0, 2555842, 1, 0, 2621378, 1, 0, 2686914, 1, 0, 2752450, 1, 0, 2817986, 1, 0, 2883522, 1, 0, 2949058, 1, 0, 3014594, 1, 0, 3080130, 1, 0, 3145666, 1, 0, 3145667, 1, 0, 3080131, 1, 0, 3014595, 1, 0, 2949059, 1, 0, 2883523, 1, 0, 2817987, 1, 0, 2752451, 1, 0, 2686915, 1, 0, 2621379, 1, 0, 2555843, 1, 0, 2490307, 1, 0, 2424771, 1, 0, 2359235, 1, 0, 2293699, 1, 0, 2228163, 1, 0, 2162627, 1, 0, 2097091, 1, 0, 2031555, 1, 0, 1966019, 1, 0, 1900483, 1, 0, 1834947, 1, 0, 1769411, 1, 0, 1703875, 1, 0, 1638339, 1, 0, 1572803, 1, 0, 1507267, 1, 0, 1441731, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 851910, 1, 0, 917446, 1, 0, 982982, 1, 0, 1048518, 1, 0, 1114054, 1, 0, 1179590, 1, 0, 1245126, 1, 0, 1310662, 1, 0, 1376198, 1, 0, 1441734, 1, 0, 1507270, 1, 0, 1572806, 1, 0, 1638342, 1, 0, 1703878, 1, 0, 1769414, 1, 0, 1834950, 1, 0, 1900486, 1, 0, 1966022, 1, 0, 2031558, 1, 0, 2097094, 1, 0, 2162630, 1, 0, 2228166, 1, 0, 2293702, 1, 0, 2359238, 1, 0, 2424774, 1, 0, 2490310, 1, 0, 2555846, 1, 0, 2621382, 1, 0, 2686918, 1, 0, 2752454, 1, 0, 2817990, 1, 0, 2883526, 1, 0, 2949062, 1, 0, 3014598, 1, 0, 3080134, 1, 0, 3145670, 1, 0, 3145671, 1, 0, 3080135, 1, 0, 3014599, 1, 0, 2949063, 1, 0, 2883527, 1, 0, 2817991, 1, 0, 2752455, 1, 0, 2686919, 1, 0, 2621383, 1, 0, 2555847, 1, 0, 2490311, 1, 0, 2424775, 1, 0, 2359239, 1, 0, 2293703, 1, 0, 2228167, 1, 0, 2162631, 1, 0, 2097095, 1, 0, 2031559, 1, 0, 1966023, 1, 0, 1900487, 1, 0, 1834951, 1, 0, 1769415, 1, 0, 1703879, 1, 0, 1638343, 1, 0, 1572807, 1, 0, 1507271, 1, 0, 1441735, 1, 0, 1376199, 1, 0, 1310663, 1, 0, 1245127, 1, 0, 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1, 0, 2424874, 1, 0, 2490410, 1, 0, 2555946, 1, 0, 2621482, 1, 0, 2687018, 1, 0, 2752554, 1, 0, 2818090, 1, 0, 2883626, 1, 0, 2949162, 1, 0, 3014698, 1, 0, 3080234, 1, 0, 3080235, 1, 0, 3014699, 1, 0, 2949163, 1, 0, 2883627, 1, 0, 2818091, 1, 0, 2752555, 1, 0, 2687019, 1, 0, 2621483, 1, 0, 2555947, 1, 0, 2490411, 1, 0, 2424875, 1, 0, 2359339, 1, 0, 2293803, 1, 0, 2228267, 1, 0, 2162731, 1, 0, 2097195, 1, 0, 2031659, 1, 0, 1966123, 1, 0, 1900587, 1, 0, 1835051, 1, 0, 1769515, 1, 0, 1703979, 1, 0, 1638443, 1, 0, 1638444, 1, 0, 1703980, 1, 0, 1769516, 1, 0, 1835052, 1, 0, 1900588, 1, 0, 1966124, 1, 0, 2031660, 1, 0, 2097196, 1, 0, 2162732, 1, 0, 2228268, 1, 0, 2293804, 1, 0, 2359340, 1, 0, 2424876, 1, 0, 2490412, 1, 0, 2555948, 1, 0, 2621484, 1, 0, 2687020, 1, 0, 2752556, 1, 0, 2818092, 1, 0, 2883628, 1, 0, 2949164, 1, 0, 3014700, 1, 0, 3080236, 1, 0, 3080237, 1, 0, 3014701, 1, 0, 2949165, 1, 0, 2883629, 1, 0, 2818093, 1, 0, 2752557, 1, 0, 2687021, 1, 0, 2621485, 1, 0, 2555949, 1, 0, 2490413, 1, 0, 2424877, 1, 0, 2359341, 1, 0, 2293805, 1, 0, 2228269, 1, 0, 2162733, 1, 0, 2097197, 1, 0, 2031661, 1, 0, 1966125, 1, 0, 1900589, 1, 0, 1835053, 1, 0, 1769517, 1, 0, 1703981, 1, 0, 1638445, 1, 0, 1638446, 1, 0, 1703982, 1, 0, 1769518, 1, 0, 1835054, 1, 0, 1900590, 1, 0, 1966126, 1, 0, 2031662, 1, 0, 2097198, 1, 0, 2162734, 1, 0, 2228270, 1, 0, 2293806, 1, 0, 2359342, 1, 0, 2424878, 1, 0, 2490414, 1, 0, 2555950, 1, 0, 2621486, 1, 0, 2687022, 1, 0, 2752558, 1, 0, 2818094, 1, 0, 2883630, 1, 0, 2949166, 1, 0, 3014702, 1, 0, 3080238, 1, 0) -[node name="CharacterBody2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_5eqoy")] +[node name="player0" parent="." instance=ExtResource("4_kmlel")] position = Vector2(632, 8) + +[node name="player1" parent="." instance=ExtResource("4_kmlel")] +position = Vector2(544, -256) diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..943ffa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" path="res://testing/testAssets/player.png" id="1_cujcj"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_oik63"] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] +size = Vector2(20, 18) + +[node name="player" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_oik63") + +[node name="sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] +texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") + +[node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +enabled = false + +[node name="stats" type="Button" parent="."] +visible = false +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 152.0 +offset_right = 238.0 +offset_bottom = 187.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +disabled = true +text = "Stats" + +[connection signal="pressed" from="stats" to="." method="_on_stats_pressed"] diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/gigachad.png b/testing/testAssets/gigachad.png similarity index 100% rename from Website-draft/assets/gigachad.png rename to testing/testAssets/gigachad.png diff --git a/assets/test/gigachad.png.import b/testing/testAssets/gigachad.png.import similarity index 68% rename from assets/test/gigachad.png.import rename to testing/testAssets/gigachad.png.import index be2dc7b..a338e77 100644 --- a/assets/test/gigachad.png.import +++ b/testing/testAssets/gigachad.png.import @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ importer="texture" type="CompressedTexture2D" -uid="uid://cjt5fedr54w6u" -path="res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-0332640cb704dbcf450ac0f1e305a5f8.ctex" +uid="uid://slau07w56ipp" +path="res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-950f249fad71ecb8cb5ffe1b8e0aaa85.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } [deps] -source_file="res://assets/test/gigachad.png" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-0332640cb704dbcf450ac0f1e305a5f8.ctex"] +source_file="res://testing/testAssets/gigachad.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/gigachad.png-950f249fad71ecb8cb5ffe1b8e0aaa85.ctex"] [params] diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/grass.png b/testing/testAssets/grass.png similarity index 100% rename from Website-draft/assets/grass.png rename to testing/testAssets/grass.png diff --git a/assets/test/grass.png.import b/testing/testAssets/grass.png.import similarity index 72% rename from assets/test/grass.png.import rename to testing/testAssets/grass.png.import index 592aa47..46865ab 100644 --- a/assets/test/grass.png.import +++ b/testing/testAssets/grass.png.import @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ importer="texture" type="CompressedTexture2D" uid="uid://bgdgd23qgi52x" -path="res://.godot/imported/grass.png-bb6d7e2a4e3a4ad0eb76f57232766d96.ctex" +path="res://.godot/imported/grass.png-9d67070b94003a4c9ef0fabcfb53d979.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } [deps] -source_file="res://assets/test/grass.png" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/grass.png-bb6d7e2a4e3a4ad0eb76f57232766d96.ctex"] +source_file="res://testing/testAssets/grass.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/grass.png-9d67070b94003a4c9ef0fabcfb53d979.ctex"] [params] diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/player.png b/testing/testAssets/player.png similarity index 100% rename from Website-draft/assets/player.png rename to testing/testAssets/player.png diff --git a/assets/test/player.png.import b/testing/testAssets/player.png.import similarity index 72% rename from assets/test/player.png.import rename to testing/testAssets/player.png.import index 8e443ac..b290934 100644 --- a/assets/test/player.png.import +++ b/testing/testAssets/player.png.import @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ importer="texture" type="CompressedTexture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" -path="res://.godot/imported/player.png-40bc1da34d1da22b834e701c7257e718.ctex" +path="res://.godot/imported/player.png-a3dc637dcfcac9b2cc12965322007c1c.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } [deps] -source_file="res://assets/test/player.png" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/player.png-40bc1da34d1da22b834e701c7257e718.ctex"] +source_file="res://testing/testAssets/player.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/player.png-a3dc637dcfcac9b2cc12965322007c1c.ctex"] [params] diff --git a/testing/testAssets/sand.png b/testing/testAssets/sand.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5647d266c3303cde42d40579ba272a2b8464705d GIT binary patch literal 326 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnE1|*BCs=fdz#^NA%Cx&(BWL^R}Ea{HEjtmSN z`?>!lvI6;>1s;*b3=DjSL74G){)!Z!;B8MA$B+p3x06l_9#-ICjdlE$ulaTdqtQIa z|xt}z@d<(t})@_@`hz%*Z-%T*!w~G%3-|#Ki=qQ<>$$by?=Hcm}qx+>!w|7 Tk-ay8-emA}^>bP0l+XkK>sNhz literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/tharok.png b/testing/testAssets/tharok.png similarity index 100% rename from Website-draft/assets/tharok.png rename to testing/testAssets/tharok.png diff --git a/assets/test/tharok.png.import b/testing/testAssets/tharok.png.import similarity index 68% rename from assets/test/tharok.png.import rename to testing/testAssets/tharok.png.import index d2fe3b6..af45c2f 100644 --- a/assets/test/tharok.png.import +++ b/testing/testAssets/tharok.png.import @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ importer="texture" type="CompressedTexture2D" -uid="uid://jdhx6w38ifh7" -path="res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-154bb81c083d35fa46f266b3cfa46578.ctex" +uid="uid://bgwtew3kupb5c" +path="res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-60f89b581d56d7a95618ce50dd583112.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } [deps] -source_file="res://assets/test/tharok.png" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-154bb81c083d35fa46f266b3cfa46578.ctex"] +source_file="res://testing/testAssets/tharok.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/tharok.png-60f89b581d56d7a95618ce50dd583112.ctex"] [params] diff --git a/Website-draft/assets/water.png b/testing/testAssets/water.png similarity index 100% rename from Website-draft/assets/water.png rename to testing/testAssets/water.png diff --git a/assets/test/water.png.import b/testing/testAssets/water.png.import similarity index 72% rename from assets/test/water.png.import rename to testing/testAssets/water.png.import index af06d7b..792cf92 100644 --- a/assets/test/water.png.import +++ b/testing/testAssets/water.png.import @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ importer="texture" type="CompressedTexture2D" uid="uid://chgkgpiiy1yui" -path="res://.godot/imported/water.png-294f741d71b412e0a6039d5110937f78.ctex" +path="res://.godot/imported/water.png-455790e486e896b50dab7d58df164d3a.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } [deps] -source_file="res://assets/test/water.png" -dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/water.png-294f741d71b412e0a6039d5110937f78.ctex"] +source_file="res://testing/testAssets/water.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/water.png-455790e486e896b50dab7d58df164d3a.ctex"] [params] -- 2.39.5 From b803229d323bed19d965487dba7aaefb732efd56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sage The DM Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:58:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 21/25] Commented your code --- scripts/ | 8 +++-- scripts/ | 47 +++++++++++++++++++--------- scripts/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------ scripts/ | 41 +++++++++++++++--------- scripts/ | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- scripts/ | 16 +++++----- scripts/ | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- scripts/ | 9 ++++++ testing/test/player.tscn | 36 +++++++++++++-------- 9 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index dc918a3..09f41da 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ extends Node +# Variable to store the path from which JSON data is loaded var loadPath + +# Variable to store the loaded JSON data var data +# Called when the node is added to the scene func _ready(): - loadPath = "res://content/stats.json" - data = Load.loadJSON(loadPath) + loadPath = "res://content/stats.json" # Set the path to load JSON data from + data = Load.loadJSON(loadPath) # Load JSON data from the specified path diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 7e34f11..51e438b 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,25 +1,42 @@ extends Node +# Reference to the inputOutput.tscn scene var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") + +# Variable to store loaded JSON data var data +# Called when the node is added to the scene func _ready(): - data = Load.loadJSON("res://content/stats.json") - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + # Load JSON data from stats.json + data = Load.loadJSON("res://content/stats.json") + + # Instantiate input fields based on 'amount' from data + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instance() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + + # Set position, placeholder text, and minimum size for each field + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16, (16 + i * 88)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 +# Handler for when a button is pressed func _on_button_pressed(): - var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") - var saveData = {} - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - if i > 0: - saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text - Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData) + # Construct save path based on user input + var savePath = "user://player_data" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" + + # Prepare data to save + var saveData = {} + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + if i > 0: + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text + + # Save data to JSON file + Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData) +# Process function called every frame func _process(delta): - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + # Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index b9e5fd2..bb1f83b 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,31 +1,53 @@ extends Node +# Reference to the inputOutput.tscn scene var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") + +# Variables to store data and amount var data var amount +# Called when the node is added to the scene func _ready(): - data = - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 - if i > 0: - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false - amount = data.get("amount") + # Get data from Content singleton + data = + + # Instantiate input fields based on 'amount' from data + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instance() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + + # Set placeholder text and minimum size for each field + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + + # Make fields editable except the first one + if i > 0: + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false + + amount = data.get("amount") # Store the amount of fields +# Handler for when a button is pressed func _on_button_pressed(): - var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") - data = Load.loadJSON(savePath) - if typeof(data) == 27: - for i in range(int(amount)-1): - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).placeholder_text)) + # Construct save path based on user input + var savePath = "user://player_data" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" + + # Load JSON data from the constructed save path + data = Load.loadJSON(savePath) + + # Check if data is successfully loaded (type 27 corresponds to Dictionary in Godot) + if typeof(data) == 27: + # Populate fields with loaded data + for i in range(int(amount) - 1): + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).placeholder_text)) +# Process function called every frame func _process(_delta): - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") - + # Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + +# Function to hide the 'get' button func hideGet(): - $button.visible = false - $button.disabled = true + $button.visible = false + $button.disabled = true diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 2218678..d96ffa6 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,17 +1,30 @@ extends Node +# Function to load JSON data from a file func loadJSON(savePath): - var data - if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): - return 1 - var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) - var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() - fileAccess.close() - - var json = - var error = json.parse(jsonString) - if error: - return 1 - - data = - return data + var data # Variable to store loaded data + + # Check if the file exists + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): + return 1 # Return error code 1 if file does not exist + + # Open the file for reading + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + + # Read the entire JSON string from the file + var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() + + fileAccess.close() # Close the file + + # Create a new JSON instance + var json = + + # Parse the JSON string into a JSON object + var error = json.parse(jsonString) + + if error: + return 1 # Return error code 1 if there was an error parsing JSON + + data = # Extract data from the parsed JSON + + return data # Return the loaded data diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 5bc567e..31dd75f 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,37 +1,56 @@ extends Node2D -var playerAmount=2 -var playerIndex=0 +# Number of players and current player index +var playerAmount = 2 +var playerIndex = 0 + +# Variable to hold the current player's object name var objectName +# Called when the node is added to the scene func _ready(): - $"../characterViewer".hideGet() - next() + # Hide character viewer GUI initially + $"../characterViewer".hideGet() + # Start cycling through players + next() +# Function to switch to the next player func next(): - if playerIndex >= playerAmount: - playerIndex = 0 - objectName= "player%d" % playerIndex - print(objectName) - get_node(objectName).start() - playerIndex += 1 + if playerIndex >= playerAmount: + playerIndex = 0 + + # Construct object name based on player index + objectName = "player%d" % playerIndex + print(objectName) # Print current player's object name (for debugging) + + # Start the current player's activity + get_node(objectName).start() + + playerIndex += 1 # Move to the next player index +# Function to display statistics func stats(): - visible = false - $"../characterViewer".visible = true - get_node(objectName).stop() - $"../back".disabled = false - $"../back".visible = true - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex-1) - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false - $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() + visible = false # Hide current node (assuming this node should hide itself) + $"../characterViewer".visible = true # Show character viewer GUI + get_node(objectName).stop() # Stop current player's activity + $"../back".disabled = false # Enable back button + $"../back".visible = true # Make back button visible + + # Update player index display in character viewer + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex - 1) + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false + + # Simulate button press in character viewer (assuming this triggers further actions) + $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() +# Function to restart the node's state func restart(): - visible = true - $"../characterViewer".visible = false - get_node(objectName).start() - $"../back".disabled = true - $"../back".visible = false + visible = true # Show current node + $"../characterViewer".visible = false # Hide character viewer GUI + get_node(objectName).start() # Start current player's activity + $"../back".disabled = true # Disable back button + $"../back".visible = false # Hide back button +# Handler for when the back button is pressed func _on_back_pressed(): - restart() + restart() # Restart the node's state diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 8c35282..9b9fa64 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,14 +1,16 @@ extends Node - - +# Function called when button 1 is pressed func _on_button_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") - + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") + # Change the scene to the map scene ("map.tscn") +# Function called when button 2 is pressed func _on_button_2_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") - + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") + # Change the scene to the view menu scene ("view.tscn") +# Function called when button 3 is pressed func _on_button_3_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") + # Change the scene to the create menu scene ("create.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index b1c9c40..50b9c58 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,39 +1,58 @@ extends CharacterBody2D +# Exported variable for movement speed @export var speed = 200 + +# Distance traveled accumulator var distanceTo = 0 + +# Flag to indicate if the character is active var active = false +# Function to handle user input func get_input(): - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") - var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") - velocity = input_direction * speed + # Change scene if Escape key is pressed + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + + # Get directional input and set velocity accordingly + var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") + velocity = input_direction * speed +# Physics process function called every frame func _physics_process(delta): - var toCalculate = position - if active: - get_input() - move_and_slide() - distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) - print(distanceTo) - if distanceTo > 500 and active: - stop() - distanceTo = 0 - get_parent().next() + # Store current position for distance calculation + var toCalculate = position + + # Process input if the character is active + if active: + get_input() + move_and_slide(velocity) # Move the character based on current velocity + + # Accumulate distance traveled + distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) + print(distanceTo) # Print distance traveled (for debugging) + # Check if distance threshold is exceeded and the character is active + if distanceTo > 500 and active: + stop() # Stop character movement and reset distance traveled + distanceTo = 0 + get_parent().next() # Trigger next action in parent node +# Function to start the character's activity func start(): - $camera.enabled = true - active = true - $stats.disabled = false - $stats.visible = true + $camera.enabled = true # Enable camera + active = true # Set character to active state + $stats.disabled = false # Enable stats UI node + $stats.visible = true # Make stats UI node visible +# Function to stop the character's activity func stop(): - $camera.enabled = false - active = false - $stats.disabled = true - $stats.visible = false + $camera.enabled = false # Disable camera + active = false # Set character to inactive state + $stats.disabled = true # Disable stats UI node + $stats.visible = false # Hide stats UI node +# Handler for when the stats button is pressed func _on_stats_pressed(): - get_parent().stats() + get_parent().stats() # Call stats function in the parent node diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index c3abd93..f23022c 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,12 +1,21 @@ extends Node +# Function to save data in JSON format to a specified path func saveJSON(savePath, saveData): + # Convert the saveData dictionary to a JSON string var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) + # Attempt to open a file for writing at the specified savePath var fileAccess =, FileAccess.WRITE) + + # Check if the file was successfully opened if not fileAccess: + # If not, print an error message with the reason for the failure and return an error code print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) return 1 + # Write the JSON string to the file fileAccess.store_line(jsonString) + + # Close the file to ensure all data is properly saved and resources are freed fileAccess.close() diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn index 943ffa7..23b7608 100644 --- a/testing/test/player.tscn +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -1,31 +1,41 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q"] +# External resource for the player texture [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" path="res://testing/testAssets/player.png" id="1_cujcj"] + +# External resource for the player script [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_oik63"] +# Sub-resource for the collision shape of the player [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] -size = Vector2(20, 18) +size = Vector2(20, 18) # Setting the size of the RectangleShape2D +# Root node of the scene, a CharacterBody2D named "player" [node name="player" type="CharacterBody2D"] -script = ExtResource("1_oik63") +script = ExtResource("1_oik63") # Assigning the external script to the player node +# Child node of the player, a Sprite2D named "sprite" [node name="sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") +texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") # Assigning the external texture to the sprite node +# Child node of the player, a CollisionShape2D named "CollisionShape2D" [node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] -shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") # Assigning the rectangle shape as the collision shape +# Child node of the player, a Camera2D named "camera" [node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] -enabled = false +enabled = false # Camera is initially disabled +# Child node of the player, a Button named "stats" [node name="stats" type="Button" parent="."] -visible = false -offset_left = 112.0 -offset_top = 152.0 -offset_right = 238.0 -offset_bottom = 187.0 -scale = Vector2(2, 2) -disabled = true -text = "Stats" +visible = false # Button is initially invisible +offset_left = 112.0 # Left offset of the button +offset_top = 152.0 # Top offset of the button +offset_right = 238.0 # Right offset of the button +offset_bottom = 187.0 # Bottom offset of the button +scale = Vector2(2, 2) # Scaling the button by a factor of 2 +disabled = true # Button is initially disabled +text = "Stats" # Text displayed on the button +# Connecting the "pressed" signal of the "stats" button to the "_on_stats_pressed" method in the current node [connection signal="pressed" from="stats" to="." method="_on_stats_pressed"] -- 2.39.5 From 8bb83e987b21e44a6e313470039f61eeffeeb147 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 19:17:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 22/25] Code refactoring: Part 1 --- project.godot | 6 +++++ scripts/ | 8 +++++++ scripts/ | 53 ++++++++++-------------------------------- scripts/ | 39 ++++++++++--------------------- scripts/ | 17 ++++++++++++++ scripts/ | 12 ++++++++++ 6 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scripts/ create mode 100644 scripts/ create mode 100644 scripts/ diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 2734c58..42a4049 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ run/main_scene="res://scenes/menu/main.tscn" config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2", "GL Compatibility") config/icon="res://icon.svg" +[autoload] + +Load="*res://scripts/" +Save="*res://scripts/" +Content="*res://scripts/" + [display] window/size/viewport_width=800 diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc918a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends Node + +var loadPath +var data + +func _ready(): + loadPath = "res://content/stats.json" + data = Load.loadJSON(loadPath) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 4d09ec6..7e34f11 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,53 +1,24 @@ extends Node var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") -var data:Dictionary - -func loadJSON(savePath): - if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): - return false - var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) - var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() - fileAccess.close() - - var json = - var error = json.parse(jsonString) - if error: - print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", jsonString, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) - return false - - data = - return true +var data func _ready(): - if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 - -func saveJSON(savePath): - var saveData = {} - + data = Load.loadJSON("res://content/stats.json") for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - if i > 0: - saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text - - var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) - - var fileAccess =, FileAccess.WRITE) - if not fileAccess: - print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) - return - - fileAccess.store_line(jsonString) - fileAccess.close() + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16,(16+i*88)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 func _on_button_pressed(): var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") - saveJSON(savePath) + var saveData = {} + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + if i > 0: + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text + Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData) func _process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index a856898..b9e5fd2 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,39 +1,24 @@ extends Node var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") -var data:Dictionary +var data var amount -func loadJSON(savePath): - if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): - return false - var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) - var json_string = fileAccess.get_line() - fileAccess.close() - - var json = - var error = json.parse(json_string) - if error: - print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line()) - return false - - data = - return true - func _ready(): - if loadJSON("res://content/stats.json"): - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 - if i > 0: - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false - amount = data.get("amount") + data = + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + if i > 0: + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false + amount = data.get("amount") func _on_button_pressed(): var savePath = str("user://player_data"+$"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text+".json") - if loadJSON(savePath): + data = Load.loadJSON(savePath) + if typeof(data) == 27: for i in range(int(amount)-1): $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i+1).placeholder_text)) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2218678 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +extends Node + +func loadJSON(savePath): + var data + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): + return 1 + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() + fileAccess.close() + + var json = + var error = json.parse(jsonString) + if error: + return 1 + + data = + return data diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3abd93 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +extends Node + +func saveJSON(savePath, saveData): + var jsonString = JSON.stringify(saveData) + + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.WRITE) + if not fileAccess: + print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error()) + return 1 + + fileAccess.store_line(jsonString) + fileAccess.close() -- 2.39.5 From 39f6b1e24713eebe214b61ef13e74fe6370df22e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sage The DM Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 19:31:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 23/25] uncomented .tscn --- testing/test/player.tscn | 35 +++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/testing/test/player.tscn b/testing/test/player.tscn index 23b7608..8a64c0f 100644 --- a/testing/test/player.tscn +++ b/testing/test/player.tscn @@ -1,41 +1,32 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dv67vdgb4h44q"] -# External resource for the player texture [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dheqglouhkis6" path="res://testing/testAssets/player.png" id="1_cujcj"] -# External resource for the player script [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_oik63"] -# Sub-resource for the collision shape of the player [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kf6qt"] -size = Vector2(20, 18) # Setting the size of the RectangleShape2D +size = Vector2(20, 18) -# Root node of the scene, a CharacterBody2D named "player" [node name="player" type="CharacterBody2D"] -script = ExtResource("1_oik63") # Assigning the external script to the player node +script = ExtResource("1_oik63") -# Child node of the player, a Sprite2D named "sprite" [node name="sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") # Assigning the external texture to the sprite node +texture = ExtResource("1_cujcj") -# Child node of the player, a CollisionShape2D named "CollisionShape2D" [node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] -shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") # Assigning the rectangle shape as the collision shape +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_kf6qt") -# Child node of the player, a Camera2D named "camera" [node name="camera" type="Camera2D" parent="."] -enabled = false # Camera is initially disabled +enabled = false -# Child node of the player, a Button named "stats" [node name="stats" type="Button" parent="."] -visible = false # Button is initially invisible -offset_left = 112.0 # Left offset of the button -offset_top = 152.0 # Top offset of the button -offset_right = 238.0 # Right offset of the button -offset_bottom = 187.0 # Bottom offset of the button -scale = Vector2(2, 2) # Scaling the button by a factor of 2 -disabled = true # Button is initially disabled -text = "Stats" # Text displayed on the button +visible = false +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 152.0 +offset_right = 238.0 +offset_bottom = 187.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +disabled = true +text = "Stats" -# Connecting the "pressed" signal of the "stats" button to the "_on_stats_pressed" method in the current node [connection signal="pressed" from="stats" to="." method="_on_stats_pressed"] -- 2.39.5 From 6b2159b840b638e80539580ea46921cc33b404ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:27:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 24/25] Code Refactoring: Part 2 Hopefully final refactoring, offloaded ui scripts to its own global .gd to prevent repetition. --- project.godot | 1 + scenes/menu/main.tscn | 14 ++++++-- scripts/ | 6 ++-- scripts/ | 53 ++++++++++++------------------- scripts/ | 66 +++++++++++++++----------------------- scripts/ | 50 ++++++++++++++--------------- scripts/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- scripts/ | 15 ++++----- scripts/ | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- scripts/ | 21 ++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scripts/ diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 42a4049..f159b28 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ config/icon="res://icon.svg" Load="*res://scripts/" Save="*res://scripts/" Content="*res://scripts/" +Ui="*res://scripts/" [display] diff --git a/scenes/menu/main.tscn b/scenes/menu/main.tscn index b853ba5..7fe18d8 100644 --- a/scenes/menu/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/menu/main.tscn @@ -37,12 +37,20 @@ text = "Creator" [node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] layout_mode = 0 -offset_left = 488.0 +offset_left = 456.0 offset_top = 432.0 -offset_right = 592.0 +offset_right = 571.0 offset_bottom = 455.0 scale = Vector2(3, 3) -text = "Version: 0.0.4" +text = "Milestone 1 b5" + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 544.0 +offset_right = 629.0 +offset_bottom = 23.0 +scale = Vector2(3, 3) +text = "FreeTTRPG" [connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Button2" to="." method="_on_button_2_pressed"] diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 09f41da..6208c99 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var loadPath # Variable to store the loaded JSON data var data -# Called when the node is added to the scene +# Currently placeholder function, to be deprecated once custom content loading is enabled. func _ready(): - loadPath = "res://content/stats.json" # Set the path to load JSON data from - data = Load.loadJSON(loadPath) # Load JSON data from the specified path + loadPath = "res://content/stats.json" + data = Load.loadJSON(loadPath) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 51e438b..f15f719 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,42 +1,31 @@ extends Node -# Reference to the inputOutput.tscn scene -var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") - # Variable to store loaded JSON data var data +var amount -# Called when the node is added to the scene +# Get all needed things for Ui.placeFields and save amount from it. func _ready(): - # Load JSON data from stats.json - data = Load.loadJSON("res://content/stats.json") - - # Instantiate input fields based on 'amount' from data - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instance() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - - # Set position, placeholder text, and minimum size for each field - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).position = Vector2(16, (16 + i * 88)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + data = + var container = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer" + Ui.placeFields(data, container, true) + amount = data.get("amount") -# Handler for when a button is pressed +# Upon pressing the "Send" button func _on_button_pressed(): - # Construct save path based on user input - var savePath = "user://player_data" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" - - # Prepare data to save - var saveData = {} - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - if i > 0: - saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text - - # Save data to JSON file - Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData) + # Create the save path based on which ID was entered + var savePath = "user://player_" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" + + # Get data from the fields to save, except the first one, which is the ID and should be used in the filename. + var saveData = {} + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + if i > 0: + saveData[data.get(str(i))] = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).text + + # Call the global save function + Save.saveJSON(savePath, saveData) -# Process function called every frame +# Only for the Main Menu "shortcut" func _process(delta): - # Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index bb1f83b..750d561 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,53 +1,37 @@ extends Node -# Reference to the inputOutput.tscn scene -var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") - -# Variables to store data and amount +# Variable to store loaded JSON data var data var amount -# Called when the node is added to the scene +# Get all needed things for Ui.placeFields and save amount from it. func _ready(): - # Get data from Content singleton - data = - - # Instantiate input fields based on 'amount' from data - for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): - var fieldInstance = field.instance() - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".add_child(fieldInstance) - - # Set placeholder text and minimum size for each field - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 - - # Make fields editable except the first one - if i > 0: - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i).editable = false - - amount = data.get("amount") # Store the amount of fields + data = + var container = $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer" + Ui.placeFields(data, container, false) + amount = data.get("amount") -# Handler for when a button is pressed +# Upon pressing the "Get" button, also called in game func _on_button_pressed(): - # Construct save path based on user input - var savePath = "user://player_data" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" - - # Load JSON data from the constructed save path - data = Load.loadJSON(savePath) - - # Check if data is successfully loaded (type 27 corresponds to Dictionary in Godot) - if typeof(data) == 27: - # Populate fields with loaded data - for i in range(int(amount) - 1): - $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).placeholder_text)) + # Construct save path based on user input + var savePath = "user://player_" + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text + ".json" + + # Load JSON data from the constructed save path + data = Load.loadJSON(savePath) + + # Check if data is successfully loaded (type 27 corresponds to Dictionary in Godot, although the wiki says it's 18...) + if typeof(data) == 27: + # Populate fields with loaded data + for i in range(int(amount) - 1): + $"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).text = data.get(str($"ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(i + 1).placeholder_text)) -# Process function called every frame +# Only for the Main Menu "shortcut" func _process(_delta): - # Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") - + # Check if the Escape key is pressed to change scene to main.tscn + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + # Function to hide the 'get' button func hideGet(): - $button.visible = false - $button.disabled = true + $button.visible = false + $button.disabled = true diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index d96ffa6..28e9dc1 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,30 +1,26 @@ extends Node # Function to load JSON data from a file -func loadJSON(savePath): - var data # Variable to store loaded data - - # Check if the file exists - if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): - return 1 # Return error code 1 if file does not exist - - # Open the file for reading - var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) - - # Read the entire JSON string from the file - var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() - - fileAccess.close() # Close the file - - # Create a new JSON instance - var json = - - # Parse the JSON string into a JSON object - var error = json.parse(jsonString) - - if error: - return 1 # Return error code 1 if there was an error parsing JSON - - data = # Extract data from the parsed JSON - - return data # Return the loaded data +func loadJSON(savePath): + # Check if the file exists + if not FileAccess.file_exists(savePath): + return 1 # Return error code 1 if file does not exist + + # Open the file for reading + var fileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) + + # Read the entire JSON string from the file + var jsonString = fileAccess.get_line() + + fileAccess.close() # Close the file + + # Create a new JSON instance + var json = + + # Parse the JSON string into a JSON object + var error = json.parse(jsonString) + + if error: + return 1 # Return error code 1 if there was an error parsing JSON + + return # Return the loaded data diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 31dd75f..36f2cc2 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -7,50 +7,52 @@ var playerIndex = 0 # Variable to hold the current player's object name var objectName -# Called when the node is added to the scene +# Kick the game off func _ready(): - # Hide character viewer GUI initially - $"../characterViewer".hideGet() - # Start cycling through players - next() + # Hide character viewer GUI initially + $"../characterViewer".hideGet() + # Start cycling through players + next() # Function to switch to the next player func next(): - if playerIndex >= playerAmount: - playerIndex = 0 - - # Construct object name based on player index - objectName = "player%d" % playerIndex - print(objectName) # Print current player's object name (for debugging) - - # Start the current player's activity - get_node(objectName).start() - - playerIndex += 1 # Move to the next player index + if playerIndex >= playerAmount: + playerIndex = 0 + + # Construct object name based on player index + objectName = "player%d" % playerIndex + print(objectName) # Print current player's object name (for debugging) + + # Start the current player's activity + get_node(objectName).start() + + playerIndex += 1 # Move to the next player index -# Function to display statistics +# Function to display statistics, lots of relative links, may change eventually func stats(): - visible = false # Hide current node (assuming this node should hide itself) - $"../characterViewer".visible = true # Show character viewer GUI - get_node(objectName).stop() # Stop current player's activity - $"../back".disabled = false # Enable back button - $"../back".visible = true # Make back button visible - - # Update player index display in character viewer - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex - 1) - $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false - - # Simulate button press in character viewer (assuming this triggers further actions) - $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() + visible = false # Hide game area + $"../characterViewer".visible = true + get_node(objectName).stop() + # Activate back button + $"../back".disabled = false + $"../back".visible = true + + # Update player index display in character viewer + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).text = str(playerIndex - 1) + $"../characterViewer/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer".get_child(0).editable = false + + # Simulate button press in character viewer (assuming this triggers further actions) + $"../characterViewer"._on_button_pressed() # Function to restart the node's state func restart(): - visible = true # Show current node - $"../characterViewer".visible = false # Hide character viewer GUI - get_node(objectName).start() # Start current player's activity - $"../back".disabled = true # Disable back button - $"../back".visible = false # Hide back button + visible = true # Show game area + $"../characterViewer".visible = false + get_node(objectName).start() + # Activate back button + $"../back".disabled = true + $"../back".visible = false # Handler for when the back button is pressed func _on_back_pressed(): - restart() # Restart the node's state + restart() # Gives control back to the current player character diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 9b9fa64..276be54 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,16 +1,13 @@ extends Node -# Function called when button 1 is pressed +# Function called when "Play" is pressed func _on_button_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") - # Change the scene to the map scene ("map.tscn") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/map/map.tscn") -# Function called when button 2 is pressed +# Function called when "View" is pressed func _on_button_2_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") - # Change the scene to the view menu scene ("view.tscn") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/view.tscn") -# Function called when button 3 is pressed +# Function called when "Create" is pressed func _on_button_3_pressed(): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") - # Change the scene to the create menu scene ("create.tscn") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/create.tscn") diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 50b9c58..0b614f1 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -1,58 +1,55 @@ extends CharacterBody2D -# Exported variable for movement speed @export var speed = 200 # Distance traveled accumulator var distanceTo = 0 -# Flag to indicate if the character is active +# Flag to indicate if the character is currently the active player. var active = false # Function to handle user input func get_input(): - # Change scene if Escape key is pressed - if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): - get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") - - # Get directional input and set velocity accordingly - var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") - velocity = input_direction * speed + # Main Menu "shortcut" + if Input.is_action_pressed("escape"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/main.tscn") + + # Get directional input and set velocity accordingly + var input_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down") + velocity = input_direction * speed -# Physics process function called every frame func _physics_process(delta): - # Store current position for distance calculation - var toCalculate = position - - # Process input if the character is active - if active: - get_input() - move_and_slide(velocity) # Move the character based on current velocity - - # Accumulate distance traveled - distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) - print(distanceTo) # Print distance traveled (for debugging) + # Store current position for distance calculation + var toCalculate = position + + # Process input if the character is active + if active: + get_input() + move_and_slide() + + # Accumulate distance traveled + distanceTo += position.distance_to(toCalculate) - # Check if distance threshold is exceeded and the character is active - if distanceTo > 500 and active: - stop() # Stop character movement and reset distance traveled - distanceTo = 0 - get_parent().next() # Trigger next action in parent node + # Check if distance threshold is exceeded and the character is active + if distanceTo > 500 and active: + stop() + distanceTo = 0 + get_parent().next() # Go to the next player -# Function to start the character's activity +# Set main character as active func start(): - $camera.enabled = true # Enable camera - active = true # Set character to active state - $stats.disabled = false # Enable stats UI node - $stats.visible = true # Make stats UI node visible + $camera.enabled = true + active = true + $stats.disabled = false + $stats.visible = true -# Function to stop the character's activity +# Set main character as inactive func stop(): - $camera.enabled = false # Disable camera - active = false # Set character to inactive state - $stats.disabled = true # Disable stats UI node - $stats.visible = false # Hide stats UI node + $camera.enabled = false + active = false + $stats.disabled = true + $stats.visible = false # Handler for when the stats button is pressed func _on_stats_pressed(): - get_parent().stats() # Call stats function in the parent node + get_parent().stats() # Open up the stats menu for the current player diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb5ca8f --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +extends Node + +# Loading the stat field +var field = preload("res://scenes/menu/inputOutput.tscn") + +# Creating all necessary stat fields +func placeFields(data, container, isWriteable): + # Load which stats should be displayed + + # Create the fields one-by-one + for i in range(int(data.get("amount"))): + var fieldInstance = field.instantiate() + container.add_child(fieldInstance) + + # Changes their placeholder based on what should be entered or seen in that field + container.get_child(i).placeholder_text = data.get(str(i)) + container.get_child(i).custom_minimum_size.y = 40 + + # Every field except ID (if not isWriteable) + if i > 0 and !isWriteable: + container.get_child(i).editable = false -- 2.39.5 From 7c6ae10f81d3885bdc3ed188b6b2e8b538aebbb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick_Pluto Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:28:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 25/25] Removed unnecessary debugging output. --- scripts/ | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index 36f2cc2..16a71bb 100644 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ func next(): # Construct object name based on player index objectName = "player%d" % playerIndex - print(objectName) # Print current player's object name (for debugging) # Start the current player's activity get_node(objectName).start() -- 2.39.5
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