Classes (Example) #17

opened 2024-08-26 10:13:17 +02:00 by sageTheDm · 1 comment
No description provided.

"Classes": {
"Fighter": {
"HitDie": "d10",
"Levels": {
"1": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Battle Maneuvers",
"Description": "Unlock the battle maneuvers: Flourish, Pummelstrike, Zwerghau, and Mordschlag."
"Maneuvers": {
"Flourish": {
"Effect": "Extra attack +2 to hit, -1 to damage (to existing modifier)"
"Pummelstrike": {
"Effect": "No Damage but knocks enemy prone"
"Zwerghau": {
"Effect": "+2 to hit (to existing modifier) and +1 AC until the start of your next turn"
"Mordschlag": {
"Effect": "Change damage type to bludgeoning / -3 to hit, +3 to damage"
"2": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Combat Rush",
"Description": "Gain an additional move action this turn."
"3": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Martial Archetype",
"Description": "Choose a Martial Archetype that grants specific abilities at certain levels."
"Subclasses": {
"Battlesmith": {
"3": {
"Name": "Reinforced Strike",
"Description": "Your weapon attacks deal additional 3 points of damage."
"7": {
"Name": "Armor Tinkering",
"Description": "Enhance your armor to gain an additional +1 AC."
"10": {
"Name": "Mechanical Precision",
"Description": "Gain advantage on one weapon attack per turn."
"15": {
"Name": "Master Craft",
"Description": "Create one unique weapon with special properties (Poisoned, burning...) for 1d8 extra damage of the chosen property (Magical +3 weapon)."
"18": {
"Name": "Ironclad",
"Description": "Gain resistance to one type of physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing)."
"Archer": {
"3": {
"Name": "Longshot",
"Description": "Your ranged attacks gain an additional 30 feet of range."
"7": {
"Name": "Pinning Shot",
"Description": "Once per turn, you can make an attack that reduces the target's speed by half."
"10": {
"Name": "Focused Aim",
"Description": "You can reroll one ranged attack per turn."
"15": {
"Name": "Swift Shot",
"Description": "When you take the attack action, you can make one additional ranged attack."
"18": {
"Name": "Deadeye",
"Description": "Your critical hit range with ranged weapons increases by 1."
"Knight": {
"3": {
"Name": "Shield Bash",
"Description": "Use your shield to make an attack that deals no damage but stuns the target."
"7": {
"Name": "Rallying Cry",
"Description": "As a bonus action, grant all allies within 30 feet temporary HP equal to your fighter level."
"10": {
"Name": "Defensive Formation",
"Description": "Allies within 10 feet gain +1 AC."
"15": {
"Name": "Unyielding Defender",
"Description": "Once per long rest, negate all damage from one attack (roll 1d6 on a 4 to 6 it works, if it fails it doesn’t use the resource)."
"18": {
"Name": "Guardians Challenge",
"Description": "Mark an enemy; they have disadvantage on attacks against targets other than you."
"5": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Extra Attack",
"Description": "You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn."
"6": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each."
"8": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Brutal Strike",
"Description": "Deal an additional 4d8 damage on one attack but take 4d8 bludgeoning damage. (Once per turn)"
"9": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Resilience",
"Description": "Gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws."
"11": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Battle Frenzy",
"Description": "You can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn."
"12": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each."
"13": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Perfect Strike",
"Description": "Once per turn, you can choose to make a weapon attack with advantage."
"14": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Schwalbenschlag",
"Description": "If you miss on an attack, you gain advantage on the next one."
"16": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Unstoppable",
"Description": "After you drop unconscious, your body continues to fight for 2d4 rounds."
"17": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Warriors Endurance",
"Description": "Gain an additional use of Combat Rush."
"19": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each."
"20": {
"Abilities": [
"Name": "Master of Arms",
"Description": "You can attack four times, instead of three, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn."

Fighter: { "Classes": { "Fighter": { "HitDie": "d10", "Levels": { "1": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Battle Maneuvers", "Description": "Unlock the battle maneuvers: Flourish, Pummelstrike, Zwerghau, and Mordschlag." } ], "Maneuvers": { "Flourish": { "Effect": "Extra attack +2 to hit, -1 to damage (to existing modifier)" }, "Pummelstrike": { "Effect": "No Damage but knocks enemy prone" }, "Zwerghau": { "Effect": "+2 to hit (to existing modifier) and +1 AC until the start of your next turn" }, "Mordschlag": { "Effect": "Change damage type to bludgeoning / -3 to hit, +3 to damage" } } }, "2": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Combat Rush", "Description": "Gain an additional move action this turn." } ] }, "3": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Martial Archetype", "Description": "Choose a Martial Archetype that grants specific abilities at certain levels." } ], "Subclasses": { "Battlesmith": { "3": { "Name": "Reinforced Strike", "Description": "Your weapon attacks deal additional 3 points of damage." }, "7": { "Name": "Armor Tinkering", "Description": "Enhance your armor to gain an additional +1 AC." }, "10": { "Name": "Mechanical Precision", "Description": "Gain advantage on one weapon attack per turn." }, "15": { "Name": "Master Craft", "Description": "Create one unique weapon with special properties (Poisoned, burning...) for 1d8 extra damage of the chosen property (Magical +3 weapon)." }, "18": { "Name": "Ironclad", "Description": "Gain resistance to one type of physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing)." } }, "Archer": { "3": { "Name": "Longshot", "Description": "Your ranged attacks gain an additional 30 feet of range." }, "7": { "Name": "Pinning Shot", "Description": "Once per turn, you can make an attack that reduces the target's speed by half." }, "10": { "Name": "Focused Aim", "Description": "You can reroll one ranged attack per turn." }, "15": { "Name": "Swift Shot", "Description": "When you take the attack action, you can make one additional ranged attack." }, "18": { "Name": "Deadeye", "Description": "Your critical hit range with ranged weapons increases by 1." } }, "Knight": { "3": { "Name": "Shield Bash", "Description": "Use your shield to make an attack that deals no damage but stuns the target." }, "7": { "Name": "Rallying Cry", "Description": "As a bonus action, grant all allies within 30 feet temporary HP equal to your fighter level." }, "10": { "Name": "Defensive Formation", "Description": "Allies within 10 feet gain +1 AC." }, "15": { "Name": "Unyielding Defender", "Description": "Once per long rest, negate all damage from one attack (roll 1d6 on a 4 to 6 it works, if it fails it doesn’t use the resource)." }, "18": { "Name": "Guardians Challenge", "Description": "Mark an enemy; they have disadvantage on attacks against targets other than you." } } } }, "5": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Extra Attack", "Description": "You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn." } ] }, "6": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Ability Score Improvement", "Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each." } ] }, "8": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Brutal Strike", "Description": "Deal an additional 4d8 damage on one attack but take 4d8 bludgeoning damage. (Once per turn)" } ] }, "9": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Resilience", "Description": "Gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws." } ] }, "11": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Battle Frenzy", "Description": "You can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn." } ] }, "12": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Ability Score Improvement", "Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each." } ] }, "13": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Perfect Strike", "Description": "Once per turn, you can choose to make a weapon attack with advantage." } ] }, "14": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Schwalbenschlag", "Description": "If you miss on an attack, you gain advantage on the next one." } ] }, "16": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Unstoppable", "Description": "After you drop unconscious, your body continues to fight for 2d4 rounds." } ] }, "17": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Warriors Endurance", "Description": "Gain an additional use of Combat Rush." } ] }, "19": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Ability Score Improvement", "Description": "Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each." } ] }, "20": { "Abilities": [ { "Name": "Master of Arms", "Description": "You can attack four times, instead of three, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn." } ] } } } } }
sageTheDm changed title from Classes to Classes (Example) 2024-08-26 10:18:09 +02:00
sageTheDm added this to the 1. Character sheet milestone 2024-08-27 10:14:29 +02:00
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Reference: interstellar_development/freettrpg#17
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