import React from 'react'; const Credits: React.FC = () => ( <div className="credits-container"> <section id="credits" className="credits-section"> <h1 className="title">Credits</h1> <h2 className="subtitle">Icons</h2> <p className="paragraph">This project utilizes the following icon resources:</p> <CreditLink href="" label="fontawesome" /> <h2 className="subtitle">Fonts</h2> <p className="paragraph">The fonts used in this project are provided by:</p> <CreditLink href="" label="Poppins" /> <CreditLink href="" label="Inconsolata, Merriweather, Noto Sans, Noto Serif, Playfair Display, Bangers, Caveat, Frederika the Great, Sofadi One, Zilla Slab Highlight" /> <CreditLink href="" label="Roboto, Rock Salt" /> <CreditLink href="" label="Ubuntu" /> </section> </div> ); const CreditLink = ({ href, label }: { href: string; label: string }) => ( <a href={href} className="credit-btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{label}</a> ); export default Credits;