main #131

Patrick_Pluto merged 2 commits from sageTheDm/interstellar_ai:main into main 2024-10-09 16:50:58 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit a05fb69974 - Show all commits

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@ -78,21 +78,15 @@ const InputOutputBackend: React.FC = () => {
? "All measurements follow the metric system. Refuse to use any other measurement system."
: "All measurements follow the imperial system. Refuse to use any other measurement system.";
if (!weatherData && localStorage.getItem("activeSelectedAIFunction") == "Weather") {
console.log("Weather is overrated.")
const newSystemMessage = myBoolean
? `You are operating in the timezone: ${timeZone}. Use the ${timeFormat} time format and ${dateFormat} for dates.
The currency is ${preferredCurrency}.
Communicate in the language specified by the user (country code: ${preferredLanguage}), and only in this language.
You are only able to change language if the user specifically states you must.
Do not answer in multiple languages or multiple measurement systems under any circumstances other than the user requesting it.`
: `You are a helpful assistant.
Do not answer in multiple languages or multiple measurement systems under any circumstances other than the user requesting it.
When asked about the weather use those infos: ${weatherData}. If there is nothing there say there is no data`
: `You are a helpful assistant.`;
}, [preferredCurrency, preferredLanguage, timeFormat, preferredMeasurement, timeZone, dateFormat, myBoolean]);