diff --git a/py/api.py b/py/api.py
index 404f41d..e152cdc 100644
--- a/py/api.py
+++ b/py/api.py
@@ -99,13 +99,14 @@ class API:
         @self.app.route('/interstellar_ai/api/voice_recognition', methods=['POST'])
         def voice_recognition():
-            recognition_type = request.args.get('type')
+            type = request.args.get('type')
             audio = request.args.get('audio')
             option = request.args.get('option')
-            if recognition_type == "basic":
-                return jsonify({'status': 200, 'response': self.voice.basic_recognition(audio, option)})
-            return jsonify({'status': 401, 'response': "Invalid type"})
+            if type == "basic":
+                text = self.voice.basic_recognition(audio, option)
+                return jsonify({'status': 200, 'response': text})
+            else:
+                return jsonify({'status': 401, 'response': "Invalid type"})
         @self.app.route('/interstellar_ai/api/weather', methods=['POST'])
         def get_weather():
diff --git a/py/voice.py b/py/voice.py
index d589eab..ddf2a6d 100644
--- a/py/voice.py
+++ b/py/voice.py
@@ -4,12 +4,20 @@ import speech_recognition as sr
 class VoiceRecognition:
     def basic_recognition(audio, option):
+        print("preparing")
         r = sr.Recognizer()
         if option == "online":
+            print("online")
             with audio as source:
-                return r.recognize_google_cloud(source)
+                text = r.recognize_google_cloud(source)
+                print("recognized as: " + text)
+                return text
         elif option == "offline":
+            print("offline")
             with audio as source:
-                return r.recognize_sphinx(source)
+                text = r.recognize_sphinx(source)
+                print("recognized as: " + text)
+                return text
+        print("nothing")
         return False